834 resultados para case-based reasoning (CBR)
This paper describes the architecture of the case based reasoning (CBR) component of Smartfire, a fire field modelling tool for use by members of the Fire Safety Engineering community who are not expert in modelling techniques. The CBR system captures the qualitative reasoning of an experienced modeller in the assessment of room geometries so as to set up the important initial parameters of the problem. The system relies on two important reasoning principles obtained from the expert: 1) there is a natural hierarchical retrieval mechanism which may be employed; and 2) much of the reasoning on a qualitative level is linear in nature, although the computational solution of the problem is non-linear. The paper describes the qualitative representation of geometric room information on which the system is based, and the principles on which the CBR system operates.
Numerical models are important tools used in engineering fields to predict the behaviour and the impact of physical elements. There may be advantages to be gained by combining Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) techniques with numerical models. This paper considers how CBR can be used as a flexible query engine to improve the usability of numerical models. Particularly they can help to solve inverse and mixed problems, and to solve constraint problems. We discuss this idea with reference to the illustrative example of a pneumatic conveyor problem. The paper describes example problems faced by design engineers in this context and the issues that need to be considered in this approach. Solution of these problems require methods to handle constraints in both the retrieval phase and the adaptation phase of a typical CBR cycle. We show approaches to the solution of these problesm via a CBR tool.
This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage
ABSRACT This thesis focuses on the monitoring, fault detection and diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), which are important fields of research for a wide range of engineering disciplines. The main objective is to evaluate and apply a novel artificial intelligent methodology based on situation assessment for monitoring and diagnosis of Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) operation. To this end, Multivariate Statistical Process Control (MSPC) in combination with Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methodology was developed, which was evaluated on three different SBR (pilot and lab-scales) plants and validated on BSM1 plant layout.
La comunitat científica que treballa en Intel·ligència Artificial (IA) ha dut a terme una gran quantitat de treball en com la IA pot ajudar a les persones a trobar el que volen dins d'Internet. La idea dels sistemes recomanadors ha estat extensament acceptada pels usuaris. La tasca principal d'un sistema recomanador és localitzar ítems, fonts d'informació i persones relacionades amb els interessos i preferències d'una persona o d'un grup de persones. Això comporta la construcció de models d'usuari i l'habilitat d'anticipar i predir les preferències de l'usuari. Aquesta tesi està focalitzada en l'estudi de tècniques d'IA que millorin el rendiment dels sistemes recomanadors. Inicialment, s'ha dut a terme un anàlisis detallat de l'actual estat de l'art en aquest camp. Aquest treball ha estat organitzat en forma de taxonomia on els sistemes recomanadors existents a Internet es classifiquen en 8 dimensions generals. Aquesta taxonomia ens aporta una base de coneixement indispensable pel disseny de la nostra proposta. El raonament basat en casos (CBR) és un paradigma per aprendre i raonar a partir de la experiència adequat per sistemes recomanadors degut als seus fonaments en el raonament humà. Aquesta tesi planteja una nova proposta de CBR aplicat al camp de la recomanació i un mecanisme d'oblit per perfils basats en casos que controla la rellevància i edat de les experiències passades. Els resultats experimentals demostren que aquesta proposta adapta millor els perfils als usuaris i soluciona el problema de la utilitat que pateixen el sistemes basats en CBR. Els sistemes recomanadors milloren espectacularment la qualitat dels resultats quan informació sobre els altres usuaris és utilitzada quan es recomana a un usuari concret. Aquesta tesi proposa l'agentificació dels sistemes recomanadors per tal de treure profit de propietats interessants dels agents com ara la proactivitat, la encapsulació o l'habilitat social. La col·laboració entre agents es realitza a partir del mètode de filtratge basat en la opinió i del mètode col·laboratiu de filtratge a partir de confiança. Els dos mètodes es basen en un model social de confiança que fa que els agents siguin menys vulnerables als altres quan col·laboren. Els resultats experimentals demostren que els agents recomanadors col·laboratius proposats milloren el rendiment del sistema mentre que preserven la privacitat de les dades personals de l'usuari. Finalment, aquesta tesi també proposa un procediment per avaluar sistemes recomanadors que permet la discussió científica dels resultats. Aquesta proposta simula el comportament dels usuaris al llarg del temps basat en perfils d'usuari reals. Esperem que aquesta metodologia d'avaluació contribueixi al progrés d'aquesta àrea de recerca.
A Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) tool is software that can be used to develop several applications that require cased-based reasoning methodology. CBR shells are kind of application generators with graphical user interface. They can be used by non-programmer users but the extension or integration of new components in these tools is not possible. In this paper we analyzed three CBR object-oriented framework development environments CBR*Tools, CAT-CBR, and JColibri. These frameworks work as open software development environment and facilitate the reuse of their design as well as implementations.
There may be advantages to be gained by combining Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) techniques with numerical models. In this paper we consider how CBR can be used as a flexible query engine to improve the usability of numerical models. Particularly they can help to solve inverse and mixed problems, and to solve constraint problems. We discuss this idea with reference to the illustrative example of a pneumatic conveyor. We describe a model of the problem of particle degradation in such a conveyor, and the problems faced by design engineers. The solution of these problems requires a system that allows iterative sharing of control between user, CBR system, and numerical model. This multi-initiative interaction is illustrated for the pneumatic conveyor by means of Unified Modeling Language (UML) collaboration and sequence diagrams. We show approaches to the solution of these problems via a CBR tool.
In this paper, we present a case-based reasoning (CBR) approach solving educational time-tabling problems. Following the basic idea behind CBR, the solutions of previously solved problems are employed to aid finding the solutions for new problems. A list of feature-value pairs is insufficient to represent all the necessary information. We show that attribute graphs can represent more information and thus can help to retrieve re-usable cases that have similar structures to the new problems. The case base is organised as a decision tree to store the attribute graphs of solved problems hierarchically. An example is given to illustrate the retrieval, re-use and adaptation of structured cases. The results from our experiments show the effectiveness of the retrieval and adaptation in the proposed method.
The structured representation of cases by attribute graphs in a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system for course timetabling has been the subject of previous research by the authors. In that system, the case base is organised as a decision tree and the retrieval process chooses those cases which are sub attribute graph isomorphic to the new case. The drawback of that approach is that it is not suitable for solving large problems. This paper presents a multiple-retrieval approach that partitions a large problem into small solvable sub-problems by recursively inputting the unsolved part of the graph into the decision tree for retrieval. The adaptation combines the retrieved partial solutions of all the partitioned sub-problems and employs a graph heuristic method to construct the whole solution for the new case. We present a methodology which is not dependant upon problem specific information and which, as such, represents an approach which underpins the goal of building more general timetabling systems. We also explore the question of whether this multiple-retrieval CBR could be an effective initialisation method for local search methods such as Hill Climbing, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing. Significant results are obtained from a wide range of experiments. An evaluation of the CBR system is presented and the impact of the approach on timetabling research is discussed. We see that the approach does indeed represent an effective initialisation method for these approaches.
This paper studies Knowledge Discovery (KD) using Tabu Search and Hill Climbing within Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) as a hyper-heuristic method for course timetabling problems. The aim of the hyper-heuristic is to choose the best heuristic(s) for given timetabling problems according to the knowledge stored in the case base. KD in CBR is a 2-stage iterative process on both case representation and the case base. Experimental results are analysed and related research issues for future work are discussed.
This paper presents a new hyper-heuristic method using Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for solving course timetabling problems. The term Hyper-heuristics has recently been employed to refer to 'heuristics that choose heuristics' rather than heuristics that operate directly on given problems. One of the overriding motivations of hyper-heuristic methods is the attempt to develop techniques that can operate with greater generality than is currently possible. The basic idea behind this is that we maintain a case base of information about the most successful heuristics for a range of previous timetabling problems to predict the best heuristic for the new problem in hand using the previous knowledge. Knowledge discovery techniques are used to carry out the training on the CBR system to improve the system performance on the prediction. Initial results presented in this paper are good and we conclude by discussing the con-siderable promise for future work in this area.
An earlier Case-based Reasoning (CBR) approach developed by the authors for educational course timetabling problems employed structured cases to represent the complex relationships between courses. Previous solved cases represented by attribute graphs were organized hierarchically into a decision tree. The retrieval searches for graph isomorphism among these attribute graphs. In this paper, the approach is further developed to solve a wider range of problems. We also attempt to retrieve those graphs that have common similar structures but also have some differences. Costs that are assigned to these differences have an input upon the similarity measure. A large number of experiments are performed consisting of different randomly produced timetabling problems and the results presented here strongly indicate that a CBR approach could provide a significant step forward in the development of automated system to solve difficult timetabling problems. They show that using relatively little effort, we can retrieve these structurally similar cases to provide high quality timetables for new timetabling problems.
The structured representation of cases by attribute graphs in a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system for course timetabling has been the subject of previous research by the authors. In that system, the case base is organised as a decision tree and the retrieval process chooses those cases which are sub attribute graph isomorphic to the new case. The drawback of that approach is that it is not suitable for solving large problems. This paper presents a multiple-retrieval approach that partitions a large problem into small solvable sub-problems by recursively inputting the unsolved part of the graph into the decision tree for retrieval. The adaptation combines the retrieved partial solutions of all the partitioned sub-problems and employs a graph heuristic method to construct the whole solution for the new case. We present a methodology which is not dependant upon problem specific information and which, as such, represents an approach which underpins the goal of building more general timetabling systems. We also explore the question of whether this multiple-retrieval CBR could be an effective initialisation method for local search methods such as Hill Climbing, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing. Significant results are obtained from a wide range of experiments. An evaluation of the CBR system is presented and the impact of the approach on timetabling research is discussed. We see that the approach does indeed represent an effective initialisation method for these approaches.
In this paper, we address the use of CBR in collaboration with numerical engineering models. This collaborative combination has a particular application in engineering domains where numerical models are used. We term this domain “Case Based Engineering” (CBE), and present the general architecture of a CBE system. We define and discuss the general characteristics of CBE and the special problems which arise. These are: the handling of engineering constraints of both continuous and nominal kind; interpolation over both continuous and nominal variables, and conformability for interpolation. In order to illustrate the utility of the method proposed, and to provide practical examples of the general theory, the paper describes a practical application of the CBE architecture, known as CBE-CONVEYOR, which has been implemented by the authors.Pneumatic conveying is an important transportation technology in the solid bulks conveying industry. One of the major industry concerns is the attrition of powders and granules during pneumatic conveying. To minimize the fraction of particles during pneumatic conveying, engineers want to know what design parameters they should use in building a conveyor system. To do this, engineers often run simulations in a repetitive manner to find appropriate input parameters. CBE-Conveyor is shown to speed up conventional methods for searching for solutions, and to solve problems directly that would otherwise require considerable intervention from the engineer.
This paper presents an investigation into applying Case-Based Reasoning to Multiple Heterogeneous Case Bases using agents. The adaptive CBR process and the architecture of the system are presented. A case study is presented to illustrate and evaluate the approach. The process of creating and maintaining the dynamic data structures is discussed. The similarity metrics employed by the system are used to support the process of optimisation of the collaboration between the agents which is based on the use of a blackboard architecture. The blackboard architecture is shown to support the efficient collaboration between the agents to achieve an efficient overall CBR solution, while using case-based reasoning methods to allow the overall system to adapt and “learn” new collaborative strategies for achieving the aims of the overall CBR problem solving process.