1000 resultados para classificação de proteínas


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As proteínas oxigenases com ferro não hêmico compartilham um domínio conservado composto por oito histidinas, podem ser encontradas em organismos eucariotos e procariotos, e participam de importantes vias de biossíntese lipídica. Para compreender a relação evolutiva existente entre essas proteínas, foram realizadas análises comparativa e filogenética em procariotos e eucariotos que permitiram uma classificação dessa família, até então inexistente. A busca de seqüências resultou, após a curadoria, em uma coleção de 448 proteínas, pertencentes a 58 organismos previamente selecionados dentro dos principais taxa. O alinhamento múltiplo de seqüências gerado com a ferramenta MAFFT (BLOSUM 62; L-INS-i) mostrou a presença do domínio de histidinas com espaçamento conservado entre os motivos. A classificação das proteínas feita com o software CLANS gerou 28 grupos a partir da similaridade entre pares de seqüências. Dentre esses, 2 contêm seqüências que não tiveram similaridade com proteínas já caracterizadas e 48 seqüências não foram atribuídas a quaisquer dos grupos formados. As seqüências de plantas, representadas por 119 seqüências da coleção, foram distribuídas em 7 grupos correspondentes às funções C4 metilesterol monoxigenase, C5 esterol desaturase, ácido graxo hidroxilase, esfingolipídeo C4 monooxigenase, aldeído decarbonilase, β-caroteno hidroxilase e Acil-ACP desaturase. A análise filogenética, utilizando o método de máxima verossimilhança com a ferramenta PhyML, mostrou a formação de grupos bem definidos e que foram similares aos gerados por CLANS. Esses resultados começam a preencher a lacuna existente até o momento acerca da relação evolutiva e da classificação das oxigenases com ferro não hêmico. Além disso, sugerem que dentro dessa família ainda há proteínas com funções desconhecidas, reforçando a necessidade de realizar mais estudos de caracterização funcional das mesmas.


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Fibras alimentares obtidas de cotilédones de soja original (FAO) e micronizada (FAM) foram fracionadas e avaliadas quanto a polissacarídeos e monossacarídeos constituintes. O componente majoritário foi a hemicelulose, totalizando 59% em FAO e 51% na FAM, a pectina representou em média 14% e a celulose 8,5%. As duas amostras de fibras apresentaram 17 mg.g-1 de ácidos urônicos e a mesma composição de monossacarídeos, sendo galactose, glicose e arabinose/ramnose os principais componentes. As proteínas de concentrado protéico, farinha desengordurada e fibras alimentares (FAO e FAM) foram avaliadas quanto à solubilidade em diferentes solventes (NaCl, água, etanol e NaOH) e quanto ao peso molecular. A farinha desengordurada de soja teve a maior parte das proteínas passível de extração com solução salina, e o concentrado protéico e as fibras de cotilédones com solução alcalina. A fração protéica que não foi extraída com nenhum dos quatro solventes utilizados permaneceu no resíduo, o maior percentual estava no concentrado, seguido pela fibra alimentar micronizada e a farinha, já a menor quantidade estava na fibra alimentar original. A eletroforese das proteínas dos quatro ingredientes alimentares mostrou as subunidades que constituem as frações β-conglicinina e glicinina. Bandas com peso molecular próximo aos 30 kDa foram reveladas nas proteínas extraídas das fibras de cotilédones de soja, sendo provavelmente glicoproteínas de parede celular, ricas em hidroxiprolina.


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In this work we used chemometric tools to classify and quantify the protein content in samples of milk powder. We applied the NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy combined with multivariate techniques. First, we carried out an exploratory method of samples by principal component analysis (PCA), then the classification of independent modeling of class analogy (SIMCA). Thus it became possible to classify the samples that were grouped by similarities in their composition. Finally, the techniques of partial least squares regression (PLS) and principal components regression (PCR) allowed the quantification of protein content in samples of milk powder, compared with the Kjeldahl reference method. A total of 53 samples of milk powder sold in the metropolitan areas of Natal, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro were acquired for analysis, in which after pre-treatment data, there were four models, which were employed for classification and quantification of samples. The methods employed after being assessed and validated showed good performance, good accuracy and reliability of the results, showing that the NIR technique can be a non invasive technique, since it produces no waste and saves time in analyzing the samples


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As efusões são problemas clínicos frequentes e que ocorrem em consequência de uma enfermidade que culmine com diminuição da pressão coloidosmótica intravascular, elevação da pressão hidrostática local, aumento da permeabilidade vascular e/ou comprometimento da drenagem realizada pelos vasos linfáticos. Dessa maneira, a avaliação laboratorial desse fluido torna-se relevante para que, em conjunto com os sinais clínicos apresentados pelo paciente, possa ser firmado um possível diagnóstico e instituída ação terapêutica adequada. Assim sendo, a classificação de uma efusão em transudato ou exsudato torna-se um dos pontos críticos para a elucidação do diagnóstico e condução do caso clínico. em Medicina Veterinária, o método tradicional de classificação de uma efusão é baseado na contagem celular e na concentração de proteínas do fluido. Contudo, diversos estudos evidenciam que tais parâmetros não são suficientes para a correta classificação de todas as efusões. Assim, o presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de verificar a correlação de outros parâmetros bioquímicos com a diferenciação das efusões transudativas e exsudativas e, para tal, foram avaliadas as atividades de lacatato desidrogenase (LDH) das efusões, a relação de sua atividade fluido/soro, concentração de lactato das efusões, o gradiente de concentração de lactato do soro para o fluido e a concentração de proteínas das efusões. Os resultados obtidos permitiram observar que a atividade de LDH, a relação LDH efusão/soro, a concentração de lactato e o gradiente de concentração de lactato soro/efusão apresentam diferença estatisticamente significativa (P<0,05), bem como alta correlação com a classificação de uma efusão exsudativa.


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Nowadays, classifying proteins in structural classes, which concerns the inference of patterns in their 3D conformation, is one of the most important open problems in Molecular Biology. The main reason for this is that the function of a protein is intrinsically related to its spatial conformation. However, such conformations are very difficult to be obtained experimentally in laboratory. Thus, this problem has drawn the attention of many researchers in Bioinformatics. Considering the great difference between the number of protein sequences already known and the number of three-dimensional structures determined experimentally, the demand of automated techniques for structural classification of proteins is very high. In this context, computational tools, especially Machine Learning (ML) techniques, have become essential to deal with this problem. In this work, ML techniques are used in the recognition of protein structural classes: Decision Trees, k-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Neural Networks. These methods have been chosen because they represent different paradigms of learning and have been widely used in the Bioinfornmatics literature. Aiming to obtain an improvment in the performance of these techniques (individual classifiers), homogeneous (Bagging and Boosting) and heterogeneous (Voting, Stacking and StackingC) multiclassification systems are used. Moreover, since the protein database used in this work presents the problem of imbalanced classes, artificial techniques for class balance (Undersampling Random, Tomek Links, CNN, NCL and OSS) are used to minimize such a problem. In order to evaluate the ML methods, a cross-validation procedure is applied, where the accuracy of the classifiers is measured using the mean of classification error rate, on independent test sets. These means are compared, two by two, by the hypothesis test aiming to evaluate if there is, statistically, a significant difference between them. With respect to the results obtained with the individual classifiers, Support Vector Machine presented the best accuracy. In terms of the multi-classification systems (homogeneous and heterogeneous), they showed, in general, a superior or similar performance when compared to the one achieved by the individual classifiers used - especially Boosting with Decision Tree and the StackingC with Linear Regression as meta classifier. The Voting method, despite of its simplicity, has shown to be adequate for solving the problem presented in this work. The techniques for class balance, on the other hand, have not produced a significant improvement in the global classification error. Nevertheless, the use of such techniques did improve the classification error for the minority class. In this context, the NCL technique has shown to be more appropriated


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry was used to determine Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu in samples of processed and natural coconut water. The sample preparation consisted in a filtration step followed by a dilution. The analysis was made employing optimized instrumental parameters and the results were evaluated using methods of Pattern Recognition. The data showed common concentration values for the analytes present in processed and natural samples. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) indicated that the samples of different kinds were statistically different when the concentrations of all the analytes were considered simultaneously.


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By the year 2005 the world biochemical market will reach an estimated $ 100 billion and separation processes are a vital link between lab discoveries and the fulfillment of this commercialization potential. The practical application of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) to extraction processes has been exploited for several years for the recovery of biological products. Unfortunately, this has not resulted in an extensive presence of the technique in commercial processes. In this paper a critical overview of the fundamental thermodynamic properties related to formation of aqueous two-phase systems and their application to extraction and purification of bioparticules is presented.


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Remotely sensed imagery has been widely used for land use/cover classification thanks to the periodic data acquisition and the widespread use of digital image processing systems offering a wide range of classification algorithms. The aim of this work was to evaluate some of the most commonly used supervised and unsupervised classification algorithms under different landscape patterns found in Rondônia, including (1) areas of mid-size farms, (2) fish-bone settlements and (3) a gradient of forest and Cerrado (Brazilian savannah). Comparison with a reference map based on the kappa statistics resulted in good to superior indicators (best results - K-means: k=0.68; k=0.77; k=0.64 and MaxVer: k=0.71; k=0.89; k=0.70 respectively for three areas mentioned). Results show that choosing a specific algorithm requires to take into account both its capacity to discriminate among various spectral signatures under different landscape patterns as well as a cost/benefit analysis considering the different steps performed by the operator performing a land cover/use map. it is suggested that a more systematic assessment of several options of implementation of a specific project is needed prior to beginning a land use/cover mapping job.


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The creation of the Brazilian Program for the Modernization of the Horticulture by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supplying of the State of São Paulo at CEAGESP, determined the standardization of fruit and vegetables in the follow aspects: degree of coloration, format, calibers, defects and packing. Therefore, the main goal of this research is to correlate the classification given by the Brazilian Program with the one used by the wholesalers at CEAGESP, verifying if the established norms are being fulfilled for cultivar Carmen and Debora (SAKATA SEED). The results showed, that for cultivar Carmem, for the averages of the observed values it does not move away from the norms created by the Program for sizes small and medium. However, for the case of cultivar Debora, the results showed differences between the adopted classifications. The tomatoes were devaluated, because had been commercialized below of the standardization indicated for the Brazilian Program.


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Quality evaluation of classification was done in two fresh market tomatoes packing house, using electronically and mechanical equipments in two harvest periods, summer and winter seasons. The main goal of this work was to evaluate size and color grading conformity with the standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization and size grading obtainded with the one established by the packer. The cultivar studied was Carmen. The results showed that there was no grade conformity with the fresh tomato quality standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization. The grade conformity obtained when compared with the one programmed by the packer, was only for large sizes, in both equipments. The electronically equipment has presented better performance, over the mechanical, considering grading quality and fruits post-harvest quality. However, the electronically equipment must be constantly monitored to achieve efficiency and investment return. On the other side, for mechanical equipment it will be necessary to review the actual system of size grading, in order to follow the fresh tomato quality standards.


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On the last years, in Brazil, sorting and classifying fruits and vegetables using packing lines have increased. This work aimed at characterizing the cleaning process for fresh market tomatoes at two packing lines, one imported and one national located at Campinas, São Paulo State. Characterization included data, number, types and brushes velocity, water use, fruit standing time and cleaning efficiency. Standing time was measured correlating to fruit diameter (CEAGESP). For measuring cleaning efficiency an equipment was developed that was mainly composed of a ring involved with white cloth. Samples were taken before and after the cleaning step and evaluated using a colorimeter HUNTER Lab. The results showed a strong difference between the two equipments. The imported equipment showed lower number on brushes and rotation than national one, however a higher water consumption. For imported equipments this relation was not found. Both packing lines showed the same cleaning efficiency. Cleaning efficiency is related to be an interaction among the studies parameters, and it could be necessary a better management than the one used on both equipments.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física