974 resultados para civic virtue


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This paper examines the social licence to operate (SLO) of Western Australia's (WA's) mining industry in the context of the state's ‘developmentalist’ agenda. We draw on the findings of a multi-disciplinary body of new research on the risks and challenges posed byWA's mining industry for environmental, social and economic sustainability. We synthesise the findings of this work against the backdrop of the broader debates on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and resource governance. In light of the data presented, this paper takes issue with the mining sector's SLO and its assessment of social and environmental impacts in WA for three inter-related reasons. A state government ideologically wedded to resource-led growth is seen to offer the resource sector a political licence to operate and to give insufficient attention to its potential social and environmental impacts. As a result, the resource sector can adopt a self-serving CSR agenda built on a limited win–win logic and operate with a ‘quasi social licence’ that is restricted to mere economic legitimacy. Overall, this paper problematises the political-cum-commercial construction and neoliberalisation of the SLO and raises questions about the impact of mining in WA.


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Kingley Henderson was an influential architect and community leader in interwar Melbourne. This biographical study establishes the importance of his contributions to architecture, politics and in the public arena in the 1920s and 30s and restores him to his rightful place in Melbourne's history.


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Much scholarship laments a decline in civic participation and community social capital in a changing media world. But the concept of “civicness” remains important to functioning societies across the globe. This research borrows from the cultural turn in studies of media, communication and citizenship to examine civic as culture, anchored in the practices and symbolic milieu of everyday life. As its theoretical entry point, this research paper positions civic as virtue. Drawing on scholars from Aristotle to Pierre Bourdieu, civic virtue may be understood as a perceived moral obligation to serve the common good, especially the interests of a “community” in which individuals and/or groups are connected. In particular, the research extends Bourdieu's ideas to consider news media as a powerful institution alongside the state that may claim monopoly over the manipulation of civic virtue under certain social conditions. Civic virtue offers much in discussions about media power in the digital age and its relationship to the future viability and legitimacy of news media. The research draws on exemplars from a study into digitally mediated civic participation in a rural/regional Australian context to position certain local media as “keepers” and “conferrers” of civic virtue in the social settings they serve.


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The present study investigated the impact of teachers' organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs) on student quality of school life (SQSL) via the indirect effect of job efficacy. A measure of teacher OCBs was developed, tapping one dimension of individual-focused OCB (OCBI – student-directed behaviour) and two dimensions of organization-focused OCB (OCBO – civic virtue and professional development). In line with previous research suggesting that OCBs may enhance job efficacy, as well as studies demonstrating the positive effects of teacher efficacy on student outcomes, we expected an indirect relationship between teachers OCBs and SQSL via teachers' job efficacy. Hypotheses were tested in a multi-level design in which 170 teachers and their students (N=3,057) completed questionnaires. A significant proportion of variance in SQSL was attributable to classroom factors. Analyses revealed that the civic virtue and professional development behaviours of teachers were positively related to their job efficacy. The job efficacy of teachers also had a positive impact on all five indicators of SQSL. In regards to professional development, job efficacy acted as an indirect variable in the prediction of four student outcomes (i.e., general satisfaction, student–teacher relations, achievement, and opportunity) and fully mediated the direct negative effect on psychological distress.


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This chapter examines the ways in which notions of ‘a good citizen’ and ‘civic virtue’ have been conceptualized in the new Civics and Citizenship Curriculum for students in Years 3 – 10 in Australia. It argues that whilst Civics and Citizenship Education (CCE) has, over time and in various ways, been recognized as a significant aspect of Australian education, only recently has attention been given to the relational and multidimensional conceptions of citizenship. Considerations of ‘morality’, ‘a good citizen’ and ‘civic virtue’ offer possibilities to engage with multidimensional notions of citizenship, which acknowledge that citizenship perspectives can be affected by personal, social, spatial and temporary situations (Cogan & Derricott, 2000). In the current statement on national goals for schooling in Australia, which informed the development of CCE, the Melbourne Declaration (MCEETYA, 2008) called for young Australians to be educated to “act with moral and ethical integrity” and be “committed to national values of democracy, equity and justice, and participate in Australia’s civic life” (MCEETYA, 2008, pp. 8–9). The chapter claims that this maximal emphasis (McLaughlin, 1992), based on active, values based and interpretive approaches to democratic citizenship which encourage debate and participation in civil society, was evident in the new Civics and Citizenship Curriculum. However, it contends that the recommendations of the recent Review of the Australian Curriculum: Final report (Australian Government, 2014a & b), will now limit CCE’s potential to deliver the sort of active and informed citizenship heralded by the Melbourne Declaration. This is because the Review advocates for a content-focused minimal (McLaughlin, 1992) emphasis on civic knowledge, with diminished attention to citizenship participation and processes. In doing so, the Review foregrounds conceptions of the ‘good citizen’ in more limited terms of responsibility, obligations and compliance with the status quo.


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Through a detailed examination of two late-Victorian field clubs dedicated to the exploration of alpine botany in the Scottish Highlands, this paper contributes to work on the historical geographies of civic science. By focusing on the scientific and social character of mountain fieldwork it analyses the reciprocal relations between the spaces, practices and science of Highland botanising and wider concerns with sociability, character and civic virtue. In so doing it investigates the transposition of a variety of discursive resources from evolutionism to tourism into the language and practices of botanical science. This focus enables the paper to complicate more general accounts of natural history in the Victorian period and to consider a number of methodological issues relevant to reconstructing the historical geographies of science.


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Os recentes colapsos morais e financeiros de organizações outrora reputadas, que têm ocorrido por todo o mundo, conduziram a comunidade empresarial, a imprensa popular e de negócios, assim como os investigadores a redescobrirem o papel da virtuosidade no contexto organizacional. A presente investigação pretende contribuir para manter este momentum. Procuramos responder à sugestão de alguns autores para que o estudo exploratório de Cameron, Bright e Caza (2004), que relaciona virtuosidade organizacional com desempenho, tenha continuidade, e que a sua medida de virtuosidade seja empregue noutros contextos e em relação a outros resultados (Wright & Goodstein, 2007). Este estudo empírico investiga como (a) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional dos indivíduos explicam os seus níveis de empenhamento organizacional, (b) o empenhamento organizacional influencia os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional, (c) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional predizem directamente os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional, e (d) o empenhamento organizacional medeia a relação entre as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional. Foram inquiridos 212 indivíduos oriundos de 14 organizações do sector industrial. Os indivíduos descreveram as suas percepções de virtuosidade organizacional e o seu empenhamento para com a organização; os seus comportamentos de cidadania organizacional foram relatados pelo respectivo supervisor. Os principais resultados sugerem que (a) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional explicam o empenhamento afectivo e o empenhamento normativo, (b) o empenhamento normativo fomenta os comportamentos altruístas, (c) as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional explicam o desportivismo, a virtude cívica, o altruísmo, e o comportamento de cidadania organizacional global, e (d) o empenhamento normativo medeia a relação entre as percepções de virtuosidade organizacional e o altruísmo. Pesem embora as limitações do estudo, a evidência empírica obtida sugere que a virtuosidade organizacional é digna de um estatuto mais elevado na literatura e que deve ser levada em consideração pela comunidade empresarial.


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The purpose of this thesis was to explore whether there is change in organizational citizenship behaviours in community agency staff following agency adoption of a rights - based service philosophy. Four community agency support staff were interviewed to investigate how residential care providers in services for persons who have intellectual disabilities describe their voluntary job related behaviours following training about human rights. The major finding was that the participants were actively engaged in displaying civic virtue, courtesy, and altruism discretionary behaviours. There was evidence of a post rights training shift in communication patterns with support staff reporting that they used language that prom,oted and advocated for human rights, and reported increased communication exchanges among persons supported by the agency, support staff and managers. Participants also suggested that the individuals they support asserted their rights more frequently and they were more active in their own life choices following rights training.


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La figure du législateur demeure matière à controverse dans la pensée politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Son rôle, consistant à « transformer » la nature humaine en vue de réaliser la vertu civique, a porté certains interprètes à voir dans sa pensée une forme d’autoritarisme. L'erreur de cette interprétation nous apparaît être dans le sens et la portée attribués à l'idée de transformation morale. Cette dernière n'implique pas une transformation radicale des mœurs, mais bien leur parachèvement. Circonscrire cette portée nécessite de concevoir les mœurs comme une matière donnée et qui ne saurait être façonnée indéfiniment, car ses potentialités sont déterminées par son développement historique. Ce caractère décisif attribué par Rousseau au développement historique peut se comprendre à la lumière de sa conception pessimiste de l’évolution des mœurs. D’après cette conception, les mœurs, essentiellement corruptibles, atteignent un stade historique de corruption où elles ne sauraient être parachevées en vertu. Il s’ensuit que seul un peuple dont les mœurs sont non corrompues par le progrès historique a la potentialité d'atteindre la vertu. Ainsi, la tâche du législateur d'effectuer une transformation morale de l'homme doit être entendue non comme celle de créer ex nihilo une nouvelle nature humaine, mais comme celle de parachever les virtualités propres aux mœurs saines.


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Notre recherche a pour but de mieux comprendre les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle et plus particulièrement ce qui peut les favoriser ou les défavoriser. Nous en avons retenu cinq pour notre recherche: les comportements de vertu civique, d’esprit d’équipe, conformistes, de courtoisie et d’altruisme Nous avons choisi d’étudier l’influence des valeurs au travail sur ces comportements et notre objectif est de vérifier l’influence de 28 valeurs au travail sur nos cinq comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Par ailleurs, nous avons choisi d’inclure à notre modèle de recherche la variable des générations. Nous cherchons à savoir si les valeurs au travail peuvent changer en fonction de l’appartenance d’un individu à l’une des 4 générations présentes sur le marché du travail (Vétérans, Baby Boomers, X et Y) et si le fait d’appartenir à une géné-ration plutôt qu’une autre aura un impact sur les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Les données ont été collectées au sein de la firme de sondage l’Observateur. Au total, 278 questionnaires sont utilisables dans le cadre de notre recherche. Des analyses de régression hiérarchiques ont permis de vérifier la capacité explicative des valeurs sur les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Des tests post hoc de Scheffé ont permis de vérifier l’existence de différences de valeurs entre les générations et des analyses de variance nous ont permis de vérifier l’influence des générations sur les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Les résultats indiquent que des liens significatifs existent entre les valeurs et les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle permettant ainsi de confirmer l’influence favorable ou défavorable de certaines valeurs parmi les 28 à l’étude sur nos cinq comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. En ce qui a trait aux différences existan-tes entre nos générations à l’étude, les résultats nous révèlent qu’elles sont beaucoup moins importantes que ce que la littérature nous laisse penser. Finalement, nos résultats ne nous permettent pas de confirmer que certaines générations sont plus disposées que d’autres à adopter des comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle. Mots-clés : valeurs au travail, génération, comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle.


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This article surveys Australian citizenship: its distinctive characteristics in the first half of the twentieth century, and how these were changed by the experience of the two world wars. It argues that Australian citizenship, at the time of Federation, was racially exclusive, imperial, masculine and deeply anchored in the traditional view of the military obligation of the individual to the state. The world wars, especially the war of 1939-45, encouraged some adjustment to these ideas, particularly in terms of the imperial link, women's status and the social rights of Australians. However, these conflicts were fought within a context of imperial loyalty and the intensity of their demands reinforced military service in defence of the nation as the primary civic virtue. The centrality of Anzac to Australian nationalism also perpetuated a gendered dimension to Australian citizenship. The world wars therefore, for all their dramatic impact on the lives of Australian families and the national political culture, did not force a major reconceptualisation of Australian citizenship.


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Desde à muito, os temas, capital social e comportamento de cidadania organizacional (CCO) têm sido extensivamente pesquisado e estudados nos EUA, no entanto estes têm recebido pouca relevância a nível de outros contextos internacionais. Se por um lado, a sua importância e inferência na performance dentro do contexto empresarial têm sido crescente, caracterizando a necessidade de um entendimento cada vez maior por parte das empresas, por outro, o investimento das corporações de grande porte, caminham cada vez mais em direção dos países com crescimento exponencial sustentado, como são o BRIC, o que cna uma necessidade fomentada de pesquisa nesta área de pesquisa para estas regiões. Este estudo pretendeu investigar, avaliar e mapear a influência do capital e do CCO na satisfação de vida e desempenho no trabalho do funcionário de nível superior, no contexto empresarial brasileiro e português, com o objetivo de identificar quais as diferenças existentes nestes duas realidade, devido ao investimento crescente do segundo para com o primeiro. Genericamente, encontramos clara influência das dimensões do CCO tanto para o desempenho no trabalho como para a satisfação de vida do trabalhador, assim como presença também marcada das duas dimensões do capital Social. Mais especificamente, foi entendido pelo nosso estudo que a realidade empresarial brasileira necessita que as empresas criem mecanismos que fomentem os laços entre colegas, a conscienciosidade, altruísmo e virtude cívica dos seus funcionários, pois assim aumentará o desempenho. Já para o contexto português, apenas a conscienciosidade e a virtude apresentaram significativa relação. Desta forma, conclui-se que para o investimento das empresas português no Brasil, estas precisam ter atenção à dimensão estrutural - relação com colegas - promovendo-a e à necessidade patente que os brasileiros têm de ajudar os seus colegas - comportamento altruísta - para aumentar o desempenho no trabalho. No que se refere a satisfação de vida, que se mostrou estreitamente relacionada com o desempenho, o brasileiro apenas precisa notar confiança nos colegas, senti-se altruísta e consciencioso, ao passo que o português necessita criar fortes laços com os colegas, mas não fomentar o comportamento altruístico. Desta forma as empresas investidoras apenas precisam ter atenção mais uma vez a necessidade de prestar ajuda especifica que o brasileiro sente, promovendo workshops com os próprios funcionários, por forma a estes passarem o seu conhecimento, monitorias, estágios, entre outros. Estes resultados demonstraram que cada continente, país (possuidor ou não da mesma língua) e/ou cultura comporta diferenças significativas no contexto empresarial, assim tornase difícil implementar técnicas e comportamentos internacionais e esperar que os resultados sejam exatamente iguais. Este estudo espera dar alguns instrumentos de comparação para que as empresas portuguesas entendam, a este nível, a realidade brasileira.


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In this study, we investigated the relationships between psychological contract breach, affective commitment, and two types of employee performance (i.e. civic virtue behaviour and in-role performance). It was predicted that an experience of contract breach can severely hurt the affective commitment of the employees and this, in turn, results in poor in-role performance and less civic virtue behaviours. Results revealed that affective commitment had differential mediating effects on the two types of employee performance. That is, affective commitment mediated the relationship between breach and self-reported and supervisor-rated civic virtue, but not the relationship between breach and in-role performance.


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The present study addresses the call for theory-based investigations on workplace familism. It contributes to the literature by proposing and testing the moderating role of workplace familism between psychological contract breach and civic virtue behaviour. We surveyed 267 full-time employees and found main effects of both types of workplace familism (i.e. workplace organisational and workplace supervisor familism) and breach of relational obligations on civic virtue behaviour. Workplace supervisor familism also moderated the relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour, with the negative relationship between breach and civic virtue behaviour stronger when workplace supervisor familism was high. This suggests that employees with a high level of workplace supervisor familism may feel a sense of betrayal and, therefore, respond more negatively to contract breach. Implications for practice and directions for future research are discussed.