939 resultados para cardiac pleural effusion


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Background and objective: Light`s criteria are frequently used to evaluate the exudative or transudative nature of pleural effusions. However, misclassification resulting from the use of Light`s criteria has been reported, especially in the setting of diuretic use in patients with heart failure (HF). The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) measurements as a diagnostic tool for determining the cardiac aetiology of pleural effusions. Methods: Patients with pleural effusions attributable to HF (n = 34), hepatic hydrothorax (n = 10), pleural effusions due to cancer (n = 21) and pleural effusions due to tuberculosis (n = 12) were studied. Diagnostic thoracentesis was performed for all 77 patients. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of plasma BNP and pleural fluid BNP for the prediction of HF. Results: The areas under the ROC curves were 0.987 (95% CI 0.93-0.998) for plasma BNP and 0.949 (95% CI 0.874-0.986) for pleural fluid BNP, for distinguishing between patients with pleural effusions caused by HF (n = 34) and those with pleural effusions attributable to other causes (n = 43). The cut-off concentrations with the highest diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of HF as the cause of pleural effusion were 132 pg/mL for plasma BNP (sensitivity 97.1%, specificity 97.4%) and 127 pg/mL for pleural fluid BNP (sensitivity 97.1%, specificity 87.8%). Conclusions: In patients with pleural effusions of suspected cardiac origin, measurements of BNP in plasma and pleural fluid may be useful for the diagnosis of HF as the underlying cause.


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Background and objective: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is known to increase vascular permeability and promote angiogenesis. It is expressed in most types of pleural effusions. However, the exact role of VEGF in the development of pleural effusions has yet to be determined. The anti-VEGF mAb, bevacizumab, has been used in the treatment of cancer to reduce local angiogenesis and tumour progression. This study describes the acute effects of VEGF blockade on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and pleural fluid accumulation. Methods: One hundred and twelve New Zealand rabbits received intrapleural injections of either talc or silver nitrate. In each group, half the animals received an intravenous injection of bevacizumab, 30 min before the intrapleural agent was administered. Five animals from each subgroup were sacrificed 1, 2, 3, 4 or 7 days after the procedure. Twelve rabbits were used to evaluate vascular permeability using Evans`s blue dye. Pleural fluid volume and cytokines were quantified. Results: Animals pretreated with anti-VEGF antibody showed significant reductions in pleural fluid volumes after talc or silver nitrate injection. IL-8 levels, vascular permeability and macroscopic pleural adhesion scores were also reduced in the groups that received bevacizumab. Conclusions: This study showed that bevacizumab interferes in the acute phase of pleural inflammation induced by silver nitrate or talc, reinforcing the role of VEGF as a key mediator in the production of pleural effusions. The results also suggest that bevacizumab should probably be avoided in patients requiring pleurodesis.


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Objective To describe the natural history of fetuses presenting with pleural effusion. Methods Between January 2005 and December 2009 all fetuses diagnosed with pleural effusion were followed up. Fetuses were divided into three groups: I, isolated pleural effusion; II, associated structural anomalies but normal karyotype; and III, chromosomal anomalies. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the association between prenatal ultrasound findings and perinatal death. Results Fifty-six fetuses were included in the study. Associated structural or chromosomal anomalies occurred in 75.0% (42/56) of cases. Bilateral pleural effusion and fetal hydrops were associated with each other (p < 0.01) and with perinatal death (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis indicated that only the presence of associated abnormalities was a statistical determinant of perinatal death (OR, 3.56; 95% CI, 1.48-5.64; p < 0.01). Conclusion Fetal pleural effusion is often associated with other abnormalities, and this association has poor perinatal outcome. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and safety of silver nitrate pleurodesis (SNP) in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion (RMPE) when performed in an outpatient setting. Prospective study including patients with RMPE recruited in a tertiary university-based hospital from February 2008 to June 2009. Elected patients underwent pleural catheter insertion (Day 1) followed by 0.5% SNP (Day 2), and on 7th day the drain was removed. All procedures were performed in an outpatient facility. Pleurodesis was considered successful when no additional pleural procedure was necessary by the 30th day. Complications were registered and graded according to the CTCAE3.0. Quality of life was evaluated before and 30 days after SNP. A total of 68 patients (54 female, 14 male, mean age: 57.3 years) were included. In addition, 7 had bilateral pleural effusions; therefore, 75 hemithoraces were drained. Also, 5 were excluded, and 70 hemithoraces (63 patients) underwent SNP. During the period of 30 days postpleurodesis, 8 deaths not related to the procedure occurred, and we lost contact with 10 patients who were followed elsewhere. At the 30th day, 48 hemithoraces (45 patients) were reevaluated, and 2 recurrences observed. The most frequent complication was pain-graded as 3 or more in 7 patients; infection occurred in 2 patients. Physical and environmental aspects of quality of life improved significantly after pleurodesis. In this study, SNP could be performed safely in an outpatient setting, with pain the most frequent complication. Recurrences occurred in 4% of the patients.


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Objectif : Les épanchements pleuraux sont fréquents chez les patients porteurs de cancer et déterminer s'ils sont de nature tumorale ou non relève d'une grande importance clinique, particulièrement pour le groupe des carcinomes pulmonaires NON à petites cellules (NSCLC). Le PET/CT s'est montré d'une grande utilité et est actuellement indiscutablement reconnu comme outils nécessaire dans la prise en charge et notamment la stadification et le suivi des cancers, et particulièrement des cancers pulmonaires. Sa capacité à pouvoir distinguer les épanchements pleuraux malins des épanchements pleuraux non tumoraux, « bénins » n'est pas précisément connue et n'a pas jusqu'à présent été investiguée de manière approfondie. Matériel et méthodes : Nous avons examiné la captation du FDG (indice SUVmax) des épanchements pleuraux de 50 PET/CT réalisés chez 47 patients (29 hommes, 18 femmes, 60±16 ans) avec épanchements pleuraux et cancer connu (24 NSCLC, 7 lymphomes, 5 cancer du sein, 4 GIST, 3 mésothéliomes, 2 cancer ORL, 2 tératomes malins, 1 carcinome colorectal, 1 carcinome oesophagien, 1 mélanome). Ces résultats ont été corrélés aux résultats des examens cytopathologiques réalisés après ponction de ces mêmes épanchements dans un intervalle médian de 21 jours (interquartile range -3 to 23). L'examen du liquide d'épanchement comportait la mesure du pH, la distribution relative des différents éléments cellulaires (macrophages, neutrophils, éosinophiles, basophiles, lymphocytes, plasmocytes), la numération cellulaire et bien entendu présence de cellules tumorales. Résultats : Parmis les épanchements, 17 étaient malins (34%) (6 NSCLC, 5 lymphomes, 2 cancers mammaires, 2 mésothéliomes, 2 tératomes malins). Les SUV étaient plus élevés dans les épanchements malins que dans les épanchements bénins [3.7 (95%IC 1.8-5.6) vs. 1.7 g/ml (1.5-1.9), p = 0.001], avec une corrélation entre les épanchements malins et le SUV (coefficient de Spearman ρ = 0.50, p = 0.001). Il n'a pas été observé de corrélation entre aucun des autres paramètres cyptopathologiques ou radiologiques analysé (aire sous la courbe ROC 0.83 ± 0.06). En utilisant un seuil du SUV de 2.2-mg/l, 12 examens PET/CT étaient interprétés comme positifs and 38 comme négatifs avec une sensibilité et une spécificité, valeur prédictive positive et négative de 53%, 91%, 75% and 79% respectivement. Concernant le groupe des NSCLC seulement (n = 24), aire sous la courbe ROC était de 0.95 ± 0.04. Sept examens étaient considérés comme positifs et 17 comme négatifs avec une sensibilité, une spécificité, valeur prédictive positive et négative de 83%, 89%, 71 et 94% respectivement. Conclusion : Le PET/CT peut aider à différencier la nature bénigne ou maligne des épanchements avec une haute spécificité chez les patients avec tumeur connue, en particulier dans un contexte de carcinome NON à petites cellules.


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To assess the accuracy of a multiplane ultrasound approach to measure pleural effusion volume (PEV), considering pleural effusion (PE) extension along the cephalocaudal axis and PE area.Prospective study performed on 58 critically ill patients with 102 PEs. Thoracic drainage was performed in 46 patients (59 PEs) and lung computed tomography (CT) in 24 patients (43 PEs). PE was assessed using bedside lung ultrasound. Adjacent paravertebral intercostal spaces were examined, and ultrasound PEV was calculated by multiplying the paravertebral PE length by its area, measured at half the distance between the apical and caudal limits of the PE.Ultrasound PEV was compared to either the volume of the drained PE (59 PE) or PEV assessed on lung CT (43 PE). In patients with lung CT, the accuracy of this new method was compared to the accuracy of previous methods proposed for PEV measurement. Ultrasound PEV was tightly correlated with drained PEV (r = 0.84, p < 0.001) and with CT PEV (r = 0.90, p < 0.001). The mean biases between ultrasound and actual volumes of PE were -33 ml when compared to drainage (limits of agreement -292 to +227 ml) and -53 ml when compared to CT (limits of agreement -303 to +198 ml). This new method was more accurate than previous methods to measure PEV.Using a multiplane approach increases the accuracy of lung ultrasound to measure the volume of large to small pleural effusions in critically ill patients.


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Objectives-The purpose of this study was to predict perinatal outcomes using fetal total lung volumes assessed by 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in primary pleural effusion.Methods-Between July 2005 and July 2010, total lung volumes were prospectively estimated in fetuses with primary pleural effusion by 3DUS using virtual organ computer-aided analysis software. The first and last US examinations were considered in the analysis. The observed/expected total lung volumes were calculated. Main outcomes were perinatal death (up to 28 days of life) and respiratory morbidity (orotracheal intubation with mechanical respiratory support >48 hours).Results-Twelve of 19 fetuses (63.2%) survived. Among the survivors, 7 (58.3%) had severe respiratory morbidity. The observed/expected total lung volume at the last US examination before birth was significantly associated with perinatal death (P < .01) and respiratory morbidity (P < .01) as well as fetal hydrops (P < .01) and bilateral effusion (P = .01).Conclusions-Fetal total lung volumes may be useful for the prediction of perinatal outcomes in primary pleural effusion.


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Objectives-The purpose of this study was to predict perinatal outcomes using fetal total lung volumes assessed by 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in primary pleural effusion. Methods-Between July 2005 and July 2010, total lung volumes were prospectively estimated in fetuses with primary pleural effusion by 3DUS using virtual organ computer-aided analysis software. The first and last US examinations were considered in the analysis. The observed/expected total lung volumes were calculated. Main outcomes were perinatal death (up to 28 days of life) and respiratory morbidity (orotracheal intubation with mechanical respiratory support >48 hours). Results-Twelve of 19 fetuses (63.2%) survived. Among the survivors, 7 (58.3%) had severe respiratory morbidity. The observed/expected total lung volume at the last US examination before birth was significantly associated with perinatal death (P < .01) and respiratory morbidity (P < .01) as well as fetal hydrops (P < .01) and bilateral effusion (P = .01). Conclusions-Fetal total lung volumes may be useful for the prediction of perinatal outcomes in primary pleural effusion.


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This study aimed to evaluate the sleep quality and impact of thoracentesis on sleep in patients with a large pleural effusion. Patients with large unilateral pleural effusion were evaluated by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and dyspnea Borg scale. Full polysomnography (PSG) was performed on the night before and 36 h after thoracentesis. We studied 19 patients, 11 males and 8 females, age 55 +/- 18 years and body mass index of 26 +/- 5 kg/m(2). The baseline sleep quality was poor (PSQI = 9.1 +/- 3.5). Thoracentesis removed 1.624 +/- 796 mL of pleural fluid and resulted in a significant decrease in dyspnea Borg scale (2.3 +/- 2.1 vs. 0.8 +/- 0.9, p < 0.001). The PSG before and after thoracentesis showed no significant change in apnea-hypopnea index and sleep time with oxygen saturation < 90%. There was a significant improvement in sleep efficiency (76% vs. 81%, p = 0.006), decrease percent sleep stage 1 (16% vs. 14%, p = 0.002), and a trend improvement in total sleep time (344 +/- 92 vs. 380 +/- 69 min, p = 0.056) and percentage of rapid eye movement sleep (15% vs. 20%, p = 0.053). No significant changes occurred in six patients that performed two consecutive PSG before thoracentesis. The improvement in sleep quality was not associated with the volume of pleural fluid withdrawn or changes in dyspnea. Patients with large pleural effusion have poor subjective and objective sleep quality that improves after thoracentesis.


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The thoracoscopic pleurodesis with talc is an established therapy in case of malignant pleural effusion. With the instillation of talc a -localised inflammation is induced. However, some-times it turns into a severe systemic reaction. In this study of the postoperative course, the -question is examined whether a pleural biopsy is an additional risk factor for morbidity and mortality after talc pleurodesis.


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The objective of this study was to determine if area measurements of pleural fluid on computed tomography (CT) reflect the actual pleural fluid volume (PEvol) as measured at autopsy, to establish a formula to estimate the volume of pleural effusion (PEest), and to test the accuracy and observer reliability of PEest.132 human cadavers, with pleural effusion were divided into phase 1 (n = 32) and phase 2 (n = 100). In phase 1, PEvol was compared to area measurements on axial (axA), sagittal (sagA), and coronal (corA) CT images. Linear regression analysis was used to create a formula to calculate PEest. In phase 2, intra-class correlation (ICC) was used to assess inter-reader reliability and determine the agreement between PEest and PEvol. PEvol correlated to a higher degree to axA (r s mean = 0.738; p < 0.001) than to sagA (r s mean = 0.679, p < 0.001) and corA (r s mean = 0.709; p < 0.001). PEest can be established with the following formula: axA × 0.1 = PEest. Mean difference between PEest and PEvol was less than 40 mL (ICC = 0.837-0.874; p < 0.001). Inter-reader reliability was higher between two experienced readers (ICC = 0.984-0.987; p < 0.001) than between an inexperienced reader and both experienced readers (ICC = 0.660-0.698; p < 0.001). Pleural effusions may be quantified in a rapid, reliable, and reasonably accurate fashion using single area measurements on CT.