915 resultados para clinical experience
Hypertrophic scars are common problems and represent a challenging condition to treat. Fractional photothermolysis has been effective at resurfacing photodamaged skin, acne scars, and atrophic scars, but there are few reports on its use for hypertrophic scars. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser treatment of hypertrophic scars in eight patients. Eight patients (skin phototypes II-IV) with hypertrophic scars received monthly treatments with a 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser. Energy settings ranged from 35 to 50 mJ, and eight to 10 passes were applied with treatment levels 6 to 8. An independent physician evaluator assessed the treatment response by comparing pre- and posttreatment clinical photographs using a quartile grading scale (grade 1, <= 25%=minimal to no improvement; grade 2, 26-50%=moderate improvement; grade 3, 51-75%=marked improvement; grade 4, > 75%=near total improvement. At four weeks after the last treatment session, a mean grade of 2.4 was achieved based on an independent physician`s clinical assessment. Improvement in pigmentation occurred in all hyperpigmented scars. Hypertrophic scars can be effectively and safely improved with 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser treatment. The authors have indicated no significant interest with commercial supporters.
Infancy and early childhood are characterized by a dynamic and ever changing process. Since the beginning of their clinical work at the Infancy Unit, the authors were concerned with individual assessment and the questions about the role played by parents as well as by babies in pathology and intervention.In this article, the authors begin with a description of the path that led them to the selection of DC 0–3 as a diagnostic classification system and how this has been instrumental in helping them to better define infant psychopathology and guide them in treatment orientations. Next, they present the results of the applicationof Axis I and II of DC: 0–3 in their clinical population in the years 1997, 1998, and 1999. The objectives of this study were to learn more about the distribution of mental disorders in a clinical population up tofour years of age. The authors attempted to separate infants at risk for developing psychic disorders from those presenting current psychopathology as well as the possible influence of demographic features on this distribution, to define a target population and design adapted therapeutic measures. The identification of these objectives provides the rationale for the use of a diagnostic tool, like DC: 0–3, which is essential to plan clinical activity, to evaluate therapeutic efficacy, and to develop specific programs.
PURPOSE: To report a series of 73 patients with endocrine exophthalmos treated by removal of orbital fat using the transpalpebral approach during the period 1989 to 1999. METHODS: The operation was performed according to the technique described by Olivari. Aesthetic analysis was done preoperatively and postoperatively (more than 6 months after surgery). The number of complications was also observed. RESULTS: The average volume of resected fat was approximately 7.6 mL per orbit. No major complication was observed. In 9 patients with epiphora, all improved. One patient developed postoperative diplopia and 5 complained of temporary diplopia. Appearance improved in 62 patients (85%). CONCLUSION: Surgical removal of orbital fat associated with endocrine exophthalmos provides consistent improvement in appearance with a low rate of complications. Additional procedures may be indicated to improve the cosmetic outcome.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the initial clinical experience of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR) in patients with severe diffuse coronary artery disease. METHODS: Between February, 1998 and February, 1999, 20 patients were submitted to TMLR at the Heart Institute (InCor), University of São Paulo Medical School, Brazil, isolated or in association with conventional coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). All patients had severe diffuse coronary artery disease, with angina functional class III/IV (Canadian Cardiovascular Society score) unresponsive to medical therapy. Fourteen patients were submitted to TMLR as the sole therapy, whereas 6 underwent concomitant CABG. Fifty per cent of the patients had either been previously submitted to a CABG or to a percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Mean age was 60 years, ranging from 45 to 74 years. RESULTS: All patients had three-vessel disease, with normal or mildly impaired left ventricular global function. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 13 months (mean 6.6 months), with no postoperative short or long term mortality. There was significant symptom improvement after the procedure, with 85% of the patients free of angina, and the remaining 15 % of the patients showing improvement in functional class, as well as in exercise tolerance. CONCLUSION: This novel technique can be considered a low risk alternative for a highly selected group of patients not suitable for conventional revascularization procedures.
OBJECTIVE - To describe clinical observations of marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction in a medical office environment under circumstances differing from those in study protocols and multicenter studies performed in hospital or with outpatient cohorts. METHODS - Eleven cardiac failure patients with marked ventricular dysfunction receiving treatment at a doctors office between 1994 and 1999 were studied. Their ages ranged from 20 and 66 years (mean 39.42±14.05 years); 7 patients were men, 4 were women. Cardiopathic etiologies were arterial hypertension in 5 patients, peripartum cardiomyopathy in 2, nondefined myocarditis in 2, and alcoholic cardiomyopathy in 4. Initial echocardiograms revealed left ventricular dilatation (average diastolic diameter, 69.45±8.15mm), reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (0.38±0.08) and left atrial dilatation (43.36±5.16mm). The therapeutic approach followed consisted of patient orientation, elimination of etiological or causal factors of cardiac failure, and prescription of digitalis, diuretics, and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors. RESULTS - Following treatment, left ventricular ejection fraction changed to 0.63±0.09; left ventricular diameters changed to 57.18±8.13mm, and left atrium diameters changed to 37.27±8.05mm. Maximum improvement was noted after 16.9±8.63 (6 to 36) months. CONCLUSION - Patients with serious cardiac failure and ventricular dysfunction caused by hypertension, alcoholism, or myocarditis can experience marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction after undergoing appropriate therapy within the venue of the doctor's office.
INTRODUCTION: Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging is an MRI perfusion technique that uses a diffusion-weighted sequence with multiple b values and a bi-compartmental signal model to measure the so-called pseudo-diffusion of blood caused by its passage through the microvascular network. The goal of the current study was to assess the feasibility of IVIM perfusion fraction imaging in patients with acute stroke. METHODS: Images were collected in 17 patients with acute stroke. Exclusion criteria were onset of symptoms to imaging >5 days, hemorrhagic transformation, infratentorial lesions, small lesions <0.5 cm in minimal diameter and hemodynamic instability. IVIM imaging was performed at 3 T, using a standard spin-echo Stejskal-Tanner pulsed gradients diffusion-weighted sequence, using 16 b values from 0 to 900 s/mm(2). Image quality was assessed by two radiologists, and quantitative analysis was performed in regions of interest placed in the stroke area, defined by thresholding the apparent diffusion coefficient maps, as well as in the contralateral region. RESULTS: IVIM perfusion fraction maps showed an area of decreased perfusion fraction f in the region of decreased apparent diffusion coefficient. Quantitative analysis showed a statistically significant decrease in both IVIM perfusion fraction f (0.026 ± 0.019 vs. 0.056 ± 0.025, p = 2.2 · 10(-6)) and diffusion coefficient D compared with the contralateral side (3.9 ± 0.79 · 10(-4) vs. 7.5 ± 0.86 · 10(-4) mm(2)/s, p = 1.3 · 10(-20)). CONCLUSION: IVIM perfusion fraction imaging is feasible in acute stroke. IVIM perfusion fraction is significantly reduced in the visible infarct. Further studies should evaluate the potential for IVIM to predict clinical outcome and treatment response.
The treatment of back pain patients refers to the biopsychosocial model of care. This model includes illness in patient's personal and relational life. In this context, it is not only the physical symptom of the patient which is focused but also his psychological distress often hidden by algic complain. Clinical interviews conducted with back pain patients have highlighted psychosocial aspects able to influence the relationship between health care user and provider. Taking account of psychosocial aspects implies an interdisciplinary approach that identify and assesses patients' needs through adequate tools. As a result, the different health care providers implied with back pain patients have to collaborate in a structured network.
Background. Des études précédentes ont démontré l'efficacité et la tolérance de l'adalimumab chez les patients avec maladie de Crohn modérée ou sévère. Les patients qu'on rencontre dans la pratique quotidienne peuvent être différents des patients rigoureusement sélectionnés dans les études contrôlées.But. Dans ce travail, nous résumons notre expérience avec l'adalimumab durant une période de 3 ans.Méthodes. Nous avons analysé rétrospectivement les dossiers de 55 patients atteints d'une maladie de Crohn modérée ou sévère et traités par adalimumab dans les hôpitaux universitaires de Bâle, Zurich, Genève et Lausanne, ainsi que dans un cabinet médical à Olten. Les informations collectées étaient les suivantes : données démographiques, localisation, phénotype et durée de la maladie, traitements chirurgicaux précédents, traitements précédents par anti-TNF alpha ou immunosuppresseur, le traitement concomitant et l'activité de la maladie à la « baseline » et durant le traitement. La sévérité de la maladie à l'inclusion a été établie en utilisant le score Harvey- Bradshaw Index (HBI). Durant le traitement, la rémission a été définie avec un HBI<4 et la réponse comme une réduction de l'HBI de plus de 3 points. L'analyse de régression logistique univariée a été utilisée pour déterminer si les variables étudiées étaient associées à la réponse ou à la rémission durant le traitement.Résultats. L'âge moyen des patients a été de 37.5 ± 11.4 ans et la durée moyenne de maladie à été de 12.7 ans. 29 des 55 patients étaient des fumeurs. Le traitement d'induction a été effectué chez 31 patients avec l'adalimumab en sous-cutané 160 mg à la semaine 0 et 80 mg à la semaine 2 et chez 24 patients avec 80 mg à la semaine 0 et 40 mg à la semaine 2. Le traitement d'entretien a été de 40 mg en sous-cutané toutes les 2 semaines. 13 patients (23.6%) ont nécessité l'augmentation de la dose d'adalimumab pour maintenir la rémission ou la réponse.Le taux de rémission et de réponse à la semaine 4-6 était de 52.7%, respectivement 83.6%. La rémission a été maintenue aux semaines 12, 24 et 52 chez 89.6%, 72.4%, respectivement 44.7% des patients. Le taux de rémission et de réponse n'a pas été influencé par le tabagisme, la location ou la durée de la maladie, la dose totale donnée durant le premier mois de traitement, la dose d'adalimumab par kilogramme-corps ou par le traitement précédent par infliximab. La rémission à la semaine 4-6 a été significativement plus élevée chez les patients intolérants à l'infliximab comparativement à ceux qui avaient perdu la réponse à l'infliximab (78.9% vs 42.1%, p=0.02). Le traitement par adalimumab a été bien toléré. Les effets secondaires les plus signalés ont été : la douleur au site d'injection (10.9%), l'asthénie (9%) et des infections (7.2%).Conclusions. L'adalimumab a démontré une bonne efficacité et tolérance dans la pratique quotidienne chez les patients avec une maladie de Crohn modérée ou sévère.
The Admiral, a new microporous membrane oxygenator with a low surface area, decreased priming volume and two separate reservoirs, was tested in 30 adult patients. This study was undertaken to evaluate blood path resistance, gas exchange capabilities and blood trauma in clinical use, with and without shed blood separation. Patients were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 had valve surgery without separation of suction, Group 2 had coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) with direct blood aspiration and Group 3 had coronary artery bypass grafting with shed blood separation. The suctioned, separated, cardiotomy blood in Group 3 was treated with an autotransfusion device at the end of bypass before being returned to the patient. Theoretical blood flow could be achieved in all cases without problem. The pressure drop through the oxygenator averaged 88 +/- 13 mmHg at 4 l/min and 109 +/- 12 mmHg at 5 l/min. O(2) transfer was 163 +/- 27 ml/min. Free plasma haemoglobin rose in all groups, but significantly less in group 3. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) rose significantly in Groups 1 and 2. Platelets decreased in all groups without significant differences. Clinical experience with this new oxygenator was safe, the reduced membrane surface did not impair gas exchange and blood trauma could be minimized easily by separating shed blood, using the second cardiotomy reservoir.
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) biosynthesis from nicotinamide is used by mammalian cells to replenish their NAD+ stores and to avoid unwanted nicotinamide accumulation. Pharmacological inhibition of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT), the key enzyme in this biosynthetic pathway, almost invariably leads to intracellular NAD+ depletion and, when protracted, to ATP shortage and cell demise. Cancer cells and activated immune cells express high levels of NAMPT and are highly susceptible to NAMPT inhibitors, as shown by the activity of these agents in models of malignant and inflammatory disorders. As the spectrum of conditions which could benefit from pharmacological NAMPT inhibition becomes broader, the mechanisms accounting for their activity are also eventually becoming apparent, including the induction of autophagy and the impairment of Ca(2+) - and NF-κB-dependent signaling. Here, we discuss the rationales for exploiting NAMPT inhibitors in cancer and inflammatory diseases and provide an overview of the preclinical and clinical studies in which these agents have been evaluated.
BACKGROUND: In large randomized multicenter trials, ranibizumab has shown its therapeutic efficacy for exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The aim of this paper is to report the real-life clinical experience with this treatment for occult and minimally classic membranes without pigment epithelium detachment. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 37 patients with occult and minimally classic neovascular membranes in AMD, without pigment epithelium detachment. RESULTS: The mean visual improvement of 2 lines at 3, 6 and 9 months corresponds well with the results of the large trials. A mean number of 5 reinjections was reached by month 8. It may potentially exceed the mean 5.5 injections of the PrONTO study (prospective optical coherence tomography imaging of patients with neovascular AMD treated with intraocular ranibizumab). At months 6-8 recurrence was frequently observed. CONCLUSION: The early experience of ranibizumab in clinical practice brings similarly good results as the large-scale trials. However, interrupting the treatment too early may be a disadvantage.
Clinical Experience with Immune Monitoring for Cytomegalovirus in Solid-Organ Transplant Recipients.
Novel strategies are needed to further reduce the burden of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in solid-organ transplant (SOT) recipients. Measurement of the specific cell-mediated immunity against CMV can identify the actual risk for the development of CMV disease in a given patient. Thus, immune monitoring is an attractive strategy for individualizing the management of CMV after transplantation. A growing number of observational studies on immune monitoring for CMV have been published over recent years, although there is a lack of data coming from interventional trials. In high-risk patients, measurement of CMV-specific T-cell responses appropriately stratifies the risk of CMV disease after discontinuation of antiviral prophylaxis. Immune monitoring may also help to identify patients followed by the preemptive approach at low risk for progression to CMV disease. Pretransplant assessment of cell-mediated immunity in seropositive patients may predict the development of posttransplant CMV infection. Overall, these studies indicate that the use of cell-mediated immunity assays has the potential to improve the management of CMV disease in SOT recipients.
Nilotinib, a novel tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) that inhibits BCR-ABL, the stem cell factor receptor (KIT), and platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha (PDGFRα), is approved for the treatment of patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and those with CML that is imatinib-resistant or -intolerant. Due to its potent inhibition of KIT and PDGFRα--the two tyrosine kinases that are the central oncogenic mechanisms of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST)--nilotinib also has been investigated for potential efficacy and safety in patients with GIST who have progressed on other approved treatments. Initial results have been encouraging, as nilotinib has demonstrated clinical efficacy and safety in a phase I trial as either a single agent or in combination with imatinib, as well as in heavily pretreated patients with GIST in a compassionate use program. In addition, the phase III trial of nilotinib versus best supportive care (with or without a TKI at the investigator's discretion) indicated that nilotinib may have efficacy in some third-line patients. Furthermore, the Evaluating Nilotinib Efficacy and Safety in Clinical Trials (ENEST g1 trial), a phase III randomized, open-label study comparing the safety and efficacy of imatinib versus nilotinib in the first-line treatment of patients with GIST, is currently under way. Other studies with nilotinib either have been initiated or are in development. Based on published and accruing clinical data, nilotinib shows potential as a new drug in the clinician's armamentarium for the management of GIST.
BACKGROUND: Controlled clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of adalimumab in patients with moderate-to-severe Crohn's disease (CD), but there is, however, only limited long-term experience with adalimumab in daily practice. AIM: To assess the long-term effectiveness and safety of adalimumab in a multicenter cohort of practice-based patients with moderate-to-severe CD. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of CD patients who received adalimumab over a 3-year period. Disease severity was scored using the Harvey-Bradshaw index (HBI). Remission was defined as an HBI of <or=4 and response as a reduction in the HBI of >3 points at evaluation compared to the baseline. Univariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify the predictive variables associated with response. RESULTS: The charts of 55 patients were reviewed; remission and response rates observed at weeks 4-6 were 52.7 and 83.6%, respectively. Remission was maintained at weeks 12, 24 and 52 in 89.6, 72.4 and 44.7% of patients, respectively. Remission and response rates were not influenced by smoking status, disease location or duration, the first month total dose, or previous infliximab therapy. The remission rate at weeks 4-6 was significantly higher in patients intolerant of infliximab as compared to those who lost response to this drug. Adalimumab was well tolerated overall. CONCLUSION: Adalimumab can be considered a suitable option in patients with moderate-to-severe CD, demonstrating sustained long-term effectiveness.