999 resultados para building slabs


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This work presents a boundary element formulation for the analysis of building floor slabs, without beams, in which columns are coupled with the plate. An alternative formulation of boundary element method is presented, which considers three nodal displacements values (w, partial derivativew/partial derivativen and partial derivativew/partial derivatives) for the nodes at the boundary of the plate. In this formulation three boundary equations are written for all nodes at the boundary and in the domain of the plate. As the nodes of the column-plate connections are also represented by three nodal values, all these structural elements can be easily coupled. It is supposed that the cross-sections of the columns remain flat after the deflection and consequently the assumption of linear variation of the stress in the plate-column contact surface is also valid. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Adaptada dos conceitos da produção enxuta, a construção enxuta é uma filosofia de gestão da produção voltada à construção civil. Dos cinco princípios enxutos em que se baseia, o que mais tem se estudado desde a publicação do Relatório Técnico n72 Aplicação da Nova Filosofia de Produção à Construção (publicado pelo CIFE Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, ligado à Universidade de Stanford, EUA) é o Fluxo Contínuo. A idéia de manter o fluxo contínuo está diretamente ligada à continuidade da produtividade, ou seja, manter a produtividade em uma taxa constante. Aplicar o conceito enxuto de fluxo contínuo através da manutenção das taxas de produtividade significa gerenciar o empreendimento de modo que a execução das atividades se mantenha de acordo com os parâmetros estabelecidos durante a fase de planejamento. Por meio de ferramentas enxutas de gerenciamento é feita a simulação em Excel de três atividades pertencentes ao processo de execução de lajes prediais de edifícios construídos em estruturas metálicas: steel deck, armação e concretagem. A elaboração da planilha possibilita a avaliação das perdas ocorridas durante a execução das atividades sob a ótica do conceito de atrasos e esperas. A soma destas perdas resulta ainda em dois efeitos distintos considerados como perdas acumuladas e perdas compensadas, proporcionando ao gerente do empreendimento dados consistentes para traçar estratégicas para eliminação do desperdício ou uma antevisão dos desperdícios que podem estar associados à execução das atividades se estas forem mal planejadas.


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Placas de granitos são amplamente empregadas no revestimento de pisos na forma de ladrilhos assentados com argamassa industrializada. Recentemente, tem crescido o interesse no uso de sistemas não aderentes (sem argamassa) com placas de rocha. Porém, na literatura muito pouco foi publicado a respeito. O presente trabalho avaliou as propriedades físico-mecânicas de três granitos com grande aceitação comercial, e determinou as espessuras necessárias para estas das placas serem usadas como lajes de 200 cm de largura por 300 cm de comprimento, apoiadas pelas quatro extremidades em vigas de concreto. As propriedades testadas para o projeto estrutural das placas de granito foram: resistência à compressão, resistência à flexão por três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e coeficiente de Poisson. Foram também determinados o coeficiente de atrito e a resistência à abrasão profunda para a avaliação do desempenho do piso, de acordo com o uso e o ambiente de exposição,. Os resultados indicaram que o charnockito Verde Labrador deve ser usado com espessura de 30 mm, restrita a ambientes internos. O sienogranito e o monzogranito podem ser empregados em ambientes internos e externos. As placas do monzogranito Cinza Castelo devem possuir espessura de 20 mm, e as do sienogranito Vermelho Brasília devem possuir 30 mm de espessura.


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A series of short and long term service load tests were undertaken on the sixth floor of the full-scale, seven storey, reinforced concrete building at the Large Building Test Facility of the Building Research Establishment at Cardington. By using internally strain gauged reinforcing bars cast into an internal and external floor bay during the construction process it was possible to gain a detailed record of slab strains resulting from the application of several arrangements of test loads. Short term tests were conducted in December 1998 and long term monitoring then ensued until April 2001. This paper describes the test programmes and presents results to indicate slab behaviour for the various loading regimes.


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Bending moment coefficients for the design of rectangular reinforced concrete panels supported on four sides with a short discontinuous edge are derived using the strip theory. The moment fields resulting from the use of proposed coefficients are examined in terms of the moment volume for possible savings in reinforcement and compared with other codified procedures. The strip coefficients averaged over the corresponding sides of the panel, besides resulting in considerable savings in reinforcement, are found to be identical with the coefficients predicted by simple yield line theory using an orthotropic layout of reinforcement.


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A method is presented for obtaining lower bound on the carrying capacity of reinforced concrete foundation slab-structures subject to non-uniform contact pressure distributions. Functional approach suggested by Vallance for simply supported square slabs subject to uniform pressure distribution has been extended to simply supported rectangular slabs subject to symmetrical non-uniform pressure distributions. Radial solutions, ideally suited for rotationally symmetric problems, are shown to be adoptable for regular polygonal slabs subject to contact pressure paraboloids with constant edge pressures. The functional approach has been shown to be well suited even when the pressure is varying along the edges.


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This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of multidirectional steel fibers reinforced concrete slabs (SFRC). The study is based on a real building application using SFRC flag slabs. For the evaluation of the slabs bearing capacity, plastic calculations are performed both at section and structure levels. The section analysis uses the perfect plastic stress-strain diagram, with reference to the values of the strength characteristics of SFRC based on previous jobs that used similar fibers and dosages. In the structure analysis the plastic yield lines method has been used. This method relates the section last bearing moment and the plastic collapse load. The experimental campaign has consisted of the testing of six 2 m. diameter circular shaped slabs prototypes, and has allowed to verify the reference resistance used in the calculations.


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This paper presents the results of an experimental study (the ultimate load capacity of composite metal decking/concrete floor slabs. Full-scale in situ testing of composite floor slabs was carried out in the Building Research Establishment's Large Building Test Facility (LBTF) at Cardington. A parallel laboratory test programme, which compared the behaviour of composite floor slabs strips, also carried out at Queen's University Belfast (QUB). Articular attention was paid to the contribution of compressive membrane action to the load carrying capacity. The results of both test programmes were compared with predictions by yield line theory and a theoretical prediction method in which the amount of horizontal restraint mid be assessed. The full-scale tests clearly demon-wed the significant contribution of compressive membrane effects to the load capacity of interior floor panels with a lesser contribution to edge/corner panels.


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The corrosion of reinforcement in bridge deck slabs has been the cause of major deterioration and high costs in repair and maintenance.This problem could be overcome by reducing the amount of reinforcement and/or altering the location.This is possible because, in addition to the strength provided by the reinforcement, bridge deck slabs have an inherent strength due to the in-plane arching forces set up as a result of restraint provided by the slab boundary conditions. This is known as arching action or Compressive Membrane Action (CMA). It has been recognised for some time that laterally restrained slabs exhibit strengths far in excess of those predicted by most design codes but the phenomenon has not been recognised by the majority of bridge design engineers. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on fifteen reinforced concrete slab strips typical of a bridge deck slab and compares them to predicted strengths using the current codes and CMA theory. The tests showed that the strength of laterally restrained slabs is sensitive to both the degree of external lateral restraint and the concrete compressive strength.The tests particularly highlighted the benefits in strength obtained from very high strength concrete slabs. The theory extends the existing knowledge of CMA in slabs with concrete compressive strengths up to 100 N/mm[2] and promotes more economical and durable bridge deck construction by utilising the benefits of high strength concrete.


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The deterioration of infrastructure, such as bridges, has been one of the major challenges facing both the designers and the owners of such utilities. Sustainable development and a climate of increasing commercialism has led to a requirement for more accurate means of structural analysis. Bridge assessment is one area where this is particularly relevant. It has been known for some time that bridge deck slabs have inherent enhanced strength due to the presence of arching or compressive membrane action (CMA) but only in recent years has there been some acceptance of a rational treatment of this phenomenon for design and assessment purposes. To use the benefits of arching action, this paper presents the results of tests carried out on a reinforced-concrete beam and slab bridge in Northern Ireland that incorporated novel reinforcement type and position. The research was aimed at extending previous laboratory tests on 1/3scale bridge deck edge panels. The measured crack widths and deflections have been compared with the current code requirements.


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This paper summarises the results obtained from non-linear finite-element analysis (NLFEA) of a series of reinforced-concrete one-way slabs with various boundary conditions representative of a bridge deck slab strip in which compressive membrane action governs the structural behaviour. The application of NLFEA for the optimum analysis and design of in-plane restrained concrete slabs is explored. An accurate material model and various equation solution methods were assessed to find a suitable finite-element method for the analysis of concrete slabs in which arching action occurs. Finally, the results from the NLFEA are compared and validated with those from various experimental test data. Significantly, the numerical analysis was able to model the arching action that occurred as a result of external in-plane restraint at the supports and which enhanced the ultimate strength of the slab. The NLFEA gave excellent predictions for the ultimate load-carrying capacity and far more accurate predictions than those obtained using standard flexural or elastic theory.


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Punching failure is the common failure mode in concrete bridge deck slabs when these structural components are subjected to local patch loads, such as tyre loads. Past research has shown that reinforced concrete slabs in girder–slab type bridges have a load-carrying capacity far greater than the ultimate static loads predicted by traditional design methods, because of the presence of compressive membrane action. However, due to the instability problems from punching failure, it is difficult to predict ultimate capacities accurately in numerical analyses. In order to overcome the instability problems, this paper establishes an efficient non-linear finite-element analysis using the commercial finite-element package Abaqus. In the non-linear finite-element analysis, stabilisation methods were adopted and failure criteria were established to predict the ultimate punching behaviour of deck slabs in composite steel–concrete bridges. The proposed non-linear finite-element analysis predictions showed a good correlation on punching capacities with experimental tests.