994 resultados para character traits


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This research study explored a support system for children with learning disabilities. The Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region (LDANR) recently expanded its Better Emotional and Social Times (B.E.S.T.) program to incorporate an innovative, character education initiative called the “Who is NOBODY?” program. The objective of this qualitative case study was two-fold. First, the study aimed to support the LDANR in assessing the efficacy of the “Who is NOBODY?” program, providing the LDANR with empirical support for their programs. Second, the study enabled a more in-depth understanding of how to best support children with LD in regards to their social and emotional well-being. The study explored the “Who is NOBODY?” program through three lenses: design, implementation, and experiences of participating children. Three primary themes emerged from these three data lenses: positive character traits, prosocial behaviour, and strong self-efficacy – leading to the promotion of strong character development and self-esteem. Taken together, the “Who is NOBODY?” program was shown to be a successful remediation program for supporting vulnerable children with LD.


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Classical and contemporary scholarship on leadership has referred to political performance and the ability of political actors to deploy the self to political purpose. Literature on contemporary British politics (Hennessy, 2001; Marquand, 2008, King, 2009) has highlighted the qualitative shift in political leadership from the mid-1990s towards a focus upon the image, style, celebrity and performance of political leaders, and the shift towards the presidentialisation or semi-presidentialisation of the prime minister (Foley, 2001). However, the literature has lacked a focus upon political performance and a methodology for assessing leadership performance within cultural and institutional contexts. This thesis assesses British political leadership performance from 1997-2010 through the proposal of a framework of political performance to suit comparative purpose. The framework consisting of culture, institutions and performance is used to assess the performance of the case studies (Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron, and Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg in the televised Leaders’ Debates of 2010). The application of the framework to the case studies will allow us to a) analyse political performance within given cultural and institutional contexts; b) establish the character traits and other aspects of a politician’s political persona; and c) appraise the role and effects of performance and persona upon the political process.


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The implicit structure of positive character traits was examined in two studies of 190 and 100 undergraduates. Participants judged the pairwise covariation or semantic similarity of 42 positive characteristics using a sorting or a rating task. Characteristics were drawn from a new classification of strengths and virtues, the Five-Factor Model, and a taxonomy of values. Participants showed consistent patterns of perceived association among the characteristics across the study conditions. Multidimensional scaling yielded three consistent dimensions underlying these judgments (“warmth vs. self-control,” “vivacity vs. decency,” and “wisdom vs. power”). Cluster analyses yielded six consistent groupings—“self-control,” “love,” “wisdom,” “drive,” “vivacity,” and “collaboration”—that corresponded only moderately to the virtue classification. All three taxonomies were systematically related to this implicit structure, but none captured it satisfactorily on its own. Revisions to positive psychology’s classification of strengths are proposed.


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A sizeable body of research has investigated the impact of specific character strengths or traits on significant outcomes. Some recent research is beginning to consider the effects of groups of strengths, combined as a higher order variable, and termed covitality. This study investigated the combined influence of four positive character traits: gratitude, optimism, zest and persistence, upon school engagement, within a sample of 112 Australian primary school students. The combined effect of these four traits, in defining covitality as a higher or second order factor within a path analysis, was found to predict relatively higher levels of school engagement and pro-social behaviour.


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Nesta tese abordamos alguns aspectos das inter-relações entre conhecimento, ética e valores dentro da atividade científica segundo as ideias do matemático-filósofo vitoriano William Clifford. O nosso tema geral coloca em jogo o envolvimento da produção, da avaliação e da transmissão de conhecimento científico com os comportamentos, as responsabilidades e os traços de caráter do investigador. Nosso objetivo é oferecer uma introdução ao pensamento e a algumas produções intelectuais de Clifford, um autor pouco familiar ao público filosófico brasileiro, bem como uma descrição comentada de seu escrito mais famoso, intitulado A Ética da Crença. Mediante esse objetivo, extraímos suas concepções a respeito das características e consequências éticas do empreendimento científico. As questões que orientam a tese são as seguintes: de que maneira a produção de conhecimento estaria condicionada à personalidade e ao comportamento ético de quem se lança àquela prática? Em que medida essa prática promove o cultivo de características pessoais socialmente desejáveis e favoráveis? Quais as conseqüências para a sociedade dessa inter-relação entre o caráter do investigador e os valores epistêmicos que estes colocam em ação e, sem os quais parece não ser possível a obtenção de conhecimento confiável?


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Eleanor Roosevelt, as a renowned humanitarian, portrayed an inconsistency by supporting Zionist ambitions for a national homeland in Palestine while simultaneously ignoring the rights of the indigenous Palestinians. Because of this dichotomy, this dissertation explores her attitudes, her disposition and her position in light of the conflict in the region. It conveys how her particular character traits interplayed with the cultural influences prevalent in mid-century America and encouraged her empathy with the plight of European Jews after the Holocaust. As she evolved politically, initially under the tutelage of Franklin Roosevelt and latterly as a UN delegate, she outgrew the anti-Semitism of the period to become a committed Zionist. Judging the Palestinians as ‘primitives’ incapable of self-government and heartened by Jewish development, she supported the partition of Palestine in November 1947. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war the 800,000 Palestinian refugees encamped in neighbouring Arab states threatened to destabilise the region. Her solution was to discourage repatriation and to re-settle them in Iraq – a plan that directly contravened the principles of the December 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the UN committee she had chaired. No detailed work has been conducted on these aspects of Eleanor Roosevelt’s life; this dissertation reveals a complex person rather than a model of ‘humanitarianism’, and one whose activities cannot be so simply categorised. In the eight chapters that follow, her own thoughts are disclosed through her ‘My Day’ newspaper column, through letters to friends and to members of the public that petitioned her, through a scrutiny of her articles, books and autobiography. This information was attained as a result of archival research in the US and in The Netherlands and was considered against an extensive range of secondary literature. During the Cold War, to offset Soviet incursion, Eleanor Roosevelt promoted Jewish usurpation of Palestinian lands with equanimity in order that an industrious Western-style democracy would bring stability to the region. These events facilitated the exposure of a latent Orientalism and an imperialistic lien that fostered paternalism in a woman new to the nuances of international diplomacy.


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The links between Presbyterians in Scotland and the north of Ireland are obvious but have been largely ignored by historians of the nineteenth century. This article addresses this gap by showing how Ulster Presbyterians considered their relationship with their Scottish co-religionists and how they used the interplay of religious and ethnic considerations this entailed to articulate an Ulster Scots identity. For Presbyterians in Ireland, their Scottish origins and identity represented a collection of ideas that could be deployed at certain times for specific reasons – theological orthodoxy, civil and religious liberty, and certain character traits such as hard work, courage, and soberness. Ideas about the Scottish identity of Presbyterianism were reawakened for a more general audience in the first half of the nineteenth century, during the campaign for religious reform and revival within the Irish church, and were expressed through a distinctive denominational historiography inaugurated by James Seaton Reid. The formulation of a coherent narrative of Presbyterian religion and the improvement of Ulster laid the religious foundations of a distinct Ulster Scots identity and its utilization by unionist opponents of Home Rule between 1885 and 1914.


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O conhecimento de mecanismos de genómica funcional tem sido maioritariamente adquirido pela utilização de organismos modelo que são mantidos em condições laboratoriais. Contudo, estes organismos não reflectem as respostas a alterações ambientais. Por outro lado, várias espécies, ecologicamente bem estudadas, reflectem bem as interacções entre genes e ambiente mas que, das quais não existem recursos genéticos disponíveis. O imposex, caracterizado pela superimposição de caracteres sexuais masculinos em fêmeas, é induzido pelo tributilestanho (TBT) e trifenilestanho (TPT) e representa um dos melhores exemplos de disrupção endócrina com causas antropogénicas no ambiente aquático. Com o intuito de elucidar as bases moleculares deste fenómeno, procedeu-se à combinação das metodologias de pirosequenciação (sequenciação 454 da Roche) e microarrays (Agilent 4*180K) de forma a contribuir para um melhor conhecimento desta interacção gene-ambiente no gastrópode Nucella lapillus, uma espécie sentinela para imposex. O trancriptoma de N. lapillus foi sequenciado, reconstruído e anotado e posteriormente utilizado para a produção de um “array” de nucleótidos. Este array foi então utilizado para explorar níveis de expressão génica em resposta à contaminação por TBT. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses anteriormente propostas (esteróidica, neuroendócrina, retinóica) e adicionalmente revelou a existência de potenciais novos mecanismos envolvidos no fenómeno imposex. Evidência para alvos moleculares de disrupção endócrina não relacionados com funções reprodutoras, tais como, sistema imunitário, apoptose e supressores de tumores, foram identificados. Apesar disso, tendo em conta a forte componente reprodutiva do imposex, esta componente funcional foi a mais explorada. Assim, factores de transcrição e receptores nucleares lipofílicos, funções mitocondriais e actividade de transporte celular envolvidos na diferenciação de géneros estão na base de potenciais novos mecanismos associados ao imposex em N. lapillus. Em particular, foi identificado como estando sobre-expresso, um possível homólogo do receptor nuclear “peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma” (PPARγ), cuja função na indução de imposex foi confirmada experimentalmente in vivo após injecção dos animais com Rosiglitazone, um conhecido ligando de PPARγ em vertebrados. De uma forma geral, os resultados obtidos mostram que o fenómeno imposex é um mecanismo complexo, que possivelmente envolve a cascata de sinalização envolvendo o receptor retinoid X (RXR):PPARγ “heterodimer” que, até à data não foi descrito em invertebrados. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos apontam para alguma conservação de mecanismos de acção envolvidos na disrupção endócrina em invertebrados e vertebrados. Finalmente, a informação molecular produzida e as ferramentas moleculares desenvolvidas contribuem de forma significativa para um melhor conhecimento do fenómeno imposex e constituem importantes recursos para a continuação da investigação deste fenómeno e, adicionalmente, poderão vir a ser aplicadas no estudo de outras respostas a alterações ambientais usando N. lapillus como organismo modelo. Neste sentido, N. lapillus foi também utilizada para explorar a adaptação na morfologia da concha em resposta a alterações naturais induzidas por acção das ondas e pelo risco de predação por caranguejos. O contributo da componente genética, plástica e da sua interacção para a expressão fenotípica é crucial para compreender a evolução de caracteres adaptativos a ambientes heterogéneos. A contribuição destes factores na morfologia da concha de N. lapillus foi explorada recorrendo a transplantes recíprocos e experiências laboratoriais em ambiente comum (com e sem influência de predação) e complementada com análises genéticas, utilizando juvenis provenientes de locais representativos de costas expostas e abrigadas da acção das ondas. As populações estudadas são diferentes geneticamente mas possuem o mesmo cariótipo. Adicionalmente, análises morfométricas revelaram plasticidade da morfologia da concha em ambas as direcções dos transplantes recíprocos e também a retenção parcial, em ambiente comum, da forma da concha nos indivíduos da F2, indicando uma correlação positiva (co-gradiente) entre heritabilidade e plasticidade. A presença de estímulos de predação por caranguejos estimulou a produção de conchas com labros mais grossos, de forma mais evidente em animais recolhidos de costas expostas e também provocou alterações na forma da concha em animais desta proveniência. Estes dados sugerem contra-gradiente em alterações provocadas por predação na morfologia da concha, na produção de labros mais grossos e em níveis de crescimento. O estudo das interacções gene-ambiente descritas acima demonstram a actual possibilidade de produzir recursos e conhecimento genómico numa espécie bem caracterizada ecologicamente mas com limitada informação genómica. Estes recursos permitem um maior conhecimento biológico desta espécie e abrirão novas oportunidades de investigação, que até aqui seriam impossíveis de abordar.


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Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical Engineering, specialty of Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing


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This qualitative study examined resilience factors of eight university and college students with learning disabilities as revealed through retrospective interviews. This study has added to the existing literature surrounding resilience especially as it relates to individuals with learning disabilities. This study may provide additional insight into the emotional impacts of repeated and chronic risks on students with learning disabilities. The major themes that emerged using the interpretive phenomenological analysis method (Smith & Osborn, 2003) were organized under these four major headings: Challenges and Obstacles, Surviving Challenges, Supportive Conditions, and A Journey of Discovery and Hope. An adaptation of the listening guide analytical method (Gilligan, Spencer, Weinberg, & Bertsch, 2003) was also utilized and offered a more personal depiction of the participants and an exploration of the unique contributions their stories made to this study. Specifically, a theme of feeling trapped/wanting to escape emerged as a reaction to adversity faced during elementary school years. Furthennore, this study has demonstrated that for several of the participants, the benefits of positive outlets extended beyond nurturing areas of strength and self-esteem to also include the provision of a short respite from their challenges and enhanced feelings of overall well-being. Additionally, this study may add to the existing literature surrounding character traits evident in resilient students, specifically highlighting the significance of optimism and selfacceptance.


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Cette thèse examine les théories politiques profanes qui sont mises de l’avant dans les articles et les reportages des journalistes politiques. Par «théories profanes», nous entendons les constructions intellectuelles informelles qui aident les journalistes à appréhender et à concevoir la vie politique. Nous les définissons ici par opposition aux théories scientifiques des universitaires. Ces théories sont examinées sous trois angles différents, au travers de trois articles scientifiques distincts. Notre principal objectif est de déterminer dans quelle mesure et pour quelles raisons les théories journalistiques profanes convergent ou divergent des théories universitaires scientifiques. Au premier chapitre, nous nous demandons ce que les journalistes font, en nous attardant aux critères sur lesquels ces derniers s’appuient pour analyser la personnalité des chefs de partis politiques. Plus précisément, nous cherchons à savoir si les journalistes tiennent compte des considérations politiques jugées importantes par les citoyens. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, nous réalisons une analyse de contenu des reportages diffusés dans les grands bulletins d’information télévisés au sujet de l’ex-chef du Parti québécois, André Boisclair. Au second chapitre, nous poussons notre réflexion un cran plus loin en nous demandant ce que les journalistes disent précisément dans les théories qu’ils développent. Pour ce faire, nous examinons les théories développées par les journalistes pour expliquer le comportement des parlementaires. De manière spécifique, nous contrastons les théories académiques de la dissidence politique avec ce qui s’est écrit dans les grands journaux canadiens à l’occasion de quatre votes particulièrement serrés ayant eu lieu à la Chambre des communes à propos de la prolongation de la mission canadienne en Afghanistan et de l’abolition du registre des armes d’épaule. Enfin, nous nous attardons à ce que les journalistes pensent de leurs propres théories, en les interrogeant sur les raisons qui les poussent à mettre ces dernières de l’avant et sur la manière dont ils s’y prennent pour les développer. Nous nous attardons aux mécanismes qui rythment la pensée des journalistes et nous portons notre regard sur les matériaux dont ceux-ci se servent pour construire les théories qu’ils incluent dans leurs reportages. Pour ce faire, nous réalisons des entrevues semi-dirigées avec des journalistes politiques affectés à la couverture de l’élection présidentielle française de 2012. Nos questions portent notamment sur le chemin intellectuel qu’ils parcourent lorsqu’ils tentent de comprendre et d’expliquer le comportement des politiciens, ainsi que sur la façon dont ils conçoivent les campagnes électorales et le rôle qu’ils sont appelés à jouer à l’intérieur de celles-ci. Nos conclusions sont à l’effet que les journalistes construisent bel et bien des théories profanes de la vie politique afin d’aller au-delà des simples comptes rendus factuels et de répondre à ce qu’ils considèrent être une nécessité de leur travail. Les théories qu’ils mettent de l’avant tiennent compte des considérations politiques jugées importantes par les électeurs, et elles ont des traits communs avec certaines des idées sous-tendues par les théories scientifiques des universitaires. Ces théories s’articulent autour des observations que font les journalistes, et des conversations auxquelles ils prennent part ou dont ils sont témoins. Elles reflètent la plupart du temps l’expérience ou le vécu du journaliste. Les théories journalistiques profanes se distinguent toutefois des théories scientifiques en ce qu’elles ne sont ni formalisées, ni explicitement nommées. Elles n’ont pas la sophistication des théories universitaires, et elles sont parfois reléguées à l’arrière-plan de la couverture médiatique au bénéfice d’aspects plus théâtraux de la vie politique. Les journalistes développent par contre des mécanismes pour valider leurs théories. La contribution de cette thèse à l’avancement des connaissances se manifeste sur les plans conceptuel, théorique et empirique. Sur le plan conceptuel, nous étayons davantage le concept des théories journalistiques. Notre thèse permet de mieux comprendre la couverture médiatique de la politique, en mettant en lumière un de ses aspects jusqu’ici négligé par les politologues, soit le fait que les journalistes construisent et utilisent des théories politiques qui leur sont propres pour appréhender l’univers au sein duquel ils évoluent. Sur le plan théorique, nous faisons ressortir les objectifs et les impératifs qui guident les journalistes qui développent ces théories. Enfin, sur le plan empirique, nous donnons pour une rare fois l’occasion aux journalistes de s’exprimer sur la manière dont ils perçoivent leur propre travail.


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Zusammenfassung zur Inaugural-Dissertation: Von „weiblichen Vollmenschen“ und Klassenkämpferinnen – Frauengeschichte und Frauenleitbilder in der proletarischen Frauenzeitschrift „Die Gleichheit“ (1891-1923). Die wissenschaftliche Bedeutung, die der SPD-Frauenzeitschrift „Die Gleichheit“ (1891-1923) als Quelle der Geschichte der Frauenbewegung zukommt, spiegelt sich weder in Darstellungen zur Geschichte der SPD noch in der Geschichtsschreibung der deutschen Frauenbewegung wider. Auch ist die „Gleichheit“, Presseorgan der organisierten proletarischen Frauenbewegung Deutschlands und der Sozialistischen Fraueninternationale, bisher kaum Gegenstand einer umfassenden publizistischen Analyse gewesen. Es galt daher, zumindest das Hauptblatt der „Gleichheit“, die an ihr beteiligten Personen, ihre Strukturen und ihr Selbstverständnis möglichst detailliert und anhand publizistischer Kriterien darzustellen. Wandlungen ihres Erscheinungsbildes, ihrer editorischen und personellen Strukturen oder ihres Seitenumfangs markieren entscheidende Wendepunkte der deutschen Politik während des deutschen Kaiserreichs und der Weimarer Republik. Ihr Niveau lag deutlich über dem einer allgemeinen Frauenzeitschrift, eines Mitteilungs- oder Unterhaltungsblattes. Ihr Ziel war es, sowohl politisches Schulungsblatt für die engagierten Genossinnen als auch Agitationsmittel für die indifferenten Proletarierinnen zu sein. Inwieweit sie mit dieser Zielsetzung erfolgreich war, kann jedoch selbst die große Zahl ihrer Abonnements (der Höchststand lag 1914 bei 124.000 Exemplaren) nicht validieren. Tatsächlich ließ gerade der von ihrer langjährigen Redakteurin Clara Zetkin (1857-1933) angestrebte hohe intellektuelle Anspruch die „Gleichheit“ jedoch nicht zu einem Medium der Massen werden. Im Mai 1917 entschied sich der SPD-Parteivorstand, der dem Burgfrieden abträglichen, konsequent sozialistischen und internationalistischen Haltung Zetkins keine öffentliche Plattform mehr zu geben und entließ sie aus der Redaktion. Die Leitung der „Gleichheit“, die auch bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt durchaus keine „One-Woman-Show“ war, oblag schließlich bis zu ihrem letztmaligen Erscheinen im September 1923 noch einigen weiteren Redakteurinnen und Redakteuren (Marie Juchacz (1879-1956), Heinrich Schulz (1872-1932), Clara Bohm-Schuch (1879-1936), Elli Radtke-Warmuth (?-?) und Mathilde Wurm (1874-1935)). Deren Tätigkeit für die „Gleichheit“ wurde jedoch bisher kaum wissenschaftlich reflektiert. Dies gilt auch für die ausgesprochen internationale Zusammensetzung oder die männlichen Mitglieder des MitarbeiterInnenstabes. Indem sie sich selbst in der Tradition und als Teil eines Netzwerkes deutscher Frauen­öffentlichkeit („Die Frauen-Zeitung“ (1849-1852), „Die Staatsbürgerin“ (1886) und „Die Arbeiterin“ (1890-1891)) sah und indem sie besonders mittels frauen­geschichtlicher und frauenbiographischer Inhalte das Selbstbewusstsein ihrer Leserinnen zu fördern versuchte, betrieb die „Gleichheit“ gezielt Frauengeschichtsschreibung. Zahlreiche Artikel porträtieren Frauen aus Geschichte und Gegenwart und stellen in ihrem elaborierten Stil „Typen“ bzw. „Vorbilder“ dar. Um die Frage beantworten zu können, welche Frauen der Geschichte und welche ihrer Charaktereigenschaften von der „Gleichheit“ als vorbildlich für Sozialdemokratinnen erachtet wurden, wurden die biographischen Artikel zu 173 Frauen nach Analyse ihrer Inhalte und ihres Duktus vier Frauenleitbildern zugeordnet. Die Kategorisierung der einzelnen Frauenleitbilder „weiblicher Vollmensch“, „sozialistische Mutter“, „sozialistische Ehefrau“ und „Klassenkämpferin“ lehnt sich wiederum an den von Zetkin bereits 1898 veröffentlichten Artikel „Nicht Haussklavin, nicht Mannweib, weiblicher Vollmensch” (Die Gleichheit, Jg. 08/ Nr. 02/ 19.11.1898/ S. 1.) an. Sämtliche frauenbiographischen Artikel appellieren an die „Gleichheit“-Leserinnen, die oft selbst gesetzten Grenzen ihrer Handlungs – und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zu sprengen. Die sich daraus ableitenden Identifikationsangebote waren somit nicht auf dem Reissbrett ent­worfen, sondern basierten auf geschichtlicher Erfahrung und antizipierendem Bewusstsein. Diese Leitbilder versuchten, Realität und Utopie miteinander zu verbinden und konnten daher kaum frei von Widersprüchen sein. Wie die „Gleichheit“ selbst, so blieben auch ihre Ansätze politischer Frauen­bildung teilweise zwischen revolu­tionärem Umsturz und traditioneller Kontinuität gefangen. Indem sich die „Gleichheit“ historischer Vorbilder bediente, machte sie jedoch konkrete Ansprüche geltend: Sie forderte den weiblichen Anteil an Geschichte, an politischer Macht und am öffentlichen Bewusstsein.


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This thesis is a comparative sociolinguistic study which describes and compares language choice among people with Hungarian background in Sweden and Finland and studies their views on the importance of the Hungarian language and Hungarian cultural heritage for identity. The future prospects of language maintenance and language shift and differences between the Swedish-Hungarians and the Finnish-Hungarians are discussed. A survey was completed among 50 Swedish-Hungarian informants and 38 Finnish-Hungarian informants during 2006. The survey was supplemented by in-depth interviews with 15 informants during 2007. The majority language, either Swedish or Finnish, is much more active in the second-generation Hungarians’ lives than Hungarian is. Hungarian is mostly used in the domain of family relations. The language choices made today are dependent on the informant’s situation during childhood, particularly the parents’ usage of the language and the ability to learn and use Hungarian, chiefly gained through contact with the parents’ mother country and other Hungarian speakers. For some informants, having Hungarian roots forms the sole foundation for belonging, while for others it is this heritage combined with the culture, the ability to use the language or specific character traits. The Hungarian background is most often seen as a treasure offering diversity in life. Finnish-Hungarians are generally more positive about their Hungarian background, have better competence in the language and a greater awareness of the culture than Swedish-Hungarians. The Hungarian language plays a central though often symbolic role. The most important conditions for minority language preservation are language competence together with the desire and opportunity to use it; whereof the largest deficit among second-generation Hungarians is knowledge of the Hungarian language. Only one-fourth of the informants have all of the conditions necessary to be able to maintain the language, which means that Hungarian is an endangered minority language in Sweden and Finland.


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This paper will report on a research project funded by the Australian Football League (AFL).The research mobilises Foucault's later work on the care of the Self to focus on the ways in which player identities are regulated; and the manner in which players conduct themselves in ways that can be characterised as professional - or not.

The paper explores the forms of risk management that Clubs use in the processes of talent identification that they engage in as a consequence of AFL rules. The paper discusses how psychological profiling is used to identify character traits prior to initial recruitment in the draft or trading processes - and reports on suggestions that risk management in this increasingly commerciaIised context may lead to recruitment practices that exclude certain types of persons. from
certain types of backgrounds.