979 resultados para cerebral imaging


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En raison de l’utilisation d’un mode de communication totalement différent de celui des entendants, le langage des signes, et de l’absence quasi-totale d’afférences en provenance du système auditif, il y a de fortes chances que d’importantes modifications fonctionnelles et structurales s’effectuent dans le cerveau des individus sourds profonds. Les études antérieures suggèrent que cette réorganisation risque d’avoir des répercussions plus importantes sur les structures corticales situées le long de la voie visuelle dorsale qu’à l’intérieur de celles situées à l’intérieur de la voie ventrale. L’hypothèse proposée par Ungerleider et Mishkin (1982) quant à la présence de deux voies visuelles dans les régions occipitales, même si elle demeure largement acceptée dans la communauté scientifique, s’en trouve aussi relativement contestée. Une voie se projetant du cortex strié vers les régions pariétales postérieures, est impliquée dans la vision spatiale, et l’autre se projetant vers les régions du cortex temporal inférieur, est responsable de la reconnaissance de la forme. Goodale et Milner (1992) ont par la suite proposé que la voie dorsale, en plus de son implication dans le traitement de l’information visuo-spatiale, joue un rôle dans les ajustements sensori-moteurs nécessaires afin de guider les actions. Dans ce contexte, il est tout à fait plausible de considérer qu’un groupe de personne utilisant un langage sensori-moteur comme le langage des signes dans la vie de tous les jours, s’expose à une réorganisation cérébrale ciblant effectivement la voie dorsale. L’objectif de la première étude est d’explorer ces deux voies visuelles et plus particulièrement, la voie dorsale, chez des individus entendants par l’utilisation de deux stimuli de mouvement dont les caractéristiques physiques sont très similaires, mais qui évoquent un traitement relativement différent dans les régions corticales visuelles. Pour ce faire, un stimulus de forme définie par le mouvement et un stimulus de mouvement global ont été utilisés. Nos résultats indiquent que les voies dorsale et ventrale procèdent au traitement d’une forme définie par le mouvement, tandis que seule la voie dorsale est activée lors d’une tâche de mouvement global dont les caractéristiques psychophysiques sont relativement semblables. Nous avons utilisé, subséquemment, ces mêmes stimulations activant les voies dorsales et ventrales afin de vérifier quels pourraient être les différences fonctionnelles dans les régions visuelles et auditives chez des individus sourds profonds. Plusieurs études présentent la réorganisation corticale dans les régions visuelles et auditives en réponse à l’absence d’une modalité sensorielle. Cependant, l’implication spécifique des voies visuelles dorsale et ventrale demeure peu étudiée à ce jour, malgré plusieurs résultats proposant une implication plus importante de la voie dorsale dans la réorganisation visuelle chez les sourds. Suite à l’utilisation de l’imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle pour investiguer ces questions, nos résultats ont été à l’encontre de cette hypothèse suggérant une réorganisation ciblant particulièrement la voie dorsale. Nos résultats indiquent plutôt une réorganisation non-spécifique au type de stimulation utilisé. En effet, le gyrus temporal supérieur est activé chez les sourds suite à la présentation de toutes nos stimulations visuelles, peu importe leur degré de complexité. Le groupe de participants sourds montre aussi une activation du cortex associatif postérieur, possiblement recruté pour traiter l’information visuelle en raison de l’absence de compétition en provenance des régions temporales auditives. Ces résultats ajoutent aux données déjà recueillies sur les modifications fonctionnelles qui peuvent survenir dans tout le cerveau des personnes sourdes, cependant les corrélats anatomiques de la surdité demeurent méconnus chez cette population. Une troisième étude se propose donc d’examiner les modifications structurales pouvant survenir dans le cerveau des personnes sourdes profondes congénitales ou prélinguales. Nos résultats montrent que plusieurs régions cérébrales semblent être différentes entre le groupe de participants sourds et celui des entendants. Nos analyses ont montré des augmentations de volume, allant jusqu’à 20%, dans les lobes frontaux, incluant l’aire de Broca et d’autres régions adjacentes impliqués dans le contrôle moteur et la production du langage. Les lobes temporaux semblent aussi présenter des différences morphométriques même si ces dernières ne sont pas significatives. Enfin, des différences de volume sont également recensées dans les parties du corps calleux contenant les axones permettant la communication entre les régions temporales et occipitales des deux hémisphères.


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Pour la plupart des gens, la lecture est une activité automatique, inhérente à leur vie quotidienne et ne demandant que peu d’effort. Chez les individus souffrant d’épilepsie réflexe à la lecture, le simple fait de lire déclenche des crises épileptiques et les personnes doivent alors renoncer à la lecture. Les facteurs responsables du déclenchement de l’activité épileptique dans l’épilepsie réflexe à la lecture demeurent encore mal définis. Certains auteurs suggèrent que le nombre ainsi que la localisation des pointes épileptiques seraient en lien avec la voie de lecture impliquée. Des études en imagerie cérébrale, menées auprès de populations sans trouble neurologique, ont dévoilé que la lecture active un réseau étendu incluant les cortex frontaux, temporo-pariétaux et occipito-temporaux bilatéralement avec des différences dans les patrons d’activation pour les voies de lecture lexicale et phonologique. La majorité des études ont eu recours à des tâches de lecture silencieuse qui ne permettent pas d'évaluer la performance des participants. Dans la première étude de cette thèse, qui porte sur une étude de cas d'un patient avec épilepsie réflexe à la lecture, nous avons déterminé les tâches langagières et les caractéristiques des stimuli qui influencent l'activité épileptique. Les résultats ont confirmé que la lecture était la principale tâche responsable du déclenchement de l’activité épileptique chez ce patient. En particulier, la fréquence des pointes épileptiques était significativement plus élevée lorsque le patient avait recours au processus de conversion grapho-phonémique. Les enregistrements électroencéphalographiques (EEG) ont révélé que les pointes épileptiques étaient localisées dans le gyrus précentral gauche, indépendamment de la voie de lecture. La seconde étude avait comme objectif de valider un protocole de lecture à voix haute ayant recours à la spectroscopie près du spectre de l’infrarouge (SPIR) pour investiguer les circuits neuronaux qui sous-tendent la lecture chez les normo-lecteurs. Douze participants neurologiquement sains ont lu à voix haute des mots irréguliers et des non-mots lors d’enregistrements en SPIR. Les résultats ont montré que la lecture des deux types de stimuli impliquait des régions cérébrales bilatérales communes incluant le gyrus frontal inférieur, le gyrus prémoteur et moteur, le cortex somatosensoriel associatif, le gyrus temporal moyen et supérieur, le gyrus supramarginal, le gyrus angulaire et le cortex visuel. Les concentrations totales d’hémoglobine (HbT) dans les gyri frontaux inférieurs bilatéraux étaient plus élevées dans la lecture des non-mots que dans celle des mots irréguliers. Ce résultat suggère que le gyrus frontal inférieur joue un rôle dans la conversion grapho-phonémique, qui caractérise la voie de lecture phonologique. Cette étude a confirmé le potentiel de la SPIR pour l’investigation des corrélats neuronaux des deux voies de lecture. Une des retombées importantes de cette thèse consiste en l’utilisation du protocole de lecture en SPIR pour investiguer les troubles de la lecture. Ces investigations pourraient aider à mieux établir les liens entre le fonctionnement cérébral et la lecture dans les dyslexies développementales et acquises.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: No controlled, randomized trial has investigated whether intravenous, intra-arterial (IAT), or mechanical thrombolysis is beneficial in children with ischemic stroke. We report 2 children who underwent IAT for acute ischemic stroke and include them in a review about intravenous thrombolysis, IAT, and mechanical thrombolysis for childhood stroke. METHODS: We searched in MEDLINE and EMBASE for studies that reported on treatment of childhood stroke with intravenous thrombolysis, IAT, or mechanical thrombolysis in the presence of occlusion of the basilar artery, sphenoidal, or insular middle cerebral artery. To be included in this review, the following findings had to be reported: (1) stroke severity at presentation; (2) cerebral imaging findings before thrombolysis; (3) time to treatment; (4) dose of the thrombolytic agent; (5) pre- and postinterventional angiographic findings in IAT; and (6) outcome assessed at hospital discharge or within 12 months after thrombolysis. RESULTS: Adequate data were available in 17 children (including our 2 own cases) who underwent intravenous thrombolysis (n=6), IAT (n=10), or mechanical thrombolysis (n=1). No symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage occurred, but 2 asymptomatic intracranial hemorrhages were present. Sixteen children (94%) survived, and 12 (71%) had a good outcome (modified Rankin Scale score 0 or 1). CONCLUSIONS: The available data about thrombolysis in pediatric stroke are limited. They suggest that this treatment may be beneficial in children with ischemic stroke. Controlled, randomized trials are needed to determine whether thrombolysis is useful in childhood stroke.


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OBJECTIVES Sexuality is an essential aspect of human function, well-being and quality of life. Many people have sex without complications. However, there are some people who need to seek emergency medical help for related health problems. The aim of this study was to present a first overview of patients who received a radiological examination related to sexual intercourse based emergency department admission. METHODS Our centralized electronic patient record database was reviewed for patients who had been admitted to our emergency department with an emergency after sexual intercourse between 2000 and 2011. The database was scanned for the standardized key words 'sexual intercourse' or 'coitus' retrospectively. For all patients identified in the electronic patient record database the radiological examinations were searched for manually in our Radiology Information System, and reviewed by three independent radiologists. RESULTS One hundred and twenty nine out of 445 (29,0%) patients received a radiological examination after immediate emergency department admission related to sexual intercourse. Fifty two out of 129 (40.3%) patients had positive radiological findings while 77 (59.7%) did not. Eighty point seven percent (n = 42) of the radiological findings were a sexual intercourse-associated pathology and 19.2% (n = 10) were considered to be incidental findings. Age and male sex positively correlated with radiological imaging workup (p<0.001, respectively p<0.037). The most common sexual intercourse-associated pathology was headache attributed to cerebrovascular insult (n = 21, 40.3%) followed by epididymitis (n = 7, 16.6%) and obstructive uropathy (n = 5, 11.6%). Of the patients with headache attributed to non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage (n = 14, 66.6%) was the most common, followed by intracerebral bleeding (n = 4, 19.0%) and one subdural hemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS Pathological findings are manifold. Cerebral imaging is the most common type of radiological imaging performed. Further prospective and standardized studies should be performed to better evaluate the significance of radiological imaging in this patient collective with the aim to gain better knowledge on what patients profit from what type of radiological imaging when presenting with a sexual intercourse related emergency. ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE The present study provides a first overview on radiological findings of sexual intercourse related emergency department admissions.


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Sexuality is an essential aspect of quality of life. Nevertheless, sexual intercourse is physically challenging and leads to distinct changes in blood pressure, heart, and respiratory rate that may lead to vital complications. We present a case report of a 22-year-old female suffering from subarachnoid hemorrhage after sexual intercourse. The patient was immediately transported to hospital by emergency medical services and, after diagnosis, transferred to a tertiary hospital with neurosurgical expertise but died within 24 hours. After postcoital headaches, subarachnoid hemorrhage is the second most common cause of neurological complications of sexual intercourse and therefore patients admitted to an emergency department with headache after sexual intercourse should always be carefully evaluated by cerebral imaging.


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Advances in our understanding of pathological mechanisms can inform the identification of various biomarkers for risk stratification, monitoring drug efficacy and toxicity; and enabling careful monitoring of polypharmacy. Biomarkers in the broadest sense refer to 'biological markers' and this can be blood-based (eg. fibrin D-dimer, von Willebrand factor, etc) urine-based (eg. thromboxane), or even related to cardiac or cerebral imaging(1). Most biomarkers offer improvements over clinical risk scores in predicting high risk patients - at least statistically - but usually at the loss of simplicity and practicality for easy application in everyday clinical practice. Given the various biomarkers can be informed by different aspects of pathophysiology (e.g. inflammation, clotting, collagen turnover) they can nevertheless contribute to a better understanding of underlying disease processes(2). Indeed, many age-related diseases share common modifiable underpinning mechanisms e.g. inflammation, oxidative stress and visceral adiposity.


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Pharmacological MRI (phMRI) techniques can be used to monitor the neurophysiological effects of central nervous system (CNS) active drugs. In this study, we investigated whether dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion imaging employing the use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Resovist) could be used to measure hemodynamic response to d-amphetamine challenge in human subjects at both 1.5 and 4 T. Significant changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) were found in focal regions associated with the nigrostriatal circuit and mesolimbic and mesocortical dopaminergic pathways. More significant CBF responses were found at higher field strength, mainly within striatal structures. The results from this study indicate that DSC perfusion imaging using Resovist can be used to assess the efficacy of CNS-active drugs and may play a role in the development of novel psychiatric therapies at the preclinical level. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Visual information processing in brain proceeds in both serial and parallel fashion throughout various functionally distinct hierarchically organised cortical areas. Feedforward signals from retina and hierarchically lower cortical levels are the major activators of visual neurons, but top-down and feedback signals from higher level cortical areas have a modulating effect on neural processing. My work concentrates on visual encoding in hierarchically low level cortical visual areas in human brain and examines neural processing especially in cortical representation of visual field periphery. I use magnetoencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neuromagnetic and hemodynamic responses during visual stimulation and oculomotor and cognitive tasks from healthy volunteers. My thesis comprises six publications. Visual cortex forms a great challenge for modeling of neuromagnetic sources. My work shows that a priori information of source locations are needed for modeling of neuromagnetic sources in visual cortex. In addition, my work examines other potential confounding factors in vision studies such as light scatter inside the eye which may result in erroneous responses in cortex outside the representation of stimulated region, and eye movements and attention. I mapped cortical representations of peripheral visual field and identified a putative human homologue of functional area V6 of the macaque in the posterior bank of parieto-occipital sulcus. My work shows that human V6 activates during eye-movements and that it responds to visual motion at short latencies. These findings suggest that human V6, like its monkey homologue, is related to fast processing of visual stimuli and visually guided movements. I demonstrate that peripheral vision is functionally related to eye-movements and connected to rapid stream of functional areas that process visual motion. In addition, my work shows two different forms of top-down modulation of neural processing in the hierachically lowest cortical levels; one that is related to dorsal stream activation and may reflect motor processing or resetting signals that prepare visual cortex for change in the environment and another local signal enhancement at the attended region that reflects local feed-back signal and may perceptionally increase the stimulus saliency.


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BACKGROUND: The pathology of restless legs syndrome (RLS) is still not understood. To investigate the pathomechanism of the disorder further we recorded a surface electromyogram (EMG) of the anterior tibial muscle during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in patients with idiopathic RLS. METHODS: Seven subjects with moderate to severe RLS were investigated in the present pilot study. Patients were lying supine in the scanner for over 50min and were instructed not to move voluntarily. Sensory leg discomfort (SLD) was evaluated on a 10-point Likert scale. For brain image analysis, an algorithm for the calculation of tonic EMG values was developed. RESULTS: We found a negative correlation of tonic EMG and SLD (p <0.01). This finding provides evidence for the clinical experience that RLS-related subjective leg discomfort increases during muscle relaxation at rest. In the fMRI analysis, the tonic EMG was associated with activation in motor and somatosensory pathways and also in some regions that are not primarily related to motor or somatosensory functions. CONCLUSIONS: By using a newly developed algorithm for the investigation of muscle tone-related changes in cerebral activity, we identified structures that are potentially involved in RLS pathology. Our method, with some modification, may also be suitable for the investigation of phasic muscle activity that occurs during periodic leg movements.


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Major progress has recently been made in the neuro-imaging of stroke as a result of improvements in imaging hardware and software. Imaging may be based on either magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) techniques. Imaging should provide information on the entire vascular cervical and intracranial network, from the aortic arch to the circle of Willis. Equally, it should also give information on the viability of brain tissue and brain hemodynamics. CT has the advantage in the detection of acute hemorrhage whereas MRI offers more accurate pathophysiological information in the follow-up of patients.


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This study aims to investigate the relationship between regional connectivity in the brain white matter and the presence of psychotic personality traits, in healthy subjects with psychotic traits. Thirteen healthy controls were administered the MMPI-2, to assess psychotic traits and, according to MMPI results, a dichotomization into a group of "high-psychotic" and "low-psychotic" was performed. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was used as a non-invasive measure, in order to obtain information about the fractional anisotropy (FA), an intravoxel index of local connectivity and, by means of a voxelwise approach, the between-group differences of the FA values were calculated. The "high-psychotic" group showed higher FA in the left arcuate fasciculus. Subjects with low scores for psychotic traits had significantly higher FA in the corpus callosum, right arcuate fasciculus, and fronto-parietal fibers. In line with previous brain imaging studies of schizophrenia spectrum disorders, our results suggest that psychotic personality traits are related to altered connectivity and brain asymmetry.


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A 7-year-old female spayed Scottish Terrier was presented with central nervous system symptoms suggestive of a lesion in the forebrain. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed multifocal disease in the forebrain. Because of complete lack of contrast enhancement, the changes were attributed to lesions of inflammatory origin.Histopathology of the brain revealed multiplemetastatic lesions of an adenocarcinoma. Brainmetastases in general show contrast enhancement. The reason for a complete absence of contrast enhancement is unknown. Previous administration of corticosteroids, increased diffusion time of contrast medium, increased intracranial pressure in combination with an intact blood–tumor barrier is discussed as possible reasons.


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Background and Purpose—The question whether cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) visible on MRI in acute stroke increase the risk for intracerebral hemorrhages (ICHs) or worse outcome after thrombolysis is unresolved. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of CMB detected with pretreatment susceptibility-weighted MRI on ICH occurrence and outcome. Methods—From 2010 to 2013 we treated 724 patients with intravenous thrombolysis, endovascular therapy, or intravenous thrombolysis followed by endovascular therapy. A total of 392 of the 724 patients were examined with susceptibility-weighted MRI before treatment. CMBs were rated retrospectively. Multivariable regression analysis was used to determine the impact of CMB on ICH and outcome. Results—Of 392 patients, 174 were treated with intravenous thrombolysis, 150 with endovascular therapy, and 68 with intravenous thrombolysis followed by endovascular therapy. CMBs were detected in 79 (20.2%) patients. Symptomatic ICH occurred in 21 (5.4%) and asymptomatic in 75 (19.1%) patients, thereof 61 (15.6%) bleedings within and 35 (8.9%) outside the infarct. Neither the existence of CMB, their burden, predominant location nor their presumed pathogenesis influenced the risk for symptomatic or asymptomatic ICH. A higher CMB burden marginally increased the risk for ICH outside the infarct (P=0.048; odds ratio, 1.004; 95% confidence interval, 1.000–1.008). Conclusions—CMB detected on pretreatment susceptibility-weighted MRI did not increase the risk for ICH or worsen outcome, even when CMB burden, predominant location, or presumed pathogenesis was considered. There was only a small increased risk for ICH outside the infarct with increasing CMB burden that does not advise against thrombolysis in such patients.


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Positron-emission tomography and functional MRS imaging signals can be analyzed to derive neurophysiological values of cerebral blood flow or volume and cerebral metabolic consumption rates of glucose (CMRGlc) or oxygen (CMRO2). Under basal physiological conditions in the adult mammalian brain, glucose oxidation is nearly complete so that the oxygen-to-glucose index (OGI), given by the ratio of CMRO2/CMRGlc, is close to the stoichiometric value of 6. However, a survey of functional imaging data suggests that the OGI is activity dependent, moving further below the oxidative value of 6 as activity is increased. Brain lactate concentrations also increase with stimulation. These results had led to the concept that brain activation is supported by anaerobic glucose metabolism, which was inconsistent with basal glucose oxidation. These differences are resolved here by a proposed model of glucose energetics, in which a fraction of glucose is cycled through the cerebral glycogen pool, a fraction that increases with degree of brain activation. The “glycogen shunt,” although energetically less efficient than glycolysis, is followed because of its ability to supply glial energy in milliseconds for rapid neurotransmitter clearance, as a consequence of which OGI is lowered and lactate is increased. The value of OGI observed is consistent with passive lactate efflux, driven by the observed lactate concentration, for the few experiments with complete data. Although the OGI changes during activation, the energies required per neurotransmitter release (neuronal) and clearance (glial) are constant over a wide range of brain activity.