998 resultados para captive species


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Studies on the fate of organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) in wild top predator mammals in the Arctic have often been a challenge due to important knowledge deficiencies in the life history of the sampled animals. The present study investigated the influence of age, dietary and trans-generational factors on the fate of major lipophilic chlorinated and brominated OHCs in adipose tissue of a potential surrogate captive species for the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), the sledge dog (Canis familiaris) in West Greenland. Adult female sledge dogs (P) and their sexually-mature (F1) and/or pre-weaning pups (F1-MLK) were divided into an exposed group (EXP) fed blubber from a Greenland minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and a control group (CON) given commercially available pork fat. Large dietary treatment-related differences in summed and individual congener/compound adipose tissue concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordanes (CHLs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were found between the EXP and CON groups for all the sledge dog cohorts. However, among the F1-MLK, F1 and P dogs in both of the EXP and CON groups, little or no difference existed in PBDE, HCB, CHL and PCB concentrations, suggesting higher state of equilibrium in adipose tissue concentrations from a very early stage of life. In contrast, the distribution pattern (proportions to the summed concentrations) of OHC classes, and the major congeners/ compounds constituting those classes, varied on a dietary group- and/or cohort-dependent manner. The present captive sledge dog study demonstrated the importance of the confounding effects of diet composition, mother-pup association (maternal transfer), reproductive status (nursing), and to a lesser extent age in the fate of OHCs in adipose tissue of a large top carnivore mammal.


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We present prevalence of Bartonella spp. for multiple cohorts of wild and captive cetaceans. One hundred and six cetaceans including 86 bottlenose dolphins (71 free-ranging, 14 captive in a facility with a dolphin experiencing debility of unknown origin, 1 stranded), 11 striped dolphins, 4 harbor porpoises, 3 Risso's dolphins, 1 dwarf sperm whale and 1 pygmy sperm whale (all stranded) were sampled. Whole blood (n = 95 live animals) and tissues (n = 15 freshly dead animals) were screened by PCR (n = 106 animals), PCR of enrichment cultures (n = 50 animals), and subcultures (n = 50 animals). Bartonella spp. were detected from 17 cetaceans, including 12 by direct extraction PCR of blood or tissues, 6 by PCR of enrichment cultures, and 4 by subculture isolation. Bartonella spp. were more commonly detected from the captive (6/14, 43%) than from free-ranging (2/71, 2.8%) bottlenose dolphins, and were commonly detected from the stranded animals (9/21, 43%; 3/11 striped dolphins, 3/4 harbor porpoises, 2/3 Risso's dolphins, 1/1 pygmy sperm whale, 0/1 dwarf sperm whale, 0/1 bottlenose dolphin). Sequencing identified a Bartonella spp. most similar to B. henselae San Antonio 2 in eight cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 2 striped dolphins, 2 harbor porpoises), B. henselae Houston 1 in three cases (2 Risso's dolphins, 1 harbor porpoise), and untyped in six cases (4 bottlenose dolphins, 1 striped dolphin, 1 pygmy sperm whale). Although disease causation has not been established, Bartonella species were detected more commonly from cetaceans that were overtly debilitated or were cohabiting in captivity with a debilitated animal than from free-ranging animals. The detection of Bartonella spp. from cetaceans may be of pathophysiological concern.


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The bare-faced curassow (Crax fasciolata) is a large Neotropical bird that suffers anthropogenic pressure across much of its range. A captive population is maintained for conservation management, although there has been no genetic screening of stocks. Based on the six microsatellite markers developed for Crax globulosa, the genetic variability of C. fasciolata and possible differences between a wild and a captive population were investigated. Only three loci were polymorphic, with a total of 27 alleles. More than half of these alleles were private to the wild (n = 8) or captive (n = 7) populations. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were restricted to the captive population. Despite the number of private alleles, genetic drift has probably promoted differentiation between populations. Our results indicate that wild C. fasciolata populations are genetically impoverished and structured, but species-specific microsatellite markers will be necessary for a more reliable assessment of the species` genetic diversity.


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This study is the first to evaluate the occurrence of several Mollicutes species in Brazilian capuchin monkeys (Cebus spp.). Mollicutes were detected by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in samples of the oropharyngeal, conjuctiva, and genital mucosae of 58 monkeys. In the oropharynx, Mollicutes in general (generic PCR to the Class), and those of the genus Ureaplasma (genus PCR), were detected in 72.4% and 43.0% of the samples, respectively. The identified species in this site included: Mycoplasma arginini (43.1%), M. salivarium (41.4%), and M. pneumoniae (19.0%). Both Ureaplasma and Mycoplasma are genera of the order Mycoplasmatales. In the preputial/vaginal mucosa, PCR detected Mollicutes in general in 27.58% of the samples, the genus Ureaplasma in 32.7%, the species M. arginini in 8.6%, and Acholeplasma laidlawii of the order Acholeplasmatales in 1.7% In the conjunctiva, Mollicutes in general were detected in 29.3% of the samples, with 1.7% being identified as A. laidlawii. Culturing was difficult due to contamination, but two isolates were successfully obtained. The Mollicutes species of this study provided new insights into these bacteria in Brazilian Cebus. Studies are lacking of the actual risk of Mollicutes infection or the frequency at which primates serve as permanent or temporary reservoirs for Mollicutes. In the present study, the samples were collected from monkeys without clinical signs of infection. The mere presence of Mollicutes, particularly those also found in humans, nevertheless signals a need for studies to evaluate the impact of these microorganisms on the health of non-human primates (NHPs) and the possibility of cross-species transmission between NHPs and humans. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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As with many islands, Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean has suffered severe biodiversity loss. Its terrestrial lizard fauna comprised five native species, of which four were endemic. These were abundant until at least the late 1970s, but four species declined rapidly thereafter and were last reported in the wild between 2009 and 2013. In response to the decline, a captive breeding programme was established in August 2009. This attempt came too late for the Christmas Island forest skink Emoia nativitatis, whose last known individual died in captivity in 2014, and for the non-endemic coastal skink Emoia atrocostata. However, two captive populations are now established for Lister's gecko Lepidodactylus listeri and the blue-tailed skink Cryptoblepharus egeriae. The conservation future for these two species is challenging: reintroduction will not be possible until the main threats are identified and controlled.


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Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) has a broad host range and is widespread in wild and captive psittacine populations in Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and Australasia. Beak and feather disease circovirus (BFDV) is the causative agent. BFDV has an ~2 kb single stranded circular DNA genome encoding just two proteins (Rep and CP). In this study we provide support for demarcation of BFDV strains by phylogenetic analysis of 65 complete genomes from databases and 22 new BFDV sequences isolated from infected psittacines in South Africa. We propose 94% genome-wide sequence identity as a strain demarcation threshold, with isolates sharing > 94% identity belonging to the same strain, and strain subtypes sharing> 98% identity. Currently, BFDV diversity falls within 14 strains, with five highly divergent isolates from budgerigars probably representing a new species of circovirus with three strains (budgerigar circovirus; BCV-A, -B and -C). The geographical distribution of BFDV and BCV strains is strongly linked to the international trade in exotic birds; strains with more than one host are generally located in the same geographical area. Lastly, we examined BFDV and BCV sequences for evidence of recombination, and determined that recombination had occurred in most BFDV and BCV strains. We established that there were two globally significant recombination hotspots in the viral genome: the first is along the entire intergenic region and the second is in the C-terminal portion of the CP ORF. The implications of our results for the taxonomy and classification of circoviruses are discussed. © 2011 SGM.


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Predation forms one of the main selective forces in nature and in a vast number of prey species the behavioural responses form the main way to avoid predation. World wide numerous captive breeding programs are used to produce fish and other animal species for conservational reintroductions. However, rearing animals in the absence of predators in captivity has been shown to weaken their predator avoidance skills and lead to behavioural divergence between wild and captive-bred populations. In my thesis I studied the effects of predator odour exposures on antipredator behavioural and physiological responses of captive reared Saimaa Arctic charr. This charr population is the most endangered fish population in Finland and a sample of the remaining population has been taken to captive breeding and used for an extensive reintroduction program. Lowered responsiveness to predators is probably one of the major reasons for the poor survival probability of the charr after release into the wild. The main aims of my thesis were to explore the reasons for behavioural phenotypic variation in this charr population and whether naïve charr young could be trained to recognise their natural predators. The predator species in my thesis were burbot (Lota lota) and pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). In my thesis I showed that the captive-bred charr responded to chemical cues from burbot and pikeperch, but the magnitude of responses was linked to the predator species. The burbot odour increased the spatial odour avoidance of the charr young. On the other hand, in the pikeperch treatment charr reduced their relative swimming activity and tended to show more freezing behaviour relative to the burbot treatment. It seems evident that these different responses are related to the different hunting tactics of predator species. Furthermore, I detected wide between-family differences in antipredator responsiveness (i.e. inherited variation in antipredator behaviours) in this captive stock. Detected differences were greater in the response towards burbot than towards pikeperch. These results, in addition to predator-specific antipredator responses, suggest that there is a clear inherited component in antipredator responsiveness in Saimaa charr population and that the detected inherited differences could explain a part of the behavioural phenotypic variation in this population. In my thesis I also found out that both social learning and direct exposure to live predators enhance the antipredator responsiveness of charr young. In addition, I obtained indications that predator odour exposures (i.e. life-skills training) in alevin and fry stages can fine-tune the innate antipredator responsiveness of charr. Thus, all these methods have the potential to enhance the innate antipredator responsiveness of naïve charr young, possibly also improving the post-release survival of these trained individuals in the wild. However, the next logical phase would be to carry out large scale survival studies in the wild to test this hypothesis. Finally, the results of my thesis emphasize that possible long-term life-skills training methods should take into account not only the behavioural but also the physiological effects of training.


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There are two major theories that attempt to explain hand preference in non-human primates-the `task complexity' theory and the `postural origins' theory. In the present study, we proposed a third hypothesis to explain the evolutionary origin of hand preference in non-human primates, stating that it could have evolved owing to structural and functional adaptations to feeding, which we refer to as the `niche structure' hypothesis. We attempted to explore this hypothesis by comparing hand preference across species that differ in the feeding ecology and niche structure: red howler monkeys, Alouatta seniculus and yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys, Sapajus xanthosternos. The red howler monkeys used the mouth to obtain food more frequently than the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys. The red howler monkeys almost never reached for food presented on the opposite side of a wire mesh or inside a portable container, whereas the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys reached for food presented in all four spatial arrangements (scattered, on the opposite side of a wire mesh, inside a suspended container, and inside a portable container). In contrast to the red howler monkeys that almost never acquired bipedal and clinging posture, the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys acquired all five body postures (sitting, bipedal, tripedal, clinging, and hanging). Although there was no difference between the proportion of the red howler monkeys and the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys that preferentially used one hand, the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys exhibited an overall weaker hand preference than the red howler monkeys. Differences in hand preference diminished with the increasing complexity of the reaching-for-food tasks, i.e., the relatively more complex tasks were perceived as equally complex by both the red howler monkeys and the yellow-breasted capuchin monkeys. These findings suggest that species-specific differences in feeding ecology and niche structure can influence the perception of the complexity of the task and, consequently, hand preference.


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In this study we describe the courtship and spawning behaviors of captive yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), their spawning periodicity, the influence of physical and biological factors on spawning and hatching, and egg and early-larval development of this species at the Achotines Laboratory, Republic of Panama, during October 1996 through March 2000. Spawning occurred almost daily over extended periods and at water temperatures from 23.3° to 29.7°C. Water temperature appeared to be the main exogenous factor controlling the occurrence and timing of spawning. Courtship and spawning behaviors were ritualized and consistent among three groups of broodstock over 3.5 years. For any date, the time of day of spawning (range: 1330 to 2130 h) was predictable from mean daily water temperature, and 95% of hatching occurred the next day between 1500 and 1900 h. We estimated that females at first spawning averaged 1.6−2.0 years of age. Over short time periods (<1 month), spawning females increased their egg production from 30% to 234% in response to shortterm increases in daily food ration of 9% to 33%. Egg diameter, notochord length (NL) at hatching, NL at first feeding, and dry weights of these stages were estimated. Water temperature was significantly, inversely related to egg size, egg-stage duration, larval size at hatching, and yolksac larval duration.


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Honey Gourami, Colisa sota, has high ornamental as well as food value. The natural resources of this species are gradually declining, due to destruction of its habitat, over fishing for aquarium trade and human consumption. The fish was bred in captivity under controlled environment. It laid about 200-400 eggs in bubble nest built by the male. Hatching started within 28-30hrs. after egg laying. The hatchlings became free swimming by 3rd to 4th day of hatching. The male showed territoriality and parental care by guarding the eggs and hatchlings. The larval survival was 30-35%. The breeding behavior, embryonic and post embryonic development of the fish were studied.


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Lakes Victoria and Kyoga had, a diverse fish fauna, which was important as food for local population and valuable in scientific studies. Over the past twenty years, the diversity of fish in these lakes had declined due to over-exploitation, introduction of new fish species including the piscivorous Nile perch and degradation of fish habitat. Studies of satellite lakes in the Victoria and Kyoga lake basins suggested that some of these lakes harboured species which had been lost from the main lakes. In order to better understand the extent, to which these satellite lakes may serve as refugia, a faunal survey was undertaken to determine the distribution and nature of the taxa found. Seven satellite lakes and the eastern end of the main Lake Kyoga adjacent to these minor lakes were surveyed over a two-year period for fish species diversity. A total of 68 fish species were recorded of which 41 were haplochromines. Almost all the native non cichlids which occurred in the main lakes (Victoria and Kyoga) before the Nile perch upsurge recorded. Lakes Nawampasa, Gigati, Kawi, Agu and Nyaguo had the highest fish species and trophic diversity. The trophic diversity of haplochromines (based on Shannon Weaver Index) was highest in Lake Nawampasa (1.28), followed by Gigati (1.25), Kawi (1.18), Agu (0.8), Lemwa (0.81), Nyaguo (0.35) and was lowest in the main Lake Kyoga. Potential threats to these lakes were from collectors of ornamental fish species, especially the haplochromines, the spread of the predatory Nile perch and the water hyacinth, which are already in Lake Kyoga, and the destruction of macrophytes through harvesting of papyrus and reclamation for agriculture. The human population around these lakes harvested the fishes for food but the levels of exploitation were still low because the lakes were adjacent to main Lake Kyoga, the major supply of fish. Ornamental fish dealers were encouraged to start captive breeding of the fish for export to reduce pressure on the lakes and demonstrations for breeding were set up at FIRI in Jinja. Meetings and seminars were held with some of the communities living around the lakes sampled and the importance of fish species found in these lakes and the dangers of destructive practices discussed. Representatives of all taxa of fish caught from the lakes were preserved, catalogued and stored in the FIRI Museum. Results from this survey support the motion that these satellite lakes are important refugia for endemic diversity. Based on survey, we recommend that SaIne of these lakes like Nawampasa, Gigati, Kawi, Agu and Nyaguo could be designated as conservation areas of species threatened in the main lakes. One of the factors that seem to have prevented the spread of Nile perch into Kyoga Minor lakes seems to have been the presence of extensive swamps around these lakes and the low oxygen levels that exist in these habitats. Clearing of swamps and vegetation that separate Kyoga minor lakes from the main lake should be avoided to prevent Nile perch from spreading into these lakes.