974 resultados para carcinoma, anaplastic
Objective To evaluate the morphologic findings most encountered in anaplastic thyroid carcinomas (ATCs) and evaluate for the expression of PAX-8. Study Design The cytology specimens from 21 cases of ATC were evaluated for the following several cytologic criteria, cell morphology, pleomorphism, presence or absence of multinucleated cells, neutrophilic infiltrate and well-differentiated component. Immunohistochemical studies for PAX-8 were performed on cell blocks in selected cases. Results The most common morphology present was epithelioid, followed by spindle, multinucleated giant cell and rhabdoid, with 75% demonstrating more than 1 cell morphology. Marked pleomorphism (81%), neutrophilic infiltrate (90%) and necrosis (63%) were frequent. No nuclear grooves, colloid or well-differentiated component was idenrifled in any case. Immunocytochemical stains for PAX-8 were negative in 5 cases in which a cell block was available. Conclusion ATC is a tumor with diverse morphologic characteristics, and more than 1 cell morphology is usually present A neutrophilic infiltrate is a common finding and represents a clue to the correct diagnosis. (Acta Cytol 2010;54:668-672)
A case of primary squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) of the thyroid which had been initially diagnosed as an anaplastic carcinoma (ATC) is described: female, 73 years old, with a fast-growing cervical nodule on the left side and hoarseness for 3 months. Ultrasonography showed a 4.5 cm solid nodule. FNA was compatible with poorly differentiated carcinoma with immunoreactivity for AE1/AE3, EMA. Thyroidectomy was performed. Histopathological examination showed a nonencapsulated tumor. Immunohistochemistry disclosed positivity for AE1/AE3, p53,p63, and Ki67. The diagnosis was ATC. A second opinion reported tumor consisting of squamous cells, with intense inflammatory infiltrate both in tumor and in the adjacent thyroid, with final diagnosis of SCC, associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis. No other primary focus of SCC was found. Patient has shown a 48-month survival period. Clinically, primary SCCs of the thyroid and ATCs are similar. The distinction is often difficult particularly when based on the cytological analysis of FNA material.
Background. Recently several meetings and position papers advocate a change in terminology regarding thyroid neoplasms with indolent behavior, proposing the term "tumor" instead of "carcinoma". This change concerns non-invasive papillary thyroid carcinoma, follicular variant (niFV-PTC) and minimally invasive follicular thyroid carcinoma with capsular invasion only (miFTC-CIO). The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of considering niFV-PTC and miFTC-CIO as lesions of low malignant potential, and to see how this change would influence patient management at our institution. Methods. A 32 months retrospective review of all well differentiated thyroid carcinomas (WDTC) (papillary and follicular carcinomas) diagnosed at our institution was performed, excluding tumors of uncertain malignant potential as well as poorly differentiated and anaplastic carcinomas. We retrieved cases of niFV-PTC and miFTC-CIO, reviewed histological slides to confirm diagnosis and recorded patient treatment. Results. A total of 9 (7.3%) niFV-PTC (4 males and 5 females, aged between 30 and 68 years, mean: 50.8 years old) and 2 (1.6%) cases of miFTC-CIO (2 females, 31 and 51 years old) were identified out of 122 WDTC diagnosed in the study period. The initial treatment consisted in 5 lobectomies and 6 total thyroidectomies (3 because of a compressive goiter, 2 because of a fine-needle aspiration diagnosis of suspicious for papillary thyroid carcinoma and 1 because of a fine-needle aspiration diagnosis of papillary carcinoma). The treatment following the histological diagnosis consisted in 4 thyroidectomy completions among patients who underwent simple lobectomy (4/5, 80%) and 9/11 (82%) radioablations with I131. Conclusions. The incidence of niFV-PTC is low at our institution, probably because we apply strict diagnostic criteria for this lesion. Simple lobectomy with negative margins is the treatment of choice in cases diagnosed as niFV-PTC and miFTC-CIO, due to the indolent course of these neoplasms. All cases with thyroidectomy completions and radioablations could have been avoided. As a consequence, the change of such terminology heavily impacts the malignancy risk evaluated cytologically as well as patients' management.
El diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado y las posibilidades de detección de una enfermedad subclínica son altas, toda vez que disponemos de herramientas de detección más sensibles y de fácil acceso. Por ende, el clínico requiere conocer la historia natural del nódulo tiroideo y del carcinoma papilar de tiroides de bajo riesgo para brindar a su paciente el mejor tratamiento basado en la evidencia clínica. El objetivo de esta revision es reconocer los elementos clínicos que han condicionado el aumento inusitado de casos de cáncer de tiroides. Conclusión: El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides es una realidad, que se posibilita por el uso extendido de biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ((BACAF)) después de la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, en gran parte de manera incidental, sin acarrear la mayoría de las veces un mejor pronóstico después de su tratamiento.
The cysteine peptidase cathepsin B is important in thyroid physiology by being involved in thyroid prohormone processing initiated in the follicular lumen and completed in endo-lysosomal compartments. However, cathepsin B has also been localized to the extrafollicular space and is therefore suggested to promote invasiveness and metastasis in thyroid carcinomas through, e.g., ECM degradation. In this study, immunofluorescence and biochemical data from subcellular fractionation revealed that cathepsin B, in its single- and two-chain forms, is localized to endo-lysosomes in the papillary thyroid carcinoma cell line KTC-1 and in the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell lines HTh7 and HTh74. This distribution is not affected by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) incubation of HTh74, the only cell line that expresses a functional TSH-receptor. Immunofluorescence data disclosed an additional nuclear localization of cathepsin B immunoreactivity. This was supported by biochemical data showing a proteolytically active variant slightly smaller than the cathepsin B proform in nuclear fractions. We also demonstrate that immunoreactions specific for cathepsin V, but not cathepsin L, are localized to the nucleus in HTh74 in peri-nucleolar patterns. As deduced from co-localization studies and in vitro degradation assays, we suggest that nuclear variants of cathepsins are involved in the development of thyroid malignancies through modification of DNA-associated proteins.
UNLABELLED Thyroid malignancies are the most common type of endocrine tumors. Of the various histologic subtypes, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) represents a subset of all cases but is responsible for a significant proportion of thyroid cancer-related mortality. Indeed, ATC is regarded as one of the more aggressive and hard to treat forms of cancer. To date, there is a paucity of relevant model systems to critically evaluate how the signature genetic abnormalities detected in human ATC contribute to disease pathogenesis. Mutational activation of the BRAF protooncogene is detected in approximately 40% of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and in 25% of ATC. Moreover, in ATC, mutated BRAF is frequently found in combination with gain-of-function mutations in the p110 catalytic subunit of PI3'-Kinase (PIK3CA) or loss-of-function alterations in either the p53 (TP53) or PTEN tumor suppressors. Using mice with conditional, thyrocyte-specific expression of BRAF(V600E), we previously developed a model of PTC. However, as in humans, BRAF(V600E)-induced mouse PTC is indolent and does not lead to rapid development of end-stage disease. Here, we use mice carrying a conditional allele of PIK3CA to demonstrate that, although mutationally activated PIK3CA(H1047R) is unable to drive transformation on its own, when combined with BRAF(V600E) in thyrocytes, this leads to development of lethal ATC in mice. Combined, these data demonstrate that the BRAF(V600E) cooperates with either PIK3CA(H1074R) or with silencing of the tumor-suppressor PTEN, to promote development of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma. IMPLICATIONS This genetically relevant mouse model of ATC will be an invaluable platform for preclinical testing of pathway-targeted therapies for the prevention and treatment of thyroid carcinoma.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of oral carcinogenesis will yield important advances in diagnostics, prognostics, effective treatment, and outcome of oral cancer. Hence, in this study we have investigated the proteomic and peptidomic profiles by combining an orthotopic murine model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), mass spectrometry-based proteomics and biological network analysis. Our results indicated the up-regulation of proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell junction assembly events and their expression was validated in human OSCC tissues. In addition, the functional relevance of talin-1 in OSCC adhesion, migration and invasion was demonstrated. Taken together, this study identified specific processes deregulated in oral cancer and provided novel refined OSCC-targeting molecules.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of the larynx and glottis, and its prognosis depends on the size of the lesion, level of local invasion, cervical lymphatic spread, and presence of distant metastases. Ki-67 (MKI67) is a protein present in the core, whose function is related to cell proliferation. To evaluate the expression of marker Ki-67 in squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and glottis and its correlation to pathological findings. Experimental study with immunohistochemistry analysis of Ki-67, calculating the percentage of the cell proliferation index in glottic squamous cell carcinomas. Sixteen cases were analyzed, with six well-differentiated and 10 poorly/moderately differentiated tumors. There was a correlation between cell proliferation index and degree of cell differentiation, with higher proliferation in poorly/moderately differentiated tumors. The cell proliferation index, as measured by Ki-67, may be useful in the characterization of histological degree in glottic squamous cell tumors.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of myofibroblasts, frequently associated with a more aggressive neoplastic behavior, in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) of young patients and to compare with the distribution observed in older patients. Tumor samples from 29 patients younger than 40 years old affected by TSCC were retrieved and investigated for the presence of stromal myofibroblasts by immunohistochemical reactions against α smooth muscle actin, and the results obtained were compared to TSCC cases affecting older patients. No positive reaction could be found in the stromal areas devoid of neoplastic tissue, whereas myofibroblasts were present in 58.6% of the lesions in young patients and in 75.9% of the older ones. No significant difference was found when comparing the invasive front and the overall stroma of both groups, and no correlation could be obtained with stromal α smooth muscle actin expression, higher tumor grades or clinical stage (P > .05). There was no significant difference between the presence of stromal myofibroblasts of TSCC affecting young and old individuals.
The diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma (IDC) of the prostate remains subjective because 3 sets of diagnostic criteria are in use. An internet survey was compiled from 38 photomicrographs showing duct proliferations: 14 signed out as high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN), 17 IDC, and 7 invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Each image was assessed for the presence of 9 histologic criteria ascribed to IDC. Thirty-nine respondents were asked to rate images as (1) benign/reactive, (2) HGPIN, (3) borderline between HGPIN and IDC, (4) IDC, or (5) invasive cribriform/ductal carcinoma. Intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.68. There was 70% overall agreement with HGPIN, 43% with IDC, and 73% with invasive carcinoma (P < .001, χ(2)). Respondents considered 19 (50%) of 38 cases as IDC candidates, of which 5 (26%) had a two-thirds consensus for IDC; two-thirds consensus for either borderline or IDC was reached in 9 (47%). Two-thirds consensus other than IDC was reached in the remaining 19 of 38 cases, with 15 supporting HGPIN and 4 supporting invasive carcinoma. Findings that differed across diagnostic categories were lumen-spanning neoplastic cells (P < .001), 2× benign duct diameters (P < .001), duct space contours (round, irregular, and branched) (P < .001), papillary growth (P = .048), dense cribriform or solid growth (both P = .023), and comedonecrosis (P = .015). When the 19 of 38 images that attained consensus for HGPIN or invasive carcinoma were removed from consideration, lack of IDC consensus was most often attributable to only loose cribriform growth (5/19), central nuclear maturation (5/19), or comedonecrosis (3/19). Of the 9 histologic criteria, only 1 retained significant correlation with a consensus diagnosis of IDC: the presence of solid areas (P = .038). One case that attained IDC consensus had less than 2× duct enlargement yet still had severe nuclear atypia and nucleomegaly. Six fold nuclear enlargement was not significant (P = .083), although no image had both 6× nuclei and papillary or loose cribriform growth: a combination postulated as sufficient criteria for IDC. Finally, 20.5% of respondents agreed that an isolated diagnosis of IDC on needle biopsy warrants definitive therapy, 20.5% disagreed, and 59.0% considered the decision to depend upon clinicopathologic variables. Although IDC diagnosis remains challenging, we propose these criteria: a lumen-spanning proliferation of neoplastic cells in preexisting ducts with a dense cribriform or partial solid growth pattern. Solid growth, in any part of the duct space, emerges as the most reproducible finding to rule in a diagnosis of IDC. Comedonecrosis is a rarer finding, but in most cases, it should rule in IDC. Duct space enlargement to greater than 2× the diameter of the largest, adjacent benign spaces is usually present in IDC, although there may be rare exceptions.
In oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC and OPSCC) exist an association between clinical and histopathological parameters with cell proliferation, basal lamina, connective tissue degradation and surrounding stroma markers. We evaluated these associations in Chilean patients. A convenience sample of 37 cases of OCSCC (n=16) and OPSCC (n=21) was analyzed clinically (TNM, clinical stage) and histologically (WHO grade of differentiation, pattern of tumor invasion). We assessed the expression of p53, Ki67, HOXA1, HOXB7, type IV collagen (ColIV) and carcinoma-associated fibroblast (α-SMA-positive cells). Additionally we conducted a univariate/bivariate analysis to assess the relationship of these variables with survival rates. Males were mostly affected (56.2% OCSCC, 76.2% OPSCC). Patients were mainly diagnosed at III/IV clinical stages (68.8% OCSCC, 90.5% OPSCC) with a predominantly infiltrative pattern invasion (62.9% OCSCC, 57.1% OPSCC). Significant association between regional lymph nodes (N) and clinical stage with OCSCC-HOXB7 expression (Chi-Square test P < 0.05) was observed. In OPSCC a statistically significant association exists between p53, Ki67 with gender (Chi-Square test P < 0.05). In OCSCC and OPSCC was statistically significant association between ki67 with HOXA1, HOXB7, and between these last two antigens (Pearson's Correlation test P < 0.05). Furthermore OPSCC-p53 showed significant correlation when it was compared with α-SMA (Kendall's Tau-c test P < 0.05). Only OCSCC-pattern invasion and OPSCC-primary tumor (T) pattern resulted associated with survival at the end of the follow up period (Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio, P < 0.05). Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical features are similar to seen in other countries. Cancer proliferation markers were associated strongly from each other. Our sample highlights prognostic value of T and pattern of invasion, but the conclusions may be limited and should be considered with caution (small sample). Many cases were diagnosed in the advanced stages of the disease, which suggests that the diagnosis of OCSCC and OPSCC is made late.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) originates in the thyroid parafollicular cells and represents 3-4% of the malignant neoplasms that affect this gland. Approximately 25% of these cases are hereditary due to activating mutations in the REarranged during Transfection (RET) proto-oncogene. The course of MTC is indolent, and survival rates depend on the tumor stage at diagnosis. The present article describes clinical evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of MTC. The aim of the consensus described herein, which was elaborated by Brazilian experts and sponsored by the Thyroid Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, was to discuss the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of individuals with MTC in accordance with the latest evidence reported in the literature. After clinical questions were elaborated, the available literature was initially surveyed for evidence in the MedLine-PubMed database, followed by the Embase and Scientific Electronic Library Online/Latin American and Caribbean Health Science Literature (SciELO/Lilacs) databases. The strength of evidence was assessed according to the Oxford classification of evidence levels, which is based on study design, and the best evidence available for each question was selected. Eleven questions corresponded to MTC diagnosis, 8 corresponded to its surgical treatment, and 13 corresponded to follow-up, for a total of 32 recommendations. The present article discusses the clinical and molecular diagnosis, initial surgical treatment, and postoperative management of MTC, as well as the therapeutic options for metastatic disease. MTC should be suspected in individuals who present with thyroid nodules and family histories of MTC, associations with pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism, and/or typical phenotypic characteristics such as ganglioneuromatosis and Marfanoid habitus. Fine-needle nodule aspiration, serum calcitonin measurements, and anatomical-pathological examinations are useful for diagnostic confirmation. Surgery represents the only curative therapeutic strategy. The therapeutic options for metastatic disease remain limited and are restricted to disease control. Judicious postoperative assessments that focus on the identification of residual or recurrent disease are of paramount importance when defining the follow-up and later therapeutic management strategies.
The SLC8A1 gene, which encodes the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, plays a key role in calcium homeostasis. Our previous gene expression oligoarray data revealed SLC8A1 underexpression in penile carcinoma (PeCa). The aim of this study was to investigate whether the dysregulation of SLC8A1 expression is associated with apoptosis and cell proliferation in PeCa, via modulation of calcium concentration. The underlying mechanisms of SLC8A1 underexpression were also explored, focusing on copy number alteration and microRNA. Transcript levels of SLC8A1 gene and miR-223 were evaluated by quantitative PCR, comparing PeCa samples with normal glans tissues. SLC8A1 copy number was evaluated by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH). Caspase-3 and Ki-67 immunostaining, as well as calcium distribution by Laser Ablation Imaging Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry [LA(i)-ICP-MS], were investigated in both normal and tumor samples. Confirming our previous data, SLC8A1 underexpression was detected in PeCa samples (P=0.001) and was not associated with gene copy number loss. In contrast, overexpression of miR-223 (P=0.002) was inversely correlated with SLC8A1 (P=0.015, r=-0.426), its putative repressor. In addition, SLC8A1 underexpression was associated with decreased calcium distribution, high Ki-67 and low caspase-3 immunoexpression in PeCa when compared with normal tissues. Down-regulation of the SLC8A1 gene, most likely mediated by its regulator miR-223, can lead to reduced calcium levels in PeCa and, consequently, to suppression of apoptosis and increased tumor cell proliferation. These data suggest that the miR-223-NCX1-calcium-signaling axis may represent a potential therapeutic approach in PeCa.