245 resultados para charmed mesons


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The scattering of charmed mesons on nucleons is investigated within a chiral quark model inspired on the QCD Hamiltonian in Coulomb gauge. The microscopic model incorporates a longitudinal Coulomb confining interaction derived from a self-consistent quasi-particle approximation to the QCD vacuum, and a traverse hyperfine interaction motivated from lattice simulations of QCD in Coulomb gauge. From the microscopic interactions at the quark level, effective meson-baryon interactions are derived using a mapping formalism that leads to quark-Born diagrams. As an application, the total cross-section of heavy-light D-mesons scattering on nucleons is estimated.


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Neste trabalho, foram calculados os fatores de forma e as constantes de acoplamento dos vértices mesônicos J/ψ DsDs, J/ψ Ds*Ds e J/ψ Ds*Ds*usando a técnica das regras de soma da QCD (RSQCD) até a ordem 5 da OPE. Estes três vértices estão envolvidos em algumas das numerosas hipóteses que tentam explicar a estrutura interna de alguns mésons charmosos exóticos que começaram a ser observados a partir de 2003. Tais mésons não se encaixam no espectro do charmonium e/ou apresentam números quânticos exóticos dentro do modelo CQM (constituent quark model). Um exemplo é o méson Y(4140), cujo decaimento observado é no par J/ψφ enquanto o esperado seria que tivesse decaimento predominante em mésons com open charm, devido à sua massa. Uma das propostas para se entender este méson consiste em estudá-lo como um estado molecular Ds*ar{D}s*, de modo que seu decaimento seria Y(4140) → Ds* ar{D}s* → J/ψφ. Neste processo, aparecerão os vértices de interação estudados neste trabalho, de maneira que o conhecimento mais preciso de seus fatores de forma e de suas constantes de acoplamento pode beneficiar a compreensão sobre a constituição fundamental do Y(4140) assim como a de outros novos estados como o X(4350), Y(4274) e Y(4660) por exemplo. Foram considerados neste trabalho, todos os casos off-shell possíveis para cada um dos três vértices, obtendo assim dois fatores de forma distintos para o vértice J/ψ DsDs, três para o vértice J/ψ Ds*Ds e dois para o vértice J/ψ Ds* Ds*. Nestes três vértices, os fatores de forma para o caso J/ψ off-shell foram bem ajustados por curvas monopolares enquanto os casos Ds e Ds* foram ajustados por curvas exponenciais, o que está de acordo com o comportamento encontrado em trabalhos anteriores do grupo. Os cálculos das constantes de acoplamento tiveram como resultados: g_{J/ψ Ds Ds} = 5.98^{+0.67}_{ -0.58}, g_{J/ψ D*s Ds} = 4.30_{+0.41}^{-0.35}GeV^{-1} e g_{J/ψ Ds* Ds*} = 7.47^{+1.04}_{-0.71}, resultados estes que estão compatíveis com os trabalhos anteriores que utilizaram as RSQCD para o cálculo das constantes de acoplamento dos vértices J/ψ D(*)D(*).


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The study of charmonium dissociation in heavy ion collisions is generally performed in the framework of effective Lagrangians with meson exchange. Some studies are also developed with the intention of calculate form factors and coupling constants related with charmed and light mesons. These quantifies are important in the evaluation of charmonium cross sections. In this Letter we present a calculation of the omega DD vertex that is a possible interaction vertex in some meson-exchange models spread in the literature. We used the standard method of QCD sum rules in order to obtain the vertex form factor as a function of the transferred momentum. Our results are compatible with the value of this vertex form factor (at zero momentum transfer) obtained in the vector-meson dominance model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The J/psipi --> (D) over barD*, D (D) over bar*, (D) over bar *D* and (D) over barD cross sections as a function of roots are evaluated in a QCD sum rule calculation. We study the Borel sum rule for the four point function involving pseudoscalar and vector meson currents, up to dimension four in the operator product expansion. We find that our results are smaller than the J/psipi --> charmed mesons cross sections obtained with models based on meson exchange, but are close to those obtained with quark exchange models. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the production of charmed mesons (D) and baryons (Lambda(c)) in antiproton- proton ((p) over barp) annihilation close to their respective production thresholds. The elementary charm production process is described by either baryon/ meson exchange or by quark/ gluon dynamics. Effects of the interactions in the initial and final states are taken into account rigorously. The calculations are performed in close analogy to our earlier study on (p) over bar -> (Lambda) over bar Lambda and (p) over barp (K) over bar K by connecting the processes via SU(4) flavor symmetry. Our predictions for the (Lambda) over bar (c)Lambda(c) production cross section are in the order of 1 to 7 mb, i. e. a factor of around 10-70 smaller than the corresponding cross sections for (Lambda) over bar Lambda However, they are 100 to 1000 times larger than predictions of other model calculations in the literature. on the other hand, the resulting cross sections for (D) over barD production are found to be in the order of 10(-2) - 10(-1)mu b and they turned out to be comparable to those obtained in other studies.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Heavy-ion collisions at ultrarelativistic energies may be used as a powerful source of photons and pomerons. We compute the rates for pseudoscalar meson production through two-photon and two-pomeron scattering, at energies that will be available at RHIC and LHC. Light mesons will mostly be produced by pomeron fusion at large rates, the two processes are comparable for charmed mesons, while electromagnetic production will be dominant for bottom mesons. We discuss the possibility of observing the reaction gammagamma(PP) --> R --> gammagamma, and comment on the particular case where R could be a scalar resonance at 650 MeV.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ALICE experiment has measured low-mass dimuon production in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV in the dimuon rapidity region 2.5 < y < 4. The observed dimuon mass spectrum is described as a superposition of resonance decays (eta, rho, omega, eta', phi) into muons and semi-leptonic decays of charmed mesons. The measured production cross sections for omega and phi are sigma(omega)(1 < p(t) < 5 GeV/c. 2.5 < y < 4) = 5.28 +/- 0.54(stat) +/- 0.49(syst) mb and sigma(phi)(1 < p(t) < 5 GeV/c. 2.5 < y < 4) = 0.940 +/- 0.084(stat) +/- 0.076(syst) mb. The differential cross sections d(2)sigma/dy dp(t) are extracted as a function of p(t) for omega and phi. The ratio between the rho and omega cross section is obtained. Results for the phi are compared with other measurements at the same energy and with predictions by models. (C) 2012 CERN. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The predictions of the SU(3) flavor symmetry of the strong interactions for the weak decay of charmed baryons and B-mesons are detailed. It is hoped that comparison between these predictions and experiment will shed some light on the underlying dynamics involved in these weak decays. Although only a few decay modes of the charmed baryons and B-mesons have been studied experimentally it is hoped that the next generation of B-factories and even Z-decays at LEP will provide enough events to test these predictions.


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We study the low-energy scattering of charmed (D) and strange (K) mesons by nucleons. The short-distance part of the interaction is due to quark-gluon interchanges derived from a model that realizes dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confines color. The quark-gluon interaction incorporates a confining Coulomb-like potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations in Coulomb gauge and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The long-distance part of the interaction is due to single vector (rho, omega) and scalar (sigma) meson exchanges. We show results for scattering cross-sections for isospin I = 0 and I = 1.


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We examine possibility to extract information about the DN and DN interactious from the pd -> D(0)D(-)p reaction. We utilize the notion that the open-charm mesons are first produced hi the annihilation of the antiproton on one nucleon in the deuteron and subsequently rescatter oil the other (the spectator) nucleon. The latter process is then exploited for investigating the DN and DN interaction.,;. We study different methods for isolating the contributions from the D(0)p and D(-)p rescattering terms.