920 resultados para capillary forces
Die Kapillarkraft entsteht durch die Bildung eines Meniskus zwischen zwei Festkörpen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden die Auswirkungen von elastischer Verformung und Flϋssigkeitadsorption auf die Kapillarkraft sowohl theoretisch als auch experimentell untersucht. Unter Verwendung eines Rasterkraftmikroskops wurde die Kapillarkraft zwischen eines Siliziumoxid Kolloids von 2 µm Radius und eine weiche Oberfläche wie n.a. Polydimethylsiloxan oder Polyisopren, unter normalen Umgebungsbedingungen sowie in variierende Ethanoldampfdrϋcken gemessen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit den Kapillarkräften verglichen, die auf einem harten Substrat (Silizium-Wafer) unter denselben Bedingungen gemessen wurden. Wir beobachteten eine monotone Abnahme der Kapillarkraft mit zunehmendem Ethanoldampfdruck (P) fϋr P/Psat > 0,2, wobei Psat der Sättigungsdampfdruck ist.rnUm die experimentellen Ergebnisse zu erklären, wurde ein zuvor entwickeltes analytisches Modell (Soft Matter 2010, 6, 3930) erweitert, um die Ethanoladsorption zu berϋcksichtigen. Dieses neue analytische Modell zeigte zwei verschiedene Abhängigkeiten der Kapillarkraft von P/Psat auf harten und weichen Oberflächen. Fϋr die harte Oberfläche des Siliziumwafers wird die Abhängigkeit der Kapillarkraft vom Dampfdruck vom Verhältnis der Dicke der adsorbierten Ethanolschicht zum Meniskusradius bestimmt. Auf weichen Polymeroberflächen hingegen hängt die Kapillarkraft von der Oberflächenverformung und des Laplace-Drucks innerhalb des Meniskus ab. Eine Abnahme der Kapillarkraft mit zunehmendem Ethanoldampfdruck hat demnach eine Abnahme des Laplace-Drucks mit zunehmendem Meniskusradius zur folge. rnDie analytischen Berechnungen, fϋr die eine Hertzsche Kontakt-deformation angenommen wurde, wurden mit Finit Element Methode Simulationen verglichen, welche die reale Deformation des elastischen Substrats in der Nähe des Meniskuses explizit berϋcksichtigen. Diese zusätzliche nach oben gerichtete oberflächenverformung im Bereich des Meniskus fϋhrt zu einer weiteren Erhöhung der Kapillarkraft, insbesondere fϋr weiche Oberflächen mit Elastizitätsmodulen < 100 MPa.rn
Thesis--University of Kansas, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.
Experimental studies have been undertaken, involving in situ observations of the interaction between cover gas mixtures and molten magnesium. It has been shown that, in the presence of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), the contact angle between solid MgO and molten magnesium is reduced, resulting in the wetting of MgO by magnesium metal. In contrast, it was observed that the absence of SF6 results in a large contact angle, poor wetting of the MgO by magnesium metal and a non-adherent surface film. It is proposed that the formation of an adherent, protective surface film under a cover gas mixture containing SF6 is due to capillary forces acting within the film.
Drying of porous media, pore network, pore structure, capillary forces, viscous forces, drying kinetics
The radial displacement of a fluid annulus in a rotating circular Hele-Shaw cell has been investigated experimentally. It has been found that the flow depends sensitively on the wetting conditions at the outer interface. Displacements in a prewet cell are well described by Darcy's law in a wide range of experimental parameters, with little influence of capillary effects. In a dry cell, however, a more careful analysis of the interface motion is required; the interplay between a gradual loss of fluid at the inner interface, and the dependence of capillary forces at the outer interface on interfacial velocity and dynamic contact angle, result in a constant velocity for the interfaces. The experimental results in this case correlate in the form of an empirical scaling relation between the capillary number Ca and a dimensionless group, related to the ratio of centrifugal to capillary forces, which spans about three orders of magnitude in both quantities. Finally, the relative thickness of the coating film left by the inner interface, alpha i, is obtained as a function of Ca.
The radial displacement of a fluid annulus in a rotating circular HeleShaw cell has been investigated experimentally. It has been found that the flow depends sensitively on the wetting conditions at the outer interface. Displacements in a prewet cell are well described by Darcy"s law in a wide range of experimental parameters, with little influence of capillary effects. In a dry cell, however, a more careful analysis of the interfacemotion is required; the interplay between a gradual loss of fluid at the inner interface, and the dependence of capillary forces at the outer interface on interfacial velocity and dynamic contact angle, result in a constant velocity for the interfaces. The experimental results in this case correlate in the form of an empirical scaling relation between the capillary number Ca and a dimensionless group, related to the ratio of centrifugal to capillary forces, which spans about three orders of magnitude in both quantities. Finally, the relative thickness of the coating film left by the inner interface is obtained as a function of Ca.
In two-phase miniature and microchannel flows, the meniscus shape must be considered due to effects that are affected by condensation and/or evaporation and coupled with the transport phenomena in the thin film on the microchannel wall, when capillary forces drive the working fluid. This investigation presents an analytical model for microchannel condensers with a porous boundary, where capillary forces pump the fluid. Methanol was selected as the working fluid. Very low liquid Reynolds numbers were obtained (Re~6), but very high Nusselt numbers (Nu~150) could be found due to the channel size (1.5 mm) and the presence of the porous boundary. The meniscus calculation provided consistent results for the vapor interface temperature and pressure, as well as the meniscus curvature. The obtained results show that microchannel condensers with a porous boundary can be used for heat dissipation with reduced heat transfer area and very high heat dissipation capabilities.
Several studies have highlighted the importance of the cooling period in oil absorption in deep-fat fried products. Specifically, it has been established that the largest proportion of oil which ends up into the food, is sucked into the porous crust region after the fried product is removed from the oil bath, stressing the importance of this time interval. The main objective of this paper was to develop a predictive mechanistic model that can be used to understand the principles behind post-frying cooling oil absorption kinetics, which can also help identifying the key parameters that affect the final oil intake by the fried product. The model was developed for two different geometries, an infinite slab and an infinite cylinder, and was divided into two main sub-models, one describing the immersion frying period itself and the other describing the post-frying cooling period. The immersion frying period was described by a transient moving-front model that considered the movement of the crust/core interface, whereas post-frying cooling oil absorption was considered to be a pressure driven flow mediated by capillary forces. A key element in the model was the hypothesis that oil suction would only begin once a positive pressure driving force had developed. The mechanistic model was based on measurable physical and thermal properties, and process parameters with no need of empirical data fitting, and can be used to study oil absorption in any deep-fat fried product that satisfies the assumptions made.
This is a study of the structural transformations occurring in hybrid siloxane-polypropyleneglycol (PPG) nanocomposites, with different PPG molecular weight, along the drying process. The starting materials are wet gels obtained by the sol-gel procedure using as precursor the 3-(trietoxysilyl)propylisocyanate (IsoTrEOS) and polypropylenglycol bis(2-amino-propyl-ether) (NH2-PPG-NH2). The shrinkage and mass loss measurements were performed using a temperature-controlled chamber at 50 degreesC. The nanostructural evolution of samples during drying was studied in situ by small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The experimental results demonstrate that the drying process is highly dependent on the molecular weight of polymer. After the initial drying stage, the progressive emptying of pores leads to the formation of a irregular drying front in gels prepared from PPG of high molecular weight, like 4000 g/mol. As a consequence, an increase of the SAXS intensity due to the increase of electronic density contrast between siloxane clusters and polymeric matrix is observed. For hybrids containing PPG of low molecular weight, the pore emptying process is fast, leading to a regular drying front, without isolated nanopockets of solvents. SAXS intensity curves exhibit a maximum, which was associated to the existence of spatial correlation of the silica clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix. The spatial correlation is preserved during drying. These results also reveal that the structural transformation during drying is governed by capillary forces and depends on the entanglement of polymer chains.
The effect of the electrolyte (NH+ 4, Cl-) on the drying of SnO2 hydrogels was investigated by linear shrinkage, mass loss, gravimetric thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Results show that the drying mechanism for monolithic SnO2 gels is highly dependent on the concentration of the electrolyte solution inside the pores. For higher concentrations, the drying process is governed by capillary forces while for the smaller ones (≤20 mM) syneresis shrinkage becomes predominant just before the end of the first drying period. This phenomenon is related to condensation reaction among the superficial OH groups and may hamper formation of monolithic SnO2. © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.
No interior dos reservatórios petrolíferos, o efeito da gravidade produz naturalmente a segregação dos fluidos presentes. Em razão basicamente das forças capilares não existe uma superfície definida de separação entre cada dois fluidos. No entanto, é comum na engenharia de petróleo admitir-se uma superfície convencional de separação dos fluidos. À essa superfície dá-se o nome de interface fluida ou contato fluido. A obtenção da localização dos contatos fluidos no interior dos reservatórios, como os contatos óleo-água, contatos gás-água e os contatos gás-óleo, sem a interpretação completa dos perfis geofísicos ou a realização dos procedimentos diretos dos testes de formação é um problema de difícil solução para a indústria do petróleo. O posicionamento em profundidade dos contatos pode ser utilizado para a definição dos procedimentos de completação do poço e para o posicionamento do canhoneio nos horizontes produtores dos poços verticais. Temos também a aplicação do mapeamento deste parâmetro, para os projetos e controle da perfuração no caso dos poços direcionais e horizontais, que utilizam tal informação para o posicionamento do eixo do poço no interior da zona de hidrocarboneto no reservatório, a fim de se evitar, principalmente, a produção de água. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a identificação e posicionamento dos contatos fluidos, através da aplicação da técnica da estatística multivariada, chamada de análise discriminante. Nesta aplicação, faz-se uso direto dos perfis de resistividade (RT), de raios gama natural (RG), de densidade (ρb), de porosidade neutrônica (ΦN), de caliper (Cal) e do perfil de volume de argila (Vcla), como dados de entrada no programa de análise discriminante. Para o caso de depósitos clásticos, com seqüências arenito-folhelho, a análise discriminante fornece ainda a indicação da litologia e as espessuras aparentes dos reservatórios. As curvas de perfis geofísicos aplicadas para a avaliação desta metodologia são provenientes de poços perfurados na bacia do lago Maracaibo, na Venezuela, onde, segundo estudos geológicos, existe a ocorrência de seqüências estratigráficas, com camadas de folhelhos e arenitos, sendo também confirmada a presença de hidrocarbonetos nos poços utilizados neste trabalho.
O modelo de formação de professores brasileiro refere-se à democratização do país e as mudanças sociais alavancadas na década de 1980, tendo como marco legal a Constituição de 1988 e as reformas educacionais e curriculares que a sucederam. Este trabalho constitui-se em uma análise arqueogenealógica foucaultiana das práticas discursivas arquitetadas sobre o curso de Pedagogia do Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica (PARFOR) do Campus Universitário de Bragança – Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Partimos do estudo arqueológico das emergências históricas da formação de professores para localizarmos e darmos visibilidade a arena da formação docente como contingência contemporânea advinda de forças capilares que objetivam e, ao mesmo tempo, subjetivam o professor em formação. Sustentamo-nos na hipótese de que habitam, nesse jogo de saber-poder, tramas de subjetivação corporificadas no currículo sob em práticas de governamentalização. Tais tramas, por sua vez, culminam na produção de documentos dentre os quais alguns foram escolhidos para compor a análise crítica desse trabalho. Desse modo, objetivamos problematizar a formação enquanto fabricação do aluno PARFOR-Pedagogia, com ênfase no currículo elaborado pelo Campus de Bragança/UFPA visando percebê-lo em sua articulação com determinadas urgências de formação e regulação de professores. A pesquisa teve como fonte documentos que instalam a política de formação de professores no país, encarando-os como monumentos com efeitos na objetivação e subjetivação dos sujeitos, e formação de professores como prática histórica e dispositivo estratégico de governamentalidade. Organizando-se os documentos em subarquivos, a análise foi conduzida pela problematização – arqueológica e genealógica de Michel Foucault, articulada aos dispositivos de Gilles Deleuze e às práticas históricas de Paul Veyne. Fincado como ação afirmativa e conectado ao rol das políticas educacionais contemporâneas, o PARFOR apesar de ter impulsionado a formação em serviço, os sujeitos que dele fazem parte são objetivados ainda por prescrições curriculares destacadamente disciplinares e generalistas, descritas paradoxalmente no Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Pedagogia e nos Planos de Curso como estratégia interdisciplinar de formação de professores. Concomitante a isso, os sujeitos são subjetivados por um devir minoritário em função do modelo estrutural que a política foi arquitetada, exercendo seu poder por práticas de resistência. De acordo com as práticas analisadas nesse estudo, o PARFOR-Pedagogia do Campus de Bragança/UFPA é fabricado por tramas históricas de subjetivação, as quais se sustentam tanto na govenamentalidade quanto em estratégias biopolíticas acionadas por dispositivos curriculares que forjam e ao mesmo tempo são forjados pelos jogos de saber-poder-resistência.
The aim of my dissertation is to provide new knowledge and applications of microfluidics in a variety of problems, from materials science, devices, and biomedicine, where the control on the fluid dynamics and the local concentration of the solutions containing the relevant molecules (either materials, precursors, or biomolecules) is crucial. The control of interfacial phenomena occurring in solutions at dierent length scales is compelling in nanotechnology for devising new sensors, molecular electronics devices, memories. Microfluidic devices were fabricated and integrated with organic electronics devices. The transduction involves the species in the solution which infills the transistor channel and confined by the microfluidic device. This device measures what happens on the surface, at few nanometers from the semiconductor channel. Soft-lithography was adopted to fabricate platinum electrodes, starting from platinum carbonyl precursor. I proposed a simple method to assemble these nanostructures in periodic arrays of microstripes, and form conductive electrodes with characteristic dimension of 600 nm. The conductivity of these sub-microwires is compared with the values reported in literature and bulk platinum. The process is suitable for fabricating thin conductive patterns for electronic devices or electrochemical cells, where the periodicity of the conductive pattern is comparable with the diusion length of the molecules in solution. The ordering induced among artificial nanostructures is of particular interest in science. I show that large building blocks, like carbon nanotubes or core-shell nanoparticles, can be ordered and self-organised on a surface in patterns due to capillary forces. The eective probability of inducing order with microfluidic flow is modeled with finite element calculation on the real geometry of the microcapillaries, in soft-lithographic process. The oligomerization of A40 peptide in microconfined environment represents a new investigation of the extensively studied peptide aggregation. The added value of the approach I devised is the precise control on the local concentration of peptides together with the possibility to mimick cellular crowding. Four populations of oligomers where distinguished, with diameters ranging from 15 to 200 nm. These aggregates could not be addresses separately in fluorescence. The statistical analysis on the atomic force microscopy images together with a model of growth reveal new insights on the kinetics of amyloidogenesis as well as allows me to identify the minimum stable nucleus size. This is an important result owing to its implications in the understanding and early diagnosis and therapy of the Alzheimer’s disease
Grundlage für die hier gezeigte Arbeit stellt die Eigenschaft von amphiphilen Blockcopolymeren dar immer den Block mit der niedrigsten Grenzflächenenergie zum angrenzenden Medium an die Oberfläche zu bringen. Durch einen Austausch des Mediums an der Grenzfläche zum Blockcopolymer kann eine Reorientierung erzwungen werden, wenn die Grenzflächenenergie des anderen Blocks nun die niedrigere Grenzflächenenergie besitzt. Dieses Verhalten von dünnen amphiphilen Blockcopolymerfilmen wurde zur Strukturierung von Oberflächen ausgenutzt und in nachfolgenden Synthesen weiter verstärkt. Um dies zu erreichen wurde das zur Strukturierung erforderliche Poly(4-Octylstyrol)block(4-hydroxystyrol) durch kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisationsmethode mit dem Tempo Unimer (2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-1(1-phenyl-ethoxy)-piperidin) synthetisiert. Für die geplanten Reorientierungen und Modifizierungen von Oberflächen wurden dünne Filme durch Schleuderbeschichtung auf verschiedenen Substraten (Siliziumwafern, Glassubstraten und Goldoberflächen) hergestellt. Das Verhalten der Oberflächen von diesen Filmen wurde durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen untersucht. Auf diese Weise konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Oberfläche von Polymerfilmen nach der Präparation aus dem hydrophoben Block des Polymers gebildet wird. Durch Kontakt des Polymerfilms mit Wasser kann dieser zur Reorientierung gebracht werden, so dass der hydrophile Block des Polymers an der Oberfläche erscheint. Dieses Verhalten wurde zur Strukturierung mit softlithographischen Techniken genutzt. Dazu wurden hydrophil/hydrophob strukturierte Oberflächen durch Aufsetzen von hydrophoben PDMS-Stempeln, die Teile der Oberfläche selektiv abdeckten, und Einbringen von Wasser in die dabei entstehenden Kapillaren hergestellt. Dies ermöglichte es die Oberfläche selektiv im Größenbereich von 500nm bis zu 50µm zu strukturieren und an den reaktiven Bereichen Materialien, wie z.B. Kupfer, Titandioxid, Polyelektrolyte, photonische Kristalle und angegraftete Polymere, mit verschiedenen Methoden selektiv auf die Oberfläche aufzubringen. Um den Reorganisationsprozess der Oberfläche genauer zu studieren, wurde ein für diese Aufgabe besser geeignetes Polymer (Poly(Styrol)-block-poly(essigsäure-2-(2-(4-vinyl-phenoxy)-ethoxy)ethylester)) synthetisiert. Aus diesem Blockcopolymer wurden wieder dünne Filme durch Spincoaten hergestellt. Die Reorientierung dieses Polymers in 70°C warmen Wasser konnte durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen und NEXAFS Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe der NEXAFS Spektroskopie konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Geschwindigkeit der Reorientierung durch eine exponentielle Funktion beschrieben werden kann. Eine Auswertung der Geschwindigkeitskonstante für die Reorientierung einer hydrophilen zu einer hydrophoben Oberfläche des Polymers bei 60°C führt zu =75min. Aufgrund des exponentiellen Charakters der Reorientierung macht es den Anschein, dass die Reorientierung bei verschiedenen Reorientierungstemperaturen bis zu einem gewissen Grad erfolgt und dann stoppt. Eine weitere Reorientierung scheint erst wieder bei einer Temperaturerhöhung zu beginnen. Aus AFM Messungen ist ein Beginnen der Reorientierung durch Bildung kleiner Löcher in der Polymeroberfläche zu erkennen, die sich zu runden Erhöhungen und Vertiefungen vergrößern, um letztendlich in ein spinodales Entmischungsmuster über zu gehen. Dieses heilt dann im Laufe der Zeit langsam durch Verschwinden der hydrophilen Bereiche langsam aus. Der Beginn des zuvor beschriebenen Reorientierungsprozesses einer hydrophilen Oberfläche in eine hydrophobe konnte sowohl in den AFM, als auch in den NEXAFS-Messungen zu ca. 50°C bestimmt werden.