999 resultados para catecholamine cells


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Medullary catecholamine and hypothalamic neurosecretory oxytocin cells are activated by hypotension, but previous studies have provided uncertain outcomes concerning their ability to respond to a purely hypovolaemic stimulus. In the present study, injections of PEG/water and pentolinium were used to elicit non-hypotensive, isosmotic hypovolaemia and isovolaemic, isosmotic hypotension, respectively, in conscious rats. Animals were sacrificed 2 h after treatment. Immunolabelling for Fos, tyrosine hydroxylase and oxytocin established that these two stimuli activate almost identical populations of catecholamine neurons in the ventrolateral and dorsomedial medulla, and very similar populations of oxytocin cells in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus.


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Medial parvocellular paraventricular corticotropin-releasing hormone (mPVN CRH) cells are critical in generating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responses to systemic interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta). However, although it is understood that catecholamine inputs are important in initiating mPVN CRH cell responses to IL-1beta, the contributions of distinct brainstem catecholamine cell groups are not known. We examined the role of nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) catecholamine cells in the activation of mPVN CRH, hypothalamic oxytocin (OT) and central amygdala cells in response to IL-1beta (1 microg/kg, i.a.). Immunolabelling for the expression of c-fos was used as a marker of neuronal activation in combination with appropriate cytoplasmic phenotypic markers. First we confirmed that PVN 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, which selectively depleted catecholaminergic terminals, significantly reduced IL-1beta-induced mPVN CRH cell activation. The contribution of VLM (A1/C1 cells) versus NTS (A2 cells) catecholamine cells to mPVN CRH cell responses was then examined by placing ibotenic acid lesions in either the VLM or NTS. The precise positioning of these lesions was guided by prior retrograde tracing studies in which we mapped the location of IL-1beta-activated VLM and NTS cells that project to the mPVN. Both VLM and NTS lesions reduced the mPVN CRH and OT cell responses to IL-1beta. Unlike VLM lesions, NTS lesions also suppressed the recruitment of central amygdala neurons. These studies provide novel evidence that both the NTS and VLM catecholamine cells have important, but differential, contributions to the generation of IL-1beta-induced HPA axis responses.


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Both physical and psychological stressors recruit catecholamine cells (CA) located in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In the case of physical stressors, this effect is initiated by signals that first access the central nervous system at or below the level of the medulla. For psychological stressors, however, CA cell recruitment depends on higher structures within the neuraxis. Indeed, we have recently provided evidence of a pivotal role for the medial amygdala (MeA) in this regard, although such a role must involve a relay, as MeA neurons do not project directly to the medulla. However, some of the MeA neurons that respond to psychological stress have been found to project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a structure that provides significant input to the medulla. To determine whether the PVN might regulate medullary CA cell responses to psychological stress, animals were prepared with unilateral injections of the neurotoxin ibotenic acid into the PVN (Experiment 1), or with unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-gold (WGA-Au) into the CA cell columns of the VLM or NTS (Experiment 2). Seven days later, animals were subjected to a psychological stressor (restraint; 15 minutes), and their brains were subsequently processed for Fos plus appropriate cytoplasmic markers (Experiment 1), or Fos plus WGA-Au (Experiment 2). PVN lesions significantly suppressed the stress-related induction of Fos in both VLM and NTS CA cells, whereas tracer deposits in the VLM or NTS retrogradely labeled substantial numbers of PVN cells that were also Fos-positive after stress. Considered in concert with previous results, these data suggest that the activation of medullary CA cells in response to psychological stress may involve a critical input from the PVN.


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Both physical and psychological stressors recruit catecholamine cells (CA) located in the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS). In the case of physical stressors, this effect is initiated by signals that first access the central nervous system at or below the level of the medulla. For psychological stressors, however, CA cell recruitment depends on higher structures within the neuraxis. Indeed, we have recently provided evidence of a pivotal role for the medial amygdala (MeA) in this regard, although such a role must involve a relay, as MeA neurons do not project directly to the medulla. However, some of the MeA neurons that respond to psychological stress have been found to project to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a structure that provides significant input to the medulla. To determine whether the PVN might regulate medullary CA cell responses to psychological stress, animals were prepared with unilateral injections of the neurotoxin ibotenic acid into the PVN (Experiment 1), or with unilateral injections of the retrograde tracer wheat germ agglutinin-gold (WGA-Au) into the CA cell columns of the VLM or NTS (Experiment 2). Seven days later, animals were subjected to a psychological stressor (restraint; 15 minutes), and their brains were subsequently processed for Fos plus appropriate cytoplasmic markers (Experiment 1), or Fos plus WGA-Au (Experiment 2). PVN lesions significantly suppressed the stress-related induction of Fos in both VLM and NTS CA cells, whereas tracer deposits in the VLM or NTS retrogradely labeled substantial numbers of PVN cells that were also Fos-positive after stress. Considered in concert with previous results, these data suggest that the activation of medullary CA cells in response to psychological stress may involve a critical input from the PVN. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Physical stressors such as infection, inflammation and tissue injury elicit activation of the hypofhalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This response has significant implications for both immune and central nervous system function. Investigations in rats into the neural substrates responsible for HPA axis activation to an immune challenge have predominantly utilized an experimental paradigm involving the acute administration of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 β (IL-1β). It is well recognized that medial parvocellular corticotrophin-releasing factor cells of the paraventricular nucleus (mPVN CRF) are critical in generating HPA axis responses to an immune challenge but little is known about how peripheral immune signals can activate and/or modulate the mPVN CRF cells. Studies that have examined the afferent control of the mPVN CRF cell response to systemic IL-1β have centred largely on the inputs from brainstem catecholamine cells. However, other regulatory neuronal populations also merit attention and one such region is a component of the limbic system, the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). A large number of CeA cells are recruited following systemic IL-lβ administration and there is a significant body of work indicating that the CeA can influence HPA axis function. However, the contribution of the CeA to HPA axis responses to an immune challenge is only just beginning to be addressed. This review examines three aspects of HPA axis control by systemic IL-lβ; (i) whether the CeA has a role in generating HPA axis responses to systemic IL-1 β, (ii) the identity of the neural connections between the CeA and mPVN CRF cells that might be important to HPA axis responses and (iii) the mechanisms by which systemic IL-lβ triggers the recruitment of CeA cells.


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Hypothalamic nuclei, particularly the paraventricular nuclei (PVN), are important brain sites responsible for central nervous system responses during an immune challenge. The brainstem catecholamine cells of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) have been shown to play critical roles in relaying systemic immune signals to the PVN. However, whilst it is well recognised that PVN divisions also innervate the NTS and VLM, it is not known whether descending PVN pathways can modulate the recruitment of brainstem cells during an immune challenge. Using systemic administration of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β, in combination with Fos immunolabelling, we firstly investigated the effect of PVN lesions on NTS and VLM catecholamine and non-catecholamine cell responses. We found that ibotenic acid lesions of the PVN significantly reduced numbers of Fos-positive non-catecholamine, noradrenergic and adrenergic cells observable in the VLM and NTS after interleukin-1β administration. We then investigated the origins of descending inputs to the VLM and NTS, activated by systemic interleukin-1β, by mapping the distribution of Fos-positive retrogradely-labelled cells in divisions of the PVN after iontophoretically depositing choleratoxin-b subunit into the NTS or VLM one week prior to interleukin-1β administration. We found that, after either NTS or VLM deposits, the majority of retrogradely-labelled Fos-positive cells activated by interleukin-1β were localised in the medial and lateral parvocellular PVN divisions. Retrogradely-labelled Fos-positive cells were also observed in the NTS after VLM deposits, and in the VLM after NTS tracer deposits, suggesting reciprocal communication between these two nuclei after systemic interleukin-1β. Thus the present study shows that the PVN has the capacity to modulate NTS and VLM responses after an immune challenge and that these may result from descending projections arising in the medial and lateral PVN divisions. These findings suggest that central nervous system responses to an immune challenge are likely to involve complex reciprocal connections between the PVN and the brainstem as well as between brainstem nuclei themselves.


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Systemic infection activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and brainstem catecholamine cells have been shown to contribute to this response. However, recent work also suggests an important role for the central amygdala (CeA). Because direct connections between the CeA and the hypothalamic apex of the HPA axis are minimal, the present study investigated whether the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) might act as a relay between them. This was done by using an animal model of acute systemic infection involving intravascular delivery of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β, 1 μg/kg). Unilateral ibotenic acid lesions encompassing the ventral BNST significantly reduced both IL-1β-induced increases in Fos immunoreactivity in corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) cells of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and corresponding increases in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion. Similar lesions had no effect on CRF cell responses to physical restraint, suggesting that the effects of BNST lesions were not due to a nonspecific effect on stress responses. In further studies, we examined the functional connections between PVN, BNST, and CeA by combining retrograde tracing with mapping of IL-1β-induced increases in Fos in BNST and CeA cells. In the case of the BNST, these studies showed that systemic IL-1β administration recruits ventral BNST cells that project directly to the PVN. In the case of the CeA, the results obtained were consistent with an arrangement whereby lateral CeA cells recruited by systemic IL-1β could regulate the activity of medial CeA cells projecting directly to the BNST. In conclusion, the present findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the BNST acts as a relay between the CeA and PVN, thereby contributing to CeA modulation of hypophysiotropic CRF cell responses to systemic administration of IL-1β.


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Apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist that was recently licensed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, although sexual activity can be stressful, there has been little investigation into whether treatments for erectile dysfunction affect stress responses. We have examined whether a single dose of apomorphine, sufficient to produce penile erections (50 μg/kg, i.a.), can alter basal or stress-induced plasma ACTH levels, or activity of central pathways thought to control the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rats. An immune challenge (interleukin-1β, 1 μg/kg, i.a.) was used as a physical stressor while sound stress (100 dB white noise, 30 min) was used as a psychological stressor. Intravascular administration of apomorphine had no effect on basal ACTH levels but did substantially increase the number of Fos-positive amygdala and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. Administration of apomorphine prior to immune challenge augmented the normal ACTH response to this stressor at 90 min and there was a corresponding increase in the number of Fos-positive paraventricular nucleus corticotropin-releasing factor cells, paraventricular nucleus oxytocin cells and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. However, apomorphine treatment did not alter ACTH or Fos responses to sound stress. These data suggest that erection-inducing levels of apomorphine interfere with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis inhibitory feedback mechanisms in response to a physical stressor, but have no effect on the response to a psychological stressor. Consequently, it is likely that apomorphine acts on a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis control pathway that is unique to physical stressors. A candidate for this site of action is the nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cell population and, in particular, A2 noradrenergic neurons.


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Apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist that was recently licensed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, although sexual activity can be stressful, there has been little investigation into whether treatments for erectile dysfunction affect stress responses. We have examined whether a single dose of apomorphine, sufficient to produce penile erections (50 mug/kg, i.a.), can alter basal or stress-induced plasma ACTH levels, or activity of central pathways thought to control the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in rats. An immune challenge (interleukin-1beta, 1 mug/kg, i.a.) was used as a physical stressor while sound stress (100 dB white noise, 30 min) was used as a psychological stressor. Intravascular administration of apomorphine had no effect on basal ACTH levels but did substantially increase the number of Fos-positive amygdala and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. Administration of apomorphine prior to immune challenge augmented the normal ACTH response to this stressor at 90 min and there was a corresponding increase in the number of Fos-positive paraventricular nucleus corticotropin-releasing factor cells, paraventricular nucleus oxytocin cells and nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cells. However, apomorphine treatment did not alter ACTH or Fos responses to sound stress. These data suggest that erection-inducing levels of apomorphine interfere with hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis inhibitory feedback mechanisms in response to a physical stressor, but have no effect on the response to a psychological stressor. Consequently, it is likely that apomorphine acts on a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis control pathway that is unique to physical stressors. A candidate for this site of action is the nucleus tractus solitarius catecholamine cell population and, in particular, A2 noradrenergic neurons. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Systemic infection activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, and brainstem catecholamine cells have been shown to contribute to this response. However, recent work also suggests an important role for the central amygdala (CeA). Because direct connections between the CeA and the hypothalamic apex of the HPA axis are minimal, the present study investigated whether the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) might act as a relay between them. This was done by using an animal model of acute systemic infection involving intravascular delivery of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1, 1 g/kg). Unilateral ibotenic acid lesions encompassing the ventral BNST significantly reduced both IL-1-induced increases in Fos immunoreactivity in corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) cells of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and corresponding increases in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion. Similar lesions had no effect on CRF cell responses to physical restraint, suggesting that the effects of BNST lesions were not due to a nonspecific effect on stress responses. In further studies, we examined the functional connections between PVN, BNST, and CeA by combining retrograde tracing with mapping of IL-1-induced increases in Fos in BNST and CeA cells. In the case of the BNST, these studies showed that systemic IL-1 administration recruits ventral BNST cells that project directly to the PVN. In the case of the CeA, the results obtained were consistent with an arrangement whereby lateral CeA cells recruited by systemic IL-1 could regulate the activity of medial CeA cells projecting directly to the BNST. In conclusion, the present findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the BNST acts as a relay between the CeA and PVN, thereby contributing to CeA modulation of hypophysiotropic CRF cell responses to systemic administration of IL-1.


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The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been strongly implicated in control of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) response to stress. Because of the paucity of direct projections from the mPFC to the PVN, we sought to investigate possible brain regions that might act as a relay between the two during psychological stress. Bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the rat mPFC enhanced the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells seen in the PVN after exposure to the psychological stressor, air puff. Altered neuronal recruitment was seen in only one of the candidate relay populations examined, the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST). Furthermore, bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the BNST caused a significant attenuation of the PVN response to air puff. To better characterize the structural relationships between the mPFC and PVN, retrograde tracing studies were conducted examining Fos expression in cells retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin b subunit (CTb) from the PVN and the BNST. Results obtained were consistent with an important role for both the mPFC and BNST in the mpPVN CRF cell response to air puff. We suggest a set of connections whereby a direct PVN projection from the ipsilateral vBNST is involved in the mpPVN response to air puff and this may, in turn, be modulated by an indirect projection from the mPFC to the BNST. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The biological effects of catecholamines in mammalian pigment cells are poorly understood. Our previous results showed the presence of α1-adrenoceptors in SK-Mel 23 human melanoma cells. The aims of this work were to (1) characterize catecholamine effects on proliferation, tyrosinase activity and expression, (2) identify the α1- adrenoceptor subtypes, and (3) verify whether chronic norepinephrine (NE) treatment modified the types and/or pharmacological characteristics of adrenoceptors present in SK-Mel 23 human melanoma cells. Cells treated with the aradrenergic agonist, phenylephrine (PHE, 10-5 or 10-4 M), for 24-72 h, exhibited decreased cell proliferation and enhanced tyrosinase activity, but unaltered tyrosinase expression as compared with the control. The proliferation and tyrosinase activity responses were inhibited by the α1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin, suggesting they were evoked by α1-adrenoceptors. The presence of actinomycin D, a transcription inhibitor, did not diminish PHE-induced effects. RT-PCR assays, followed by cloning and sequencing, demonstrated the presence of α1A- and α1B-adrenoceptor subtypes. NE-treated cells (24 or 72 h) were used in competition assays, and showed no significant change in the competition curves of α1-adrenoceptors as compared with control curves. Other adrenoceptor subtypes were not identified in these cells, and NE pretreatment did not induce their expression. In conclusion, the activation of SK-Mel 23 human melanoma α1- radrenoceptors elicit biological effects, such as proliferation decrease and tyrosinase activity increase. Desensitization or expression of other adrenoceptor subtypes after chronic NE treatment were not observed.


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Pressure overload ventricular hypertrophy is accompanied by dysfunctional beta-adrenergic receptor signaling due to increased levels of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1, which phosphorylates and desensitizes beta-adrenergic receptors. In this study, we examined whether increased beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 expression is associated with myocardial hypertrophy induced by adrenergic stimulation. With use of implanted mini-osmotic pumps, we treated mice with isoproterenol, phenylephrine, or vehicle to distinguish between alpha1- and beta-adrenergic stimulation. Both treatments resulted in cardiac hypertrophy, but only isoproterenol induced significant increases in beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 protein levels and activity. Similarly, in isolated adult rat cardiac myocytes, 24 hours of isoproterenol stimulation resulted in a significant 2.8-fold increase in beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 protein levels, whereas 24 hours of phenylephrine treatment did not alter beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 expression. Our results indicate that increased beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1 is not invariably associated with myocardial hypertrophy but apparently is controlled by the state of beta-adrenergic receptor activation.


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Background: Since noradrenergic innervation was described in the ovarian follicle, the actions of the intraovarian catecholaminergic system have been the focus of a variety of studies. We aimed to determine the gonadotropin-independent effects of the catecholamine norepinephrine (NE) in the steroid hormone profile of a serum-free granulosa cell (GC) culture system in the context of follicular development and dominance. Methods: Primary bovine GCs were cultivated in a serum-free, chemically defined culture system supplemented with 0.1% polyvinyl alcohol. The culture features were assessed by hormone measurements and ultrastructural characteristics of GCs. Results: GCs produced increasing amounts of estradiol and pregnenolone for 144h and maintained ultrastructural features of healthy steroidogenic cells. Progesterone production was also detected, although it significantly increased only after 96h of culture. There was a highly significant positive correlation between estradiol and pregnenolone production in high E2-producing cultures. The effects of NE were further evaluated in a dose response study. The highest tested concentration of NE (10 (-7) M) resulted in a significant increase in progesterone production, but not in estradiol or pregnenolone production. The specificity of NE effects on progesterone productio n was further investigated by incubating GCs with propranolol (10 (-8) M), a non-selective beta-adrenergic antagonist. Conclusions: The present culture system represents a robust model to study the impact of intrafollicular factors, such as catecholamines, in ovarian steroidogenesis and follicular development. The results of noradrenergic effects in the steroidogenesis of GC have implications on physiological follicular fate and on certain pathological ovarian conditions such as cyst formation and anovulation.