762 resultados para cephalic capsule


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We estimated the number of larval instars of the ant Ectatomma vizottoi (Ectatomminae), by measuring the maximum width of the head capsules of 208 larvae and the morphology of the immature stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) and adults. There are three larval instars during the post-embryonic development. The reproductive eggs are dark brown. Hairs are present beginning with the first instar, are uniformly distributed over the larval body, and do not vary in length in the three instars. Pupae are protected by a light-brown silk cocoon. Adults of the worker and queen castes can be differentiated by size.


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In this work we present the number of larval instars in the Ponerinae ant Pachycondyla (=Neoponera) villosa. The analysis of maximal head capsule width measurement of 147 larvae was made. Four larval instars were measured: 1st instar the cephalic capsule varied from 0.18mm to 0.22mm; 2nd instar from 0.23mm to 0.27mm; 3rd instar from 0.30mm to 0.33mm and the 4th instar varied from 0.35mm to 0.38mm. The mean growth rate was 1.2375 according to the rule of Dyar. We also reviewed the number of larval instars for 35 ant species.


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The present work reports the differences between the ovarian grow in queen and worker larvae of A. mellifera, from the start of differential feeding. The observations made of the growth rates in larvae of both castes showed that the queen and worker larvae have the same rates of cephalic capsule growth from one instar to another but the weight gain is greater in queens. In the same way, the draw areas of ovaries of queens increase more and continuously, while from the 5th instar on the ovaries of workers decrease in size. The decrease is due to a loss of ovariole numbers that starts early in the worker larvae and increases in the 4th-5th instar. The ovarian shape in queens and workers became different in the last larval instars.


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This study examines some aspects of the basic biology of the worldwide distributed ant Tapinoma melanocepbalum Fabricius. The number of larval instars and the growth ratio between each instar are given. We used colonies containing only queens and workers, and later removed these queens in order to estimate the production of eggs and the duration of immature development of the worker caste. Measurements of larvae cephalic capsule widths revealed that workers of the ghost-ant have four larval instars from egg-hatching to adult. The mean growth rate for the species is 1.38, in accordance with Dyar's rule. The highest egg production was 5.3±2.2 eggs/day/queen and the analysis of these brood suggested the presence of two kinds of eggs inside the colony. The development of workers from egg to adult lasted 16-52 days with the embryonic development longer than larval, prepupal or pupal stages. Despite the slow egg-laying by queens, our findings also showed that colonies of T. melanocephalum grow faster than colonies of other tramp ants.


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Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial infections in humans, with uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) the leading causative organism. UPEC has a number of virulence factors that enable it to overcome host defenses within the urinary tract and establish infection. The O antigen and the capsular polysaccharide are two such factors that provide a survival advantage to UPEC. Here we describe the application of the rpsL counter selection system to construct capsule (kpsD) and O antigen (waaL) mutants and complemented derivatives of three reference UPEC strains: CFT073 (O6:K2:H1), RS218 (O18:K1:H7) and 1177 (O1:K1:H7). We observed that while the O1, O6 and O18 antigens were required for survival in human serum, the role of the capsule was less clear and linked to O antigen type. In contrast, both the K1 and K2 capsular antigens provided a survival advantage to UPEC in whole blood. In the mouse urinary tract, mutation of the O6 antigen significantly attenuated CFT073 bladder colonization. Overall, this study contrasts the role of capsule and O antigen in three common UPEC serotypes using defined mutant and complemented strains. The combined mutagenesis-complementation strategy can be applied to study other virulence factors with complex functions both in vitro and in vivo.


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The repeat unit structure of the K2 capsule from an extensively antibiotic-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii global clone 2 (GC2) strain was determined. The oligosaccharide contains three simple sugars, d-glucopyranose, d-galatopyranose and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, and the complex sugar, 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-l-glycero-l-manno-non-2-ulosonic acid (Pse5Ac7Ac or pseudaminic acid), which has not previously been reported in any A. baumannii capsule. The strain was found to carry all the genes required for the synthesis of the sugars and construction of the K2 structure. The linkages catalyzed by the initiating transferase, three glycosyltransferases and the Wzy polymerase were also predicted. Examination of publicly available A. baumannii genome sequences revealed that the same gene cluster, KL2, often occurs in extensively antibiotic-resistant GC2 isolates and in further strain types. The gene module responsible for the synthesis of pseudaminic acid was also detected in four other K loci. A related module including genes for an acylated relative of pseudaminic acid was also found in two new KL types. A polymerase chain reaction scheme was developed to detect all modules containing genes for sugars based on pseudaminic acid and to specifically detect KL2.


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An Acinetobacter baumannii global clone 1 (GC1) isolate was found to carry a novel capsule biosynthesis gene cluster, designated KL12. KL12 contains genes predicted to be involved in the synthesis of simple sugars, as well as ones for N-acetyl-l-fucosamine (l-FucpNAc) and N-acetyl-d-fucosamine (d-FucpNAc). It also contains a module of 10 genes, 6 of which are required for 5,7-di-N-acetyl-legionaminic acid synthesis. Analysis of the composition of the capsule revealed the presence of N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, l-FucpNAc and d-FucpNAc, confirming the role of fnlABC and fnr/gdr genes in the synthesis of l-FucpNAc and d-FucpNAc, respectively. A non-2-ulosonic acid, shown to be 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-l-glycero-l-altro-non-2-ulosonic acid, was also detected. This sugar has not previously been recovered from biological source, and was designated 5,7-di-N-acetyl-acinetaminic acid (Aci5Ac7Ac). Proteins encoded by novel genes, named aciABCD, were predicted to be involved in the conversion of 5,7-di-N-acetyl-legionaminic acid to Aci5Ac7Ac. A pathway for 5,7-di-N-acetyl-8-epilegionaminic acid biosynthesis was also proposed. In available A. baumannii genomes, genes for the synthesis of 5,7-di-N-acetyl-acinetaminic acid were only detected in two closely related capsule gene clusters, KL12 and KL13, which differ only in the wzy gene. KL12 and KL13 are carried by isolates belonging to clinically important clonal groups, GC1, GC2 and ST25. Genes for the synthesis of N-acyl derivatives of legionaminic acid were also found in 10 further A. baumannii capsule gene clusters, and three carried additional genes for production of 5,7-di-N-acetyl-8-epilegionaminic acid.


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Neutral capsular polysaccharides (CPSs) were isolated from Acinetobacter baumannii NIPH190, NIPH201, and NIPH615. The CPSs were found to contain common monosaccharides only and to be branched with a side-chain 1→3-linked β-d-glucopyranose residue. Structures of the oligosaccharide repeat units (K units) of the CPSs were elucidated by 1D and 2D 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Novel CPS biosynthesis gene clusters, designated KL30, KL45, and KL48, were found at the K locus in the genome sequences of NIPH190, NIPH201, and NIPH615, respectively. The genetic content of each gene cluster correlated with the structure of the CPS unit established, and therefore, the capsular types of the strains studied were designated as K30, K45, and K48, respectively. The initiating sugar of each K unit was predicted, and glycosyltransferases encoded by each gene cluster were assigned to the formation of the linkages between sugars in the corresponding K unit.


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The repeat unit of the K12 capsular polysaccharide isolated from the Acinetobacter baumannii global clone 1 clinical isolate, D36, was elucidated by means of chemical and spectroscopical methods. The structure was shown to contain N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (D-GalpNAc), N-acetyl-D-fucosamine and N-acetyl-L-fucosamine linked together in the main chain, with the novel sugar, 5,7-diacetamido-3,5,7,9-tetradeoxy-L-glycero-L-altro-non-2-ulosonic acid (5,7-di-N-acetylacinetaminic acid or Aci5Ac7Ac), attached to D-GalpNAc as a side branch. This matched the sugar composition of the K12 capsule and the genetic content of the KL12 capsule gene cluster reported previously. D-FucpNAc was predicted to be the substrate for the initiating transferase, ItrB3, with the Wzy polymerase making a α-D-FucpNAc-(1 → 3)-D-GalpNAc linkage between the repeat units. The three glycosyltransferases encoded by KL12 are all retaining glycosyltransferases and were predicted to form specific linkages between the sugars in the K12 repeat unit.


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The Vi capsular polysaccharide is a virulence-associated factor expressed by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi but absent from virtually all other Salmonella serotypes. In order to study this determinant in vivo, we characterised a Vi-positive S. Typhimurium (C5.507 Vi(+)), harbouring the Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI)-7, which encodes the Vi locus. S. Typhimurium C5.507 Vi(+) colonised and persisted in mice at similar levels compared to the parent strain, S. Typhimurium C5. However, the innate immune response to infection with C5.507 Vi(+) and SGB1, an isogenic derivative not expressing Vi, differed markedly. Infection with C5.507 Vi(+) resulted in a significant reduction in cellular trafficking of innate immune cells, including PMN and NK cells, compared to SGB1 Vi(-) infected animals. C5.507 Vi(+) infection stimulated reduced numbers of TNF-α, MIP-2 and perforin producing cells compared to SGB1 Vi(-). The modulating effect associated with Vi was not observed in MyD88(-/-) and was reduced in TLR4(-/-) mice. The presence of the Vi capsule also correlated with induction of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in vivo, a factor that impacted on chemotaxis and the activation of immune cells in vitro.