986 resultados para cloud DB privacy


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Industries in developed countries are moving quickly to ensure the rapid adoption of cloud computing. At this stage, several outstanding issues exist, particularly related to Service Level Agreements (SLAs), security and privacy. Consumers and businesses are willing to use cloud computing only if they can trust that their data will remain private and secure. Our review of research literature indicates the level of control that a user has on their data is directly correlated to the level of data privacy provided by the cloud service. We considered several privacy factors from the industry perspective, namely data loss, data storage location being unknown to the client, vendor lock-in, unauthorized secondary use of user's data for advertising, targeting secured backup and easy restoration. The level of user control in database models were identified according to the level of existence in these privacy factors. Finally, we focused on a novel logical model that might help to bring the level of user control of privacy in cloud databases into a higher level.


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Cloud computing is proposed as an open and promising computing paradigm where customers can deploy and utilize IT services in a pay-as-you-go fashion while saving huge capital investment in their own IT infrastructure. Due to the openness and virtualization, various malicious service providers may exist in these cloud environments, and some of them may record service data from a customer and then collectively deduce the customer's private information without permission. Therefore, from the perspective of cloud customers, it is essential to take certain technical actions to protect their privacy at client side. Noise obfuscation is an effective approach in this regard by utilizing noise data. For instance, noise service requests can be generated and injected into real customer service requests so that malicious service providers would not be able to distinguish which requests are real ones if these requests' occurrence probabilities are about the same, and consequently related customer privacy can be protected. Currently, existing representative noise generation strategies have not considered possible fluctuations of occurrence probabilities. In this case, the probability fluctuation could not be concealed by existing noise generation strategies, and it is a serious risk for the customer's privacy. To address this probability fluctuation privacy risk, we systematically develop a novel time-series pattern based noise generation strategy for privacy protection on cloud. First, we analyze this privacy risk and present a novel cluster based algorithm to generate time intervals dynamically. Then, based on these time intervals, we investigate corresponding probability fluctuations and propose a novel time-series pattern based forecasting algorithm. Lastly, based on the forecasting algorithm, our novel noise generation strategy can be presented to withstand the probability fluctuation privacy risk. The simulation evaluation demonstrates that our strategy can significantly improve the effectiveness of such cloud privacy protection to withstand the probability fluctuation privacy risk.


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Hybrid cloud is a widely used cloud architecture in large companies that can outsource data to the publiccloud, while still supporting various clients like mobile devices. However, such public cloud data outsourcing raises serious security concerns, such as how to preserve data confidentiality and how to regulate access policies to the data stored in public cloud. To address this issue, we design a hybrid cloud architecture that supports data sharing securely and efficiently, even with resource-limited devices, where private cloud serves as a gateway between the public cloud and the data user. Under such architecture, we propose an improved construction of attribute-based encryption that has the capability of delegating encryption/decryption computation, which achieves flexible access control in the cloud and privacy-preserving in datautilization even with mobile devices. Extensive experiments show the scheme can further decrease the computational cost and space overhead at the user side, which is quite efficient for the user with limited mobile devices. In the process of delegating most of the encryption/decryption computation to private cloud, the user can not disclose any information to the private cloud. We also consider the communication securitythat once frequent attribute revocation happens, our scheme is able to resist some attacks between private cloud and data user by employing anonymous key agreement.


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 Combines theory, key issues for debate and an exploration of legacy and digital media industries to provide a holistic approach to communication and media.Activities, study questions and further reading/weblinks at the end of each chapter to help students put theory into context and further their understanding of key concepts.It covers the latest trends emerging from the deregulation of many media industries and then outlines future scenarios for a globally competitive digital media environment.Explores the contemporary intersections between social media, legacy media and communications with other studies in history, statistics, privacy and surveillance, public policy, media law and economics. The nature of media forms and industries is changing rapidly and constantly. As such, Changing Media Landscapes explores the concept of visual networking to describe the ways multiple media devices are used now for a variety of tasks. Visual networking extends the ability to engage in human communication particularly in today's context where most of our daily activities and routines are carried out with the help of various forms of communication technologies. It explores the changing media landscape through contemporary and developing latest trends, issues and developments including multicasting, cloud computing, privacy and social networking. It combines theory, key issues for debate and an exploration of legacy and digital media industries to provide a holistic approach to communication and media.


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A patient-centric DRM approach is proposed for protecting privacy of health records stored in a cloud storage based on the patient's preferences and without the need to trust the service provider. Contrary to the current server-side access control solutions, this approach protects the privacy of records from the service provider, and also controls the usage of data after it is released to an authorized user.


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With the widespread use of smartphones, the loss of a device is a critical problem, which results both in disrupting daily communications and losing valuable property. As a result, tracking systems have been developed to track mobile devices. Previous tracking systems focus on recovering the device's locations after it goes missing, with security methods implemented on the clients. However, users' locations are stored in untrusted third-party services, which may be attacked or eavesdropped. In this paper, we propose a system, named Android Cloud Tracker, to provide a privacy-preserving tracking client and safe storing of user's locations. We use cloud storage controlled by users themselves as storage facilities, and they do not need to worry about any untrusted third party. We implement Android Cloud Tracker prototype on Android phones, and the evaluation shows that it is both practical and lightweight: it generates a small amount of data flow and its distributed architecture provides strong guarantees of location privacy while preserving the ability to efficiently track missing devices.


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New national infrastructure initiatives such as the National Broadband Network (NBN) allow small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Australia to have greater access to cost effective Cloud computing. However, the ability of Cloud computing to store data remotely and share services in a dynamic environment brings with it security and privacy concerns. Evaluating these concerns is critical to address the Cloud computing underutilisation issue and leverage the benefits of costly NBN investment. This paper examines the influence of privacy and security factors on Cloud adoption by Australian SMEs in metropolitan and regional area. Data were collected from 150 Australian SMEs (specifically, 79 metropolitan SMEs and 71 regional SMEs) and structural equation modelling was used for the analysis. The findings reveal that privacy and security factors do not significantly influence the decision-making of Australian SMEs in the adoption of Cloud computing. Moreover, the results indicate that Cloud computing adoption is not influenced by the geographical location (i.e., metropolitan or regional location) of the SMEs. The findings extend the current understanding of Cloud computing adoption by Australian SMEs. The results will be useful to SMEs, Cloud service providers and policy makers devising Cloud security and privacy policies.


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Questa tesi si prefigge l’obiettivo di analizzare alcuni aspetti critici della sicurezza in ambito cloud. In particolare, i problemi legati alla privacy, dai termini di utilizzo alla sicurezza dei dati personali più o meno sensibili. L’aumento esponenziale di dati memorizzati nei sistemi di cloud storage (es. Dropbox, Amazon S3) pone il problema della sensibilità dei dati su un piano tutt'altro che banale, dovuto anche a non ben chiare politiche di utilizzo dei dati, sia in termini di cessione degli stessi a società di terze parti, sia per quanto riguarda le responsabilità legali. Questa tesi cerca di approfondire ed esaminare le mancanze più preoccupanti degli stessi. Oltre ad analizzare le principali criticità e i punti deboli dei servizi cloud, l’obiettivo di questo lavoro sarà quello di fare chiarezza sui passi e le infrastrutture che alcune aziende (es. Amazon) hanno implementato per avvicinarsi all’idea di 'safeness' nel cloud. Infine, l’ultimo obiettivo posto sarà l’individuazione di criteri per la valutazione/misura del grado di fiducia che l’utente può porre in questo contesto, distinguendo diversi criteri per classi di utenti. La tesi è strutturata in 4 capitoli: nel primo sarà effettuata una tassonomia dei problemi presenti nei sistemi cloud. Verranno presentati anche alcuni avvenimenti della storia recente, in cui queste problematiche sono affiorate. Nel secondo capitolo saranno trattate le strategie di 'safeness' adottate da alcune aziende, in ambito cloud. Inoltre, saranno presentate alcune possibili soluzioni, dal punto di vista architetturale. Si vedrà come il ruolo dell'utente sarà di estrema importanza. Il terzo capitolo sarà incentrato sulla ricerca di strumenti e metodi di valutazione che un utente, o gruppo di utenti, può utilizzare nei confronti di questi sistemi. Infine, il quarto capitolo conterrà alcune considerazioni conlusive sul lavoro svolto e sui possibili sviluppi di questa tesi.


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The development of the Internet has made it possible to transfer data ‘around the globe at the click of a mouse’. Especially fresh business models such as cloud computing, the newest driver to illustrate the speed and breadth of the online environment, allow this data to be processed across national borders on a routine basis. A number of factors cause the Internet to blur the lines between public and private space: Firstly, globalization and the outsourcing of economic actors entrain an ever-growing exchange of personal data. Secondly, the security pressure in the name of the legitimate fight against terrorism opens the access to a significant amount of data for an increasing number of public authorities.And finally,the tools of the digital society accompany everyone at each stage of life by leaving permanent individual and borderless traces in both space and time. Therefore, calls from both the public and private sectors for an international legal framework for privacy and data protection have become louder. Companies such as Google and Facebook have also come under continuous pressure from governments and citizens to reform the use of data. Thus, Google was not alone in calling for the creation of ‘global privacystandards’. Efforts are underway to review established privacy foundation documents. There are similar efforts to look at standards in global approaches to privacy and data protection. The last remarkable steps were the Montreux Declaration, in which the privacycommissioners appealed to the United Nations ‘to prepare a binding legal instrument which clearly sets out in detail the rights to data protection and privacy as enforceable human rights’. This appeal was repeated in 2008 at the 30thinternational conference held in Strasbourg, at the 31stconference 2009 in Madrid and in 2010 at the 32ndconference in Jerusalem. In a globalized world, free data flow has become an everyday need. Thus, the aim of global harmonization should be that it doesn’t make any difference for data users or data subjects whether data processing takes place in one or in several countries. Concern has been expressed that data users might seek to avoid privacy controls by moving their operations to countries which have lower standards in their privacy laws or no such laws at all. To control that risk, some countries have implemented special controls into their domestic law. Again, such controls may interfere with the need for free international data flow. A formula has to be found to make sure that privacy at the international level does not prejudice this principle.


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We present the results of a study that collected, compared and analyzed the terms and conditions of a number of cloud services vis-a-vis privacy and data protection. First, we assembled a list of factors that comprehensively capture cloud companies' treatment of user data with regard to privacy and data protection; then, we assessed how various cloud services of different types protect their users in the collection, retention, and use of their data, as well as in the disclosure to law enforcement authorities. This commentary provides comparative and aggregate analysis of the results.


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Winner of best paper award.