990 resultados para civic culture


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A discussion of the extent to which Belfast participated in the spirit of civic pride and commitment to urban renewal that historians have identified as a key feature of nineteenth-century British cities.


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The connections between science and civic culture in the Victorian period have been extensively, and intensively, investigated over the past several decades. Limited attention, however, has been paid to Irish urban contexts. Roman Catholic attitudes towards science in the nineteenth century have also been neglected beyond a rather restricted set of thinkers and topics. This paper is offered as a contribution to addressing these lacunae, and examines in detail the complexities involved in Catholic engagement with science in Victorian Belfast. The political and civic geographies of Catholic involvement in scientific discussions in a divided town are uncovered through an examination of five episodes in the unfolding history of Belfast's intellectual culture. The paper stresses the importance of attending to the particularities of local politics and scientific debate for understanding the complex realities of Catholic appropriations of science in a period and urban context profoundly shaped by competing political and religious factions. It also reflects more generally on how the Belfast story supplements and challenges scholarship on the historical relations between Catholicism and science.


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Much scholarship laments a decline in civic participation and community social capital in a changing media world. But the concept of “civicness” remains important to functioning societies across the globe. This research borrows from the cultural turn in studies of media, communication and citizenship to examine civic as culture, anchored in the practices and symbolic milieu of everyday life. As its theoretical entry point, this research paper positions civic as virtue. Drawing on scholars from Aristotle to Pierre Bourdieu, civic virtue may be understood as a perceived moral obligation to serve the common good, especially the interests of a “community” in which individuals and/or groups are connected. In particular, the research extends Bourdieu's ideas to consider news media as a powerful institution alongside the state that may claim monopoly over the manipulation of civic virtue under certain social conditions. Civic virtue offers much in discussions about media power in the digital age and its relationship to the future viability and legitimacy of news media. The research draws on exemplars from a study into digitally mediated civic participation in a rural/regional Australian context to position certain local media as “keepers” and “conferrers” of civic virtue in the social settings they serve.


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Analisa o letramento político infantojuvenil com base em sondagem de opinião. Utiliza-se como método a análise de conteúdo e a teoria fundamentada nos dados. Conceitos da educomunicação e da cultura política, no contexto brasileiro, são abordados como perspectiva teórica. Verifica-se um baixo nível de letramento político e uma desconfiança quanto à política, como já estudado entre adultos.


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Given the relative lack of research on sustainable development in Northern Ireland, this paper focuses on the tensions between environmental governance and regulation on the one hand, and the ‘post-conflict’ imperative for Northern Ireland to compete and grow as a regional economy without continued British state subvention and subsidisation. The paper outlines how this ‘trade-off’ between ‘environment’ and ‘economy’ is essentially misplaced. It argues that this trade-off can be avoided if there is a shift in focus from an ‘environment versus the economy’ policy position to one in which the ‘triple bottom line’ (social, economic and environmental) of sustainable development becomes the over-arching policy agenda. Sustainable development, unlike either orthodox environmental or economic policy, also connects centrally with the unique ‘post-conflict transformation’ agenda of Northern Ireland. For example, promoting a human rights civic culture, tackling socioeconomic inequality and social exclusion, and building a shared future based on supporting sustainable communities and an innovative model of a ‘green(ing) economy’ goes beyond orthodox economic growth. However, it is clear from the Executive’s Programme for Government, failure to support the creation of an independent Environment Protection Agency, and above all the prioritisation of orthodox economic growth based on foreign direct investment that neither environmental protection nor sustainable development is or will be high on the political or policy agenda in Northern Ireland.


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Reviewing the European North/South Divide under the Prism of Beck’s ‘Risk society’ Thesis
Southern European political cultures have been viewed as extremely disadvantageous terrains for the development of a civic culture compatible to the requirements of a modern polity. Trust confined to the local and the familial, weak civil societies, violation of the law in the absence of supervision are some of the elements combined to draw an extremely negative picture of southern European political cultures in the relevant literature. These are very well entrenched perceptions that dominate all studies dealing with social aspects the southern European nations. Recent works produced by students of environmental mobilisations have argued that the environmental problematique has operated as a catalyst that, at least, forces us to re-examine the aforementioned perspectives if not to outright dismiss them.

This paper argues that although these challenging perspectives are not immune from criticisms, they have put forward a strong case that deserves further attention. A careful reading of Beck’s ‘risk society’ thesis suggests that mistrust to expert authorities and defensive reactions by social actors against them are not confined to specific national contexts but are now characteristics of countries previously held to be exemplary cases of civicness. Following that observation the paper proceeds by posing a number of related questions:

1) Can we argue that we are witnessing a general ‘Mediterranisation’ of European political culture or by arguing that we essentially accept what was idealistic evaluations of post-war European cultures determined by specific political conceptions?

2) Is there still any role for the use of a north/south divide in the cross-national study of social processes and to what extent?


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This article examines the difficulties of finding local solutions to the problem of contentious events in contemporary Northern Ireland. In so doing, it offers a sociological perspective on fundamental divisions in Northern Ireland: between classes and between communities. It shows how its chosen case study—parades and associated protests in north Belfast—exemplifies the most fundamental problem that endures in post-Agreement Northern Ireland, namely that political authority is not derived from a common civic culture (as is the norm in Western liberal democracy) but rather that legitimacy is still founded on the basis of the culture of either one or the other community. Haugaard’s reflections on authority and legitimacy are used to explore Northern Ireland’s atypical experience of political conflict vis-`a-vis the Western liberal democratic model. The Bourdieusian concepts of field illusio and doxa help to explain why it is that parading remains such an important political and symbolic touchstone in this society.


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Alexis de Tocqueville est un auteur canonique du libéralisme. Son inscription au sein du libéralisme s’opère fréquemment par une accentuation unilatérale de sa défense de la liberté individuelle. Certes, Tocqueville défend la liberté individuelle, elle prend une place décisive dans son œuvre où l’objectif théorique proposé révèle sa volonté d’élever l’individu à côté de la société et de l’État. Mais cette défense est constamment pensée chez Tocqueville en interrogeant ses conditions de possibilité qui sont indissociables d’une culture politique où la participation politique est une dimension essentielle. Une participation politique qui fonde des habitudes collectives, une culture civique, assurant ainsi la pérennité des institutions démocratiques libérales. En ce sens, il est évident que le libéralisme de Tocqueville est déterminé par un cadre plus large que la seule défense de la liberté individuelle. Afin qu’elle s’épanouisse pleinement et véritablement, il y a une priorité absolue d’une pratique continue de la liberté, la liberté politique qui actualise sans repos les conditions de possibilité de la liberté individuelle. Cette pratique de la liberté politique contribue à la formation des «mœurs libres», ces habitudes collectives qui organisent une culture civique particulière, mœurs indispensables au maintien des sociétés libres. Nous identifierons donc Tocqueville à un libéralisme des mœurs. Afin de saisir adéquatement la réelle portée de la pensée tocquevillienne, nous dévoilerons les influences intellectuelles fondamentales qui ont présidé à l’élaboration de La Démocratie en Amérique. De fait, nous restituerons l’espace intertextuel entre Tocqueville et François Guizot. Cet espace révèle l’influence certaine de Guizot sur Tocqueville, mais il rend également saillante son insistance sur une pratique de la liberté politique.


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Chez les historiens qui se sont consacrés à l’étude de l’Allemagne contemporaine, plusieurs considèrent qu’en perpétrant un crime aussi barbare que la Shoah, le Troisième Reich a provoqué une « rupture de civilisation » (Zivilisationsbruch) au sein de l’histoire occidentale. En règle générale, ces spécialistes ont réfléchi sur le sens ainsi que sur les implications historiques et philosophiques de cet événement pour le monde contemporain. Peu d’entre eux, toutefois, se sont intéressés au pendant de cette « rupture de civilisation » : le processus de « recivilisation » qui a été à l’œuvre dans la société ouest-allemande au cours des premières décennies d’après-guerre. Caractérisé par le rejet de la violence et du militarisme, par la restauration des normes élémentaires de la civilité ainsi que par l’importance croissante accordée à des valeurs telles que la démocratie et le respect des droits de la personne, ce processus permet en grande partie d’expliquer comment, en à peine deux décennies, les Allemands de l’Ouest ont réussi à édifier un État stable et démocratique sur les ruines d’une dictature génocidaire. En étudiant la présentation du Décalogue dans les catéchismes catholiques, ce mémoire cherche à déterminer le rôle attribué aux prescriptions morales de nature religieuse dans le processus de « recivilisation » de la société ouest-allemande. Il se propose de montrer qu’au cours des années 1950 et 1960, les catéchismes catholiques publiés en RFA ont présenté de plus en plus d’indices d’une volonté que l’on pourrait qualifier de « recivilisatrice ». Ces indices ont surtout pris la forme d’une attention grandissante aux questions relatives à la guerre et à la paix, d’un assouplissement dans la présentation de l’autorité parentale et de l’adoption d’une conception de l’autorité civile fondée désormais sur l’accomplissement de devoirs civiques plutôt que sur l’obéissance aux supérieurs hiérarchiques.


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El Festival Rock al Parque es un evento de interés cultural desarrollado y ejecutado por la Administración Distrital de Bogotá, a través del cual se fomenta la creación de propuestas artísticas y se intervienen diversas problemáticas sociales utilizando la música rock como un medio directo para llegar a los jóvenes de la ciudad. Este Festival nace en 1995 y se ha desarrollado ininterrumpidamente hasta el día de hoy. Aunque ha pasado por diversas dificultades, el Festival es un ícono representativo de identidad de las bogotanas y los bogotanos. En este Trabajo de investigación se analiza el Festival Rock al Parque como política pública liderada por la Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá y su incidencia en tres aspectos de la cultura democrática, a saber la cultura ciudadana, la participación ciudadana y la apropiación del espacio público.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en determinar cuál es la concepción teórica y práctica de ciudadanía dentro de la política de Cultura Ciudadana a partir del caso del “Ahorro Voluntario de Agua” de 1997 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Para ello, se realizó un análisis de contenido de 263 documentos de distintas fuentes, categorizadas en Prensa e Institucional. Por medio del análisis se logró determinar que la ciudadanía dentro de la Cultura Ciudadana hace uso de distintos elementos de la teoría de la ciudadanía realizada desde la filosofía. De igual manera se propone una ciudadanía moralista que parte del hecho de una ciudad homogénea cuando en realidad es heterogénea, esto es evidente en la comprensión de las clases sociales dentro de Bogotá y su leve relevancia para solucionar la crisis de Chingaza en 1997. Finalmente, en la discusión entre ciudadanía activa o pasiva, se deduce que en la Cultura Ciudadana se presenta una ciudadanía activa en el espacio de lo privado, con gran participación en los deberes determinados por el castigo y pasiva en derechos.


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El texto permite al lector aproximarse al conocimiento de las dinámicas de participación en las ciudades y reconocer su importancia para la generación de una cultura cívica, el surgimiento de la acción colectiva y la consolidación de una responsabilidad compartida entre la sociedad civil y el Estado. La ciudadanía y la gobernabilidad son dos aspectos necesarios para la vida en los centros urbanos en la actualidad, para su construcción es necesario realizar procesos impulsados desde las administraciones municipales o por los ciudadanos, uno de los mecanismos es la formulación de los planes de desarrollo bajo el modelo de planeación participativa.