980 resultados para cardiovascular reactivity
Empirical evidence supports the hypothesis that emotional states might contribute to cardiovascular disease and health through multiple pathways. To the extent that the acute cardiovascular response to emotional events plays a role in cardiovascular health and disease, an essential step in order to understand this possible link is to define the hemodynamic response to affective challenges. This was the aim of the present study. We assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 18 men and 19 women (mean age 26) in order to investigate their hemodynamic responses associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. The hemodynamic parameters were recorded by finger-cuff photoplethysmography with Finometer™ (FMS Finapres Medical Systems, Amsterdam) and electrocardiography with the Lifeshirt system (VivoMetrics Inc., Ventura, California). Participants rated self-perceived pleasantness and arousal for each series. In men, BP and SV, but not TPR, increased with increasing self-rated arousal both for appetitive and defensive activation, whereas in women these relationships were almost absent, especially, for defensive activation. HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures, and more so in men than women. These findings indicate striking sex differences. In particular, it is suggested that the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart increases with increasing self-rated arousal strongly in men but only weakly in women. Regardless of sex differences, the modulation of the cardiovascular response to affective pictures along the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal is primarily myocardial, and the pattern of cardiovascular response is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic coactivation. One possible implication of the observed sex differences concerns the link between affective states and cardiovascular health and disease. Men have a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases than premenopausal women, and exaggerated sympathetic reactivity to emotional events is a potential pathophysiological mechanism. These findings extend current knowledge showing that under several acute behavioral challenges men demonstrate stronger cardiovascular reactivity than women.
Recent epidemiological studies report a consistent association between short sleep and incidence of hypertension, as well as short sleep and cardiovascular disease-related mortality. While the association between short sleep and hypertension appears to be stronger in women than men, the mechanisms underlying the relations between sleep deprivation, stress, risks of cardiovascular diseases, and sex remain unclear. We conducted two studies to investigate the underlying neural mechanisms of these relations. In study 1, we examined sympathetic neural and blood pressure responses to experimentally-induced sleep deprivation in men and women. We further investigated the influence of sleep deprivation on cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress. In study 2, we examined the neural and cardiovascular function throughout the ovarian cycle in sleep deprived women. Twenty-eight young healthy subjects (14men and 14 women) were tested twice in study 1, once after normal sleep (NS) and once after 24-h total sleep deprivation (TSD). We measured the blood pressure, heart rate (HR), muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and forearm blood flow (FBF) during 10min baseline, 5min of mental stress (MS) and 2 min cold pressor test (CPT). We demonstrated that TSD increased resting arterial blood pressure to a similar extent in both men and women, but MSNA decreased only in men following TSD. This MSNA response was associated with altered baroreflex function in women and divergent testosterone responses to TSD between men and women. Regarding TSD and cardiovascular reactivity, TSD elicited augmented HR reactivity and delayed recovery during both MS and CPT in men and women, and responses between sexes were not statistically different. Fourteen young healthy women participated in study 2. Subjects were tested twice, once during their early follicular (EF) phase after TSD, once during their mid-luteal (ML) phase after TSD. Blood pressure, HR, MSNA, and FBF were recorded during 10min baseline, 5 min MS, and 2 min CPT. We observed an augmented resting supine blood pressure during EF compared to ML in sleep deprived women. In contrast, resting MSNA, as well as cardiovascular responses to stressors, were similar between EF and ML after TSD. In conclusion, we observed sex differences in MSNA responses to TSD that demonstrate reductions of MSNA in men, but not women. TSD elicited augmented HR reactivity and delayed HR recovery to acute stressors similarly in men and women. We also reported an augmented supine blood pressure during EF compared to ML in sleep deprived women. These novel findings provide new and valuable mechanistic insight regarding the complex and poorly understood relations among sleep deprivation, sex, stress, and risk of cardiovascular disease.
The risk of cardiovascular disease is dramatically increasing in Africans (black). The prothrombotic stress response contributes to atherothrombotic disease and is modulated by depressive symptoms. We examined coagulation reactivity to acute mental stress and its relation to psychological well-being in Africans relative to Caucasians (white). A total of 102 African and 165 Caucasian school teachers underwent the Stroop Color-Word Conflict test. Circulating levels of von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen, fibrinogen, and D-dimer were measured before and after the Stroop. Cardiovascular reactivity measures were also obtained. All participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and the General Health Questionnaire-28 for the assessment of depressive symptoms and total psychological distress, respectively. After controlling for covariates, resting levels of VWF, fibrinogen, and D-dimer were higher in Africans than in Caucasians (all p-values ≤0.006). Depressive symptoms and psychological distress were not significantly associated with resting coagulation measures. Stress reactivity in VWF (p<0.001) and fibrinogen (p=0.016), but not in D-dimer (p=0.27), were decreased in Africans relative to Caucasians with Africans showing greater reactivity of total peripheral resistance (p=0.017). Depressive symptoms, but not general psychological distress, were associated with greater VWF increase (p=0.029) and greater fibrinogen decrease (p=0.030) in Africans relative to Caucasians. In conclusion, Africans showed greater hypercoagulability at rest but diminished procoagulant reactivity to acute mental stress when compared with Caucasians. Ethnic differences in the vascular adrenergic stress response might partially explain this finding. Depressive symptoms were associated with exaggerated VWF reactivity in Africans relative to Caucasians. The clinical implications of these findings for Africans need further study.
Borderline hypertension (BH) has been associated with an exaggerated blood pressure (BP) response during laboratory stressors. However, the incidence of target organ damage in this condition and its relation to BP hyperreactivity is an unsettled issue. Thus, we assessed the Doppler echocardiographic profile of a group of BH men (N = 36) according to office BP measurements with exaggerated BP in the cycloergometric test. A group of normotensive men (NT, N = 36) with a normal BP response during the cycloergometric test was used as control. To assess vascular function and reactivity, all subjects were submitted to the cold pressor test. Before Doppler echocardiography, the BP profile of all subjects was evaluated by 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring. All subjects from the NT group presented normal monitored levels of BP. In contrast, 19 subjects from the original BH group presented normal monitored BP levels and 17 presented elevated monitored BP levels. In the NT group all Doppler echocardiographic indexes were normal. All subjects from the original BH group presented normal left ventricular mass and geometrical pattern. However, in the subjects with elevated monitored BP levels, fractional shortening was greater, isovolumetric relaxation time longer, and early to late flow velocity ratio was reduced in relation to subjects from the original BH group with normal monitored BP levels (P<0.05). These subjects also presented an exaggerated BP response during the cold pressor test. These results support the notion of an integrated pattern of cardiac and vascular adaptation during the development of hypertension.
Borderline hypertension (BH) has been associated with an exaggerated blood pressure (BP) response during laboratory stressors. However, the incidence of target organ damage in this condition and its relation to BP hyperreactivity is an unsettled issue. Thus, we assessed the Doppler echocardiographic profile of a group of BH men (N = 36) according to office BP measurements with exaggerated BP in the cycloergometric test. A group of normotensive men (NT, N = 36) with a normal BP response during the cycloergometric test was used as control. To assess vascular function and reactivity, all subjects were submitted to the cold pressor test. Before Doppler echocardiography, the BP profile of all subjects was evaluated by 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring. All subjects from the NT group presented normal monitored levels of BP. In contrast, 19 subjects from the original BH group presented normal monitored BP levels and 17 presented elevated monitored BP levels. In the NT group all Doppler echocardiographic indexes were normal. All subjects from the original BH group presented normal left ventricular mass and geometrical pattern. However, in the subjects with elevated monitored BP levels, fractional shortening was greater, isovolumetric relaxation time longer, and early to late flow velocity ratio was reduced in relation to subjects from the original BH group with normal monitored BP levels (P<0.05). These subjects also presented an exaggerated BP response during the cold pressor test. These results support the notion of an integrated pattern of cardiac and vascular adaptation during the development of hypertension.
Stress in der Post-Akquisitionsphase begünstigt die Gedächtniskonsolidierung emotional erregender Informationen. Das Zusammenspiel von noradrenerger Aktivierung und Cortisol auf Ebene der Amygdala ist hierbei von entscheidender Bedeutung. rnIn dieser Studie wird untersucht, ob dieser Effekt durch das Ausmaß der kardiovaskulären bzw. der subjektiv erlebten Stressreaktivität beeinflusst wird. 49 Probanden (Alter: 23.8 Jahre; 32 Frauen) wurden je 52 Gesichter, davon 50% mit ärgerlichem sowie 50 % mit glücklichem Ausdruck präsentiert. Sofort nach Akquisition wurde bei 30 Probanden akuter Stress durch den sozial evaluierten Kaltwassertest (SECPT; Eintauchen der dominanten Hand in eiskaltes Wasser für 3 Minuten unter Beobachtung) induziert, bei 19 Probanden wurde eine Kontrollprozedur ohne Stress durchgeführt. Die 30 Probanden der SECPT-Gruppe wurden post-hoc zum einen anhand der individuellen Blutdruckreaktivität und zum zweiten anhand der Stärke der subjektiv bewerteten Stressreaktivität per Mediansplit in zwei Subgrupen unterteilt (High Responder, Low Responder). rnDer erste Wiedererkennungstest fand 30 Minuten nach der Akquisitionsphase, ein weiterer 20 Stunden später statt. Zu den Testzeitpunkten wurden jeweils 26 der initial präsentierten Gesichter mit neutralem Gesichtsausdruck gezeigt sowie 26 neue neutrale Gesichter. rnDie Kontrollgruppe und die Gruppe der High Responder (basierend auf der kardiovaskulären Reaktivität) zeigten ein besseres Erinnerungsvermögen für die initial positiv präsentierten gesichter, wohingegen die Gruppe der Low Responder ein besseres Gedächtnis für die initial negativ präsentierten Gesichter aufwies. rnStress scheint abhängig von der Stärke der kardiovaskulären Reaktion zu valenzspezifischen Konsolidierungseffekten zu führen. Hierbei könnten viszerale Afferenzen z.B. der arteriellen Baroreflexe eine Rolle spielen. rn
PURPOSE: To investigate whether body sodium content and blood volume contribute to the pathogenesis of orthostatic hypotension in patients with diabetes mellitus. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Exchangeable sodium, plasma and blood volumes, and catecholamine, renin, and aldosterone levels were assessed in 10 patients with Type II diabetes mellitus who had orthostatic hypotension and control groups of 40 diabetic patients without orthostatic hypotension and 40 normal subjects of similar age and sex. In subgroups, clinical tests of autonomic function and cardiovascular reactivity to norepinephrine and angiotensin II infusions were performed. RESULTS: In diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension, mean (+/- SD) supine blood pressure was 165/98 +/- 27/12 mm Hg (P <0.05 compared with other groups) and mean upright blood pressure was 90/60 +/- 38/18 mm Hg. Compared with controls, diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension had a 10% lower blood volume. They also had less exchangeable sodium than patients with diabetes who did not have orthostatic hypotension (P <0.01). Compared with both groups of controls, diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension had decreased 24-hour urinary norepinephrine excretion and a reduced diastolic blood pressure response to handgrip (P <0.05). Moreover, they displayed reduced products of exchangeable sodium or blood volume and sympathetic function indexes. Cardiovascular pressor reactivity to norepinephrine was enhanced (P <0.01) and beat-to-beat variation decreased (P <0.01) in both groups of diabetic patients. Microvascular complications were more prevalent in the diabetic patients with orthostatic hypotension (90% vs 35%). CONCLUSIONS: Patients who have Type II diabetes mellitus and orthostatic hypotension are hypovolemic and have sympathoadrenal insufficiency; both factors contribute to the pathogenesis of orthostatic hypotension.
BACKGROUND: Observed associations between increased fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption, particularly those F&Vs that are rich in flavonoids, and vascular health improvements require confirmation in adequately powered randomized controlled trials. OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to measure the dose-response relation between high-flavonoid (HF), low-flavonoid (LF), and habitual F&V intakes and vascular function and other cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk indicators. DESIGN: A single-blind, dose-dependent, parallel randomized controlled dietary intervention study was conducted. Male and female low-F&V consumers who had a ≥1.5-fold increased risk of CVD (n = 174) were randomly assigned to receive an HF F&V, an LF F&V, or a habitual diet, with HF and LF F&V amounts sequentially increasing by 2, 4, and 6 (+2, +4, and +6) portions/d every 6 wk over habitual intakes. Microvascular reactivity (laser Doppler imaging with iontophoresis), arterial stiffness [pulse wave velocity, pulse wave analysis (PWA)], 24-h ambulatory blood pressure, and biomarkers of nitric oxide (NO), vascular function, and inflammation were determined at baseline and at 6, 12, and 18 wk. RESULTS: In men, the HF F&V diet increased endothelium-dependent microvascular reactivity (P = 0.017) with +2 portions/d (at 6 wk) and reduced C-reactive protein (P = 0.001), E-selectin (P = 0.0005), and vascular cell adhesion molecule (P = 0.0468) with +4 portions/d (at 12 wk). HF F&Vs increased plasma NO (P = 0.0243) with +4 portions/d (at 12 wk) in the group as a whole. An increase in F&Vs, regardless of flavonoid content in the groups as a whole, mitigated increases in vascular stiffness measured by PWA (P = 0.0065) and reductions in NO (P = 0.0299) in the control group. CONCLUSION: These data support recommendations to increase F&V intake to ≥6 portions daily, with additional benefit from F&Vs that are rich in flavonoids, particularly in men with an increased risk of CVD. This trial was registered at www.controlled-trials.com as ISRCTN47748735.
Stress plays a role in the pathology of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders, but it is unclear whether they involve similar disturbances of biological stress responses.
There are interactions between endothelin-1 (ET-1) and endothelial vascular injury in hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy), but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we evaluated the effects of HHcy on the endothelin system in rat carotid arteries. Vascular reactivity to ET-1 and ET(A) and ET(B) receptor antagonists was assessed in rings of carotid arteries from normal rats and those with HHcy. ET(A) and ET(B) receptor expression was assessed by mRNA (RT-PCR), immunohistochemistry and binding of [(125)I]-ET-1. HHcy enhanced ET-1-induced contractions of carotid rings with intact endothelium. Selective antagonism of ET(A) or ET(B) receptors produced concentration-dependent rightward displacements of ET-1 concentration response curves. Antagonism of ET(A) but not of ET(B) receptors abolished enhancement in HHcy tissues. ET(A) and ET(B) receptor gene expressions were not up-regulated. ET(A) receptor expression in the arterial media was higher in HHcy arteries. Contractions to big ET-1 served as indicators of endothelin-converting enzyme activity, which was decreased by HHcy, without reduction of ET-1 levels. ET-1-induced Rho-kinase activity, calcium release and influx were increased by HHcy. Pre-treatment with indomethacin reversed enhanced responses to ET-1 in HHcy tissues, which were reduced also by a thromboxane A(2) receptor antagonist. Induced relaxation was reduced by BQ788, absent in endothelium-denuded arteries and was decreased in HHcy due to reduced bioavailability of NO. Increased ET(A) receptor density plays a fundamental role in endothelial injury induced by HHcy. ET-1 activation of ET(A) receptors in HHcy changed the balance between endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors, favouring enhanced contractility. British Journal of Pharmacology (2009) 157, 568-580; doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2009.00165.x; published online 9 April 2009 This article is part of a themed section on Endothelium in Pharmacology. For a list of all articles in this section see the end of this paper, or visit: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121548564/issueyear?year=2009.
Introduction. Erectile dysfunction (ED), as well as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), is associated with endothelial dysfunction and increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). Aim. We hypothesized that increased TNF-alpha levels impair cavernosal function. Methods. In vitro organ bath studies were used to measure cavernosal reactivity in mice infused with vehicle or TNF-alpha-(220 ng/kg/min) for 14 days. Gene expression of nitric oxide synthase isoforms was evaluated by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results. Cavernosal strips from the TNF-alpha-infused mice displayed decreased nonadrenergic-noncholinergic (NANC)-induced relaxation (59.4 +/- 6.2 vs. control: 76.2 +/- 4.7; 16 Hz) compared with the control animals. These responses were associated with decreased gene expression of eNOS and nNOS (P < 0.05). Sympathetic-mediated, as well as phenylephrine (PE)-induced, contractile responses (PE-induced contraction; 1.32 +/- 0.06 vs. control: 0.9 +/- 0.09, mN) were increased in cavernosal strips from TNF-alpha-infused mice. Additionally, infusion of TNF-alpha increased cavernosal responses to endothelin-1 and endothelin receptor A subtype (ET(A)) receptor expression (P < 0.05) and slightly decreased tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor 1 (TNFRI) expression (P=0.063). Conclusion. Corpora cavernosa from TNF-alpha-infused mice display increased contractile responses and decreased NANC nerve-mediated relaxation associated with decreased eNOS and nNOS gene expression. There changes may trigger ED and indicate that TNF-alpha plays a detrimental role in erectile function. Blockade of TNF-alpha actions may represent an alternative therapeutic approach for ED, especially in pathologic conditions associated with increased levels of this cytokine. Carneiro FS, Zemse S, Giachini FRC, Carneiro ZN, Lima W, Clinton Webb R, and Tostes RC. TNF-alpha infusion impairs corpora cavernosa reactivity. J Sex Med 2009;6(suppl 3):311-319.