972 resultados para central sequence algebra


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Peer reviewed


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Abstract In the theory of central simple algebras, often we are dealing with abelian groups which arise from the kernel or co-kernel of functors which respect transfer maps (for example K-functors). Since a central simple algebra splits and the functors above are “trivial” in the split case, one can prove certain calculus on these functors. The common examples are kernel or co-kernel of the maps Ki(F)?Ki(D), where Ki are Quillen K-groups, D is a division algebra and F its center, or the homotopy fiber arising from the long exact sequence of above map, or the reduced Whitehead group SK1. In this note we introduce an abstract functor over the category of Azumaya algebras which covers all the functors mentioned above and prove the usual calculus for it. This, for example, immediately shows that K-theory of an Azumaya algebra over a local ring is “almost” the same as K-theory of the base ring. The main result is to prove that reduced K-theory of an Azumaya algebra over a Henselian ring coincides with reduced K-theory of its residue central simple algebra. The note ends with some calculation trying to determine the homotopy fibers mentioned above.


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Let R be a noncommutative central simple algebra, the center k of which is not absolutely algebraic, and consider units a,b of R such that {a,a(b)} freely generate a free group. It is shown that such b can be chosen from suitable Zariski dense open subsets of R, while the a can be chosen from a set of cardinality \k\ (which need not be open).


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We present an explicit description, in terms of central simple algebras, of a cup product map which occurs in the statement of local Tate duality for Galois modules of prime cardinality p. Given cocycles f and g, we construct a central simple algebra of dimension p^2 whose class in the Brauer group gives the cup product f\cup g. This algebra is as small as possible.


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In the present thesis, we study quantization of classical systems with non-trivial phase spaces using the group-theoretical quantization technique proposed by Isham. Our main goal is a better understanding of global and topological aspects of quantum theory. In practice, the group-theoretical approach enables direct quantization of systems subject to constraints and boundary conditions in a natural and physically transparent manner -- cases for which the canonical quantization method of Dirac fails. First, we provide a clarification of the quantization formalism. In contrast to prior treatments, we introduce a sharp distinction between the two group structures that are involved and explain their physical meaning. The benefit is a consistent and conceptually much clearer construction of the Canonical Group. In particular, we shed light upon the 'pathological' case for which the Canonical Group must be defined via a central Lie algebra extension and emphasise the role of the central extension in general. In addition, we study direct quantization of a particle restricted to a half-line with 'hard wall' boundary condition. Despite the apparent simplicity of this example, we show that a naive quantization attempt based on the cotangent bundle over the half-line as classical phase space leads to an incomplete quantum theory; the reflection which is a characteristic aspect of the 'hard wall' is not reproduced. Instead, we propose a different phase space that realises the necessary boundary condition as a topological feature and demonstrate that quantization yields a suitable quantum theory for the half-line model. The insights gained in the present special case improve our understanding of the relation between classical and quantum theory and illustrate how contact interactions may be incorporated.


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A group is termed parafree if it is residually nilpotent and has the same nilpotent quotients as a given free group. Since free groups are residually nilpotent, they are parafree. Nonfree parafree groups abound and they all have many properties in common with free groups. Finitely presented parafree groups have solvable word problems, but little is known about the conjugacy and isomorphism problems. The conjugacy problem plays an important part in determining whether an automorphism is inner, which we term the inner automorphism problem. We will attack these and other problems about parafree groups experimentally, in a series of papers, of which this is the first and which is concerned with the isomorphism problem. The approach that we take here is to distinguish some parafree groups by computing the number of epimorphisms onto selected finite groups. It turns out, rather unexpectedly, that an understanding of the quotients of certain groups leads to some new results about equations in free and relatively free groups. We touch on this only lightly here but will discuss this in more depth in a future paper.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16R50, 16R10.


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A Holocene palaeoecological sequence from Villaverde, south-central Spain, is presented. The pollen stratigraphy is used to infer past vegetation changes within a catchment area that represents the boundary between semi-arid, plateau and mountain vegetation. From c. 9700–7530 cal. yr BP, Pinus is dominant, probably as a result of a combination of a relatively dry climate and natural fire disturbance. From c. 7530–5900 cal. yr BP, moderate invasion by Quercus appears to be a migrational response following increased moisture and temperature, but in part shaped by competitive adjustments. From c. 5900–5000 cal. yr BP, the pine forests are replaced by deciduous-Quercus forests with an important contribution from Corylus, Betula, Fraxinus and Alnus. Mediterranean-type forests spread from c. 5000 to 1920 cal. yr BP coincident with expansions of Artemisia, Juniperus and other xerophytes. From c. 1920–1160 cal. yr BP, Pinus becomes dominant after a disturbance- mediated invasion of the oak forests. Human impact upon the regional landscape was negligible during the Neolithic, and limited in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Local deforestation and the expansion of agro-pastoral activities occur after c. 1600 cal. yr BP.


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In this paper, we determine the lower central and derived series for the braid groups of the projective plane. We are motivated in part by the study of Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequences, but the problem is interesting in its own right. The n-string braid groups B(n)(RP(2)) of the projective plane RP(2) were originally studied by Van Buskirk during the 1960s. and are of particular interest due to the fact that they have torsion. The group B(1)(RP(2)) (resp. B(2)(RP(2))) is isomorphic to the cyclic group Z(2) of order 2 (resp. the generalised quaternion group of order 16) and hence their lower central and derived series are known. If n > 2, we first prove that the lower central series of B(n)(RP(2)) is constant from the commutator subgroup onwards. We observe that Gamma(2)(B(3)(RP(2))) is isomorphic to (F(3) X Q(8)) X Z(3), where F(k) denotes the free group of rank k, and Q(8) denotes the quaternion group of order 8, and that Gamma(2)(B(4)(RP(2))) is an extension of an index 2 subgroup K of P(4)(RP(2)) by Z(2) circle plus Z(2). As for the derived series of B(n)(RP(2)), we show that for all n >= 5, it is constant from the derived subgroup onwards. The group B(n)(RP(2)) being finite and soluble for n <= 2, the critical cases are n = 3, 4. We are able to determine completely the derived series of B(3)(RP(2)). The subgroups (B(3)(RP(2)))((1)), (B(3)(RP(2)))((2)) and (B(3)(RP(2)))((3)) are isomorphic respectively to (F(3) x Q(8)) x Z(3), F(3) X Q(8) and F(9) X Z(2), and we compute the derived series quotients of these groups. From (B(3)(RP(2)))((4)) onwards, the derived series of B(3)(RP(2)), as well as its successive derived series quotients, coincide with those of F(9). We analyse the derived series of B(4)(RP(2)) and its quotients up to (B(4)(RP(2)))((4)), and we show that (B(4)(RP(2)))((4)) is a semi-direct product of F(129) by F(17). Finally, we give a presentation of Gamma(2)(B(n)(RP(2))). (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The free action for the massless sector of the type II superstring was recently constructed using closed Ramond-Neveo-Schwarz superstring field theory. The supersymmetry transformations of this action are shown to satisfy an N = 2 D = 10 supersymmetry algebra with Ramond-Ramond central charges.