867 resultados para cancer prevention and control


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Previous investigators have suggested that screening-related biases may explain associations between postmenopausal hormone use and breast cancer. To investigate these biases, we studied postmenopausal women in the Nurses' Health Study from 1988 to 1994. Hormone use is associated with increased subsequent screening. Among women not screened in the previous 2 years, the probability difference, comparing current hormone users with others, for having mammography in the following 2 years is 19.5%; among women previously screened, the difference is 4.9%. These differences persist after control for other factors. If the increase in screening is causal, screening by mammogram could be intermediate in the causal pathway to breast cancer diagnosis. To deal with this problem, we restrict attention to a subset of the cohort in which the effect of postmenopausal hormone use on screening is small (women previously screened). In this subset, the rate ratio comparing breast cancer rates among current postmenopausal hormone users with others is 1.28. In a sensitivity analysis, the bias could not by itself plausibly account for the associations in our data. Our data provide evidence of an association between postmenopausal hormone use and breast cancer that is not solely the product of a detection bias.


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Ubicada en el centro del país, Río Cuarto pertenece a las cuencas lecheras más importantes del país, localizadas en las provincias de Córdoba, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires. Córdoba, con una producción promedio anual de 2,4 mil millones de litros, contribuye con un 25 por ciento a la producción nacional que según informe de la Secretaría de Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación (2006) ha alcanzado los 9.000 millones de litros al año, ubicándose en segundo lugar después de Santa Fe. La mastitis bovina es responsable de las mayores pérdidas económicas dentro del rodeo lechero, debido a los elevados costos de la terapia antibiótica, al retiro del animal del circuito productivo, y a las consecuencias negativas ocasionadas en la reproducción. Diferentes estrategias se han desarrollado en el país y el mundo, tendientes a minimizar los problemas ocasionados por la enfermedad. De ellos, la desinfección pre y post-ordeñe y la terapia con antibióticos al secado, son los métodos de control más ampliamente utilizados. Las terapias con antibióticos, formuladas para uso intramamario, frecuentemente resultan ineficientes para prevenir o eliminar las infecciones crónicas producidas por S. aureus, principal agente causal de la enfermedad. A ello se suma el aumento en la frecuencia de cepas resistentes a los antibióticos, por lo que existen presiones cada vez mayores por parte de los entes reguladores para limitar el uso de los mismos en el ganado. La ineficacia de estos procedimientos para reducir la tasa de nuevas infecciones ha orientado la investigación hacia la búsqueda de métodos de control alternativos basados en el desarrollo de vacunas, inmunomoduladores o sustancias naturales, como un enfoque racional para controlar infecciones en animales utilizados en la producción de alimentos, o bien a la aplicación de medidas preventivas. El presente proyecto aborda el tema de la prevención de la mastitis bovina a través del estudio de una cepa de BL con propiedades probióticas en ensayos de inoculación in vivo en glándulas mamarias de bovinos para su futura aplicación en la prevención de la mastitis bovina. En particular se propone a) Determinar la capacidad de las BL seleccionada como potencial probiótico, a partir del aislamiento realizado por nuestro grupo de investigación y de otras previamente caracterizadas en el CERELA, para adherirse y colonizar el canal del pezón de la ubre, b) Profundizar en el estudio de los mecanismos involucrados en el efecto (benéfico o adverso) de la administración local de BL en el canal del pezón de la glándula mamaria y c) Estudiar las condiciones físico-químicas para la obtención de biomasa de BL y sustancias antagónicas. El proyecto sentará las bases para, en un futuro cercano, realizar el diseño de un producto a base de probióticos lo cual será un importante aporte socio-comunitario a la prevención de la mastitis bovina de altísima incidencia. El desarrollo de un producto con estas características permitirá la articulación con el sector productivo.


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Prevention and Control Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) National Clinical Guideline No. 2   Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA  PDF 1MB Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA (Summary) PDF 389KB Click here to download the Presentation at the Launch of the 2nd National Clinical Guideline Prevention and Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)PDF 1.04MB  


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This booklet provides nurseries and childcare settings with comprehensive infection prevention and control advice.It includes simple, practical and easily understood guidance on the day-to-day implementation of good infection prevention and control practices, as well as specific actions to take in the event of outbreaks of infection.Areas covered include suitable childcare premises, hand hygiene, immunisation, decontamination, toys, personal items, toilets, nappy changing, laundry, food hygiene and pets.The booklet includes illustrations, diagrams, a glossary and key points to remember in each section to ensure the advice is easy for all staff to understand and pass on to others.It also provides contact details for each of the Health and Social Care early years teams in Northern Ireland.


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Little research has been conducted to date on the role of primary health care (PHC) in the prevention of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs). The present article is a theoretical study of the principle of primum non nocere and aims to promote reflection on the role of PHC in HCAI prevention with emphasis on practical recommendations. The indirect and direct roles of PHC in HCAI prevention are debated in light of this guiding principle. With respect to the indirect role of PHC, we discuss the issues of hospital-centrism and ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. The article outlines a number of challenges faced by health services related to PHC’s direct role in HCAI prevention, highlights seven key components of HCAI prevention programmes within the PHC sphere and provides practical recommendations for HCAI control and prevention.


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The Division of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control works to reduce tobacco use and the toll of tobacco-caused disease and death by preventing youth from starting, helping Iowans to quit, and preventing exposure to secondhand smoke. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death for Iowans, taking the lives of more than 4,400 adults each year. Estimated annual health care costs in Iowa directly related to tobacco use now total $1 billion.


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Last year’s UN high level meeting sought to galvanise the international community into scaling up its response to the escalating global burden of non-communicable diseases. With resources tight, D Chisholm and colleagues examine which interventions should be given priority for action and investment


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A synbiotic is a formulation containing both probiotics and prebiotics. This study aims to evaluate the effect of supplementation with a synbiotic containing Enterococcus faecium strain E1707 (NCIMB 10415) in preventing or controlling diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal signs in boarded canine radiotherapy patients. A double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled clinical trial was carried out in 21 adult dogs undergoing radiotherapy and boarded for a duration period of 2 to 3 weeks to treat their cancers. Dogs were randomly divided between two groups: A and B, the synbiotic and placebo group, respectively. The content of the sachets was added to the food once daily. Faecal score was assessed daily, and dogs were also monitored for the development of diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal signs such as weight loss, reduced appetite and vomiting. The results from descriptive statistics seem to favour group B, however these findings were not validated with inferential statistics due to insufficient statistical sample power. Because of this, it is not possible to make conclusions about the benefits of synbiotic as supportive treatment for dogs undergoing radiotherapy. All results should be considered to be preliminary, until they are elucidated by further animal inclusion.


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INTRODUCTION: Surgical site infections (SSI) are the most common hospital-acquired infections among surgical patients, with significant impact on patient morbidity and health care costs. The Basel SSI Cohort Study was performed to evaluate risk factors and validate current preventive measures for SSI. The objective of the present article was to review the main results of this study and its implications for clinical practice and future research. SUMMARY OF METHODS OF THE BASEL SSI COHORT STUDY: The prospective observational cohort study included 6,283 consecutive general surgery procedures closely monitored for evidence of SSI up to 1 year after surgery. The dataset was analysed for the influence of various potential SSI risk factors, including timing of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (SAP), glove perforation, anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance, using multiple logistic regression analyses. In addition, post hoc analyses were performed to assess the economic burden of SSI, the efficiency of the clinical SSI surveillance system, and the spectrum of SSI-causing pathogens. REVIEW OF MAIN RESULTS OF THE BASEL SSI COHORT STUDY: The overall SSI rate was 4.7% (293/6,283). While SAP was administered in most patients between 44 and 0 minutes before surgical incision, the lowest risk of SSI was recorded when the antibiotics were administered between 74 and 30 minutes before surgery. Glove perforation in the absence of SAP increased the risk of SSI (OR 2.0; CI 1.4-2.8; p <0.001). No significant association was found for anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance with the risk of SSI. The mean additional hospital cost in the event of SSI was CHF 19,638 (95% CI, 8,492-30,784). The surgical staff documented only 49% of in-hospital SSI; the infection control team registered the remaining 51%. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common SSI-causing pathogen (29% of all SSI with documented microbiology). No case of an antimicrobial-resistant pathogen was identified in this series. CONCLUSIONS: The Basel SSI Cohort Study suggested that SAP should be administered between 74 and 30 minutes before surgery. Due to the observational nature of these data, corroboration is planned in a randomized controlled trial, which is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Routine change of gloves or double gloving is recommended in the absence of SAP. Anaemia, transfusion and tutorial assistance do not increase the risk of SSI. The substantial economic burden of in-hospital SSI has been confirmed. SSI surveillance by the surgical staff detected only half of all in-hospital SSI, which prompted the introduction of an electronic SSI surveillance system at the University Hospital of Basel and the Cantonal Hospital of Aarau. Due to the absence of multiresistant SSI-causing pathogens, the continuous use of single-shot single-drug SAP with cefuroxime (plus metronidazole in colorectal surgery) has been validated.


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