813 resultados para burn-out


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Aim: To explore the relationship between sources of stress and psychological burn-out and to consider the moderating and mediating role played sources of stress and different coping resources on burn-out.

Background: Most research exploring sources of stress and coping in nursing students construes stress as psychological distress. Little research has considered those sources of stress likely to enhance well-being and, by implication, learning.

Method: A questionnaire was administered to 171 final year nursing students. Questions were asked which measured sources of stress when rated as likely to contribute to distress (a hassle) and rated as likely to help one achieve (an uplift). Support, control, self-efficacy and coping style were also measured, along with their potential moderating and mediating effect on burn-out.

Findings: The sources of stress likely to lead to distress were more often predictors of wellbeing than sources of stress likely to lead to positive, eustress states. However, placement experience was an important source of stress likely to lead to eustress. Self-efficacy, dispositional control and support were other important predictors. Avoidance coping was the strongest predictor of burn-out and, even if used only occasionally, it can have an adverse effect on burn-out. Initiatives to promote support and self-efficacy are likely to have the more immediate benefits in enhancing student well-being.

Conclusion: Nurse educators need to consider how course experiences contribute not just to potential distress but to eustress. How educators interact with their students and how they give feedback offers important opportunities to promote self-efficacy and provide valuable support. Peer support is a critical coping resource and can be bolstered through induction and through learning and teaching initiatives. 


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El artículo forma parte del monográfico: Prevención y riesgos laborales del docente


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Background: Previous studies have found significant stressors experienced by nurses working in haemodialysis units yet renal nurses appear to report less burnout than other nurses. Objectives: This study aims to undertake an inductive process to better understand the stressors and the coping strategies used by renal nurses that may lead to resilience. Method: Sixteen haemodialysis nurses from a metropolitan Australian hospital and two satellite units participated in open-ended interviews. Data were analysed from a grounded theory methodology. Measures of burnout and resilience were also obtained. Results: Two major categories of stressors emerged. First, due to prolonged patient contact, family-like relationships developed that lead to the blurring of boundaries. Second, participants experienced discrimination from both patients and staff. Despite these stressors, the majority of participants reported low burnout and moderately high-to-high levels of resilience. The major coping strategy that appeared to promote resilience was emotional distancing, while emotional detachment appeared to promote burn-out. Conclusion: Assisting nurses to use emotional distancing, rather than emotional detachment strategies to engender a sense of personal achievement may promote resilience.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the connection between teachers' burn-out and professional development. In addition, the study aimed at clarifying teachers' conceptions of the significance of in-service training on work-related well-being. The theoretical starting points of the study were based on a model of burn-out (Kalimo & Toppinen1997) and a model of teachers' professional development (Niemi 1989). Present study can be seen as an independent follow-up study for a working ability project called "Uudistumisen eväät" that was followed through in Kuopio. The study was carried out in two phases. First, the connection between teachers' burn-out and professional development was charted with the help of a quantitative survey study. 131 teachers participated in the survey. Some of them were from schools that participated in the working ability project and the remainder were from other schools in Kuopio. The questionnaire consisted of self-constructed instruments of burn-out and professional development. According to the results, burn-out and professional development were strongly correlated with each other. Burn-out was summed up in three factors: emotional exhaustion, feelings of depersonalization and low feelings of personal accomplishment. Professional development was summed up in four factors: personality and pedagogical skills, learning-orientation, social skills and confronting change. Personality and pedagogical skills and skills of confronting change were correlated strongest with burn-out and its symptoms. A teacher, who has not found his/her own personal way of acting as a teacher and who considers change as something negative, is more likely to become exhausted than a teacher, who has developed his/her own pedagogical identity and who regards change more positively. In the second phase of this study, teachers' conceptions of the significance of in-service training on well-being was investigated with the help of group interviews (n=12). According to the results, the importance of in-service training was significant on the well-being of teachers. It appeared that in-service training promotes well-being by providing teachers with motivation, professional development and the possibility of taking a break from teaching and cooperating with other teachers. It has to be based on teachers' own needs. It has to be offered to teachers frequently and early enough. If teachers are already exhausted, they will neither have enough resources to participate in training, nor will they have the strength to make good use of it in practice. Both professional development and well-being are becoming more and more essential now that society is changing rapidly and the demands set on teachers are growing. Professional development can promote well-being, but are teachers too exhausted to develop themselves? Professional development demands resources and teachers may regard it as a threat and an additional strain. When the demands are so high that teachers cannot cope with them, they are likely to suffer stress and see reduction of commitment to their work and its development as a means to survive. If teachers stop caring about their work and their own development, how can we expect them to promote pupils' learning and development? It should be considered in the planning and implementation of in-service training and in arranging teachers' working conditions, that teachers have enough time and resources to develop themselves. Keywords: Teachers, burn-out, well-being, professional development, in-service training


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The electric field distribution in the super junction power MOSFET is analyzed using analytical modeling and numerical simulations in this paper. The single-event burn-out (SEB) and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) phenomena in this device are studied in detail. It is demonstrated that the super junction device is much less sensitive to SEB and SEGR compared to the standard power MOSFET. The physical mechanism is explained.


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Here we present our on-going efforts toward the development of stable ballasted carbon nanotube-based field emitters employing hydrothermally synthesized zinc oxide nanowires and thin film silicon-on-insulator substrates. The semiconducting channel in each controllably limits the emission current thereby preventing detrimental burn-out of individual emitters that occurs due to unavoidable statistical variability in emitter characteristics, particularly in their length. Fabrication details and emitter characterization are discussed in addition to their field emission performance. The development of a beam steerable triode electron emitter formed from hexagonal carbon nanotube arrays with central focusing nanotube electrodes, is also described. Numerical ab-initio simulations are presented to account for the empirical emission characteristics. Our engineered ballasted emitters have shown some of the lowest reported lifetime variations (< 0.7%) with on-times of < 1 ms, making them ideally-suited for next-generation displays, environmental lighting and portable x-rays sources. © 2012 SPIE.


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The electric current and the associated magnetic field in aluminium electrolysis cells create effects limiting the cell productivity and possibly cause instabilities: surface waving, ‘anode effects’, erosion of pot lining, feed material sedimentation, etc. The instructive analysis is presented via a step by step inclusion of different physical coupling factors affecting the magnetic field, electric current, velocity and wave development in the electrolysis cells. The full time dependent model couples the nonlinear turbulent fluid dynamics and the extended electromagnetic field in the cell, and the whole bus bar circuit with the ferromagnetic effects. Animated examples for the high amperage cells are presented. The theory and numerical model of the electrolysis cell is extended to the cases of variable cell bottom of aluminium layer and the variable thickness of the electrolyte due to the anode non-uniform burn-out process and the presence of the anode channels. The problem of the channel importance is well known Moreau-Evans model) for the stationary interface and the velocity field, and was validated against measurements in commercial cells, particularly with the recently published ‘benchmark’ test for the MHD models of aluminium cells [1]. The presence of electrolyte channels requires also to reconsider the previous magnetohydrodynamic instability theories and the dynamic wave development models. The results indicate the importance of a ‘sloshing’ parametrically excited MHD wave development in the aluminium production cells.


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Depuis le début des années 90, le réseau de la santé au Québec est soumis à une vaste restructuration qui a eu des conséquences négatives sur la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) des infirmières et infirmiers. Les hommes se retrouvent en nombre croissant dans toutes les sphères de la pratique infirmière, mais les études existantes ne font malheureusement pas mention de la qualité de vie au travail de ceux-ci. Alors, il apparaît pertinent de s’attarder au phénomène de la qualité de vie au travail des hommes infirmiers dans la profession infirmière, et ce, plus précisément en CSSS mission CLSC. Le but de cette étude phénoménologique consiste à décrire et à comprendre la signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en CSSS mission CLSC. L’essence du phénomène, les huit thèmes et les 35 sous-thèmes qui se dégagent directement des entrevues énoncent que la signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en centre de santé et des services sociaux (CSSS), mission CLSC et déclarant avoir une qualité de vie positive au travail, signifie « un climat empreint de caring qui favorise l'épanouissement de l'infirmier en CLSC en œuvrant pour le maintien de l'harmonie entre les sphères professionnelle et familiale ». Si certains résultats corroborent ceux d’études antérieures, d’autres apportent des éléments nouveaux favorisant la santé des infirmiers par le biais de la qualité de vie au travail. Enfin, des avenues concrètes visant la mise en place de programmes d’optimisation de la qualité de vie au travail, sont proposées.


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Les troubles reliés à la dépression, l’épuisement professionnel et l’anxiété sont de plus en plus répandus dans notre société moderne. La consommation croissante d’antidépresseurs dans les différents pays du monde est responsable de la récente détection de résidus à l’état de traces dans les rejets urbains municipaux. Ainsi, ces substances dites « émergentes » qui possèdent une activité pharmacologique destinée à la régulation de certains neurotransmetteurs dans le cerveau suscitent maintenant de nombreuses inquiétudes de la part de la communauté scientifique. L’objectif principal de ce projet de doctorat a été de mieux comprendre le devenir de plusieurs classes d’antidépresseurs présents dans diverses matrices environnementales (i.e. eaux de surfaces, eaux usées, boues de traitement, tissus biologiques) en développant de nouvelles méthodes analytiques fiables capables de les détecter, quantifier et confirmer par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-QqQMS, LC-QqToFMS). Une première étude complétée à la station d’épuration de la ville de Montréal a permis de confirmer la présence de six antidépresseurs et quatre métabolites N-desmethyl dans les affluents (2 - 330 ng L-1). Pour ce traitement primaire (physico-chimique), de faibles taux d’enlèvement (≤ 15%) ont été obtenus. Des concentrations d’antidépresseurs atteignant près de 100 ng L-1 ont également été détectées dans le fleuve St-Laurent à 0.5 km du point de rejet de la station d’épuration. Une seconde étude menée à la même station a permis l’extraction sélective d’antidépresseurs dans trois tissus (i.e. foie, cerveau et filet) de truites mouchetées juvéniles exposées à différentes concentrations d’effluent dilué traité et non-traité à l’ozone. Un certain potentiel de bioaccumulation dans les tissus (0.08-10 ng g-1) a été observé pour les spécimens exposés à l’effluent non-traité (20% v/v) avec distribution majoritaire dans le foie et le cerveau. Une intéressante corrélation a été établie entre les concentrations de trois antidépresseurs dans le cerveau et l’activité d’un biomarqueur d’exposition (i.e. pompe N/K ATPase impliquée dans la régulation de la sérotonine) mesurée à partir de synaptosomes de truites exposées aux effluents. Une investigation de l’efficacité de plusieurs stations d’épuration canadiennes opérant différents types de traitements a permis de constater que les traitements secondaires (biologiques) étaient plus performants que ceux primaires (physico-chimiques) pour enlever les antidépresseurs (taux moyen d’enlèvement : 30%). Les teneurs les plus élevées dans les boues traitées (biosolides) ont été obtenues avec le citalopram (1033 ng g-1), la venlafaxine (833 ng g-1) et l’amitriptyline (78 ng g-1). Des coefficients de sorption expérimentaux (Kd) calculés pour chacun des antidépresseurs ont permis d’estimer une grande sorption des composés sertraline, desméthylsertraline, paroxetine et fluoxetine sur les solides (log Kd > 4). Finalement, un excellent taux d’enlèvement moyen de 88% a été obtenu après ozonation (5 mg L-1) d’un effluent primaire. Toutefois, la caractérisation de nouveaux sous-produits N-oxyde (venlafaxine, desmethylvenlafaxine) par spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution (LC-QqToFMS) dans l’effluent traité à l’ozone a mis en lumière la possibilité de formation de multiples composés polaires de toxicité inconnue.


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Au tournant du XXe siècle, la neurasthénie – ou épuisement nerveux – est devenue une maladie populaire en Occident et jusqu’au Japon en raison de son association avec la modernité. De nombreux rapprochements ont été faits entre ce diagnostic introduit en 1869 aux États-Unis et certaines maladies contemporaines comme la dépression, le syndrome de fatigue chronique, l’épuisement professionnel et toute la panoplie des maladies causées par le stress. Les transformations socioculturelles qu’a connues le Viêt Nam sous colonisation, principalement au cours des décennies 1920 et 1930, ont été propices à la dissémination du langage des nerfs et à l’appropriation du diagnostic de neurasthénie. Ce mémoire de maîtrise en histoire se penche sur les transformations sociales survenues sous le gouvernement colonial français, dont l’urbanisation et l’instruction publique, au milieu desquelles ont émergé les nouvelles classes moyennes urbaines qui ont adopté le diagnostic de neurasthénie. À partir de la presse vietnamienne de la période, ce travail met l’accent sur l’appropriation, les causes et les traitements de la maladie. Utilisant une approche comparant la neurasthénie en Occident, au Japon et en Chine, pour ensuite présenter son entrée au Viêt Nam, il montre que la domination et donc la subalternité ont compliqué l’accès des colonisés au diagnostic de la maladie moderne neurasthénie, de même qu’à la modernité. Il fournit toutefois un éclairage sur les débuts de l’histoire du diagnostic, encore utilisé de nos jours au Viêt Nam, d’une maladie appelée « la maladie de l’époque ».


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En l’actualitat el burnout o síndrome de cremar-se per la feina és considerat un risc emergent als països occidentals essent el col·lectiu docent un dels més afectats. L’espai europeu d’educació superior proposa un nou rol pel professor que haurà de ser compaginat amb la gestió, la recerca i la transferència de coneixement. En la present recerca s’analitza el nivell de burnout en una mostra formada per 42 docents (mitjana d’edat: 37,21 anys; D.T.: 8,98; 70,8% dones) del departament de Psicologia de la Universitat de Girona. El burnout s’ha avaluat amb el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) així com amb un qüestionari d’elaboració pròpia que recull variables sociodemogràfiques, característiques del tipus de treball i de l’ús del temps lliure, el locus de control i el burnout percebut. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen valors mitjans en les puntuacions de les dimensions Cansament Emocional i Despersonalització, i valors elevats en Realització Personal. El 20,5% dels docents es percep cremat per la feina