1000 resultados para clip domain


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Clip domain serine protease (cSP), characterized by conserved clip domains, is a new serine protease family identified mainly in arthropod, and plays important roles in development and immunity. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of a cSP (designated EscSP) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and PCR techniques. The 1380 bp EscSP cDNA contained a 1152 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative cSP of 383 amino acids, a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 54 bp, and a 3'-UTR of 174 bp. Multiple sequence alignment presented twelve conserved cysteine residues and a canonical catalytic triad (His(185), Asp(235) and Ser(332)) critical for the fundamental structure and function of EscSP. Two types of cSP domains, the clip domain and tryp_spc domain, were identified in the deduced amino acids sequence of EscSP. The conservation characteristics and similarities with previously known cSPs indicated that EscSP was a member of the large cSP family. The mRNA expression of EscSP in different tissues and the temporal expression in haemocytes challenged by Listonella anguillarum were measured by real-time RT-PCR. EscSP mRNA transcripts could be detected in all examined tissues, and were higher expressed in muscle than that in hepatopancreas. gill, gonad, haemocytes and heart. The EscSP mRNA expression in haemocytes was up-regulated after L anguillarum challenge and peaked at 2 h (4.96 fold, P < 0.05) and 12 h (9.90 fold, P < 0.05). Its expression pattern was similar to prophenoloxidase (EsproPO), one of the components of crab proPO system found in our previous report. These results implied that EscSP was involved in the processes of host-pathogen interaction probably as one of the proPO system members. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The serine proteases with clip domain are involved in various innate immune functions in invertebrate such as antimicrobial activity, cell adhesion, pattern recognition and regulation of the prophenoloxidase system. A serine protease with clip-domain cDNA (Cf SP) was obtained by Expressed sequence taggings (ESTs) method and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The Cf SP full-length cDNA was of 1,152 bp, including a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 63 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 81 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1,008 bp encoding a polypeptide of 336 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of Cf SP contained an amino-terminal clip domain with three disulfide bonds formed six conserved Cys residues, a carboxyl-terminal trypsin-like domain with the conserved His-Asp-Ser catalytic triad, and a low complexity linker sequence. The Cf SP was strongly expressed in hemocytes and the mRNA expression of Cf SP was up-regulated and increased 3.2-fold and 2.6-fold at 16 h after injection of Vibrio anguillarum and Micrococcus luteus. The results suggested that Cf SP gene might be involved in immune response of Gram-negative and Gram-positive microbial infection in scallop.


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Serine proteases play critical roles in a variety of invertebrate immune defense responses, including hemolymph coagulation, antimicrobial peptide synthesis, and melanization. The first mollusk serine protease with clip-domain (designated CFSP1) cDNA was obtained from the scallop Chlamys farreri challenged with Vibrio anguillarum by randomly sequencing a whole tissue cDNA library and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The full-length cDNA of the C. farreri serine protease was 1211 bp, consisting of a 5-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 72 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 77 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 1062 bp. The CFSP1 cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 354 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 19 amino acids and a mature protein of 335 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of CFSP1 contained an amino-terminal clip domain, a low complexity region, and a carboxyl-terminal serine protease domain. CFSP1 mRNA was mainly expressed constitutively in the hemocytes and was up-regulated and increased 2.9- and 1.9-fold at 16 h after injury and injection of bacteria. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most parasitic wasps inject maternal factors into the host hemocoel to suppress the host immune system and ensure successful development of their progeny. Melanization is one of the insect defence mechanisms against intruding pathogens or parasites. We previously isolated from the venom of Cotesia rubecula a 50 kDa protein that blocked melanization in the hemolymph of its host, Pieris rapae [Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 33 (2003) 1017]. This protein, designated Vn50, is a serine proteinase homolog (SPH) containing an amino-terminal clip domain. In this work, we demonstrated that recombinant Vn50 bound P. rapae hemolymph components that were recognized by antisera to Tenebrio molitor prophenoloxidase (proPO) and Manduca sexta proPO-activating proteinase (PAP). Vn50 is stable in the host hemolymph-it remained intact for at least 72 It after parasitization. Using M. sexta as a model system, we found that Vn50 efficiently down-regulated proPO activation mediated by M. sexta PAP-1, SPH-1, and SPH-2. Vn50 did not inhibit active phenoloxidase (PO) or PAP-1, but it significantly reduced the proteolysis of proPO. If recombinant Vn50 binds P. rapae proPO and PAP (as suggested by the antibody reactions), it is likely that the molecular interactions among M. sexta proPO, PAP-1, and SPHs were impaired by this venom protein. A similar strategy might be employed by C rubecula to negatively impact the proPO activation reaction in its natural host. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Activation of pro-phenol oxidase (proPO) in insects and crustaceans is important in defense against wounding and infection. The proPO zymogen is activated by a specific proteolytic cleavage. PO oxidizes phenolic compounds to produce quinones, which may help to kill pathogens and can also be used for synthesis of melanin to seal wounds and encapsulate parasites. We have isolated from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, a serine proteinase that activates proPO, and have cloned its cDNA. The isolated proPO activating proteinase (PAP) hydrolyzed artificial substrates but required other protein factors for proPO activation, suggesting that proPO-activating enzyme may exist as a protein complex, one component of which is PAP. PAP (44 kDa) is composed of two disulfide-linked polypeptide chains (31 kDa and 13 kDa). A cDNA for PAP was isolated from a hemocyte library, by using a PCR-generated probe based on the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the 31-kDa catalytic domain. PAP belongs to a family of arthropod serine proteinases containing a carboxyl-terminal proteinase domain and an amino-terminal “clipdomain. The member of this family most similar in sequence to PAP is the product of the easter gene from Drosophila melanogaster. PAP mRNA was present at a low level in larval hemocytes and fat body, but became much more abundant in fat body after insects were injected with Escherichia coli. Sequence data and 3H-diisopropyl fluorphosphate labeling results suggest that the same PAP exists in hemolymph and cuticle.


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An efficient technique to cut polygonal meshes as a step in the geometric modeling of topographic and geological data has been developed. In boundary represented models of outcropping strata and faulted horizons polygonal meshes often intersect each other. TRICUT determines the line of intersection and re-triangulates the area of contact. Along this line the mesh is split in two or more parts which can be selected for removal. The user interaction takes place in the 3D-model space. The intersection, selection and removal are under graphic control. The visualization of outcropping geological structures in digital terrain models is improved by determining intersections against a slightly shifted terrain model. Thus, the outcrop line becomes a surface which overlaps the terrain in its initial position. The area of this overlapping surface changes with respect to the strike and dip of the structure, the morphology and the offset. Some applications of TRICUT on different real datasets are shown. TRICUT is implemented in C+ + using the Visualization Toolkit in conjunction with the RAPID and TRIANGLE libraries. The program runs under LINUX and UNIX using the MESA OpenGL library. This work gives an example of solving a complex 3D geometric problem by integrating available robust public domain software. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The flow of material from peripheral, early endosomes to late endosomes requires microtubules and is thought to be facilitated by the minus end-directed motor cytoplasmic dynein and its activator dynactin. The microtubule-binding protein CLIP-170 may also play a role by providing an early link to endosomes. Here, we show that perturbation of dynactin function in vivo affects endosome dynamics and trafficking. Endosome movement, which is normally bidirectional, is completely inhibited. Receptor-mediated uptake and recycling occur normally, but cells are less susceptible to infection by enveloped viruses that require delivery to late endosomes, and they show reduced accumulation of lysosomally targeted probes. Dynactin colocalizes at microtubule plus ends with CLIP-170 in a way that depends on CLIP-170’s putative cargo-binding domain. Overexpression studies using p150Glued, the microtubule-binding subunit of dynactin, and mutant and wild-type forms of CLIP-170 indicate that CLIP-170 recruits dynactin to microtubule ends. These data suggest a new model for the formation of motile complexes of endosomes and microtubules early in the endocytic pathway.


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Previous studies have established that antigen presenting cells (APC) expressing major histocompatibility complex class II beta chains with truncated cytoplasmic domains are impaired in their capacity to activate T cells. While it had been widely accepted that this impairment is due to a defect in class II cytoplasmic domain-dependent signal transduction, we recently generated transgenic mice expressing only truncated class II beta chains, and functional analyses of APC from these mice revealed signaling-independent defects in antigen presentation. Here, we demonstrate that T cells primed on such transgenic APC respond better to stimulation by APC expressing truncated beta chains than by wild-type APC. This finding suggests that APC expressing truncated class II beta chains are not inherently defective in their antigen presenting capacity but, rather, may differ from wild-type APC in the peptide antigens that they present. Indeed, analysis of the peptides bound to class II molecules isolated from normal and transgenic spleen cells revealed clear differences. Most notably, the level of class II-associated invariant chain-derived peptides (CLIP) is significantly reduced in cells expressing only truncated beta chains. Prior studies have established that CLIP and antigenic peptides compete for binding to class II molecules. Thus, our results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain of the class II beta chain affects antigen presentation by influencing the level of CLIP/class II complexes.


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The invariant chain (Ii) prevents binding of ligands to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum and during intracellular transport. Stepwise removal of the Ii in a trans-Golgi compartment renders MHC class II molecules accessible for peptide loading, with CLIP (class II-associated Ii peptides) as the final fragment to be released. Here we show that CLIP can be subdivided into distinct functional regions. The C-terminal segment (residues 92-105) of the CLIP-(81-105) fragment mediates inhibition of self- and antigenic peptide binding to HLA-DR2 molecules. In contrast, the N-terminal segment CLIP-(81-98) binds to the Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B contact site outside the peptide-binding groove on the alpha 1 domain and does not interfere with peptide binding. Its functional significance appears to lie in the contribution to CLIP removal: the dissociation of CLIP-(81-105) is characterized by a fast off-rate, which is accelerated at endosomal pH, whereas in the absence of the N-terminal CLIP-(81-91), the off-rate of C-terminal CLIP-(92-105) is slow and remains unaltered at low pH. Mechanistically, the N-terminal segment of CLIP seems to prevent tight interactions of CLIP side chains with specificity pockets in the peptide-binding groove that normally occurs during maturation of long-lived class II-peptide complexes.


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This research work analyses techniques for implementing a cell-centred finite-volume time-domain (ccFV-TD) computational methodology for the purpose of studying microwave heating. Various state-of-the-art spatial and temporal discretisation methods employed to solve Maxwell's equations on multidimensional structured grid networks are investigated, and the dispersive and dissipative errors inherent in those techniques examined. Both staggered and unstaggered grid approaches are considered. Upwind schemes using a Riemann solver and intensity vector splitting are studied and evaluated. Staggered and unstaggered Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta time integration methods are analysed in terms of phase and amplitude error to identify which method is the most accurate and efficient for simulating microwave heating processes. The implementation and migration of typical electromagnetic boundary conditions. from staggered in space to cell-centred approaches also is deliberated. In particular, an existing perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary methodology is adapted to formulate a new cell-centred boundary implementation for the ccFV-TD solvers. Finally for microwave heating purposes, a comparison of analytical and numerical results for standard case studies in rectangular waveguides allows the accuracy of the developed methods to be assessed.