487 resultados para chips


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Sanitária


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil gestão e sistemas ambientais


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OBJETIVE: The advance of research in child and adolescent psychiatry in Brazil heavily depends on the existence of instruments for the investigation of psychiatric syndromes adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. METHODS: This article describes a careful process of translation of the Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes for the purpose of use in research in Brazil. The Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes has a version for parents (P-ChIPs) and a version for children (ChIPS). In this article, the sections of P-ChIPS referring to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional-defiant disorder, conduct disorder, mania/hypomania, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and psychotic disorders were translated to Brazilian Portuguese. The sections of the ChIPS referring to substance use disorders, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disoder, separation anxiety disorder, post-traumatic disorders and depression/dysthimia were also adapted. Each section was translated by two independent translators and later discussed in a committee composed of experts in the field of Psychiatry and a professional of the field of linguistics. RESULT: A final version containing an interview for the main psychiatric syndromes was defined. CONCLUSION: The translated P-ChIPS is a helpful instrument in children and adolescent clinical evaluation.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2014


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar correlações inter e intragerações clonais, estimar herdabilidade quanto à cor de chips, teor de matéria seca e produção de batata, e suas implicações na seleção. Duzentos e cinqüenta clones de dez famílias foram escolhidos aleatoriamente de uma população de primeira geração clonal, destinada ao processamento de batatas chips, do programa de melhoramento genético de batata da Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Clima Temperado. Os clones foram avaliados em segunda (G2), terceira (G3) e quarta (G4) gerações, respectivamente, no outono e primavera de 1999, e outono de 2000, em Pelotas, RS. Os coeficientes de correlação entre gerações e as estimativas de herdabilidade dentro das gerações clonais foram baixas em relação à cor de chips, baixas a moderadas quanto à matéria seca e incrementais com as gerações nos componentes de produção. Os coeficientes de correlação entre as características de qualidade e os componentes de produção dentro de cada geração foram baixos e, na maioria, não-significativos. As estimativas de herdabilidade dos dados conjuntos da G3 e G4 foram moderada, moderadamente alta e alta, respectivamente, em relação à cor de chips, teor de matéria seca e produção.


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The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: New Credit and Debit Card Chips


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The development of bioenergy on the basis of wood fuels has received considerable attention in the last decades. The combination of large forest resources and reliance on fossil fuels makes the issue of wood chips usage in Russia an actual topic for the analysis. The main objective of this study is to disclose the current state and perspectives for the production of wood chips and their usage as a source of energy in the North-West of Russia. The study utilizes an integrated approach to explore the market of wood chips on the basis of comprehensive analysis of documentation and expert opinions. The analysis of wood chips market was performed for eight regions of the North-West district of Russia within two major dimensions: its current state and perspectives in the nearest five years. The results of the study show a comprehensive picture of the wood chips market, including the potential for wood chips production, the specific features of production and consumption and the perspectives for the market development within the regions of the North-West district of Russia. The study demonstrated that the market of wood chips is underdeveloped in the North-West of Russia. The findings of the work may be used by forest companies for the strategic planning.


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The original contribution of this thesis to knowledge are novel digital readout architectures for hybrid pixel readout chips. The thesis presents asynchronous bus-based architecture, a data-node based column architecture and a network-based pixel matrix architecture for data transportation. It is shown that the data-node architecture achieves readout efficiency 99% with half the output rate as a bus-based system. The network-based solution avoids “broken” columns due to some manufacturing errors, and it distributes internal data traffic more evenly across the pixel matrix than column-based architectures. An improvement of > 10% to the efficiency is achieved with uniform and non-uniform hit occupancies. Architectural design has been done using transaction level modeling (TLM) and sequential high-level design techniques for reducing the design and simulation time. It has been possible to simulate tens of column and full chip architectures using the high-level techniques. A decrease of > 10 in run-time is observed using these techniques compared to register transfer level (RTL) design technique. Reduction of 50% for lines-of-code (LoC) for the high-level models compared to the RTL description has been achieved. Two architectures are then demonstrated in two hybrid pixel readout chips. The first chip, Timepix3 has been designed for the Medipix3 collaboration. According to the measurements, it consumes < 1 W/cm^2. It also delivers up to 40 Mhits/s/cm^2 with 10-bit time-over-threshold (ToT) and 18-bit time-of-arrival (ToA) of 1.5625 ns. The chip uses a token-arbitrated, asynchronous two-phase handshake column bus for internal data transfer. It has also been successfully used in a multi-chip particle tracking telescope. The second chip, VeloPix, is a readout chip being designed for the upgrade of Vertex Locator (VELO) of the LHCb experiment at CERN. Based on the simulations, it consumes < 1.5 W/cm^2 while delivering up to 320 Mpackets/s/cm^2, each packet containing up to 8 pixels. VeloPix uses a node-based data fabric for achieving throughput of 13.3 Mpackets/s from the column to the EoC. By combining Monte Carlo physics data with high-level simulations, it has been demonstrated that the architecture meets requirements of the VELO (260 Mpackets/s/cm^2 with efficiency of 99%).


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Pré-tratamentos como o cozimento, a fermentação natural e a secagem parcial foram aplicados em raízes de mandioca, visando a obtenção de "chips" comestíveis. A avaliação sensorial foi feita com base na aceitação e aparência dos "chips" das variedades IAC Mantiqueira e IAC 576.70. Trinta consumidores potenciais do produto foram selecionados em função da disponibilidade e interesse em participar dos testes. Foi utilizada escala hedônica de 7 pontos, onde os provadores avaliaram as amostras delineadas em blocos casualizados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os "chips" controle e pré-cozidos foram aceitos sensorialmente, apresentado médias de 5,1 (gostei ligeiramente) para IAC Mantiqueira e 6,0 (gostei moderadamente) para IAC 576.70. Os "chips" pré-fermentados de ambas variedades foram rejeitados. Os termos de agrado mais comentados pelos provadores foram "sabor de mandioca", "crocância" e "textura". Os termos de desagrado mais citados incluem "textura dura", "falta sabor de mandioca" e "gosto de óleo". Os provadores consideraram adequada a aparência dos "chips" de ambas variedades, sendo ligeiramente preferida a aparência dos "chips" da IAC 576.70, com exceção dos "chips" cozidos por 8 minutos e os fermentados, rejeitados pelos consumidores. A cor amarela da polpa pode ter influenciado a aceitação da variedade IAC 576.70. A composição centesimal e o teor de fibras na mandioca in natura e, o teor de lipídeos em "chips" de mandioca, também foram apresentados.


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Foi investigado o efeito da fermentação natural da mandioca, isoladamente, ou em combinação com o cozimento em água em ebulição, na crocância dos "chips". As fatias de mandioca, oriundas de raízes previamente descascadas e limpas foram imersas em água potável a 30ºC durante períodos de 8h e 24h e depois fritas. As raízes inteiras, descascadas e limpas, foram mantidas nas mesmas condições, porém por períodos mais longos: 24h, 30h e 48h, após os quais as raízes foram fatiadas e fritas. A fermentação natural foi conduzida sem a adição de qualquer agente fermentativo, imergindo uma parte de fatias ou de raízes de mandioca em quatro partes de água potável a 30ºC, em estufa com controle de temperatura. Outras variáveis estudadas foram: variedades de mandioca e o formato das fatias. O efeito dos tratamentos foi avaliado com base na fraturabilidade dos "chips", medidos em Analisador de Textura TA.XT2. O formato das fatias pareceu ser um fator importante, pois afetou as características de textura dos "chips", além dos tratamentos propriamente ditos. O formato retangular das fatias, apesar do aspecto atrativo, foi considerado inadequado para a fabricação dos "chips", sendo sugerido o formato redondo. Foi verificado que a fermentação natural das raízes inteiras ou cortadas em fatias, isoladamente ou em combinação com o cozimento em água em ebulição, foi considerada uma técnica inadequada para tornar os "chips" de mandioca mais crocantes, visto que promoveram, na maioria dos casos, aumento na dureza comparado aos "chips" obtidos do controle. Estas observações foram válidas para todas as variedades estudadas: IAC Mantiqueira, IAC 576.70, IAC 13 e IAC 14.


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This research aimed to develop tortilla chips (TC) high in antioxidants from extruded and nixtamalized blue corn flours prepared with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 and calcium lactate C6H10O6Ca. Tortilla chips were made with extruded flours [0.1% Ca(OH)2; 0.9% C6H10O6Ca; without calcium] and nixtamalized flours [1% Ca(OH)2; 2.95% C6H10O6Ca] using the frying process. Total anthocyanin, total phenolics content, antioxidant activity, color, texture, and oil content were determined. The color of tortilla chips from extruded flours (TCEF) showed high values of the parameters a* and b* indicating a reduction in the blue color. These color parameters were significantly different from those observed in tortilla chips from nixtamalized flours (TCNF), which tended to be more blue. The TCEF retained 15% anthocyanins, 34% phenolics, and 54% antioxidant activity. Pearson's correlation analysis indicated that anthocyanins and phenolics correlated significantly with antioxidant activity and color. TCEF with both calcium sources showed higher fracturability compared with that of TCNF. Oil absorption showed an opposite effect, with lower oil content in TCEF. Nixtamalization and extrusion with C6H10O6Ca resulted in flours and TC high in anthocyanins and antioxidant activity, representing an alternative production process for corn snack high in antioxidants.


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AbstractThis study analyzed the addition of huitlacoche paste (HP) in baked tortilla chips (TC), evaluating its effects on functional, physicochemical and structural changes during processing. Two blue corn grains were nixtamalized, stone milled, air dried and milled to obtain flour; commercial blue corn flour (TM1) and commercial TC (TM2) were used as controls. Additions of 0, 3, 6 and 9% of HP were formulated; masas were prepared at 55% moisture content (MC), precooked and baked in an industrial machine. TC crispiness was influenced by grain characteristics and percentage of HP. Huitlacoche paste addition caused an increase in total dietary fiber (from 5.27 to 14.54%), total soluble phenolics content (from 17.52 to 37.60 mg GAE/100 g) and antioxidant capacity (from 6.74 to 7.98 μmol TE/g) in TC. Results suggest that tortilla chips added with huitlacoche can be an alternative to prepare this traditional edible fungus and produce healthier snacks, not fried and enriched with bioactive compounds.


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A look at the Southampton Nanfabrication Centre where electro-photonic research is carried out and the AMD company's industrial processes for creating commercial quantities of silicon computing devices.