913 resultados para channel distributions


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We describe four recent additions to NEURON's suite of graphical tools that make it easier for users to create and manage models: an enhancement to the Channel Builder that facilitates the specification and efficient simulation of stochastic channel models


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One of the main roles of the Neural Open Markup Language, NeuroML, is to facilitate cooperation in building, simulating, testing and publishing models of channels, neurons and networks of neurons. MorphML, which was developed as a common format for exchange of neural morphology data, is distributed as part of NeuroML but can be used as a stand-alone application. In this collection of tutorials and workshop summary, we provide an overview of these XML schemas and provide examples of their use in down-stream applications. We also summarize plans for the further development of XML specifications for modeling channels, channel distributions, and network connectivity.


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The development of a Laser Doppler Anemometer technique to measure the velocity distribution in a commercial plate heat exchanger is described. Detailed velocity profiles are presented and a preliminary investigation is reported on flow behaviour through a single cell in the channel matrix. The objective of the study was to extend previous investigations of plate heat exchanger flow patterns in the laminar range with the eventual aim of establishing the effect of flow patterns on heat transfer performance, thus leading to improved plate heat exchanger design and design methods. Accurate point velocities were obtained by Laser Anemometry in a perspex replica of the metal channel. Oil was used as a circulating liquid with a refractive index matched to that of the perspex so that the laser beams were not distorted. Cell-by-cell velocity measurements over a range of Reynolds number up to ten showed significant liquid mal-distribution. Local cell velocities were found to be as high as twenty seven times average velocity, contrary to the previously held belief of four times. The degree of mal-distribution varied across the channel as well as in the vertical direction, and depended on the upward or downward direction of flow. At Reynolds numbers less than one, flow zig-zagged from one side of the channel to the other in wave form, but increases in Reynolds number improved liquid distribution. A detailed examination of selected cells showed velocity variations in different directions, together with variation within individual cells. Experimental results are also reported on the flow split when passing through a single cell in a section of a channel . These observations were used to explain mal-distribution in the perspex channel itself.


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In high-velocity open channel flows, the measurements of air-water flow properties are complicated by the strong interactions between the flow turbulence and the entrained air. In the present study, an advanced signal processing of traditional single- and dual-tip conductivity probe signals is developed to provide further details on the air-water turbulent level, time and length scales. The technique is applied to turbulent open channel flows on a stepped chute conducted in a large-size facility with flow Reynolds numbers ranging from 3.8 E+5 to 7.1 E+5. The air water flow properties presented some basic characteristics that were qualitatively and quantitatively similar to previous skimming flow studies. Some self-similar relationships were observed systematically at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. These included the distributions of void fraction, bubble count rate, interfacial velocity and turbulence level at a macroscopic scale, and the auto- and cross-correlation functions at the microscopic level. New correlation analyses yielded a characterisation of the large eddies advecting the bubbles. Basic results included the integral turbulent length and time scales. The turbulent length scales characterised some measure of the size of large vortical structures advecting air bubbles in the skimming flows, and the data were closely related to the characteristic air-water depth Y90. In the spray region, present results highlighted the existence of an upper spray region for C > 0.95 to 0.97 in which the distributions of droplet chord sizes and integral advection scales presented some marked differences with the rest of the flow.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Estruturas


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The mutual information of independent parallel Gaussian-noise channels is maximized, under an average power constraint, by independent Gaussian inputs whose power is allocated according to the waterfilling policy. In practice, discrete signalling constellations with limited peak-to-average ratios (m-PSK, m-QAM, etc) are used in lieu of the ideal Gaussian signals. This paper gives the power allocation policy that maximizes the mutual information over parallel channels with arbitrary input distributions. Such policy admits a graphical interpretation, referred to as mercury/waterfilling, which generalizes the waterfilling solution and allows retaining some of its intuition. The relationship between mutual information of Gaussian channels and nonlinear minimum mean-square error proves key to solving the power allocation problem.


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Bedrock channels have been considered challenging geomorphic settings for the application of numerical models. Bedrock fluvial systems exhibit boundaries that are typically less mobile than alluvial systems, yet they are still dynamic systems with a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. To understand the variability of fluvial systems, numerical models have been developed to quantify flow magnitudes and patterns as the driving force for geomorphic change. Two types of numerical model were assessed for their efficacy in examining the bedrock channel system consisting of a high gradient portion of the Twenty Mile Creek in the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada. A one-dimensional (1-D) flow model that utilizes energy equations, HEC RAS, was used to determine velocity distributions through the study reach for the mean annual flood (MAF), the 100-year return flood and the 1,000-year return flood. A two-dimensional (2-D) flow model that makes use of Navier-Stokes equations, RMA2, was created with the same objectives. The 2-D modeling effort was not successful due to the spatial complexity of the system (high slope and high variance). The successful 1 -D model runs were further extended using very high resolution geospatial interpolations inherent to the HEC RAS extension, HEC geoRAS. The modeled velocity data then formed the basis for the creation of a geomorphological analysis that focused upon large particles (boulders) and the forces needed to mobilize them. Several existing boulders were examined by collecting detailed measurements to derive three-dimensional physical models for the application of fluid and solid mechanics to predict movement in the study reach. An imaginary unit cuboid (1 metre by 1 metre by 1 metre) boulder was also envisioned to determine the general propensity for the movement of such a boulder through the bedrock system. The efforts and findings of this study provide a standardized means for the assessment of large particle movement in a bedrock fluvial system. Further efforts may expand upon this standardization by modeling differing boulder configurations (platy boulders, etc.) at a high level of resolution.


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The angular distributions for elastic scattering and breakup of halo nuclei are analysed using a near-side/far-side decomposition within the framework of the dynamical eikonal approximation. This analysis is performed for (11)Be impinging on Pb at 69 MeV/nucleon. These distributions exhibit very similar features. In particular they are both near-side dominated, as expected from Coulomb-dominated reactions. The general shape of these distributions is sensitive mostly to the projectile-target interactions, but is also affected by the extension of the halo. This suggests the elastic scattering not to be affected by a loss of flux towards the breakup channel. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the effects of several approximations commonly used in coupled-channel analyses of fusion and elastic scattering cross sections. Our calculations are performed considering couplings to inelastic states in the context of the frozen approximation, which is equivalent to the coupled-channel formalism when dealing with small excitation energies. Our findings indicate that, in some cases, the effect of the approximations on the theoretical cross sections can be larger than the precision of the experimental data.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A measurement of the single-top-quark t-channel production cross section in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC is presented. Two different and complementary approaches have been followed. The first approach exploits the distributions of the pseudorapidity of the recoil jet and reconstructed top-quark mass using background estimates determined from control samples in data. The second approach is based on multivariate analysis techniques that probe the compatibility of the candidate events with the signal. Data have been collected for the muon and electron final states, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1.17 and 1.56 fb-1, respectively. The single-top-quark production cross section in the t-channel is measured to be 67.2±6.1 pb, in agreement with the approximate next-to-next-to-leading- order standard model prediction. Using the standard model electroweak couplings, the CKM matrix element |V tb| is measured to be 1.020 ± 0.046 (meas.) ± 0.017 (theor.). © 2012 CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ca(v)2.1 Ca(2+) channels (P/Q-type), which participate in various key roles in the CNS by mediating calcium influx, are extensively spliced. One of its alternatively-spliced exons is 37, which forms part of the EF hand. The expression of exon 37a (EFa form), but not exon 37b (EFb form), confers the channel an activity-dependent enhancement of channel opening known as Ca(2+)-dependent facilitation (CDF). In this study, we analyzed the trend of EF hand splice variant distributions in mouse, rat and human brain tissues. We observed a developmental switch in rodents, as well as an age and gender bias in human brain tissues, suggestive of a possible role of these EF hand splice variants in neurophysiological specialization. A parallel study performed on rodent brains showed that the data drawn from human and rodent tissues may not necessarily correlate in the process of aging.


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Early descriptions for species of Aka were poor in detail, and the only spicule type that occurs in this genus does not vary much between species, which led to taxonomic confusion. Moreover, the type specimens of 5 species of Aka are lost, causing considerable problems. Mediterranean specimens of Aka were identified as Aka labyrinthica (Hancock, 1849) by Topsent (1900), even though this species was originally described from the Indo-Pacific. All following publications on Mediterranean Aka accepted Topsent's decision. We assessed this problem with new samples from the Ionian Sea. Our material consisted of only one specimen of Aka, and we had to rely mainly on spicule characters for comparison to other species. We developed a system for species recognition solely based on spicular characters and biometry, involving a combination of the parameters oxea length, width, tip form and angle of curvature. This approach was surprisingly accurate. Forming ratios of the above parameters was less helpful, but can sometimes provide additional information. We identified our sample as Aka infesta (Johnson, 1899), and describe it as a minute-fistulate species with large, multicamerate erosion traces and stout, smooth oxeas. Our data further imply that A. labyrinthica sensu Hancock has not yet been found in the Mediterranean. A. labyrinthica sensu Topsent is a collection of different species not including A. labyrinthica sensu Hancock.