73 resultados para caridade


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Revista Lusófona de Ciências Sociais


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Neste artigo, ofereço uma discussão de como imagens de sofrimento e caridade estão relacionadas com imagens de uma sociedade ideal numa comunidade de penitentes do Juazeiro do Norte: os ''Ave de Jesus''. Através dos significados de sofrimento, pobreza e mendicância, estarei explorando a maneira como os Ave de Jesus criam uma sociabilidade baseada na generosidade, na hospitalidade e no compartilhamento, por meio da qual realizam uma espera messiânica. A análise dos dados etnográficos insere-se na discussão clássica sobre as bases da vida social, tomando-se criticamente a literatura antropológica tradicional sobre dádiva e reciprocidade.


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Um rol de Direitos Fundamentais é ficção, como afirma MacIntyre ou MacInerny. Jacques Maritain estabelece uma resposta crítica a estes autores construindo uma fundamentação por meio de um “consenso prático”. O que gera este consenso entre pessoas de concepções de vida diferentes? Para Jacques Maritain o consenso é estabelecido pela Lei Natural, o Conhecimento por Intuição e a Caridade. A presente dissertação aborda estes elementos, mostrando que Jacques Maritain busca-os em Santo Tomás de Aquino, completando o sentido destes conceitos e incorporando-os na Modernidade, como, por exemplo, a dignidade da pessoa humana.


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This work started from an investigation concerning the process of education, moralization and disciplining of the poor in the backlands of the Brazilian Northeast region, in the second half of the 19th century, through the incorporation of the values of productive work. In order to do so, we took as our field of investigation the missions of Father José Antônio Pereira Ibiapina (1806-1883), in which an extensive work was developed, including the construction of twenty two (22) charity houses in the States of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará e Piauí, but also of weirs, churches, graveyards, hospitals and so forth. Given the socio-historical character of the research, we adopted qualitative methods of analysis and the following procedures: survey and analysis of documents, statute and internal rules that ordered the workings of the charity houses; biographies on Father Ibiapina and the missions‟ reports, as well as various sorts of publications on the missionary. Our study comprises his 27 year-period of missionary-religious activity (1856-1883), and undertakes an analysis on the topic of poverty, since the medieval Christian take on it until modernity, when it stops representing a value and becomes a problem to be solved through work. The socio-political context in which Ibiapina lived in the Northeast was marked by the consequence of droughts and economic crises in the region. The analysis of the documents indicates that, in the circumstances of political weakness and lack of interest for regional demands by the national political agenda, his missionary actions produced strong effects. Starting from an ethics of valorization of work, which combined modern and traditional elements, his actions set up disciplinary, moralizing and civil educational practices of the poor, founding, simultaneously, a pragmatic religious experience directed at the resolution of the problems caused by poverty. In that sense, we observe that such actions are connected to the broader process of moralization and education of the poor, but the analysis also suggests that their inscription into the social order articulated both forward as well as conservative aspects of the established system


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The abandonment of newborn children is a reality nowadays. This reality enables us to discuss this issue in other temporalities, in all kinds of societies. Thus, this work aims to demonstrate how the population that lived at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação, a civil parish at a Rio Grande do Norte captaincy, socially placed the abandoned newborn during in the eighteenth century. These newborn were called exposed ones at the time and were inserted in a regional Exposed Circle. The research also discussed how the local Council assembly sheltered these newborn. For research development the following manuscript documents were used: baptism, wedding and demise documents at Freguesia de Nossa Senhora da Apresentação as well as the first Book of Records if the matrix church at this civil parish. The research also considered the terms of the Council assembly. Some printed documents were used such as Philippine Ordainments, the First Constitutions of the Archbishop in 1707 including the Lunario contents as well as texts from André João Antonil and Henry Koster. In the analysis reference work related to Social History was used. Thus, it is possible confirm that there was construction of socially accepted places for these exposed on behalf of the colonist at the region


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This work has as object of study the Hospital de Caridade Juvino Barreto, nosocomial institution located in the city of Natal (RN), between the Praia de Areia Preta and the Monte Petrópolis, focusing on the period from 1909, the year in which the new hospital building was constructed and opened, and 1927, the date of the transfer of administration of the public domain to the newly created Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar (SAH). We study the conditions of possibility of the emergence of this hospital space in the urban environment of the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, seeking to understand the different tactics and strategies implemented by the historical subjects involved in the formation of this institution nosocomial. Starting from a corpus of documents consisting of medical memories (with Dr. Januário Cicco as privileged observer), information present in newspapers (the Republic and the Christmas Journa l), photo collection and extensive administrative and legal material (Speeches, Exhibitions, Reports, Laws and Resolutions), we analyzed in detail the medical geography of HCJB, relating the discourses of medicine and geography in choosing the spatial location of the hospital as we examine the architecture of the hospital, its inner spat iality, divisions, forms of space control, and, finally, we discuss the medical practices that took place within it, leading us in this regard, from the experiences of clinical hospital chief, Dr. Januário Cicco, especially the discussion on "ethics" in hospital work. The perception of HCJB as medical nosoespaciality always on the move, incorporated under taxonomic principles based on difference and dispersion forces, led us to articulate it theoretically from the conceptual-methodological arsenal of philosopher Michel Foucault, particularly his reflections of genealogical phase, focusing on the phenomenon of power, a position that allows us to enhance our space-hospital construction, invention, product of power relations, which give the unfinished aspect nosocômio, apparent, always at stake, perpetual non-modeling possibility has previously defined array, establishing it at the field of possible, of virtuality, of power: hospital that could have been and that it was not. Indeed, the investigation of various aspects/elements of hospital space Juvino Barreto revealed us new dimensions of hospital space, far more complex than the simple and the current idea of a place to shelter patients: plasticity and fluidity of space, which is not made to circumscribe the limits of empeiria, engraving up to strength relations fought between different subject; its Constitution as a transitional space, Heterotopic, doing live inside modern elements with premoderns (professional doctors working with religious thought, skeptical of positivist medicine living with the religious faith of the nuns of Santana); the impossibility of thinking hospital space of HCJB while homogeneous unit, static, transistoric, making the spatiality, without considering the profound differences, fractures and dislocations that animated his own existence, multiplying their expressions of identity


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Este artigo apresenta aspectos da trajetória do Hospital de Caridade São Pedro de Alcântara, na cidade de Goiás, ao longo do século XIX. Instituição leiga fundada no ano de 1825, o hospital nasceu da iniciativa de um grupo local influente que reconheceu um mal social: a ausência de assistência aos destituídos e enfermos. No que se referia à assistência social, ele abarcava funções e princípios caritativos cristãos, assistindo alienados, internados em cárceres, doentes e necessitados em geral, e, com a inauguração do cemitério público, sepultava gratuitamente os indigentes.


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This article is the result of a research study concluded in 2003, which aimed at investigating how the conception of Law is expressed in the actions of the so-called social pastoral commissions of the Catholic Church in Londrina, Brazil. By observing that the conception of charity and that of social rights walk side-bi-side within the Catholic Church, a question emerged: how is the conception of social right expressed in the actions of social pastoral commissions? Charity is preached as a Christian duty, as an action expressed in the experience of solidarity towards others who are in a situation that prevents them from having minimal living conditions. At least at discourse level, the actions developed are not limited to provide basic goods, clothes or medicine. We realized that those who act in social pastoral commissions, driven by values such as love to fellow human beings and solidarity, have not lost sight of the idea of social right - on the contrary, they have been reinforcing it. © 2006 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - UFRGS.


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Obrigados a enfrentar uma grave crise epidêmica desencadeada ao longo de quase toda a segunda metade do século XIX, os habitantes de Belém assistem, a partir daquele momento, a uma intensa mobilização social em prol da preservação da saúde pública, que há muito deixara de ser objeto de interesse do Governo Provincial e que agora se via ameaçada pela fúria da febre amarela, da cólera e da varíola, que vinham desordenadamente fazendo suas vítimas pela cidade. Diante disso, esta dissertação procura analisar alguns mecanismos empregados para conter o aumento dos casos das doenças na Capital da Província do Pará, destacando as estratégias sanitárias propostas pelos facultativos ligados à ciência médica, levadas a cabo, muitas vezes sem resultado, pelo poder público, mas que interferiram e modificaram significativamente as práticas de assistência aos enfermos mais necessitados, que geralmente eram socorridos em nome da caridade no Hospital da Santa Casa de Misericórdia. A falta de conhecimento sobre a etiologia das moléstias trouxe à tona ainda um acirrado conflito ideológico entre os médicos, que divergiam quanto aos possíveis fatores que motivaram as epidemias e o tipo de terapêutica a ser aplicada aos doentes, ao mesmo tempo em que o perigo da contaminação aguçou também a “compaixão” e a “caridade” de todos que se viram direta ou indiretamente ameaçados por aqueles males.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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