910 resultados para cloud-based applications


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Software-as-a-service (SaaS) multi-tenancy in cloud-based applications helps service providers to save cost, improve resource utilization, and reduce service customization and maintenance time. This is achieved by sharing of resources and service instances among multiple "tenants" of the cloud-hosted application. However, supporting multi-tenancy adds more complexity to SaaS applications required capabilities. Security is one of these key requirements that must be addressed when engineering multi-tenant SaaS applications. The sharing of resources among tenants - i.e. multi-tenancy - increases tenants' concerns about the security of their cloud-hosted assets. Compounding this, existing traditional security engineering approaches do not fit well with the multi-tenancy application model where tenants and their security requirements often emerge after the applications and services were first developed. The resultant applications do not usually support diverse security capabilities based on different tenants' needs, some of which may change at run-time i.e. after cloud application deployment. We introduce a novel model-driven security engineering approach for multi-tenant, cloud-hosted SaaS applications. Our approach is based on externalizing security from the underlying SaaS application, allowing both application/service and security to evolve at runtime. Multiple security sets can be enforced on the same application instance based on different tenants' security requirements. We use abstract models to capture service provider and multiple tenants' security requirements and then generate security integration and configurations at runtime. We use dependency injection and dynamic weaving via Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to integrate security within critical application/service entities at runtime. We explain our approach, architecture and implementation details, discuss a usage example, and present an evaluation of our approach on a set of open source web applications.


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The constrained battery power of mobile devices poses a serious impact on user experience. As an increasingly prevalent type of applications in mobile cloud environments, location-based applications (LBAs) present some inherent limitations concerning energy. For example, the Global Positioning System based positioning mechanism is well-known for its extremely power-hungry attribute. Due to the severity of the issue, considerable researches have focused on energy-efficient locating sensing mechanism in the last a few years. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of recent work on low-power design of LBAs. An overview of LBAs and different locating sensing technologies used today are introduced. Methods for energy saving with existing locating technologies are investigated. Reductions of location updating queries and simplifications of trajectory data are also mentioned. Moreover, we discuss cloud-based schemes in detail which try to develop new energy-efficient locating technologies by leveraging the cloud capabilities of storage, computation and sharing. Finally, we conclude the survey and discuss the future research directions. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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The Mobile Cloud Networking project develops among others, several virtualized services and applications, in particular: (1) IP Multimedia Subsystem as a Service that gives the possibility to deploy a virtualized and on-demand instance of the IP Multimedia Subsystem platform, (2) Digital Signage Service as a Service that is based on a re-designed Digital Signage Service architecture, adopting the cloud computing principles, and (3) Information Centric Networking/Content Delivery Network as a Service that is used for distributing, caching and migrating content from other services. Possible designs for these virtualized services and applications have been identified and are being implemented. In particular, the architectures of the mentioned services were specified, adopting cloud computing principles, such as infrastructure sharing, elasticity, on-demand and pay-as-you-go. The benefits of Reactive Programming paradigm are presented in the context of Interactive Cloudified Digital Signage services in a Mobile Cloud Platform, as well as the benefit of interworking between different Mobile Cloud Networking Services as Digital Signage Service and Content Delivery Network Service for better performance of Video on Demand content deliver. Finally, the management of Service Level Agreements and the support of rating, charging and billing has also been considered and defined.


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Cloud Computing has evolved to become an enabler for delivering access to large scale distributed applications running on managed network-connected computing systems. This makes possible hosting Distributed Enterprise Information Systems (dEISs) in cloud environments, while enforcing strict performance and quality of service requirements, defined using Service Level Agreements (SLAs). {SLAs} define the performance boundaries of distributed applications, and are enforced by a cloud management system (CMS) dynamically allocating the available computing resources to the cloud services. We present two novel VM-scaling algorithms focused on dEIS systems, which optimally detect most appropriate scaling conditions using performance-models of distributed applications derived from constant-workload benchmarks, together with SLA-specified performance constraints. We simulate the VM-scaling algorithms in a cloud simulator and compare against trace-based performance models of dEISs. We compare a total of three SLA-based VM-scaling algorithms (one using prediction mechanisms) based on a real-world application scenario involving a large variable number of users. Our results show that it is beneficial to use autoregressive predictive SLA-driven scaling algorithms in cloud management systems for guaranteeing performance invariants of distributed cloud applications, as opposed to using only reactive SLA-based VM-scaling algorithms.


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Negli ultimi decenni, le tecnologie e i prodotti informatici sono diventati pervasivi e sono ora una parte essenziale delle nostre vite. Ogni giorno ci influenzano in maniera più o meno esplicita, cambiando il nostro modo di vivere e i nostri comportamenti più o meno intenzionalmente. Tuttavia, i computer non nacquero inizialmente per persuadere: essi furono costruiti per gestire, calcolare, immagazzinare e recuperare dati. Non appena i computer si sono spostati dai laboratori di ricerca alla vita di tutti i giorni, sono però diventati sempre più persuasivi. Questa area di ricerca è chiamata pesuasive technology o captology, anche definita come lo studio dei sistemi informatici interattivi progettati per cambiare le attitudini e le abitudini delle persone. Nonostante il successo crescente delle tecnologie persuasive, sembra esserci una mancanza di framework sia teorici che pratici, che possano aiutare gli sviluppatori di applicazioni mobili a costruire applicazioni in grado di persuadere effettivamente gli utenti finali. Tuttavia, il lavoro condotto dal Professor Helal e dal Professor Lee al Persuasive Laboratory all’interno dell’University of Florida tenta di colmare questa lacuna. Infatti, hanno proposto un modello di persuasione semplice ma efficace, il quale può essere usato in maniera intuitiva da ingegneri o specialisti informatici. Inoltre, il Professor Helal e il Professor Lee hanno anche sviluppato Cicero, un middleware per dispositivi Android basato sul loro precedente modello, il quale può essere usato in modo molto semplice e veloce dagli sviluppatori per creare applicazioni persuasive. Il mio lavoro al centro di questa tesi progettuale si concentra sull’analisi del middleware appena descritto e, successivamente, sui miglioramenti e ampliamenti portati ad esso. I più importanti sono una nuova architettura di sensing, una nuova struttura basata sul cloud e un nuovo protocollo che permette di creare applicazioni specifiche per smartwatch.


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As computational models in fields such as medicine and engineering get more refined, resource requirements are increased. In a first instance, these needs have been satisfied using parallel computing and HPC clusters. However, such systems are often costly and lack flexibility. HPC users are therefore tempted to move to elastic HPC using cloud services. One difficulty in making this transition is that HPC and cloud systems are different, and performance may vary. The purpose of this study is to evaluate cloud services as a means to minimise both cost and computation time for large-scale simulations, and to identify which system properties have the most significant impact on performance. Our simulation results show that, while the performance of Virtual CPU (VCPU) is satisfactory, network throughput may lead to difficulties.


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In contrast to single robotic agent, multi-robot systems are highly dependent on reliable communication. Robots have to synchronize tasks or to share poses and sensor readings with other agents, especially for co-operative mapping task where local sensor readings are incorporated into a global map. The drawback of existing communication frameworks is that most are based on a central component which has to be constantly within reach. Additionally, they do not prevent data loss between robots if a failure occurs in the communication link. During a distributed mapping task, loss of data is critical because it will corrupt the global map. In this work, we propose a cloud-based publish/subscribe mechanism which enables reliable communication between agents during a cooperative mission using the Data Distribution Service (DDS) as a transport layer. The usability of our approach is verified by several experiments taking into account complete temporary communication loss.


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Quality of Service (QoS) is a new issue in cloud-based MapReduce, which is a popular computation model for parallel and distributed processing of big data. QoS guarantee is challenging in a dynamical computation environment due to the fact that a fixed resource allocation may become under-provisioning, which leads to QoS violation, or over-provisioning, which increases unnecessary resource cost. This requires runtime resource scaling to adapt environmental changes for QoS guarantee. Aiming to guarantee the QoS, which is referred as to hard deadline in this work, this paper develops a theory to determine how and when resource is scaled up/down for cloud-based MapReduce. The theory employs a nonlinear transformation to define the problem in a reverse resource space, simplifying the theoretical analysis significantly. Then, theoretical results are presented in three theorems on sufficient conditions for guaranteeing the QoS of cloud-based MapReduce. The superiority and applications of the theory are demonstrated through case studies.


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The broad capabilities of current mobile devices have paved the way for Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS) applications. The success of this emerging paradigm strongly depends on the quality of received data which, in turn, is contingent to mass user participation; the broader the participation, the more useful these systems become. However, there is an ongoing trend that tries to integrate MCS applications with emerging computing paradigms such as cloud computing. The intuition is that such a transition can significantly improve the overall efficiency while at the same time it offers stronger security and privacy-preserving mechanisms for the end-user. In this position paper, we dwell on the underpinnings of incorporating cloud computing techniques to facilitate the vast amount of data collected in MCS applications. That is, we present a list of core system, security and privacy requirements that must be met if such a transition is to be successful. To this end, we first address several competing challenges not previously considered in the literature such as the scarce energy resources of battery-powered mobile devices as well as their limited computational resources that they often prevent the use of computationally heavy cryptographic operations and thus offering limited security services to the end-user. Finally, we present a use case scenario as a comprehensive example. Based on our findings, we posit open issues and challenges, and discuss possible ways to address them, so that security and privacy do not hinder the migration of MCS systems to the cloud.


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Cloud-based service computing has started to change the way how research in science, in particular biology, medicine, and engineering, is being carried out. Researchers in the area of mammalian genomics have taken advantage of cloud computing technology to cost-effectively process large amounts of data and speed up discovery. Mammalian genomics is limited by the cost and complexity of analysis, which require large amounts of computational resources to analyse huge amount of data and biology specialists to interpret results. On the other hand the application of this technology requires computing knowledge, in particular programming and operations management skills to develop high performance computing (HPC) applications and deploy them on HPC clouds. We carried out a survey of cloud-based service computing solutions, as the most recent and promising instantiations of distributed computing systems, in the context their use in research of mammalian genomic analysis. We describe our most recent research and development effort which focuses on building Software as a Service (SaaS) clouds to simplify the use of HPC clouds for carrying out mammalian genomic analysis.


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Monitoring patients who have noncommunicable diseases is a big challenge. These illnesses require a continuous monitoring that leads to high cost for patients' healthcare. Several solutions proposed reducing the impact of these diseases in terms of economic with respect to quality of services. One of the best solutions is mobile healthcare, where patients do not need to be hospitalized under supervision of caregivers. This paper presents a new hybrid framework based on mobile multimedia cloud that is scalable and efficient and provides cost-effective monitoring solution for noncommunicable disease patient. In order to validate the effectiveness of the framework, we also propose a novel evaluation model based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which incorporates some criteria from multiple decision makers in the context of healthcare monitoring applications. Using the proposed evaluation model, we analyzed three possible frameworks (proposed hybrid framework, mobile, and multimedia frameworks) in terms of their applicability in the real healthcare environment.


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L’obiettivo del progetto di tesi svolto è quello di realizzare un servizio di livello middleware dedicato ai dispositivi mobili che sia in grado di fornire il supporto per l’offloading di codice verso una infrastruttura cloud. In particolare il progetto si concentra sulla migrazione di codice verso macchine virtuali dedicate al singolo utente. Il sistema operativo delle VMs è lo stesso utilizzato dal device mobile. Come i precedenti lavori sul computation offloading, il progetto di tesi deve garantire migliori performance in termini di tempo di esecuzione e utilizzo della batteria del dispositivo. In particolare l’obiettivo più ampio è quello di adattare il principio di computation offloading a un contesto di sistemi distribuiti mobili, migliorando non solo le performance del singolo device, ma l’esecuzione stessa dell’applicazione distribuita. Questo viene fatto tramite una gestione dinamica delle decisioni di offloading basata, non solo, sullo stato del device, ma anche sulla volontà e/o sullo stato degli altri utenti appartenenti allo stesso gruppo. Per esempio, un primo utente potrebbe influenzare le decisioni degli altri membri del gruppo specificando una determinata richiesta, come alta qualità delle informazioni, risposta rapida o basata su altre informazioni di alto livello. Il sistema fornisce ai programmatori un semplice strumento di definizione per poter creare nuove policy personalizzate e, quindi, specificare nuove regole di offloading. Per rendere il progetto accessibile ad un più ampio numero di sviluppatori gli strumenti forniti sono semplici e non richiedono specifiche conoscenze sulla tecnologia. Il sistema è stato poi testato per verificare le sue performance in termini di mecchanismi di offloading semplici. Successivamente, esso è stato anche sottoposto a dei test per verificare che la selezione di differenti policy, definite dal programmatore, portasse realmente a una ottimizzazione del parametro designato.


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PURPOSE: Radiation therapy is used to treat cancer using carefully designed plans that maximize the radiation dose delivered to the target and minimize damage to healthy tissue, with the dose administered over multiple occasions. Creating treatment plans is a laborious process and presents an obstacle to more frequent replanning, which remains an unsolved problem. However, in between new plans being created, the patient's anatomy can change due to multiple factors including reduction in tumor size and loss of weight, which results in poorer patient outcomes. Cloud computing is a newer technology that is slowly being used for medical applications with promising results. The objective of this work was to design and build a system that could analyze a database of previously created treatment plans, which are stored with their associated anatomical information in studies, to find the one with the most similar anatomy to a new patient. The analyses would be performed in parallel on the cloud to decrease the computation time of finding this plan. METHODS: The system used SlicerRT, a radiation therapy toolkit for the open-source platform 3D Slicer, for its tools to perform the similarity analysis algorithm. Amazon Web Services was used for the cloud instances on which the analyses were performed, as well as for storage of the radiation therapy studies and messaging between the instances and a master local computer. A module was built in SlicerRT to provide the user with an interface to direct the system on the cloud, as well as to perform other related tasks. RESULTS: The cloud-based system out-performed previous methods of conducting the similarity analyses in terms of time, as it analyzed 100 studies in approximately 13 minutes, and produced the same similarity values as those methods. It also scaled up to larger numbers of studies to analyze in the database with a small increase in computation time of just over 2 minutes. CONCLUSION: This system successfully analyzes a large database of radiation therapy studies and finds the one that is most similar to a new patient, which represents a potential step forward in achieving feasible adaptive radiation therapy replanning.