9 resultados para cleantech
Este trabalho procura identificar e analisar as particularidades inerentes ao investimento em tecnologias limpas (Cleantech) no Brasil que fazem destes ativos uma classe tão promissora ao investimento da indústria de Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC). Foram conduzidas entrevistas semi-estruturadas em profundidade com alguns gestores de fundos de PE/VC do mercado brasileiro, e três estudos de caso: uma empresa num segmento do setor agrícola (aquicultura), uma empresa de reciclagem de resíduos sólidos e uma empresa de energia limpa. Uma indústria com histórico de sucesso na promoção de tecnologias hoje essenciais para o dia a dia da sociedade, habituada a financiar projetos nas áreas de internet, software, tecnologia da informação (TI), telecomunicação e saúde, agora, mostra-se cada vez mais interessada em financiar projetos que endereçam a problemática das mudanças climáticas. Principalmente projetos que abordam os temas mais sensíveis às questões climáticas como geração de energia, agricultura, água, resíduos, eficiência energética e industrial. Os estudos de caso e as entrevistas tornam evidentes diversas particularidades do investimento em Cleantech. Trata-se de projetos intensivos em capital e, em alguns casos, com longos períodos de maturação. São altamente dependentes de políticas públicas que regulamentem e incentivem sua adoção, não só nos estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento, mas também favorecendo seu ganho de escala. Não podem ser empregados em qualquer localização pois dependem da vocação geográfica da localidade onde serão instalados. Em muitos casos, apresentam custos iniciais superiores às tecnologias vigentes relacionados principalmente ao estágio tecnológico em que se encontram e à curva de aprendizado. Conclui que tais particularidades não limitam o interesse da indústria de PE/VC, pelo contrário, muitas delas favorecem o investimento de capital de risco na medida em que reduzem determinados riscos do investimento.
“The process of innovation is often seen as being very linear, with research results, new technologies or user insights being channelled, often prematurely, into specific products and process” (Kyffin and Gardien 2009). It is precisely this perception of innovation-as-linear-process which this paper seeks to challenge. While there are many current theories and much contemporary literature available which discuss the management and catalysts of innovation, what is missing are examples of how innovation occurs from the application of these theories and literature (Wrigley & Bucolo 2010). This paper addresses both this gap and perceptions of the viability of linear innovation by presenting a case study for the commercialisation of a core technology (a cleantech, semi-portable mass-energy generator posited as a direct competitor to conventional energy provision systems), within an 18-month timeframe by the use of the Design-Led Innovation approach: “a process of creating a sustainable competitive advantage by radically changing the customer value proposition” (Bucolo & Matthews 2011).
Australia's history of developing and managing the intellectual property rights of domestic innovations is – at best – mixed. The relevant immaturity of Australia's public sector commercialisation infrastructure has, over recent decades, been the subject of both stinging academic commentary and not insubstantial juridical disbelief. That said, improvements have been observed, and increasingly, private sector involvement in public sector innovation has allowed for a deepening refinement of domestic approaches to IP retention and ongoing management. Rather than a bare critique of Australia's IP management track-record, or a call for specific law reform, this manual engages at a more practical level some of the foundational questions that ought be asked by entities involved in the 'cleantech' industries. Beginning simply at what is IP and why it matters, this manual examines the models of IP management available to market participants around the world. The process of IP management is defined and assessed through a commercial lens; assessing the 'pros' and 'cons' of each management choice with a view to equipping the reader to determine which approach may be best adapted to their given clean tech project. The manual concludes with a brief survey of alternative models of Intellectual Property management, including relevant examples from overseas and prominent suggestions arising out of the academic discourse. It appears inevitable that the global warming challenge will prompt specific legislative, regulatory and multi-lateral responses by nation states, however, the ultimate form of any such response remains a highly contested political and social issue. Accordingly, the structure of this manual, and the discussion points raised herein, seek introduce the reader to some of the more contentious debates occurring around the world at the intersection between IP and climate change.
Integrating renewable energy into built environments requires additional attention to the balancing of supply and demand due to their intermittent nature. Demand Side Response (DSR) has the potential to make money for organisations as well as support the System Operator as the generation mix changes. There is an opportunity to increase the use of existing technologies in order to manage demand. Company-owned standby generators are a rarely used resource; their maintenance schedule often accounts for a majority of their running hours. DSR encompasses a range of technologies and organisations; Sustainability First (2012) suggest that the System Operator (SO), energy supply companies, Distribution Network Operators (DNOs), Aggregators and Customers all stand to benefit from DSR. It is therefore important to consider impact of DSR measures to each of these stakeholders. This paper assesses the financial implications of organisations using existing standby generation equipment for DSR in order to avoid peak electricity charges. It concludes that under the current GB electricity pricing structure, there are several regions where running diesel generators at peak times is financially beneficial to organisations. Issues such as fuel costs, Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) charges, maintenance costs and electricity prices are discussed.
Krise quantitativen Wachstums, globale Nutzungskonflikte, Legitimitäts - probleme von Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft: Die Innovationsfrage stellt sich im Zeichen nachhaltiger Entwicklung umfassend als Frage der Gesellschaftlichen, also der kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Eine SAGUF-Tagung widmet sich dem Innovationsfeld Cleantech: Kann Cleantech tiefgreifende Innovationen in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit katalysieren?
Real economic imbalances can lead to financial crisis. The current unsustainable use of our environment is such an imbalance. Financial shocks can be triggered by either intensified environmental policies, cleantech breakthroughs (both resulting in the stranding of unsustainable assets), or the economic costs of crossing ecological boundaries (eg floods and droughts due to climate change). Financial supervisors and risk managers have so far paid little attention to this ecological dimension, allowing systemic financial imbalances resulting from ecological pressures to build up. Inattention also leads to missed economic and financial opportunities from the sustainability transition.
Haastava taloustilanne ja kiristynyt kilpailu pakottaa yritykset kehittämään uusia keinoja kilpailukyvyn parantamiseksi. Työn tavoitteena on löytää toimivia ratkaisuja kestävien arvoehdotelmien kommunikoinnille. Tutkimus on tehty suomalaisten puhdasta teknologiaa tarjoavien pk-yritysten näkökulmasta. Työ pyrkii selvittämään kuinka cleantech-yritykset voivat havainnollistaa ja markkinoida ympäristöystävällisten ratkaisujen tuomia arvoja. Työ sisältää kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja empiriaosion, joka koostuu alan yritysten haastattelujen tuloksista ja näiden analysoinnista. Kirjallisuuskatsaus antaa kattavan kuvan siitä, minkälaista lisäarvoa cleantech-yritysten tarjoomat tuottavat asiakkaille. Yrityshaastattelujen avulla kartoitettiin kestävien arvoehdotelmien kommunikoinnin todellista nykytilaa Suomessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja haastattelujen pohjalta selviää, miten yritykset käytännössä demonstroivat ja kommunikoivat erilaisia asiakashyötyjä sekä siinä kohtaamansa suurimmat haasteet. Työssä selvitettiin erilaisia käytössä olevia kommunikointikeinoja ja niitä tukevia käytäntöjä, joiden pohjalta työn loppuun on koottu parhaat käytännöt suomalaisille cleantech-alan pk-yrityksille.