961 resultados para chaotic and diffusive motion


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Acknowledgements One of us (T. B.) acknowledges many interesting discussions on coupled maps with Professor C. Tsallis. We are also grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive feedback that helped us improve the manuscript and to the HPCS Laboratory of the TEI of Western Greece for providing the computer facilities where all our simulations were performed. C. G. A. was partially supported by the “EPSRC EP/I032606/1” grant of the University of Aberdeen. This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: THALES - Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.


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Acknowledgements One of us (T. B.) acknowledges many interesting discussions on coupled maps with Professor C. Tsallis. We are also grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive feedback that helped us improve the manuscript and to the HPCS Laboratory of the TEI of Western Greece for providing the computer facilities where all our simulations were performed. C. G. A. was partially supported by the “EPSRC EP/I032606/1” grant of the University of Aberdeen. This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: THALES - Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.


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In most visual mapping applications suited to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), stereo visual odometry (VO) is rarely utilised as a pose estimator as imagery is typically of very low framerate due to energy conservation and data storage requirements. This adversely affects the robustness of a vision-based pose estimator and its ability to generate a smooth trajectory. This paper presents a novel VO pipeline for low-overlap imagery from an AUV that utilises constrained motion and integrates magnetometer data in a bi-objective bundle adjustment stage to achieve low-drift pose estimates over large trajectories. We analyse the performance of a standard stereo VO algorithm and compare the results to the modified vo algorithm. Results are demonstrated in a virtual environment in addition to low-overlap imagery gathered from an AUV. The modified VO algorithm shows significantly improved pose accuracy and performance over trajectories of more than 300m. In addition, dense 3D meshes generated from the visual odometry pipeline are presented as a qualitative output of the solution.


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Accurately quantifying total freshwater storage methane release to atmosphere requires the spatial–temporal measurement of both diffusive and ebullitive emissions. Existing floating chamber techniques provide localised assessment of methane flux, however, significant errors can arise when weighting and extrapolation to the entire storage, particularly when ebullition is significant. An improved technique has been developed that compliments traditional chamber based experiments to quantify the storage-scale release of methane gas to atmosphere through ebullition using the measurements from an Optical Methane Detector (OMD) and a robotic boat. This provides a conservative estimate of the methane emission rate from ebullition along with the bubble volume distribution. It also georeferences the area of ebullition activity across entire storages at short temporal scales. An assessment on Little Nerang Dam in Queensland, Australia, demonstrated whole storage methane release significantly differed spatially and throughout the day. Total methane emission estimates showed a potential 32-fold variation in whole-of-dam rates depending on the measurement and extrapolation method and time of day used. The combined chamber and OMD technique showed that 1.8–7.0% of the surface area of Little Nerang Dam is accounting for up to 97% of total methane release to atmosphere throughout the day. Additionally, over 95% of detectable ebullition occurred in depths less than 12 m during the day and 6 m at night. This difference in spatial and temporal methane release rate distribution highlights the need to monitor significant regions of, if not the entire, water storage in order to provide an accurate estimate of ebullition rates and their contribution to annual methane emissions.


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This study investigated the possible interplay effects arising from the treatment of moving targets using the dynamic conformal arc therapy (DCAT) technique. Dose from a modulated test beam was measured, with and without phantom motion and with and without a 30o arc rotation, using a diode array placed on a sinusoidally moving platform. Measurements were repeated at five different collimator angles (0, 22.5, 45, 67.5 and 90o), at two different dose rates (300 and 600 MU/min). Results showed that the effect of respiratory motion on the measured dose distribution increased slightly when the beams were delivered as arcs, rather than with a static gantry angle, and that this effect increased substantially as the collimator angle was increased from 0o (MLC motion perpendicular to respiratory motion) to 90o (MLC motion parallel to respiratory motion). The dose oscillations arising from interplay between phantom and MLC motion were found to increase in magnitude when the dose rate was increased. These results led to the development of simple recommendations for minimizing the negative effects of motion interplay on DCAT dose distributions


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This thesis studied the influence of patient obesity on prostate motion during radiation therapy treatment delivery, an important consideration in the accurate treatment of prostate cancer. The study highlighted the importance of daily image guidance to correct for prostate motion, increasing radiation dose to the prostate while decreasing radiation dose to surrounding healthy tissues, thereby increasing patient quality of life.


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The wave functions of moving bound states may be expected to contract in the direction of motion, in analogy to a rigid rod in classical special relativity, when the constituents are at equal (ordinary) time. Indeed, the Lorentz contraction of wave functions is often appealed to in qualitative discussions. However, only few field theory studies exist of equal-time wave functions in motion. In this thesis I use the Bethe-Salpeter formalism to study the wave function of a weakly bound state such as a hydrogen atom or positronium in a general frame. The wave function of the e^-e^+ component of positronium indeed turns out to Lorentz contract both in 1+1 and in 3+1 dimensional quantum electrodynamics, whereas the next-to-leading e^-e^+\gamma Fock component of the 3+1 dimensional theory deviates from classical contraction. The second topic of this thesis concerns single spin asymmetries measured in scattering on polarized bound states. Such spin asymmetries have so far mainly been analyzed using the twist expansion of perturbative QCD. I note that QCD vacuum effects may give rise to a helicity flip in the soft rescattering of the struck quark, and that this would cause a nonvanishing spin asymmetry in \ell p^\uparrow -> \ell' + \pi + X in the Bjorken limit. An analogous asymmetry may arise in p p^\uparrow -> \pi + X from Pomeron-Odderon interference, if the Odderon has a helicity-flip coupling. Finally, I study the possibility that the large single spin asymmetry observed in p p^\uparrow -> \pi(x_F,k_\perp) + X when the pion carries a high momentum fraction x_F of the polarized proton momentum arises from coherent effects involving the entire polarized bound state.


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Detailed molecular simulations are carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on orientational order in cubane molecular crystal. We report a transition from an orientationally ordered to an orientationally disordered plastic crystalline phase in the temperature range 425-450 K. This is similar to the experimentally reported transition at 395 K. The nature of this transition is first order and is associated with a 4.8% increase in unit Cell volume that is comparable to the experimentally reported unit cell volume change of 5.4% (Phys. Rev. Lett. 1997, 78, 4938). An orientational order parameter, eta(T), has been defined in terms of average angle of libration of a molecular 3-fold axis and the orientational melting has been characterized by using eta(T). The orientational melting is associated with an anomaly in specific heat at constant pressure (C-p) and compressibility (kappa). The enthalpy of transition and entropy of transition associated with this orientational melting are 20.8 J mol(-1) and 0.046 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. The structure of crystalline as well as plastic crystalline phases is characterized by using various radial distribution functions and orientational distribution functions. The coefficient of thermal expansion of the plastic crystalline phase is more than twice that of the crystalline phase.


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A microscopic calculation of the solvation dynamics of an ion in liquid water is presented. The calculated solvation time correlation function shows an ultrafast Gaussian decay which carries about 70%–90% of the strength followed by a biexponential decay with time constants equal to 250 fs and 1 ps. These results are in excellent agreement with the computer simulations of Maroncelli and Fleming and also with the experimental findings of Barbara and Jarzeba. In addition, we find that both the rotational librations and the intermolecular translational vibrational modes of water contribute significantly to the initial Gaussian decay.


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In order to understand the translational and rotational motion in dense molecular liquids, detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out for three different values of the aspect ratio kappa. For ellipsoids with an aspect ratio equal to 2, the product of the translational diffusion coefficient (D-T) and the average orientational correlation time of the l-th rank harmonics (tau(lR)), converges to a nearly constant value at high density. Surprisingly, this density independent value of D-T tau(lR) is within 5% of the hydrodynamic prediction with the slip boundary condition. This is despite the fact that both D-T and tau(lR) themselves change nearly by an order of magnitude in the density range considered, and the rotational correlation function itself is strongly nonexponential. For small aspect ratios (kappa less than or equal to 1.5), the rotational correlation function remains largely Gaussian even at a very large density, while for a large aspect ratio (kappa greater than or equal to 3), the transition to the nematic liquid-crystalline phase precludes the hydrodynamic regime. Thus, the rotational dynamics of ellipsoids show great sensitivity to the aspect ratio. At low density, tau(lR) goes through a minimum value, indicating the role of interactions in enhancing the rate of orientational relaxation. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(97)50142-5].


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Recent studies on the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect report an intriguing crossover phenomenon from low-dimensional chaotic to an infinite-dimensional scale-invariant power law regime in experiments on CuAl single crystals and AlMg polycrystals, as function of strain rate. We devise fully dynamical model which reproduces these results. At low and medium strain rates, the model is chaotic with the structure of the attractor resembling the reconstructed experimental attractor. At high strain rates, power law statistics for the magnitudes and durations of the stress drops emerge as in experiments and concomitantly, the largest Lyapunov exponent is zero.


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The aim of this work is to enable seamless transformation of product concepts to CAD models. This necessitates availability of 3D product sketches. The present work concerns intuitive generation of 3D strokes and intrinsic support for space sharing and articulation for the components of the product being sketched. Direct creation of 3D strokes in air lacks in precision, stability and control. The inadequacy of proprioceptive feedback for the task is complimented in this work with stereo vision and haptics. Three novel methods based on pencil-paper interaction analogy for haptic rendering of strokes have been investigated. The pen-tilt based rendering is simpler and found to be more effective. For the spatial conformity, two modes of constraints for the stylus movements, corresponding to the motions on a control surface and in a control volume have been studied using novel reactive and field based haptic rendering schemes. The field based haptics, which in effect creates an attractive force field near a surface, though non-realistic, provided highly effective support for the control-surface constraints. The efficacy of the reactive haptic rendering scheme for the constrained environments has been demonstrated using scribble strokes. This can enable distributed collaborative 3D concept development. The notion of motion constraints, defined through sketch strokes enables intuitive generation of articulated 3D sketches and direct exploration of motion annotations found in most product concepts. The work, thus, establishes that modeling of the constraints is a central issue in 3D sketching.


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By means of the matched asymptotic expansion method with one-time scale analysis we have shown that the inviscid geostrophic vortex solution represents our leading solution away from the vortex. Near the vortex there is a viscous core structure, with the length scale O(a). In the core the viscous stresses (or turbulent stresses) are important, the variations of the velocity and the equivalent height are finite and dependent of time. It also has been shown that the leading inner solutions of the core structure are the same for two different time scales of S/(ghoo)1/2 and S/a (ghoo)1/2. Within the accuracy of O(a) the velocity of a geostrophic vortex center is equal to the velocity of the local background flow, where the vortex is located, in the absence of the vortex. Some numerical examples demonstrate the contributions of these results.