996 resultados para circular cup drawing


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Benchmark-4 is designed to predict wrinkling during cup drawing. Two different punch geometries have been selected in order to investigate the changes of wrinkling amplitude and wave. To study the effect of material on wrinkling, two distinct materials including AA 5042 and AKDQ steel are also considered in the benchmark. Problem description, material properties, and simulation reports with experimental data are summarized.


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Prediction of more than four ears in a cup drawing process can be successfully achieved by considering r-value and stress directionalities. Yld2004-18p based on associated flow rule and Yld2000-2D based on non-associated flow rule are the examples. The former, however, is more costly in terms of computational efficiency than the latter. In this work, an anisotropic constitutive model based on non-associated flow rule which combines two different functions, Hill (1948) and Yld2000-2d, is implemented to a user defined material model. The accuracy of the anisotropic directionalities (yield stresses and plastic strain ratios) is evaluated. Simulation of a mini-die cup drawing with a body stock alloy predicted eight ears, in good agreement with the experimental results. The use of Hill (1948) model for the yield function and Yld2000-2d for plastic potential under the framework of non-associated flow rule led to accurate prediction of up to eight ears at the lower computational cost.


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Wrinkling occurs when a blank is subjected to compressive stresses during the forming process as in the flange of a cup during drawing. Although the failure limit due to plastic flow localization can be simply defined by the FLC at each point of a continuum, the wrinkling limit cannot be defined with simple variables such as strain, stress, and thickness. Wrinkling is strongly affected by the mechanical properties of the sheet material, the geometry of the tools and blank, and contact conditions. The analysis of wrinkling initiation and growth is, therefore, difficult to perform due to the complex synergistic effects of the controlling parameters. Because of these difficulties, the study of wrinkling has generally been conducted case by case. A unique wrinkling criterion, which could be used effectively for various sheet forming processes, has not yet been proposed. There were many investigations on the effect of process parameters (BHF and friction) and geometry on wrinkling. However, there are few reported results on the influence of the material model on wrinkling. This paper shows how strain hardening and r-values affect wrinkle formation in its magnitude, initiation, and direction through the NUMISHEET2014 benchmark test for wrinkling during cup drawing.


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Experimental studies into the effect of blank thickness on the deep drawing response of the coarse-grained and ultrafine-grained copper demonstrated the occurrence of a size effect: the dependence of the maximum load and the limit drawing ratio on the blank thickness in sub-millimetre range. A dislocation based constitutive model taking into account the thickness effects was used for numerical simulations of the process. It was demonstrated that the occurrence of the blank thickness effect is governed by the ratio of the blank thickness t to the grain size D of the material. Critical values of the t/. D ratio below which the size effect comes to bearing were determined. The obtained results can be seen as a demonstration of more general suitability of the model developed for predicting microforming operations with full account of the specimen or work-piece dimensions.


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The influence of temperature on the forming behavior of an aluminum/polypropylene/aluminum (APA) sandwich sheet was studied. Shear and tensile tests were performed to determine the mechanical properties of the laminate and the component materials as a function of process temperature. The forming limit diagram (FLD) of the laminate was established for two different temperatures, and its springback behavior was examined in four-point bend and channel bend tests. Cup forming tests were performed at various test temperatures to determine the limiting drawing ratio (LDR) and the tendency for wrinkling at these temperatures. Although there was only a minor influence of temperature on the mechanical properties and the FLD values of the laminate, the bend test results reveal that springback can be reduced by forming at higher temperature. The decreasing strength of the core material with rising process temperature led to an increased tendency of the laminate to wrinkle in the heated cup drawing tests.


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Car manufacturers are under pressure to reduce vehicle mass while maintaining comfort and passenger safety for current and future vehicles. To meet this demand the steel industry has developed Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) that promise higher strength and improved formability compared to conventional steel grades. Even though significant research has already been performed to evaluate the material properties and forming behaviour of most AHSS types, only a limited literature is available on their necking and fracture behaviour and the effect on formability. This paper examines and compares the thinning, necking and fracture behaviour of two AHSS and one conventional steel type, namely TRIP, DP and HSLA. Uniaxial, plane and biaxial strain conditions are investigated by tensile, cup drawing and stretch forming tests and by using numerical methods. The test results indicate that significant differences exist in necking and fracture behaviour between all three steel types.


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When I was seven I worked on a science project about caterpillars and moths. I was completely immersed in this project, fascinated by caterpillar body markings, the rhythmical, semi-circular pattern caterpillars adopt to eat leaves, their spiral construction of the chrysalis, and their transformation into moths or butterflies. I demonstrated my fascination, my research and study through carefully executed and detailed drawings. I could read and write well, but I wasn’t as interested in writing and produced a half-page summary to support my visual work.


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Analytical modelling of deep drawing process is of value in preliminary process design to illustrate the influence of major variables including friction and strain hardening on punch loads, cup dimensions and process limits. In this study, analytical models including theoretical solution and a series of finite element models are developed to account for the influences of process parameters including friction coefficient, tooling geometry and material properties on deep drawing of metal cups. The accuracy of both the theoretical and finite element solutions is satisfactory compared with those from experimental work.


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El acero es, junto con el hormigón, el material más ampliamente empleado en la construcción de obra civil y de edificación. Además de su elevada resistencia, su carácter dúctil resulta un aspecto de particular interés desde el punto de vista de la seguridad estructural, ya que permite redistribuir esfuerzos a elementos adyacentes y, por tanto, almacenar una mayor energía antes del colapso final de la estructura. No obstante, a pesar de su extendida utilización, todavía existen aspectos relacionados con su comportamiento en rotura que necesitan una mayor clarificación y que permitirían un mejor aprovechamiento de sus propiedades. Cuando un elemento de acero es ensayado a tracción y alcanza la carga máxima, sufre la aparición de un cuello de estricción que plantea dificultades para conocer el comportamiento del material desde dicho instante hasta la rotura. La norma ISO 6892-1, que define el método a emplear en un ensayo de tracción con materiales metálicos, establece procedimientos para determinar los parámetros relacionados con este tramo último de la curva F − E. No obstante, la definición de dichos parámetros resulta controvertida, ya que éstos presentan una baja reproducibilidad y una baja repetibilidad que resultan difíciles de explicar. En esta Tesis se busca profundizar en el conocimiento del último tramo de la curva F − E de los aceros de construcción. Para ello se ha realizado una amplia campaña experimental sobre dos aceros representativos en el campo de la construcción civil: el alambrón de partida empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado y un acero empleado como refuerzo en hormigón armado. Los dos materiales analizados presentan formas de rotura diferentes: mientras el primero de ellos presenta una superficie de rotura plana con una región oscura claramente apreciable en su interior, el segundo rompe según la clásica superficie en forma de copa y cono. La rotura en forma de copa y cono ha sido ampliamente estudiada en el pasado y existen modelos de rotura que han logrado reproducirla con éxito, en especial el modelo de Gurson- Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN). En cuanto a la rotura exhibida por el primer material, en principio nada impide abordar su reproducción numérica con un modelo GTN, sin embargo, las diferencias observadas entre ambos materiales en los ensayos experimentales permiten pensar en otro criterio de rotura. En la presente Tesis se realiza una amplia campaña experimental con probetas cilíndricas fabricadas con dos aceros representativos de los empleados en construcción con comportamientos en rotura diferentes. Por un lado se analiza el alambrón de partida empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado, cuyo frente de rotura es plano y perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga con una región oscura en su interior. Por otro lado, se estudian barras de acero empleadas como armadura pasiva tipo B 500 SD, cuyo frente de rotura presenta la clásica superficie en forma de copa y cono. Estos trabajos experimentales han permitido distinguir dos comportamientos en rotura claramente diferenciados entre ambos materiales y, en el caso del primer material, se ha identificado un comportamiento asemejable al exhibido por materiales frágiles. En este trabajo se plantea la hipótesis de que el primer material, cuya rotura provoca un frente de rotura plano y perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga, rompe de manera cuasifrágil como consecuencia de un proceso de decohesión, de manera que la región oscura que se observa en el centro del frente de rotura se asemeja a una entalla circular perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga. Para la reproducción numérica de la rotura exhibida por el primer material, se plantea un criterio de rotura basado en un modelo cohesivo que, como aspecto novedoso, se hace depender de la triaxialidad de tensiones, parámetro determinante en el fallo de este tipo de materiales. Este tipo de modelos presenta varias ventajas respecto a los modelos GTN habitualmente empleados. Mientras los modelos GTN precisan de numerosos parámetros para su calibración, los modelos cohesivos precisan fundamentalmente de dos parámetros para definir su curva de ablandamiento: la tensión de decohesión ft y la energía de fractura GF . Además, los parámetros de los modelos GTN no son medibles de manera experimental, mientras que GF sí lo es. En cuanto a ft, aunque no existe un método para su determinación experimental, sí resulta un parámetro más fácilmente interpretable que los empleados por los modelos GTN, que utilizan valores como el porcentaje de huecos presentes en el material para iniciar el fenómeno de coalescencia o el porcentaje de poros que provoca una pérdida total de la capacidad resistente. Para implementar este criterio de rotura se ha desarrollado un elemento de intercara cohesivo dependiente de la triaxialidad de tensiones. Se han reproducido con éxito los ensayos de tracción llevados a cabo en la campaña experimental empleando dicho elemento de intercara. Además, en estos modelos la rotura se produce fenomenológicamente de la misma manera observada en los ensayos experimentales: produciéndose una decohesión circular en torno al eje de la probeta. En definitiva, los trabajos desarrollados en esta Tesis, tanto experimentales como numéricos, contribuyen a clarificar el comportamiento de los aceros de construcción en el último tramo de la curva F − E y los mecanismos desencadenantes de la rotura final del material, aspecto que puede contribuir a un mejor aprovechamiento de las propiedades de estos aceros en el futuro y a mejorar la seguridad de las estructuras construidas con ellos. Steel is, together with concrete, the most widely used material in civil engineering works. Not only its high strength, but also its ductility is of special interest from the point of view of the structural safety, since it enables stress distribution with adjacent elements and, therefore, more energy can be stored before reaching the structural failure. However, despite of being extensively used, there are still some aspects related to its fracture behaviour that need to be clarified and that will allow for a better use of its properties. When a steel item is tested under tension and reaches the maximum load point, necking process begins, which makes difficult to define the material behaviour from that moment onward. The ISO standard 6892-1, which defines the tensile testing method for metallic materials, describes the procedures to obtain some parameters related to this last section of the F − E curve. Nevertheless, these parameters have proved to be controversial, since they have low reproducibility and repeatibility rates that are difficult to explain. This Thesis tries to deepen the knowledge of the last section of the F − E curve for construction steels. An extensive experimental campaign has been carried out with two representative steels used in civil engineering works: a steel rod used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, before the cold-drawing process is applied, and steel bars used in reinforced concrete structures. Both materials have different fracture surfaces: while the first of them shows a flat fracture surface, perpendicular to the loading direction with a dark region in the centre of it, the second one shows the classical cup-cone fracture surface. The cup-cone fracture surface has been deeply studied in the past and different numerical models have been able to reproduce it with success, with a special mention to the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model (GTN). Regarding the failure surface shown by the first material, in principle it can be numerically reproduced by a GTN model, but the differences observed between both materials in the experimental campaign suggest thinking of a different failure criterium. In the present Thesis, an extensive experimental campaign has been carried out using cylindrical specimens made of two representative construction steels with different fracture behaviours. On one hand, the initial eutectoid steel rod used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires is analysed, which presents a flat fracture surface, perpendicular to the loading direction, and with a dark region in the centre of it. On the other hand, B 500 SD steel bars, typically used in reinforced concrete structures and with the typical cup-cone fracture surface, are studied. These experimental works have allowed distinguishing two clearly different fracture behaviours between both materials and, in the case of the first one, a fragile-like behaviour has been identified. For the first material, which shows a flat fracture surface perpendicular to the loading direction, the following hypothesis is proposed in this study: a quasi-brittle fracture is developed as a consequence of a decohesion process, with the dark region acting as a circular crack perpendicular to the loading direction. To reproduce numerically the fracture behaviour shown by the first material, a failure criterium based on a cohesive model is proposed in this Thesis. As an innovative contribution, this failure criterium depends on the stress triaxiality state of the material, which is a key parameter when studying fracture in this kind of materials. This type of models have some advantages when compared to the widely used GTN models. While GTN models need a high number of parameters to be defined, cohesive models need basically two parameters to define the softening curve: the decohesion stress ft and the fracture energy GF . In addition to this, GTN models parameters cannot be measured experimentally, while GF is indeed. Regarding ft, although no experimental procedure is defined for its obtention, it has an easier interpretation than the parameters used by the GTN models like, for instance, the void volume needed for the coalescence process to start or the void volume that leads to a total loss of the bearing capacity. In order to implement this failure criterium, a triaxiality-dependent cohesive interface element has been developed. The experimental results obtained in the experimental campaign have been successfully reproduced by using this interface element. Furthermore, in these models the failure mechanism is developed in the same way as observed experimentally: with a circular decohesive process taking place around the longitudinal axis of the specimen. In summary, the works developed in this Thesis, both experimental and numerical, contribute to clarify the behaviour of construction steels in the last section of the F − E curve and the mechanisms responsible for the eventual material failure, an aspect that can lead to a better use of the properties of these steels in the future and a safety improvement in the structures built with them.


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This paper explores the representation of the first African World Cup in the British and South African press. Drawing on the output of a variety of media outlets between 2004, when South Africa was awarded the right to host the 2010 event, and the culmination of the tournament in July 2010, this paper contends that a range of representations of Africa have been put forward by the British and South African media. These can be interpreted as alarmist, sensationalist and even racist in certain extreme instances, and hypernationalist and overly defensive in other cases. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.