981 resultados para circular patch resonators


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This article presents a triple-mode bandpass filter using a modified circular patch resonator. Etched slots in the resonator split the TM(1, 1, 0)(z) degenerate fundamental modes and also perturb the TM(2, 1, 0)(z) mode, approximating their resonant frequencies to form a third-order bandpass filter. A 2.42 GHz centered filter was designed and fabricated. Experimental results showed a fractional bandwidth of 29%, return loss better than 16 dB, insertion loss of 0.5 dB, and good second harmonic band rejection. The filter exhibited a size reduction of 51% compared with a filter using an unperturbed circular patch resonator at the same frequency. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51: 178-182, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.23950


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This paper presents an analysis of a reconfigurable patch filter based on a triple-mode circular patch resonator with four radial slots. The analysis has been carried out thanks to the development of a new theoretical approach of the tunable patch filter based on the coupling matrix. The coefficients of the coupling matrix related to the tunable behavior have been identified and some rules for their evolution have been derived. For a proof-of-concept, a bandpass filter has been designed with a continuous tunability obtained with varactors connected across the slots. State-of-the-art results have been obtained, with a frequency tuning range of 27% from 1.95 to 2.43 GHz and a change in fractional bandwidth from 8.5% to 31.5% for the respective frequencies. In the entire tuning range, the return loss is better than 10 dB and the maximum insertion loss is 2 dB. Due to the newly developed coupling matrix, measurements, simulations, and theory showed great agreement.


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A field matching method is described to analyze a recessed circular cavity radiating into a radial waveguide. Using the wall impedance approach, the analysis is divided into two separate problems of the cavity and its external environment. Based on this analysis, a computer algorithm is developed for determining wall admittances as seen at the edge of the patch in the cavity, the radial admittance matrix for the two-probe feed arrangement, and the input impedance as observed from the coaxial line feeding the cavity. This algorithm is tested against the general-purpose Hewlett-Packard finite-element High Frequency Structure Simulator as well as against measured results. Good agreement in all considered cases is noted.


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A circular miqrostrip antenna with a modified structure is presented. By adjusting the feed location along the circumference of the patch it is possible to match the antenna with a C microstrip line of any impedance. The impedance bandwidth and radiation characteristics are unaffected by this structural V modification.


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A simple technique to improve the impedance bandwidth of a circular microstrip patch antenna using two sectorial slots is proposed. Using this design more than 5% impedance bandwidth is obtained. The added advantage of this new antenna is that it can be fed by a 50- microstrip line


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A simple technique to improve the impedance bandwidth of a circular microstrip patch antenna using two sectorial slots is proposed. Using this design more than 5% impedance bandwidth is obtained. The added advantage of this new antenna is that it can be fed by a 50 microstrip line.


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A dual-port microstrip antenna with a crescent shaped patch with excellent isolation betwecn the ports has been reportcd [I]. Since circular-sided geometries are inore compact than rectangular oncs, thcy find morc applications in microstrip arrays. The crcscent shaped antenna geometry [ I ] provides greater area rcductioii compared to other circular sided patches for broadband operation [2]. In this Lctter, formulac for calculating thc TM, I and TMZI mode resonant frequencies of this microstrip antenna, obtained by modifying the equations of a standard circular patch [3] are presentcd. Thcorctical results are compared with experimental observations aid the validity of the computation is established.


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compact multihand planar octagonal-shaped microstrip antenna simultaneously suitable for mobile communication and blue tooth application is presented. The antenna provides sufficient isolation benveen the two operating bands and an area reduction of -29 % with respect to a circular patch operating in the same band


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Design of a compact dual frequency microstrip antenna is presented. The structure consists of a slotted circular patch with a dielectric superstrate. The superstrate,not only acts as a radome, but improves the bandwidth and lowers the resonant frequency also. The proposed design provides an overall size reduction of about 60% compared to an unslotted patch along with good efficiency,gain and bandwidth. The polarization planes at the two resonances are orthogonal and can be simultaneously excited using a coaxial feed. Parametric study of this configuration showed that the frequency ratio of the two resonances can be varied from 1.17 to 1.7 enabling its applications in the major wireless communication bands like AWS, DECT,PHS,Wi.Bro, ISM,and DMB. Design equations are also deduced for the proposed antenna and validated.


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Design of a dual-port circular patch antenna with a sector-slot for dual-frequency operation is presented. The antenna resonates at two distinct frequencies with orthogonal polarizations and broad radiation characteristics. Unlike the conventional circular patch, this antenna can be microstrip-fed to operate at either of the resonances. The two polarizations can be simultaneously excited using two electromagnetically coupled ports with an isolation better than −30 dB between the ports. This antenna has the added advantage of size reduction of 44% compared to the conventional circular patch without any reduction in gain.


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The paper proposes an octagon shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna suitable for dual band applications. The striking features of this compact, planar antenna are sufficient isolation between the two operating bands and an area reduction of - 29% in comparison to a conventional circular patch antenna operating in the same band


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The design of an antenna that combines a radial line slot array and a circular patch to operate as a dual band (2.4/5.2 GHz) antenna at the access point of a WLAN is presented. The design has been accomplished using commercially available Ansoft HFSS and in-house developed software. The designed antenna shows good performance in terms of return losses, radiation pattern and circular polarization in the two, 2.4 and 5.2 GHz, frequency bands. Due to its good electrical performance and a relatively low profile and low developmental cost, it should be found attractive for use as an access point antenna for dual band operation.


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A novel technique for obtaining dual-hand circular polarization (CP) radiation of a single-feed circular microstrip antenna in proposed and demonstrated. By embedding two pain of arc shaped slots of proper lengths close to the boundary of a circular patch, and protruding one of the arc-shaped slots with a narrow slit, the circular microstrip antenna can perform dual-hand CP radiation using a single probe feed. Details of the antenna design


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This work presents a theoretical and experimental investigation about the properties of microstrip antennas for ultra-wideband systems. Configurations of elliptic monopoles with different eccentricities and circular monopoles are considered. Two prototypes for each antenna configuration were built, one with the typical microstrip configuration and the other is similar to the first, except for a small aperture in the ground plane. Therefore, this work proposes to modify the configuration of the ground plane of the monopoles designed adding a rectangular stub, in order to optimize and improve the performance of such structures. The obtained results show that the introduction of that rectangular aperture in the ground plane allows an improvement of the frequency response for the considered antenna propotypes. It is observed a good agreement between the measured and simulated results. Finally, some proposals for future works are presented