125 resultados para carbachol


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Possible interactions between different intracellular Ca(2+) release channels were studied in isolated rat gastric myocytes using agonist-evoked Ca(2+) signals. Spontaneous, local Ca(2+) transients were observed in fluo-4-loaded cells with linescan confocal imaging. These were blocked by ryanodine (100 microM) but not by the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R) blocker, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (100 microM), identifying them as Ca(2+) sparks. Caffeine (10 mM) and carbachol (10 microM) initiated Ca(2+) release at sites which co-localized with each other and with any Ca(2+) spark sites. In fura-2-loaded cells extracellular 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate and intracellular heparin (5 mg ml(-1)) both inhibited the global cytoplasmic [Ca(2+)] transient evoked by carbachol, confirming that it was IP(3)R-dependent. 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl borate and heparin also increased the response to caffeine. This probably reflected an increased Ca(2+) store content since 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate more than doubled the amplitude of transients evoked by ionomycin. Ryanodine completely abolished carbachol and caffeine responses but only reduced ionomycin transients by 30 %, suggesting that blockade of carbachol transients by ryanodine was not simply due to store depletion. Double labelling of IP(3)Rs and RyRs demonstrated extensive overlap in their distribution. These results suggest that carbachol stimulates Ca(2+) release through co-operation between IP(3)Rs and RyRs, and implicate IP(3)Rs in the regulation of Ca(2+) store content.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the present study, we investigated the effect of previous injection of either prazosin (alpha 1-adrenergic antagonist) or atropine (muscarinic cholinergic antagonist) into the medial septal area (MSA) on the presser and dipsogenic responses induced by intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of carbachol (cholinergic agonist) and angiotensin II (ANGII) in rats. The presser and dipsogenic responses to ICV carbachol (7 nmol) were reduced after previous treatment of the MSA with atropine (0.5 to 5 nmol), but not prazosin (20 and 40 nmol). The dipsogenic response to ICV ANGII (25 ng) was reduced after prazosin (40 nmol) into the MSA. The presser response to ICV ANGII was not changed either by previous treatment of the MSA with prazosin or atropine. The present results suggest a dissociation among the pathways subserving the control of dipsogenic and presser responses to central cholinergic or angiotensinergic activation.


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We determined the effect of intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of losartan, an angiotensin II (ANG II) subtype 1 receptor (AT1) antagonist, on icv carbachol-induced natriuresis, kaliuresis and antidiuresis in water-loaded male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) with a cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV). The rats were water loaded with 5% of their body weight by gavage twice, with the second gavage one hour after the first. Carbachol (2 nmol in 1 mu l) was injected icv immediately after the second load. When losartan (DUP-753, 50 nmol in 1 mu l) was administered icv, it was given 3 min before carbachol. Previous icv treatment with losartan significantly reduced the icv carbachol-induced natriuresis (324 +/- 17 mu Eq/120 min), kaliuresis (103 +/- 15 mu Eq/120 min) and antidiuresis (13.5 +/- 2.1 ml/120 min) compared to the effects of previous icv injection of saline (Nai excretion = 498 +/- 22 mu Eq/120 min; K+ excretion = 167 +/- 20 mu Eq/120 min; urine volume = 5.2 +/- 1.2 ml/120 min). These results, reported as means +/- SEM for 12 rats in each group, are consistent with the hypothesis that AT1 subtype receptors participate in the regulation of body electrolyte balance.


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Angiotensin II (ANG II) administered centrally produces drinking by acting on subtype 1 ANG II (AT1) receptors, Carbachol, a cholinergic receptor agonist, also induces drinking behavior by a central action. In the present study we determined whether the response to carbachol also involves AT1 receptors. Male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) with stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Water intake after injection of 0.15 M NaCl (1.0 mu l) into the LV was 0.2 +/- 0.01 ml/h (N = 8). The AT1 receptor antagonist DUP-753 (50 nmol/mu l) injected into the LV reduced water intake induced by ANG II (10 nmol/mu l) from 9.2 +/- 1.4 to 0.4 +/- 0.1 ml/h (N = 8), and water intake induced by carbachol (2 nmol/mu l) from 9.8 +/- 1.4 ml/h to 3.7 +/- 0.8 ml/h (N = 8), These results suggest that AT1 receptors play a role in the drinking behavior observed after central cholinergic stimulation in rats.


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We studied the effect of the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) on the control of water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the medial septal area (MSA) of adult male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) implanted with chronic stainless steel cannulae into the LH and MSA. The volume of injection was always 1 mu l and was injected over a period of 30-60 s. For control, 0.15 M NaCl was used. Clonidine (20 nmol) but not phenylephrine (160 nmol) injected into the LH inhibited water intake induced by injection of carbachol (2 nmol) into the MSA, from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.3 +/- 0.1 and 3.0 +/- 0.9 ml/h, respectively (N = 26). When we injected yohimbine (80 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + clonidine (20 nmol) into theLH, water intake induced by injection of carbachol into the MSA was inhibited from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 0.8 +/- 0.5 and 0.3 +/- 0.2 ml/h, respectively (N = 19). Water intake induced by carbachol (2 nmol) injected into the MSA was decreased by previous injection of yohimbine (80 nmol) + phenylephrine (160 nmol) and prazosin (40 nmol) + phenylephrine (l60 nmol) from 5.4 +/- 1.2 ml/h to 1.0 +/- 0.7 and 1.8 +/- 0.8 ml/h, respectively (N = 16). The cannula reached both the medial septal area in its medial portion and the lateral hypothalamus. It has been suggested that the different pathways for induction of drinking converge on a final common pathway. Thus, adrenergic stimulation of alpha(2),-adrenoceptors ofLH can influence this final common pathway.


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The microinjection of carbachol into the medial preoptic area (MPO) of the rat induced natriuresis, kaliuresis and anti-diuresis in a dose-related manner. Atropine blocked all responses to carbachol. Hexamethonium impaired the dose-response effect of carbachol on kaliuresis, but had no effect on natriuresis and enhanced the antidiuretic effect of carbachol. Nicotine alone had no effects, but pre-treatment with nicotine enhanced the responses to carbachol. These data show that activity of the muscarinic receptors of the MPO increases renal electrolyte and reduces water excretion. They also suggest that nicotinic receptors have an inhibitory effect on water excretion. Nicotine could act through mechanisms unrelated to nicotinic receptors to enhance the effect of the carbachol. © 1989.


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In the present study we investigated the effect of electrolytic lesion of the medial septal area (MSA) on the dipsogenic, natriuretic, kaliuretic and pressor responses elicited by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of the cholinergic agonist carbachol. Freely moving rats with sham or MSA lesion (1-7 days and 14-18 days) and a stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle were studied. In sham rats, i.c.v. injection of carbachol (7.5 nmol) produced an increase in water intake (10.2 ± 1.5 ml/h), mean arterial pressure (MAP) (35 ± 5 mmHg) and urinary Na+ and K+ excretion (551 ± 83 and 170 ± 17 μEq 120 min, resp.). The pressor (18 ± 3 and 14 ± 4 mmHg, resp.) and natriuretic responses (178 ± 58 and 172 ± 38 μEq 120 min) produced by i.c.v. carbachol in acute or chronic MSA-lesioned rats were reduced. No change was observed in urinary K+ excretion and a reduced water intake (5 ± 1.3 ml/h) was observed only in acute MSA-lesioned rats. These results suggest that the MSA plays an important role for the pressor and natriuretic responses induced by central cholinergic activation in rats. A small influence of this structure on water intake may also be suggested. © 1991.


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We investigated the effects of losartan, an AT 1-receptor blocker, and ramipril, a converting enzyme inhibitor, on the pressor response induced by angiotensin II (ANG II) and carbachol (a cholinergic receptor agonist). Male Holtzman rats (250-300 g) with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. The injection of losartan (50 nmol/l μl) into the LV blocked the pressor response induced by ANG II (12 ng/l μl) and carbachol (2 nmol/l μl). After injection of ANG II and carbachol into the LV, mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased to 31 ± 1 and 28 ± 2 mmHg, respectively. Previous injection of losartan abolished the increase in MAP induced by ANG II and carbachol into the LV (2 ± 1 and 5 ± 2 mmHg, respectively). The injection of ramipril (12 ng/l μl) prior to carbachol blocked the pressor effect of carbachol to 7 ± 3 mmHg. These results suggest an interaction between central cholinergic pathways and the angiotensinergic system in the regulation of arterial blood pressure.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)