988 resultados para clustered multiway relay network (MWRN)


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In this paper, we propose a new clustered structure for a multiway relay network (MWRN) with G clusters, N users per cluster, one intracluster relay per cluster, and a single intercluster relay. The proposed structure allows private information exchange among users within a certain cluster through the corresponding intracluster relay and only public information exchange among users in different clusters through the intercluster relay.In this paper, we quantify the dominating error events in the proposed clustered MWRN and derive the expressions for the probability of these error events. Then, we use these expressions to derive the average bit error rate (BER) of a clustered MWRN. It is shown that clustering in an MWRN improves the error performance by reducing the number of dominating error events and, in effect, reducing error propagation, compared with the nonclustered counterpart. The analysis proves that the average BER of a clustered MWRN is minimized when the number ofclusters and the number of users per cluster are chosen to be the closest possible factors of the total number of users, i.e., L = GN. Finally, numerical simulation results are provided to verify the validity of the analysis.


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In this paper, we investigate the impact of channel estimation error on the achievable common rate and error performance of amplify and forward (AF) multi-way relay networks (MWRNs). Assuming lattice codes with large dimensions, we provide the analytical expressions for the end-to-end SNR at the users and obtain upper bounds on the achievable common rate for an AF MWRN. Moreover, considering binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation as the simplest case of lattice codes, we obtain the average bit error rate (BER) for a user in an AF MWRN. The analysis shows that the average BER is a linearly increasing function and the achievable common rate is a linearly decreasing function of the channel estimation error. On the other hand, the average BER decreases and the achievable common rate increases with increasing correlation between the true and the estimated channel. Also, we observe that the AFprotocol is robust against increasing number of users in terms of error performance. We show that when the decoding user has better channel conditions compared to other users, AF relaying gives a better error performance and common rate. Finally, simulation results are provided to verify the validity of our analysis.


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We study a scheduling problem in a wireless network where vehicles are used as store-and-forward relays, a situation that might arise, for example, in practical rural communication networks. A fixed source node wants to transfer a file to a fixed destination node, located beyond its communication range. In the absence of any infrastructure connecting the two nodes, we consider the possibility of communication using vehicles passing by. Vehicles arrive at the source node at renewal instants and are known to travel towards the destination node with average speed v sampled from a given probability distribution. Th source node communicates data packets (or fragments) of the file to the destination node using these vehicles as relays. We assume that the vehicles communicate with the source node and the destination node only, and hence, every packet communication involves two hops. In this setup, we study the source node's sequential decision problem of transferring packets of the file to vehicles as they pass by, with the objective of minimizing delay in the network. We study both the finite file size case and the infinite file size case. In the finite file size case, we aim to minimize the expected file transfer delay, i.e. expected value of the maximum of the packet sojourn times. In the infinite file size case, we study the average packet delay minimization problem as well as the optimal tradeoff achievable between the average queueing delay at the source node buffer and the average transit delay in the relay vehicle.


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We study the problem of optimal sequential (''as-you-go'') deployment of wireless relay nodes, as a person walks along a line of random length (with a known distribution). The objective is to create an impromptu multihop wireless network for connecting a packet source to be placed at the end of the line with a sink node located at the starting point, to operate in the light traffic regime. In walking from the sink towards the source, at every step, measurements yield the transmit powers required to establish links to one or more previously placed nodes. Based on these measurements, at every step, a decision is made to place a relay node, the overall system objective being to minimize a linear combination of the expected sum power (or the expected maximum power) required to deliver a packet from the source to the sink node and the expected number of relay nodes deployed. For each of these two objectives, two different relay selection strategies are considered: (i) each relay communicates with the sink via its immediate previous relay, (ii) the communication path can skip some of the deployed relays. With appropriate modeling assumptions, we formulate each of these problems as a Markov decision process (MDP). We provide the optimal policy structures for all these cases, and provide illustrations of the policies and their performance, via numerical results, for some typical parameters.


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A person walks along a line (which could be an idealisation of a forest trail, for example), placing relays as he walks, in order to create a multihop network for connecting a sensor at a point along the line to a sink at the start of the line. The potential placement points are equally spaced along the line, and at each such location the decision to place or not to place a relay is based on link quality measurements to the previously placed relays. The location of the sensor is unknown apriori, and is discovered as the deployment agent walks. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on this class of problems to include the objective of achieving a 2-connected multihop network. We propose a network cost objective that is additive over the deployed relays, and accounts for possible alternate routing over the multiple available paths. As in our earlier work, the problem is formulated as a Markov decision process. Placement algorithms are obtained for two source location models, which yield a discounted cost MDP and an average cost MDP. In each case we obtain structural results for an optimal policy, and perform a numerical study that provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages of multi-connectivity. We validate the results obtained from numerical study experimentally in a forest-like environment.


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Multi-way relay networks (MWRNs) allow multiple users to exchange information with each other through a single relay terminal. MWRNs are often incorporated with capacity achieving lattice codes to enable the benefits of high-rate signal constellations to be extracted. In this paper, we analytically characterize the symbol error rate (SER) performance of a functional decode and forward (FDF) MWRN in the presence of channel estimation errors. Considering Μ-ary quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM) with square constellations as an important special case of lattice codes, we obtain asymptotic expressions for the average SER for a user in FDF MWRN. The accuracy of the analysis at high signal-to-noise ratio is validated by comparison with the simulation results. The analysis shows that when a user decodes other users with better channel conditions than itself, the decoding user experiences better error performance. The analytical results allow system designers to accurately assess the non-trivial impact of channel estimation errors and the users’ channel conditions on the SER performance of a FDF MWRN with M-QAM modulation.


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The assumption of nodes in a cooperative communication relay network operating in synchronous fashion is often unrealistic. In the present paper we consider two different models of asynchronous operation in cooperative-diversity networks experiencing slow fading and examine the corresponding diversity-multiplexing tradeoffs (DMT). For both models, we propose protocols and distributed space-time codes that asymptotically achieve the transmit diversity bound for all multiplexing gains and for number of relays N >= 2.


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In this paper, we consider a robust design of MIMO-relay precoder and receive filter for the destination nodes in a non-regenerative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. The network consists of multiple source-destination node pairs assisted by a single MIMO-relay node. The source and destination nodes are single antenna nodes, whereas the MIMO-relay node has multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas. The channel state information (CSI) available at the MIMO-relay node for precoding purpose is assumed to be imperfect. We assume that the norms of errors in CSI are upper-bounded, and the MIMO-relay node knows these bounds. We consider the robust design of the MIMO-relay precoder and receive filter based on the minimization of the total MIMO-relay transmit power with constraints on the mean square error (MSE) at the destination nodes. We show that this design problem can be solved by solving an alternating sequence of minimization and worst-case analysis problems. The minimization problem is formulated as a convex optimization problem that can be solved efficiently using interior-point methods. The worst-case analysis problem can be solved analytically using an approximation for the MSEs at the destination nodes. We demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed design through simulations.


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Distributed space time coding for wireless relay networks where the source, the destination and the relays have multiple antennas have been studied by Jing and Hassibi. In this set up, the transmit and the receive signals at different antennas of the same relay are processed and designed independently, even though the antennas are colocated. In this paper, a wireless relay network with single antenna at the source and the destination and two antennas at each of the R relays is considered. In the first phase of the two-phase transmission model, a T -length complex vector is transmitted from the source to all the relays. At each relay, the inphase and quadrature component vectors of the received complex vectors at the two antennas are interleaved before processing them. After processing, in the second phase, a T x 2R matrix codeword is transmitted to the destination. The collection of all such codewords is called Co-ordinate interleaved distributed space-time code (CIDSTC). Compared to the scheme proposed by Jing-Hassibi, for T ges AR, it is shown that while both the schemes give the same asymptotic diversity gain, the CIDSTC scheme gives additional asymptotic coding gain as well and that too at the cost of negligible increase in the processing complexity at the relays.


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In this paper, we consider robust joint designs of relay precoder and destination receive filters in a nonregenerative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. The network consists of multiple source-destination node pairs assisted by a MIMO-relay node. The channel state information (CSI) available at the relay node is assumed to be imperfect. We consider robust designs for two models of CSI error. The first model is a stochastic error (SE) model, where the probability distribution of the CSI error is Gaussian. This model is applicable when the imperfect CSI is mainly due to errors in channel estimation. For this model, we propose robust minimum sum mean square error (SMSE), MSE-balancing, and relay transmit power minimizing precoder designs. The next model for the CSI error is a norm-bounded error (NBE) model, where the CSI error can be specified by an uncertainty set. This model is applicable when the CSI error is dominated by quantization errors. In this case, we adopt a worst-case design approach. For this model, we propose a robust precoder design that minimizes total relay transmit power under constraints on MSEs at the destination nodes. We show that the proposed robust design problems can be reformulated as convex optimization problems that can be solved efficiently using interior-point methods. We demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed design through simulations.


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A wireless relay network with one source, one relay and one destination is considered, where nodes communicate via N orthogonal channels. We develop optimal power allocation strategies at both the source and relay for maximizing the overall source-destination capacity under individual power constraints at the source and relay. Some properties of the optimal solution are studied. © 2012 IEEE.


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We consider a wireless relay network with one source, one relay and one destination, where communications between nodes are preformed over N orthogonal channels. This, for example, is the case when orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is employed for data communications. Since the power available at the source and relay is limited, we study optimal power allocation strategies at the source and relay in order to maximize the overall source-destination capacity. Depending on the availability of the channel state information at both the source and relay or only at the relay, power allocation is performed at both the source and relay or only at the relay. Considering different setups for the problem, various optimization problems are formulated and solved. Some properties of the optimal solution are also proved.


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We propose transmit antenna selection with receive generalized selection combining (TAS/GSC) in dual-hop cognitive decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks for reliability enhancement and interference relaxation. In this paradigm, a single antenna which maximizes the receive signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is selected at the secondary transmitter and a subset of receive antennas with the highest SNRs are combined at the secondary receiver. To demonstrate the impact of multiple primary users on the cognitive relay network, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic outage probability with TAS/GSC in the secondary network. Several important design insights are reached. We corroborate that the full diversity gain is achieved, which is entirely determined by the total number of antennas in the secondary network. The negative impact of the primary network on the secondary network is reflected in the SNR gain.


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In this paper, we investigate a multiuser cognitive relay network with direct source-destination links and multiple primary destinations. In this network, multiple secondary users compete to communicate with a secondary destination assisted by an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay. We take into account the availability of direct links from the secondary users to the primary and secondary destinations. For the considered system, we select one best secondary user to maximize the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the secondary destination. We first derive an accurate lower bound of the outage probability, and then provide an asymptotic expression of outage probability in high SNR region. From the lower bound and the asymptotic expressions, we obtain several insights into the system design. Numerical and simulation results are finally demonstrated to verify the proposed studies.