907 resultados para cell surface receptor


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A specific membrane receptor for plasma retinol-binding protein has been demonstrated in testicular cells. Prealbumin-2 did not show any specific binding to the membrane. The affinity of retinol-binding protein for receptor drastically decreases upon delivery of retinol and the retinol-binding protein does not enter the cell. The mechanism of delivery of retinol to the target cell by plasma retinol-binding protein has been investigated. The process involves two steps: direct binding of retinol-binding protein to the receptor and uptake of retinol by the target cell with a concomitant drastic reduction in the affinity of the retinol-binding protein to the receptor. Probably the second step of the process needs a cytosolic factor, possibly the cellular retinol-binding protein or an enzyme.The binding of retinol-binding protein to the receptor is saturable and reverible. The interaction shows a Kd value of 2.1 · 10−10 M. The specific binding of a retinol-binding protein with great affinity has been employed in the development of a method for radioassay of the receptor. The receptor level of the gonadal cell has been found to vary with the stage of differentiation. The receptor concentrations in 11-week-old birds and adult birds are comparable. Testoterone treatment of 11-week-old birds produced a substantial increase in the receptor concentration over control, while the protein content increased marginally, indicating that, probably, synthesis of the receptor is specifically induced by testoterone during spermatogenesis, and the concentration of receptor is relatively higher before the formation of the acrosome.


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FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor family. Utilizing the FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) technique, we demonstrate that FGFRL1 forms constitutive homodimers at cell surfaces. The formation of homodimers was verified by co-precipitation of differentially tagged FGFRL1 polypeptides from solution. If overexpressed in cultivated cells, FGFRL1 was found to be enriched at cell-cell contact sites. The extracellular domain of recombinant FGFRL1 promoted cell adhesion, but not cell spreading, when coated on plastic surfaces. Adhesion was mediated by heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans located at the cell surface. It could specifically be blocked by addition of soluble heparin but not by addition of other glycosaminoglycans. When the amino acid sequence of the putative heparin-binding site was modified by in vitro mutagenesis, the resulting protein exhibited decreased affinity for heparin and reduced activity in the cell-binding assay. Moreover, a synthetic peptide corresponding to the heparin-binding site was able to neutralize the effect of heparin. With its dimeric structure and its adhesion promoting properties, FGFRL1 resembles the nectins, a family of cell adhesion molecules found at cell-cell junctions.


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We have generated RANK (receptor activator of NF-κB) nullizygous mice to determine the molecular genetic interactions between osteoprotegerin, osteoprotegerin ligand, and RANK during bone resorption and remodeling processes. RANK−/− mice lack osteoclasts and have a profound defect in bone resorption and remodeling and in the development of the cartilaginous growth plates of endochondral bone. The osteopetrosis observed in these mice can be reversed by transplantation of bone marrow from rag1−/− (recombinase activating gene 1) mice, indicating that RANK−/− mice have an intrinsic defect in osteoclast function. Calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines that are known to induce bone resorption in mice and human were administered to RANK−/− mice without inducing hypercalcemia, although tumor necrosis factor α treatment leads to the rare appearance of osteoclast-like cells near the site of injection. Osteoclastogenesis can be initiated in RANK−/− mice by transfer of the RANK cDNA back into hematopoietic precursors, suggesting a means to critically evaluate RANK structural features required for bone resorption. Together these data indicate that RANK is the intrinsic cell surface determinant that mediates osteoprotegerin ligand effects on bone resorption and remodeling as well as the physiological and pathological effects of calciotropic hormones and proresorptive cytokines.


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Cell death is mediated by distinct pathways including apoptosis and oncosis in response to various death signals. To characterize molecules involved in cell death, a panel of mAbs was raised by immunizing mice with apoptotic cells. One of these antibodies, designated anti-Porimin (for pro-oncosis receptor inducing membrane injury), was found to directly induce a unique type of cell death in Jurkat cells. Anti-Porimin defines a 110-kDa cell surface receptor on Jurkat cells. Functionally, anti-Porimin alone rapidly mediates pore formation on the plasma membrane and induces cell death without participation of complement. Both the cellular expression and functional characteristics of the Porimin antigen indicate that it is distinct from the CD95 (Fas/Apo-1) and other cell receptors known to induce apoptosis. Anti-Porimin-mediated cell death was preceded by cell aggregation, formation of plasma membrane pores, and the appearance of membrane blebs. More important, these cells show neither DNA fragmentation nor apoptotic bodies, but display lethal damage of the cell membrane. Cell death by anti-Porimin is distinct from complement-dependent cytolysis or complement-independent apoptosis but is similar to that described for oncosis, a form of cell death accompanied by the membrane damage followed by karyolysis. The induction of cell death by anti-Porimin may represent a unique cell surface receptor-mediated pathway of cell death in the human lymphoid system.


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Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) can induce rapid, multifocal lung cancer, but JSRV is a simple retrovirus having no known oncogenes. Here we show that the envelope (env) gene of JSRV has the unusual property that it can induce transformation in rat fibroblasts, and thus is likely to be responsible for oncogenesis in animals. Retrovirus entry into cells is mediated by Env interaction with particular cell-surface receptors, and we have used phenotypic screening of radiation hybrid cell lines to identify the candidate lung cancer tumor suppressor HYAL2/LUCA2 as the receptor for JSRV. HYAL2 was previously described as a lysosomal hyaluronidase, but we show that HYAL2 is actually a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell-surface protein. Furthermore, we could not detect hyaluronidase activity associated with or secreted by cells expressing HYAL2, whereas we could easily detect such activity from cells expressing the related serum hyaluronidase HYAL1. Although the function of HYAL2 is currently unknown, other GPI-anchored proteins are involved in signal transduction, and some mediate mitogenic responses, suggesting a potential role of HYAL2 in JSRV Env-mediated oncogenesis. Lung cancer induced by JSRV closely resembles human bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, a disease that is increasing in frequency and now accounts for ≈25% of all lung cancer. The finding that JSRV env is oncogenic and the identification of HYAL2 as the JSRV receptor provide tools for further investigation of the mechanism of JSRV oncogenesis and its relationship to human bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma.


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Cell adhesion has a fundamental role in the proliferation and motility of normal cells and the metastasis of tumor cells. To identify signaling pathways activated by the adherence of tumor cells, we analyzed the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in mouse melanoma cells before and after attachment to substrata. We discovered that cellular adherence activated the protein-tyrosine kinase of the cell surface receptor Met, whose ligand is hepatocyte growth factor and scatter factor. The activation was exceedingly prompt, affected the great majority of Met in the cells, persisted so long as the cells remained adherent, and was rapidly reversed as soon as the cells were detached from substrata. Activation of Met required that cells be adherent but not that they spread on the substratum, and it occurred in the absence of any apparent ligand for the receptor. Ligand-independent activation of Met occurred in several varieties of tumor cells but not in normal endothelial cells that express the receptor. The activation of Met described here may represent a means by which cells respond to mechanical as opposed to biochemical stimuli.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the biggest killer of people in western civilisation. Age is a significant risk factor for the development for CVD, and treatments and therapies to address this increased risk are crucial to quality of life and longevity. Exercise is one such intervention which has been shown to reduce CVD risk. Age is also associated with endothelial dysfunction, reduced angiogenic capabilities, and reduced ability to repair the vessel wall. Circulating angiogenic cells (CACs) are a subset of circulating cells which assist in the repair and growth of the vasculature and in the maintenance of endothelial function. Reductions in these cells are observed in those with vascular disease compared to age-matched healthy controls. Exercise may reduce CVD risk by improvements in number and/or function of these CACs. Data was collected from human volunteers of various ages, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels and latent viral infection history status to investigate the effects of chronological age, CRF, viral serology and other lifestyle factors, such as sedentary behaviours and exercise on CACs. The levels of CACs in these volunteers were measured using four colour flow cytometry using various monoclonal antibodies specific to cell surface markers that are used to identify specific subsets of these CACs. In addition, the response to acute exercise of a specific subset of these CACs, termed ‘angiogenic T-cells’ (TANG) were investigated, in a group of well-trained males aged 20-40 years, using a strenuous submaximal exercise bout. Advancing age was associated with a decline in various subsets of CACs, including bone marrow-derived CD34+ progenitors, putative endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and also TANG cells. Individuals with a higher CRF were more likely to have higher circulating numbers of TANG cells, particularly in the CD4+ subset. CRF did not appear to modulate CD34+ progenitors or EPC subsets. Increasing sitting time was associated with reduction in TANG cells, but after correcting for the effects of fitness, sitting time no longer negatively affected the circulating number of these cells. Acute exercise was a powerful stimulus for increasing the number of TANG cells (140% increase), potentially through an SDF-1:CXCR4-dependent mechanism, but more studies are required to investigate this. Latent CMV infection was associated with higher number of TANG cells (CD8+), but only in 18-40 year old individuals, and not in an older age group (41-65 year old). The significance of this has yet to be understood. In conclusion, advancing age may contribute to increased CVD risk partly due to the observed reductions in angiogenic cells circulating in the peripheral compartment. Maintaining a high CRF may attenuate this CVD reduction by modulating TANG cell number, but potentially not CD34+ progenitor or EPC subsets. Acute exercise may offer a short window for vascular adaptation through the mobilisation of TANG cells into the circulation.


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The human melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R) encodes a G-protein coupled receptor that is primarily expressed on melanocytes, where it plays a key role in pigmentation regulation. Variant alleles are associated with red hair colour and fair skin, known as the RHC phenotype, as well as skin cancer risk. The R151C, R160W and D294H alleles, designated 'R', are strongly associated with the RHC phenotype and have been proposed to result in loss of function receptors due to impaired G-protein coupling. We recently provided evidence that the R151C and R160W variants can efficiently couple to G-proteins in response to alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone. The possibility that altered cellular localization of the R151C and R160W variant receptors could underlie their association with RHC was therefore considered. Using immunofluorescence and ligand binding studies, we found that melanocytic cells exogenously or endogenously expressing MC1R show strong surface localization of the wild-type and D294H alleles but markedly reduced cell surface expression of the R151C and R160W receptors. In additional exogenous expression studies, the R variant D84E and the rare I155T variant, also demonstrated a significant reduction in plasma membrane receptor numbers. The V60L, V92M and R163Q weakly associated RHC alleles, designated 'r', were expressed with normal or intermediate cell surface receptor levels. These results indicate that reduced receptor coupling activity may not be the only contributing factor to the genetic association between the MC1R variants and the RHC phenotype, with MC1R polymorphisms now linked to a change in receptor localization.


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F1F0-ATPase was initially believed to be strictly expressed in the mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, recent reports have shown that the F1 complex can serve as a cell surface receptor for apparently unrelated ligands. Here, we show for the first time the presence of the F1-ATPase at the cell surface of normal or cancerous colonic epithelial cells. Using Surface Plasmon Resonance technology and mass spectrometry, we identified a peptide hormone product of the gastrin gene (glycine-extended gastrin, G-gly), as a new ligand for the F1-ATPase. By molecular modeling, we identified the motif in the peptide sequence (EE/DxY), which directly interacts with the F1-ATPase and the amino-acids in the F1-ATPase which bind this motif. Replacement of the E9 residue by an alanine in the EE/DxY motif resulted in a strong decrease of G-gly binding to the F1-ATPase and the loss of its biological activity. In addition we demonstrated that F1-ATPase mediates the growth effects of the peptide. Indeed, blocking ATPase activity decreases G-gly-induced cell growth. The mechanism likely involves ADP production by the membrane F1-ATPase which is induced by G-gly. These results suggest an important contribution of cell surface ATPase in the pro-proliferative action of this gastrointestinal peptide.


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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) activation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) is an important mediator of cell migration, and aberrant signaling via this system promotes a number of malignancies including ovarian cancer. We have identified the cell surface glycoprotein CDCP1 as a key regulator of EGF/EGFR-induced cell migration. We show that signaling via EGF/EGFR induces migration of ovarian cancer Caov3 and OVCA420 cells with concomitant up-regulation of CDCP1 mRNA and protein. Consistent with a role in cell migration CDCP1 relocates from cell-cell junctions to punctate structures on filopodia after activation of EGFR. Significantly, disruption of CDCP1 either by silencing or the use of a function blocking antibody efficiently reduces EGF/EGFR-induced cell migration of Caov3 and OVCA420 cells. We also show that up-regulation of CDCP1 is inhibited by pharmacological agents blocking ERK but not Src signaling, indicating that the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway is required downstream of EGF/EGFR to induce increased expression of CDCP1. Our immunohistochemical analysis of benign, primary, and metastatic serous epithelial ovarian tumors demonstrates that CDCP1 is expressed during progression of this cancer. These data highlight a novel role for CDCP1 in EGF/EGFR-induced cell migration and indicate that targeting of CDCP1 may be a rational approach to inhibit progression of cancers driven by EGFR signaling including those resistant to anti-EGFR drugs because of activating mutations in the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway.


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Our previous studies have shown that overexpression of beta1,4-galactosyltransferase1 (beta1,4GT1) leads to increased apoptosis induced by cycloheximide (CHX) in SMMC-7721 human hepatocarcinoma cells. However, the role of beta1,4GT1 in apoptosis remains unclear. Here we demonstrated that cell surface beta1,4GT1 inhibited the autophosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) especially at Try 1068. The phosphorylation of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase1/2 (ERK1/2), which are downstream molecules of EGFR, were also reduced in cell surface beta1,4GT1-overexpressing cells. Furthermore, the translocations of Bad and Bax that are regulated by PKB/Akt and ERK1/2 were also increased in these cells. As a result, the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol was increased and caspase-3 was activated. In contrast, RNAi-mediated knockdown of beta1,4GT1 increased the autophosphorylation of EGFR. These results demonstrated that cell surface beta1,4GT1 may negatively regulate cell survival possibly through inhibiting and modulating EGFR signaling pathway.


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The AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit GluR2, which regulates excitotoxicity and the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) have both been implicated in motor neurone vulnerability in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Motor Neurone Disease. TNF alpha has been reported to increase cell surface expression of AMPAR subunits to increase synaptic strength and enhance excitotoxicity, but whether this mechanism occurs in motor neurones is unknown. We used primary cultures of mouse motor neurones and cortical neurones to examine the interaction between TNF alpha receptor activation, GluR2 availability, AMPAR-mediated calcium entry and susceptibility to excitotoxicity. Short exposure to a physiologically relevant concentration of TNFalpha (10 ng/ml, 15 min) caused a marked redistribution of both GluR1 and GluR2 to the cell surface as determined by cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence. Using Fura-2 AM microfluorimetry we showed that exposure to TNFalpha caused a rapid reduction in the peak amplitude of AMPA-mediated calcium entry in a PI3-kinase and p38 kinase-dependent manner, consistent with increased insertion of GluR2-containing AMPAR into the plasma membrane. This resulted in a protection of motor neurones against kainate-induced cell death. Our data therefore, suggests that TNF alpha acts primarily as a physiological regulator of synaptic activity in motor neurones rather than a pathological drive in ALS


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We previously reported that truncation of the N-terminal 79 amino acids of alpha(1D)-adrenoceptors (Delta(1-79)alpha(1D)-ARs) greatly increases binding site density. In this study, we determined whether this effect was associated with changes in alpha(1D)-AR subcellular localization. Confocal imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged receptors and sucrose density gradient fractionation suggested that full-length alpha(1D)-ARs were found primarily in intracellular compartments, whereas Delta(1-79)alpha(1D)-ARs were translocated to the plasma membrane. This resulted in a 3- to 4-fold increase in intrinsic activity for stimulation of inositol phosphate formation by norepinephrine. We determined whether this effect was transplantable by creating N-terminal chimeras of alpha(1)-ARs containing the body of one subtype and the N terminus of another (alpha(1A) NT-D, alpha(1B) NT-D, alpha(1D) NT-A, and alpha(1D)NT-B). When expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, radioligand binding revealed that binding densities of alpha(1A)- or alpha(1B)-ARs containing the alpha(1D)-N terminus decreased by 86 to 93%, whereas substitution of alpha(1A)- or alpha(1B)-N termini increased alpha(1D)-AR binding site density by 2- to 3-fold. Confocal microscopy showed that GFP-tagged alpha(1D)NT-B-ARs were found only on the cell surface, whereas GFP-tagged alpha(1B)NT-D-ARs were completely intracellular. Radioligand binding and confocal imaging of GFP-tagged alpha(1D)- and Delta(1-79)alpha(1D)-ARs expressed in rat aortic smooth muscle cells produced similar results, suggesting these effects are generalizable to cell types that endogenously express alpha(1D)-ARs. These findings demonstrate that the N-terminal region of alpha(1D)-ARs contain a transplantable signal that is critical for regulating formation of functional bindings, through regulating cellular localization.


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Mutations in melanocortin receptor 2 (MC2R) and its related melanocortin receptor accessory protein (MRAP) cause familial glucocorticoid deficiency. We identified a novel MC2R mutation, K289fs. This unique mutation in the C terminus of MC2R is located in the intracellular part of the protein for which the exact function is unknown.