1000 resultados para cambial activity


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Secondary growth of plants is of pivotal importance in terrestrial ecosystems, providing a significant carbon sink in the form of wood. As plant biomass accumulation results largely from the cambial growth, it is surprising that quite little is known about the hormonal or genetic control of this important process in any plant species. The central aim of my thesis studies was to explore the function of cytokinin in the regulation of cambial development. Since their discovery as regulators of plant cell divisions, cytokinins have been assumed to participate in the control of cambial development. Evidence for this action was deduced from hormone treatment experiments, where exogenously applied cytokinin was shown to enhance cambial cell divisions in diverse plant organs and species. In my thesis work, the conservation of cytokinin signalling and homeostasis genes between a herbaceous plant, Arabidopsis, and a hardwood tree species, Populus trichocarpa. Presumably reflecting the ancient origin of cytokinin signalling system, the Populus genome contains orthologs for all Arabidopsis cytokinin signalling and homeostasis genes. Thus, genes belonging to five main families of isopentenyl transferases (IPTs), cytokinin oxidases (CKXs), two-component receptors, histidine containing phosphotransmitters (HPts) and response regulators (RRs) were identified from the Populus genome. Three subfamilies associated with cytokinin signal transduction, the CKI1-like family of two-component receptors, the AHP4-like HPts, and the ARR22-like atypical RRs, were significantly larger in Populus genome than in Arabidopsis. Potential contribution to the extensive secondary development of Populus by the members of these considerably expanded gene families will be discussed. Representatives of all cytokinin signal transduction elements were expressed in the Populus cambial zone, and most of the expressed genes appeared to be slightly more abundant on the phloem side of the meristem. The abundance of cytokinin related genes in the cambium emphasizes the important role of this hormone in the regulation of the extensive secondary growth characteristic of tree species. The function of the pseudo HPts in primary vascular development was studied in Arabidopsis root vasculature. It was demonstrated that the pseudo HPt AHP6 has a role in locally inhibiting cytokinin signalling in the protoxylem position in the Arabidopsis root, thus enabling differentiation of the protoxylem cell file. The possible role of pseudo HPts in cambial development will be discussed. The expression peak of cytokinin signalling genes in the tree cambial zone strongly indicates that cytokinin has a role in the regulation of this meristem function. To address whether cytokinin signalling is required for cambial activity, transgenic Populus trees with modified cytokinin signalling were produced. These trees were expressing a cytokinin catabolic gene from Arabidopsis, CYTOKININ OXIDASE 2, (AtCKX2) under the promoter of a Betula CYTOKININ RECEPTOR 1 (BpCRE1). The pBpCRE1::CKX2 transgenic Populus trees showed a reduced concentration of a biologically active cytokinin, correlating with their impaired cytokinin response. Furthermore, the radial growth of these trees was compromised, as illustrated by a smaller stem diameter than in wild-type trees of the same height. Moreover, the level of cambial cytokinin signalling was down-regulated in these thin-stemmed trees. The reduced signalling correlated with a decreased number of meristematic cambial cells, implicating cytokinin activity as a direct regulator of cambial cell division activity. Together, the results of my study indicate that cytokinins are major hormonal regulators required for cambial development.


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Ao longo do século XX, poucos estudos de dendrocronologia foram desenvolvidos com espécies de ambientes tropicais, em função da crença de que as condições climáticas nessas regiões não apresentavam variações suficientemente marcantes e regulares para induzir um ritmo anual de crescimento radial. A realização de trabalhos sobre esse tema nas últimas décadas revelou que a formação de anéis de crescimento anuais nos trópicos pode estar associada a fatores diversos, como: existência de estação seca bem definida, ocorrência de inundações sazonais, respostas ao comportamento fenológico, respostas ao fotoperíodo e a ritmos endógenos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo compreender a dinâmica de crescimento radial de uma espécie da Mata Atlântica se desenvolvendo em ambiente natural. Para tanto, propôs-se: i) investigar a periodicidade da atividade cambial e dos fatores que a influenciam; ii) estimar a idade e taxa de crescimento diamétrico e iii) correlacionar os fatores ambientais com os anéis de crescimento, em indivíduos de Cedrela odorata L. Para o estudo da atividade cambial, foram obtidas amostras de caule a 1,30 m do solo, contendo periderme, faixa cambial e xilema e floema secundários, por métodos não destrutivos. A fenologia vegetativa e a frutificação dos indivíduos amostrados foram acompanhadas durante todo o período do experimento. O material coletado foi processado segundo técnicas usuais em Anatomia Vegetal e analisado sob microscopia óptica e de fluorescência. Os dados de fotoperíodo, precipitação, temperatura e fenologia vegetativa foram correlacionados à atividade cambial. Para o estudo dos anéis de crescimento, as coletas também foram realizadas a 1,30 m do solo, por meio de sonda de Pressler. As amostras obtidas foram polidas e analisadas sob microscópio estereoscópio, para demarcação e aferição do número de anéis de crescimento, e a largura dos anéis foi mensurada para a determinação das taxas de crescimento radial. A série histórica de temperatura e precipitação foi correlacionada à cronologia dos anéis de crescimento. Os resultados indicaram que a atividade cambial segue um ritmo anual de crescimento, correlacionado à sazonalidade do fotoperíodo, da precipitação e da fenologia vegetativa. A análise dos anéis de crescimento permitiu estimar a idade dos indivíduos e determinar a taxa média de incremento e as taxas de incremento diamétrico acumulado e incremento médio anual para a espécie no sítio de estudo. Os dados de incremento radial evidenciaram a ausência de relação entre a idade e o diâmetro das árvores. A análise da variação na largura dos anéis não apresentou correlações significativas com os fatores climáticos analisados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O conhecimento sobre o ritmo de crescimento radial e a idade das árvores é um aspecto básico para compreender a dinâmica das populações, bem como o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência das espécies. Nos trópicos, entretanto, estudos populacionais com este enfoque ainda são escassos, a despeito da urgente necessidade de preservação e manejo de suas florestas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo: i) Descrever a atividade cambial e o comportamento fenológico de Centrolobium robustum (Vell.) Mart. ex Benth., correlacionando estes parâmetros entre si; ii) Avaliar a influência da sazonalidade climática e do fotoperíodo sobre a atividade cambial e o comportamento fenológico e iii) Caracterizar o padrão estrutural dos anéis de crescimento e determinar, a partir destes, a idade e as taxas de crescimento radial da espécie na Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, RJ. Para a análise da atividade cambial, amostras de câmbio foram coletadas trimestralmente, processadas segundo técnicas usuais de anatomia vegetal e observadas sob microscopia ótica de campo claro, de fluorescência, de polarização e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. O acompanhamento fenológico foi realizado mensalmente e os índices de atividade e de intensidade foram utilizados para analisar as fenofases reprodutivas e vegetativas, respectivamente. Para a investigação dendrocronológica, foram coletadas amostras com auxílio de sonda de Pressler, as quais foram polidas e observadas sob microscópio estereoscópico. Os resultados evidenciaram um ciclo anual de atividade e dormência cambial, caracterizados, respectivamente, pela presença de células em processo de divisão e diferenciação junto ao câmbio e de células completamente diferenciadas e deposição de calose em elementos de tubo crivado adjacentes à zona cambial. A dormência cambial coincidiu com a senescência e queda foliar, enquanto a atividade foi mais evidente na presença de folhas adultas na copa. A sazonalidade da atividade cambial apresentou correlação significativa com os dados de temperatura, precipitação e fotoperíodo do mês de realização das coletas. Foi constatado o regime sazonal da atividade cambial em associação ao clima e ao comportamento fenológico da espécie, conferindo caráter anual aos anéis de crescimento. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer o padrão dendroecológico de C. robustum e as idades e taxas de crescimento da população estudada.


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Studies of wide-band tracheids (WBTs) have aroused the interest of researchers who have searched to understand their origin, function, and phylogenetic implications. The present research has the objective of studying the distribution of WBTs, together with anatomic aspects of vegetative organs in different stages of Pilosocereus aurisetus, in order to understand the occurrence of WBTs in columnar cacti. Transverse and longitudinal sections of the stem (apex, middle, and base) and the root were made. The epidermis was present in the photosynthetic stem, but was substituted by periderm which was already well established in the root. The differentiation of the cortex is visible in the middle of the stem, becoming homogeneous in the base. WBTs were observed in the base and middle of young stems (WBT monomorphic wood); common in stems of globular cacti. However, WBTs/ fibrous dimorphic wood was observed in the base of adult stems, a result of the cambial activity producing vessel elements and fibers. This wood polymorphism of the Cactaceae can be interpreted as cambial variation, a common character of Caryophyllales. Due to the small size of the plant, the presence of WBTs in the young stem may be related to water retention necessary for its development, rather than to physical support of the plant.


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Lianas are one of the most important components of tropical forest, and yet one of the most poorly known organisms. Therefore, our paper addresses questions on the environmental and developmental aspects that influence the growth of lianas of Bignoniaceae, tribe Bignonieae. In order to better understand their growth, we studied the stem anatomy, seasonality of formation and differentiation of secondary tissues, and the influence of the cambial variant in xylem development on a selected species: Tynanthus cognatus. Afterwards, we compared the results found in T. cognatus with 31 other species of Bignonieae to identify general patterns of growth in lianas of this tribe. We found that cambial activity starts toward the end of the rainy season and onset of the dry season, in contrast to what is known for tropical trees and shrubs. Moreover, their pattern of xylem formation and differentiation is strongly influenced by the presence of massive wedges of phloem produced by a variant cambium. Thus, the variant cambium is the first to commence its activity and only subsequently does cambial activity progress towards the center of the regular region, leading to the formation of confluent growth rings. In summary, we conclude that: the cambium responds to environmental changes; the xylem growth rings are annual and produced in a brief period of about 2 months, something that may explain why lianas possess narrow stems; and furthermore, phloem wedges greatly influence cambial activity.


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Cambial activity and periodicity of secondary xylem formation in Cedrela fissilis, a semi-ring-porous species, were studied. Wood samples were collected periodically from 1996 to 2000. The phenology was related to climate data of the region. The cambium has one active and one dormant period per year. The active period coincides with the wet season when trees leaf-out. The dormant period coincides with the dry season when trees lose their leaves. Growth rings are marked by parenchyma bands that begin to be formed, together with the small latewood vessels, just before the cambium becomes dormant at the beginning of the dry season. These bands are added to when the cambium reactivates in the wet season. At this time, the large earlywood vessels of the growth rings are also formed. As these bands consist of both terminal and initial parenchyma, we suggest the general term marginal bands be used to describe them. The growth layers vary in width among and within the trees.


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The cambial activity and periodicity of secondary xylem and phloem formation have been less studied in tropical tree species than in temperate ones. This paper describes the relationship between seasonal cambial activity, xylem and phloem development, and phenology in Schizolobium parahyba, a fast growing semideciduous seasonal forest tree from southeastern Brazil. From 2002 to 2003, wood samples were collected periodically and phenology and climate were recorded monthly in the same period. S. parahyba forms annual growth increments in wood, delimited by narrow initial parenchyma bands. The reduction of the cambial activity to a minimum correlates to the dry season and leaf fall. The higher cambial activity correlates to the wet season and the presence of mature leaves. In phloem, a larger conductive region was observed in the wet season, when the trees were in full foliage. The secondary phloem did not exhibit any incremental zone marker; however, we found that the axial parenchyma tends to form irregular bands.


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Stern anatomy and the development of intraxylary phloem were investigated in six to eight years old Coccinia indica L. (Cucurbitaceae). Secondary growth in the stems was achieved by the normal cambial activity. In the innermost part of the thicker stems, xylem parenchyma and pith cells dedifferentiated into meristematic cells at several points. In some of the wider rays, ray cells dedifferentiate and produce secondary xylem and phloem with different orientations and sometimes a complete bicollateral vascular bundle. The inner cambial segments of the bicollateral vascular bundle (of primary growth) maintained radial arrangement even in the mature stems but in most places the cambia were either inactive or showed very few cell divisions. Concomitant with the obliteration and collapse of inner phloem (of bicollateral vascular bundles), parenchyma cells encircling the phloem became meristematic forming a circular sheath of internal cambia. These internal cambia produce only intraxylary secondary phloem centripetally and do not produce any secondary xylem. In the stem, secondary xylem consisted mainly of axial parenchyma, small strands of thick-walled xylem derivatives, i.e. vessel elements and fibres embedded in parenchymatous ground mass, wide and tall rays along with exceptionally wide vessels characteristic of lianas. In thick stems, the axial parenchyma de-differentiated into meristem, which later re-differentiated into interxylary phloem. Fibre dimorphism and pseudo-vestured pits in the vessels are also reported.


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Ethylene has myriad roles as a plant hormone, ranging from senescence and defending against pathogen attacks to fruit ripening and interactions with other hormones. It has been shown to increase cambial activity in poplar, but the effect on wood formation in Arabidopsis hypocotyl has not previously been studied. The Auxin-Regulated Gene involved in Organ Size (ARGOS), which increases organ size by lengthening the time for cell division, was found to be upregulated by ethylene. We tested the effect of ethylene treatment at 10 and 100 µM ACC on three genotypes of Arabidopsis, Col0 (wild-type), an ARGOS deficient mutant (argos), and ein3-1, an ethylene insensitive mutant. ARGOS expression analysis with qPCR indicated that ACC does induce ARGOS and ARGOS-LIKE (ARL) in the hypocotyl. As seen in poplar, ethylene also decreases stem elongation.Histochemical staining, showed that ethylene changes the way secondary xylem lignifies, causing gaps in lignification around the outer edge of secondary xylem. Our results also implied that ethylene treatment changes the proportion of secondary to total xylem, resulting in less secondary, whereas in poplar, ethylene treatment caused an increase.


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Background and Aims Ongoing global warming has been implicated in shifting phenological patterns such as the timing and duration of the growing season across a wide variety of ecosystems. Linear models are routinely used to extrapolate these observed shifts in phenology into the future and to estimate changes in associated ecosystem properties such as net primary productivity. Yet, in nature, linear relationships may be special cases. Biological processes frequently follow more complex, non-linear patterns according to limiting factors that generate shifts and discontinuities, or contain thresholds beyond which responses change abruptly. This study investigates to what extent cambium phenology is associated with xylem growth and differentiation across conifer species of the northern hemisphere. Methods Xylem cell production is compared with the periods of cambial activity and cell differentiation assessed on a weekly time scale on histological sections of cambium and wood tissue collected from the stems of nine species in Canada and Europe over 1–9 years per site from 1998 to 2011. Key Results The dynamics of xylogenesis were surprisingly homogeneous among conifer species, although dispersions from the average were obviously observed. Within the range analysed, the relationships between the phenological timings were linear, with several slopes showing values close to or not statistically different from 1. The relationships between the phenological timings and cell production were distinctly non-linear, and involved an exponential pattern. Conclusions The trees adjust their phenological timings according to linear patterns. Thus, shifts of one phenological phase are associated with synchronous and comparable shifts of the successive phases. However, small increases in the duration of xylogenesis could correspond to a substantial increase in cell production. The findings suggest that the length of the growing season and the resulting amount of growth could respond differently to changes in environmental conditions.


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The presence of soluble carbohydrates in the cambial zone, either from sugars recently produced during photosynthesis or from starch remobilized from storage organs, is necessary for radial tree growth. However, considerable uncertainties on carbohydrate dynamics and the consequences on tree productivity exist. This study aims to better understand the variation in different carbon pools at intra-annual resolution by quantifying how cambial zone sugar and starch concentrations fluctuate over the season and in relation to cambial phenology. A comparison between two physiologically different species growing at the same site, i.e., the evergreen Picea abies Karst. and the deciduous Larix decidua Mill., and between L. decidua from two contrasting elevations, is presented to identify mechanisms of growth limitation. Results indicate that the annual cycle of sugar concentration within the cambial zone is coupled to the process of wood formation. The highest sugar concentration is observed when the number of cells in secondary wall formation and lignification stages is at a maximum, subsequent to most radial growth. Starch disappears in winter, while other freeze-resistant non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) increase. Slight differences in NSC concentration between species are consistent with the differing climate sensitivity of the evergreen and deciduous species investigated. The general absence of differences between elevations suggests that the cambial activity of trees growing at the treeline was not limited by the availability of carbohydrates at the cambial zone but instead by environmental controls on the growing season duration.