9 resultados para bureaucratisation


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The debate about the need to build social capital and to engage local communities in public policy has become a central issue in many advanced liberal societies and developing countries. In many countries new forms of governance have emerged out of a growing realisation that representative democracy by itself is no longer sufficient. One of the most significant public policy trends in the UK has been the involvement of community organisations and their members in the delivery of national policy, mediated through local systems of governance and management. One such policy area is urban regeneration. Central government now requires local authorities in England to set up Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) to bring together stakeholders who can prepare Community Strategies and deliver social and economic programmes which target areas of deprivation. This paper reviews the key institutional processes which must be addressed, such as representation, accountability and transformation.


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A avaliação do desempenho docente tem vindo a adquirir uma centralidade crescente nos contextos educativos. Para além de razões mais abrangentes que têm a ver com a importância gradual que a avaliação adquire nas políticas educativas, considera-se que a avaliação do desempenho docente contribui para a melhoria da qualidade do trabalho docente, das aprendizagens e dos resultados escolares dos alunos. As alterações do Estatuto da Carreira Docente introduziram, a partir de 2007, a par com um novo e mais exigente sistema de avaliação, a divisão da carreira em duas categorias – professor e professor titular. Os professores titulares passaram a desempenhar funções de avaliação e coordenação dos seus colegas. Estas mudanças trouxeram alterações significativas na carreira, na profissão e no trabalho docente. O propósito deste estudo foi pesquisar, do ponto de vista da análise organizacional, o modo como foi percecionado pelos docentes o processo de avaliação do desempenho (relativo ao ciclo 2007-2009), centrando-nos, em particular, no papel desempenhado pelos professores titulares num modelo de avaliação por pares e num quadro legal de verticalização da carreira docente. Desenvolvemos este estudo num agrupamento de escolas da zona centro do território continental português seguindo uma metodologia de estudo de caso. Como principais conclusões, e tendo em conta as lógicas organizacionais de que partimos, ressalta-se: i) ao nível da lógica burocrática, a burocratização e morosidade do concurso dos professores titulares, a complexidade dos procedimentos conducentes à implementação do sistema de avaliação e o formalismo na construção dos respetivos instrumentos; ii) dentro da lógica conflitual, as tensões decorrentes da discordância com a divisão da carreira entre professor e professor titular, a atribuição aos professores titulares da função avaliativa, não tendo estes sido reconhecidos pelos seus pares com legitimidade para os avaliar, e a existência de conflitos entre os diversos intervenientes; iii) na lógica artificial, o facto de este sistema de avaliação não ter implicado alterações significativas nas práticas, tendo em conta a exígua adesão dos professores à avaliação da componente cientifico-pedagógica, a ritualização de processos e o restringir-se ao cumprimento dos requisitos mínimos.


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Initiée par Wolfgang J. Mommsen (1930-2004), la réception dominante de la pensée politique de Max Weber (1864-1920) conclut qu’il aura été un penseur précurseur au fascisme allemand. Ce mémoire revient aux textes politiques de Weber, écrits entre 1895 et 1919, afin de dégager le sens qu’il voulait leur conférer, indépendamment du rôle historique qu’ils purent jouer après sa mort. Il s’agit donc de reconstituer la pensée politique wébérienne dans le contexte social qui l’a vu naître et de saisir l’origine politique de la sociologie wébérienne de l’action. Pour y parvenir, un détour par l’histoire s’impose. Ce n’est que par la mise en relation, proposée dès le chapitre I, entre les écrits politiques et la configuration historique particulière de l’Allemagne wilhelmienne qu’il est possible de concilier deux dimensions dont l’une ou l’autre est souvent écartée des études wébériennes : l’étude d’acteurs historiques précis (Max Weber et ses contemporains) et la pensée wébérienne à proprement parler (les écrits). Nous verrons que Weber craint le processus de bureaucratisation inhérent à la sphère politique moderne de peur qu’il n’en vienne à pétrifier l’existence humaine. Le chapitre II examine l’opposition de Weber à cette « possibilité objective » afin de préserver les conditions d’une liberté individuelle authentique. C’est par la figure du chef charismatique, initialement développée dans le cadre de ses travaux scientifiques et présentée au chapitre III, que Weber croit pouvoir prévenir les pires conséquences du processus de bureaucratisation. Il s’agira alors de produire un édifice institutionnel propice à l’émergence de tels hommes politiques. Le dernier chapitre (IV) du mémoire cherche à démontrer comment Weber tente d’instrumentaliser la césarisation, second processus constitutif de la sphère politique moderne, pour l’opposer à la bureaucratisation. Sous le régime monarchiste, c’est par un renforcement des pouvoirs parlementaires qu’il compte y parvenir, mais la proclamation de la République de Weimar l’oblige à adapter son projet constitutionnel ; il propose alors la démocratie plébiscitaire de chef (Führerdemokratie). Si la conception wébérienne de la démocratie surprend, notamment par l’importance qu’elle accorde au chef, il n’en demeure pas moins que Weber met de l’avant un système politique démocratique. Loin de l’abandon de son projet politique auquel certains critiques ont conclu, la Führerdemokratie se révèle plutôt – c’est la thèse de ce mémoire — le fruit de la fidélité de Weber à ses idéaux politiques, et ce malgré les importants changements sociaux qui marquent la fin de sa vie.


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This thesis examines the British Bus and Tram Industry from 1889 to 1988. The first determinant of the pattern of industrial relations is the development of the labour-process. The labour process changes with the introduction of new technology (electrified trams and mechanised buses), the concentration and centralisation of ownership, the decline of competition, changing market position, municipal and state regulation, ownership and control. The tram industry, as a consequence of electrification, is almost wholly municipally owned and the history of the labour process from horse-trams to the decline of the industry is examined. The bus industry has a less unified structure and is examined by sector; London, Municipal, and Territorial/Provincial. The small independent sector is largely ignored. The labour process is examined from the horse-bus to the present day. The development of resistance in the labour process is discussed both as a theoretical problematic (the `Braverman Debate') and through the process of unionisation, the centralisation and bureaucratisation of the unions, the development of national bargaining structures (National Joint Industrial Council and the National Council for the Omnibus Industry), and the development of resistance to those processes. This resistance takes either a syndicalist form, or under Communist Party leadership the form of rank and file movements, or simply unofficial organisations of branch officials. The process of centralisation of the unions, bureaucratisation and the institutionalisation of bargaining and the relationship between this process and the role of the Unions in the Labour Party is examined. Neo-corporatism, that is the increasing integration of the leadership of the main Union, the T.G.W.U.with the Labour Party and with the State is discussed. In theoretical terms, this thesis considers the debate around the notion of `labour process', the relationship between labour process and labour politics and between labour process and labour history. These relationships are placed within a discussion of class consciousness.


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This thesis is concerned with certain aspects of the Public Inquiry into the accident at Houghton Main Colliery in June 1975. It examines whether prior to the accident there existed at the Colliery a situation in which too much reliance was being placed upon state regulation and too Iittle upon personal responsibility. I study the phenomenon of state regulation. This is done (a) by analysis of selected writings on state regulation/intervention/interference/bureaucracy (the words are used synonymously) over the last two hundred years, specifically those of Marx on the 1866 Committee on Mines, and (b) by studying Chadwick and Tremenheere, leading and contrasting "bureaucrats" of the mid-nineteenth century. The bureaucratisation of the mining industry over the period 1835-1954 is described, and it is demonstrated that the industry obtained and now possesses those characteristics outlined by Max Weber in his model of bureaucracy. I analyse criticisms of the model and find them to be relevant, in that they facilitate understanding both of the circumstances of the accident and of the Inquiry . Further understanding of the circumstances and causes of the accident was gained by attendance at the lnquiry and by interviewing many of those involved in the Inquiry. I analyse many aspects of the Inquiry - its objectives. structure, procedure and conflicting interests - and find that, although the Inquiry had many of the symbols of bureaucracy, it suffered not from " too much" outside interference. but rather from the coal mining industry's shared belief in its ability to solve its own problems. I found nothing to suggest that, prior to the accident, colliery personnel relied. or were encouraged to rely, "too much" upon state regulation.


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This paper examines the social dynamics of electronic exchanges in the human services, particularly in social work. It focuses on the observable effects that email and texting have on the linguistic, relational and clinical rather than managerial aspects of the profession. It highlights how electronic communication is affecting professionals in their practice and learners as they become acculturated to social work. What are the gains and losses of the broad use of electronic devices in daily lay and professional, verbal and non-verbal communication? Will our current situation be seriously detrimental to the demeanor of future practitioners, their use of language, and their ability to establish close personal relationships? The paper analyzes social work linguistic and behavioral changes in light of the growth of electronic communication and offers a summary of merits and demerits viewed through a prism emerging from Baron’s (2000) analysis of human communication.


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Le monde du travail est en constante évolution : changement rapide des nouvelles technologies, mondialisation, bureaucratisation, restructurations organisationnelles, etc. Les pratiques en orientation scolaire et professionnelle se doivent donc d'être adaptées à ces nouvelles réalités. «Ce qui auparavant s'avérait comme une aide à la définition du parcours scolaire s'est complexifiée pour devenir une aide à construire des compétences qui permettront à l'individu de s'orienter dans un contexte d'incertitude et de s'adapter constamment à de nouvelles réalités.» (Ordre professionnel des conseillers et conseillères d'orientation du Québec, 1997, p. 7). La situation des jeunes en matière d'orientation révèle de nombreux besoins non comblés, plus particulièrement au secondaire où plusieurs phénomènes démontrent l'importance de ces besoins : nombre alarmant d'échecs et d'abandons de cours, décrochage scolaire, démotivation, nombreuses réorientations et indécision vocationnelle. «Au cours des dix dernières années, nous observons une augmentation constante des difficultés d'orientation vécues par les jeunes et ce, tant en ce qui concerne la fréquence que le degré de complexité des difficultés.» (Landry, 1995, p. 21). Malgré l'importance des besoins en orientation, les services actuellement offerts dans les écoles secondaires présentent certaines lacunes. Le programme d'éducation au choix de carrière recueille peu d'intérêt chez les jeunes, les services d'orientation et d'informations scolaires et professionnelles sont insuffisants et la relation entre l'école et le marché du travail n'est pas assez évidente. Une réflexion sur les services d'orientation et d'information scolaires et professionnelles offerts dans les écoles secondaires est donc nécessaire. C'est en ce sens que la Commission des états généraux sur l’éducation s'est penchée sur cette question en 1995. L'une des principales conclusions issues de ces travaux était que «Les acteurs du milieu scolaire voudraient que la fonction d'orientation soit reconnue comme faisant partie de la mission éducative, que toute l'école soit orientante par les cheminements et les activités qu'elle offre et que chacun et chacune s'en occupe.» (tiré de Moisan, 2000, p. 23). À la suite de la tenue de ces travaux et d'autres études ou consultations publiques, une réforme scolaire a été amorcée au Québec. Entre autres, cette réforme inclut le concept d'approche orientante qui favorise l'intégration de l'orientation à l'ensemble des activités de l'école. Dès à présent et au cours des prochaines années, nos institutions scolaires devront donc incorporer un contenu d'ordre vocationnel à leur projet éducatif. Selon cette perspective, les activités instaurées par les écoles pourront être de divers ordres compte tenu de la clientèle desservie, des problématiques rencontrées et des ressources disponibles. Cependant, toutes ces activités devront faire l'objet d'une évaluation afin de répondre aux exigences du ministère de l’éducation. De quelle manière est-il possible d'évaluer l'approche orientante? C'est la question à laquelle nous nous attardons dans le cadre de cet essai. La réforme de l'éducation sera d'abord expliquée selon son historique, son contenu et ses modalités d'actualisation et d'évaluation. Par la suite, l'approche orientante ainsi que des conceptions théoriques connexes (éducation à la carrière et développement de carrière) seront abordées. Les éléments recueillis grâce à une recension d'écrits en lien avec ces concepts seront finalement analysés afin de mettre en lumière différentes façons d'évaluer l'approche orientante.


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This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves.


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This research aims to enrich the understanding of the constitution of a sense of belonging to an aboriginal community in Montreal. It has been demonstrated that there is indeed a social cohesion in Montreal based on the collective aboriginal ethnic identity, or aboriginality. This cohesion is supported by aboriginal organizations and associations, whise approaches and engagements have a direct impact on their inclusion into the community. These institutions are considered as the source of communitarian social bond in the city. By the empowerment of a shared aboriginal identity, the representation of community interests, the integration in the urban life, the service delivery to members of the middle class and the creation of secured spaces dedicated to their cultural heritage, aboriginal associations are creating social ties to the community. On the other hand, some problems like the lack of communication between organizations, their hermetic nature, their excessive bureaucratic methods, the way women in the community monopolize the institutions, the presence of non-aboriginal people as well as the gang phenomenon are all experienced in the organizations. These problems produce harmful consequences on the member’s relations to the communitarian system and reduce their participation and attendance. Also, the social bond within the native community is weakened by various factors outside the grasp of the institutions. Some internal discriminations and stereotypes, sometimes tied to the use of administrative indicators of the Canadian Aboriginal Law, the lack of a native district in Montreal, and the different socio-economic members’ situations create divisions and affect the community spirit. This thesis focuses on the native community construction in an urban area through its institutional sphere, which differs from other studies on urban Natives. The objective is to understand the urban realities and the way the urban native communities are developing themselves.