908 resultados para child health outcomes


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Background. The incidence of birth defects is a significant public health issue in the United States, adversely affecting the quality of life for parents as well as children born with these defects. Minority populations face a greater burden of birth defects and associated health problems. Prenatal practices can have a large impact on infant health outcomes. Several behaviors during pregnancy, including the intake of folic acid, can greatly influence the likelihood of a child being born with a birth defect. Community Health Workers have been shown to be effective agents at improving prenatal practices, especially when they facilitate support groups that feature pregnant women. ^ Methods. A continuing education curriculum has been created for Community Health Workers that provides content in the area of Maternal and Child Health. Content was selected after conducting a review of relevant literature and theory. Materials for conducting a training for Community Health Workers have been created in addition to materials that were designed for the population with whom the CHWs work. ^ Results. A description of each "key point" of the curriculum and a justification how it relates to the literature of the prevention of birth defects is given here. Additionally, the process of creating the curriculum using the platform delineated in the methods is described. ^ Discussion. Insights for future curriculum development are discussed along with next steps in the process of certifying the curriculum at the state level. A framework for future evaluation of the curriculum is given.^


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As the population of urban poor living in slums increases, governments are trying to relocate people into government-provided free housing. Slum redevelopment affects every part of a household’s livelihood, but most importantly the health and wellbeing of younger generations. This paper investigates the effect of slum redevelopment schemes on child stunting levels. Data was collected in forty-one buildings under the slum-redevelopment program in Mumbai. The study demonstrates through a fixed effect regression analysis that an additional year of living in the building is associated with an increase in the height-for-age Z-score by 0.124 standard deviations. Possible explanations include an improvement in the overall hygienic environment, sanitation conditions, indoor air pollution, and access to health and water facilities. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that water contamination, loss of livelihood and increased expenses could worsen health outcomes for residents. This study prompts more research on the health effects of slum redevelopment projects, which are becoming increasingly common in the rapidly urbanizing developing world.


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Issue addressed: Mental health promotion aimed at populations with low socio-economic status (SES) may benefit by investigating prevention strategies that effectively address related child and adolescent problems.
Methods: Evidence from a number of literature reviews and program evaluations was synthesised. First, the impact of SES on development from childhood to adulthood is considered in light of research on substance
abuse, violence, crime, and child development problems. Second, evaluations of interventions are reviewed to identify those that have shown outcomes in research studies (efficacy) or in real-world settings (effectiveness) in reducing developmental problems associated with low SES. Low SES is measured in different ways including low levels of education and/or income or definitions that combine several variables into a new indicator of low SES.
Results: Factors associated with low SES are also associated to varying extent with the development of violence and crime, substance abuse and child health problems. Interventions that address underlying determinants of low SES show strong efficacy in decreasing adolescent crime and violence and effectiveness in improving child health outcomes. Although there is limited efficacy evidence that substance abuse prevention can be effectively addressed by targeting low SES, programs designed to improve educational pathways show some efficacy in reducing aspects of adolescent substance use.
Conclusion: Mental health promotion strategies can draw on the approaches outlined here that are associated with the prevention of child and adolescent problems within low SES communities. Alternatively, such interventions could be supported in mental health promotion policy as they may assist in preventing related problems that undermine mental health.


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Objective: To assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children 1-2 years after they had sustained an injury. Methods: Parents of all children who were identified by the Queensland Trauma Registry during their admission to either of the two paediatric specialty hospitals in Brisbane, Australia, for the treatment of an injury, were invited to participate in this study. Parents who consented to participation received a copy of the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) that required them to provide information regarding their child’s HRQoL following injury. The CHQ scores for the study respondents were compared with those of the Australian norms. This study was approved by the relevant ethics committees. Results: Two hundred and forty-one completed questionnaires were returned. The majority of cases were male (65%) and there was even representation across all age groups. The majority of injuries were considered to be minor (81%) and were predominantly the result of falls and cycling accidents causing mainly fractures and intracranial injury. On the majority of subscales of the CHQ, study participants recorded scores that were statistically significantly below those of the Australian norms. None of the relevant variables collected by the Queensland Trauma Registry were found to predict scores on the CHQ in this study (for those children hospitalized for >24 h). Conclusion: Injured children are worse off than their Australian counterparts in terms of HRQoL even up to 2 years following an injury. Further research needs to be undertaken to identify factors that predict lower HRQoL in order to reduce the burden of injury on children and their families.


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Aim: Maternal substance use has been associated with a range of child risk factors. The study investigated the relationship between engagement with child health services and child protection outcomes for children of substance using mothers. ----- ----- Methods: A sample of 119 children of mothers who disclosed opiate, amphetamine or methadone use during a maternity admission between 2000 and 2003, as included in a previous matched co-hort study1, were included in the current study. Statutory child protection agency and child health engagement information for the first two years of life, was obtained. The relationship between type of maternal substance use, child health engagement and child protection outcomes was examined. ----- ----- Results: Seventy two percent of study group infants were engaged with child health services during the first two years of life. Chi square analysis showed no significant relationship between child health engagement and child protection reports. Child health engagement was associated with decreased substantiated child protection notifications for children of methadone using mothers, but not for children of illicit substance users. ----- ----- Conclusions: Almost a quarter of identified children of substance using mothers are not accessing standard child health services in their first two years of life. This study provides support for increased attention to the provision of child health services for children of methadone using mothers. Further research into effective intervention strategies for children of illicit substance using mothers is indicated.


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Technological advances during the past 30 years have dramatically improved survival rates for children with life-threatening conditions (preterm births, congenital anomalies, disease, or injury) resulting in children with special health care needs (CSHCN), children who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and who require health and related services beyond that required by children generally. There are approximately 10.2 million of these children in the United States or one in five households with a child with special health care needs. Care for these children is limited to home care, medical day care (Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care; P-PEC) or a long term care (LTC) facility. There is very limited research examining health outcomes of CSHCN and their families. The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of home care settings, P-PEC settings, and LTC settings on child health and functioning, family health and function, and health care service use of families with CSHCN. Eighty four CSHCN ages 2 to 21 years having a medically fragile or complex medical condition that required continual monitoring were enrolled with their parents/guardians. Interviews were conducted monthly for five months using the PedsQL™ Generic Core Module for child health and functioning, PedsQL™ Family Impact Module for family health and functioning, and Access to Care from the NS-CSHCN survey for health care services. Descriptive statistics, chi square, and ANCOVA were conducted to determine differences across care settings. Children in the P-PEC settings had a highest health care quality of life (HRQL) overall including physical and psychosocial functioning. Parents/guardians with CSHCN in LTC had the highest HRQL including having time and energy for a social life and employment. Parents/guardians with CSHCN in home care settings had the poorest HRQL including physical and psychosocial functioning with cognitive difficulties, difficulties with worry, communication, and daily activities. They had the fewest hours of employment and the most hours providing direct care for their children. Overall health care service use was the same across the care settings.


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Technological advances during the past 30 years have dramatically improved survival rates for children with life-threatening conditions (preterm births, congenital anomalies, disease, or injury) resulting in children with special health care needs (CSHCN), children who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and who require health and related services beyond that required by children generally. There are approximately 10.2 million of these children in the United States or one in five households with a child with special health care needs. Care for these children is limited to home care, medical day care (Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care; P-PEC) or a long term care (LTC) facility. There is very limited research examining health outcomes of CSHCN and their families. The purpose of this research was to compare the effects of home care settings, P-PEC settings, and LTC settings on child health and functioning, family health and function, and health care service use of families with CSHCN. Eighty four CSHCN ages 2 to 21 years having a medically fragile or complex medical condition that required continual monitoring were enrolled with their parents/guardians. Interviews were conducted monthly for five months using the PedsQL TM Generic Core Module for child health and functioning, PedsQL TM Family Impact Module for family health and functioning, and Access to Care from the NS-CSHCN survey for health care services. Descriptive statistics, chi square, and ANCOVA were conducted to determine differences across care settings. Children in the P-PEC settings had a highest health care quality of life (HRQL) overall including physical and psychosocial functioning. Parents/guardians with CSHCN in LTC had the highest HRQL including having time and energy for a social life and employment. Parents/guardians with CSHCN in home care settings had the poorest HRQL including physical and psychosocial functioning with cognitive difficulties, difficulties with worry, communication, and daily activities. They had the fewest hours of employment and the most hours providing direct care for their children. Overall health care service use was the same across the care settings.


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Background There is growing evidence linking early social and emotional wellbeing to later academic performance and various health outcomes including mental health. An economic evaluation was designed alongside the Roots of Empathy cluster-randomised trial evaluation, which is a school-based intervention for improving pupils’ social and emotional wellbeing. Exploration of the relevance of the Strengths and Diffi culties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Child Health Utility 9D (CHU9D) in school-based health economic evaluations is warranted. The SDQ is a behavioural screening questionnaire for 4–17-year-old children, consisting of a total diffi culties score, and also prosocial behaviour,
which aims to identify positive aspects of behaviour. The CHU9D is a generic preference-based health-related quality of life instrument for 7–17-year-old children.


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Au cours des 30 dernières années, l’embonpoint et l’obésité infantile sont devenus de véritables défis pour la santé publique. Bien que l’obésité soit, à la base, un problème physiologique (i.e. balance calorique positive) une série de facteurs psychosociaux sont reliés à son développement. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des facteurs périnataux et de la petite enfance dans le développement du surpoids, ainsi que la relation entre le surpoids et les troubles internalisés au cours de l’enfance et au début de l’adolescence. Nous avions trois objectifs généraux: 1) Modéliser le développement de l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) ou du statut pondéral (le fait d’être en surpoids ou non) durant l’enfance, ainsi qu’estimer l’hétérogénéité dans la population au cours du temps (i.e. identification de trajectoires développementales de l’IMC). 2) Identifier les facteurs périnataux et de la petite enfance pouvant accroitre le risque qu’un enfant suive une trajectoire menant au surpoids adolescente. 3) Tester la possibilité que le surpoids durant l’enfance soit associé avec des problèmes de santé mentale internalisés à l’adolescence, et vérifier la possibilité qu’une telle association soit médiatisée par l’expérience de victimisation par les pairs et l’insatisfaction corporelle. Ce travail est mené dans une perspective de développement au cours de la vie (life span perspective), considérant l’accumulation des facteurs de risques au cours du temps ainsi que les facteurs qui se manifestent durant certaines périodes critiques de développement.1,2 Nous avons utilisé les données provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ), une cohorte de naissances de la province de Québec, Canada. L’échantillon initial était composé de 2120 familles avec un bébé de 5 mois nés au Québec en 1997. Ces familles ont été suivies annuellement ou à tous les deux ans jusqu’à ce que les enfants atteignent l’âge de 13 ans. En ce qui concerne le premier objectif de recherche, nous avons utilisé la méthode des trajectoires développementales fondée sur des groupes pour modéliser l’IMC en continu et en catégories (surpoids vs poids normal). Pour notre deuxième objectif, nous avons effectué des modèles de régression multinomiale afin d’identifier les facteurs périnataux et de la petite enfance associés aux différents groupes développementaux du statut pondéral. Les facteurs de risques putatifs ont été choisis parmi les facteurs identifiés dans la littérature et représentent l’environnement périnatal, les caractéristiques de l’enfant, ainsi que l’environnement familial. Ces facteurs ont été analysés longitudinalement dans la mesure du possible, et les facteurs pouvant servir de levier potentiel d’intervention, tels que l’usage de tabac chez la mère durant la grossesse, le sommeil de l’enfant ou le temps d’écoute de télévision, ont été sélectionnés pour l’analyse. Pour notre troisième objectif, nous avons examiné les associations longitudinales (de 6 à 12 ans) entre les scores-z d’IMC (selon la référence CDC 2000) et les problèmes internalisés avec les modèles d’équations structurales de type « cross-lagged ». Nous avons ensuite examiné comment la victimisation par les pairs et l’insatisfaction corporelle durant l’enfance peuvent médiatiser un lien potentiel entre le surpoids et les troubles internalisés au début de l’adolescence. Les contributions scientifiques de la présente thèse incluent l’identification de trajectoires distinctes du statut pondérale durant l’enfance (précoce, tardive, jamais en surpoids), ainsi que les facteurs de risques précoces et les profils de santé mentale pouvant différer selon la trajectoire d’un enfant. De plus, nous avons identifié des mécanismes importants qui expliquent une partie de l’association entre les trajectoires de surpoids et les troubles internalisés: la victimisation par les pairs et l’insatisfaction corporelle.


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Aims: To assess the validity of the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) as a screening tool for detecting 'at risk' emotional and behavioural  maladjustment in children with diabetes, using the Behaviour Assessment System for Children (BASC) as a gold standard measure. Methods: CHQ and BASC were administered to 103 parents of children with Type 1 diabetes, aged 7–12 years. Sub-scales of the two measures were compared using Pearson's bivariate correlations. CHQ sensitivity and specificity cut-points were optimized against the BASC borderline category using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results: The BASC Externalizing Problems scale correlated strongly with CHQ Behaviour, Global Behaviour, Mental Health, Family Activities and Family Cohesion scales (r-values −0.68, −0.54, −0.51, −0.59, and −0.42, respectively). BASC Internalizing Problems scale correlated strongly with CHQ Behaviour, Mental Health and Family Cohesion scales (r-values −0.40, −0.43 and −0.45, respectively). Using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, the CHQ Mental Health scale most effectively identified children classified as borderline on the BASC Internalizing Problems scale (sensitivity 87%, specificity 78%), while the CHQ Global Behaviour scale most effectively identified children classified as borderline on the BASC Externalizing Problems scale (sensitivity 73%, specificity 82%). Conclusions: Significant correlations were seen between the CHQ Global Behaviour and Mental Health scales and the BASC Externalizing and Internalizing scales, respectively. Sequential use of the CHQ, as a screening tool, followed by an established mental health measure such as the BASC, may help identify children with diabetes 'at risk' for chronic maladjustment and poor health outcomes.


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Objective Although the amount and frequency of child support payments received by single parents are often erratic and fluctuate, no study to date has quantitatively explored how the discrepancy between expected and actual payments relates to child health. This study aims to examine whether the discrepancy between expected and actual child support payments predicts a range of child health outcomes, including global health, health-related quality of life, involvement in activities and parental psychological distress.

Methods This study used results from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, which included a sample of parents of children aged 4–5 years (n = 4983). The questionnaire was completed by the parent who spent the most time with the child and knew the child best. From the 4983 families, 332 low-income single parents reliant on welfare with a formal or informal child support order in place were identified.

Results After controlling for income, the discrepancy between expected and actual child support predicted school functioning, conduct problems, total mental health problems and involvement in activities. Discrepancy between expected and actual child support payments did not predict the remaining health-related quality of life domains, mental health domains, global child health or parental psychosocial distress.

Conclusion This was the first study to examine how the discrepancy between expected and actual child support payments relates to child health, providing important data on the effectiveness of the child support system for children's well-being. These findings highlight the potential impact of the discrepancy on school functioning, conduct problems, total mental health problems and involvement in activities.


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Recognition of the importance of the early years in determining health and educational attainment and promotion of the World Health Organization Health for All (HFA) principles has led to an international trend towards community-based initiatives to improve developmental outcomes among socio-economically disadvantaged children. In this study we examine whether, Best Start, an Australian area-based initiative to improve child health was effective in improving access to Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services.

The study compares access to information, parental confidence and annual 3.5 year Ages and Stages visiting rates before (2001/02) and after (2004/05) the introduction of Best Start. Access to information and parental confidence were measured in surveys of parents with 3 year old children. There were 1666 surveys in the first wave and 1838 surveys in the second wave. The analysis of visiting rates for the 3.5 year Ages and Stages visit included all eligible Victorian children. Best Start sites included 1,739 eligible children in 2001/02 and 1437 eligible children in 2004/05. The comparable figures in the rest of the state were and 45, 497 and 45, 953 respectively.

There was a significant increase in attendance at the 3.5 year Ages and Stages visit in 2004/05 compared to 2001/02 in all areas. However the increase in attendance was significantly greater at Best Start sites than the rest of the state. Access to information and parental confidence improved over the course of the intervention in Best Start sites with MCH projects compared to other Best Start sites.

These results suggest that community-based initiatives in disadvantaged areas may improve parents' access to child health information, improve their confidence and increase MCH service use. These outcomes suggest such programmes could potentially contribute to strategies to reduce child health inequalities.


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BACKGROUND: Dietary sodium and potassium are involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Data exploring the cardiovascular outcomes associated with these electrolytes within Australian children is sparse. Furthermore, an objective measure of sodium and potassium intake within this group is lacking. OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the Salt and Other Nutrient Intakes in Children ("SONIC") study was to measure sodium and potassium intakes in a sample of primary schoolchildren located in Victoria, Australia, using 24-hour urine collections. Secondary aims were to identify the dietary sources of sodium and potassium, examine the association between these electrolytes and cardiovascular risk factors, and assess children's taste preferences and saltiness perception of manufactured foods. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a convenience sample of schoolchildren attending primary schools in Victoria, Australia. Participants completed one 24-hour urine collection, which was analyzed for sodium, potassium, and creatinine. Completeness of collections was assessed using collection time, total volume, and urinary creatinine. One 24-hour dietary recall was completed to assess dietary intake. Other data collected included blood pressure, body weight, height, waist and hip circumference. Children were also presented with high and low sodium variants of food products and asked to discriminate salt level and choose their preferred variant. Parents provided demographic information and information on use of discretionary salt. Descriptive statistics will be used to describe sodium and potassium intakes. Linear and logistic regression models with clustered robust standard errors will be used to assess the association between electrolyte intake and health outcomes (blood pressure and body mass index/BMI z-score and waist circumference) and to assess differences in taste preference and discrimination between high and low sodium foods, and correlations between preference, sodium intake, and covariates. RESULTS: A total of 780 children across 43 schools participated. The results from this study are expected at the end of 2015. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide the first objective measure of sodium and potassium intake in Australian schoolchildren and improve our understanding of the relationship of these electrolytes to cardiovascular risk factors. Furthermore, this study will provide insight into child taste preferences and explore related factors. Given the cardiovascular implications of consuming too much sodium and too little potassium, monitoring of these nutrients during childhood is an important public health initiative.