977 resultados para building site logistics
Feb. 1980.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tarvitseeko Starkki Oy Ab keskusvarastotoimintoja rakennustyömaan toimitusketjussa. Tutkimuksen teoriaosa esittelee reagoivan toimitusketjun hallinnan menetelmiä ja jakelun merkitystä toimitusketjussa. Lisäksi teoriaosassa esitellään kumppanuus-ajattelun perusteita. Empiriaosassa esitellään kohdeyritys, rakennustyömaan logistiikkaa tällä hetkellä ja pohditaan kolmea erilaista yrityksen jakelurakennetta. Tutkimus on kuvaileva. Rakennustyömaan logistiikan voidaantodeta jäävän helposti materiaalitoimittajien vastuulle. Vaikka materiaalitoimittajat pysyvätkin yleensä sovitussa aikataulussa, ei rakennustyömaa itsessään siinä välttämättä onnistu. Tämä johtaa rakentamisen logistiikan hallitsemattomuuteen ja rakentamisen tehokkuuden heikkenemiseen. Ongelma voidaan kuitenkin välttäätehokkaalla informaation jakamisella ja rakennustyömaan toimitusketjun läpi ulottuvalla yhteistyöllä.
Building site, tower and elevator. No. 1 of chronological series of construction photographs, numbered 1 to 32. Smith, Hinchman & Grylls, architects. W.B. Wood Co., construction. Frieze Building in background
Recent surveys showing LGBT professionals’ heightened experience of homophobia on building site visits can be considered in the context of a growing body of literature on the gender and sexual identity in construction work. This analysis offers a theoretical perspective on the practical issues, examining the embodied nature of professionalism and the performative nature of the construction site visit: an instance where an intertwined personal/professional identity is on parade, confronting the dominant identities of the site, and thus itself challenged. The work draws on Goffman’s theories of social interaction and the works of Bourdieu on the nature of practice.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o cálculo e desenvolvimento de um projecto estrutural de um edifício público. O edifício em questão será construído em Camama, Angola. Ao longo deste trabalho são apresentadas as diferentes etapas necessárias para a conceção do projeto estrutural de um edifício em betão armado. As opções consideradas na realização deste projeto e as respetivas justificações, podem ser encontradas ao longo deste documento. Estas são reforçadas através da apresentação de plantas estruturais com os seus elementos e os cálculos considerados necessários. Este trabalho foi elaborado com o apoio do programa de cálculo ROBOT Structural Analysis para a caracterização e análise das ações atuantes. Apesar da localização do edifício ser em Angola, as ações e as bases de projeto são definidas de acordo com as normas portuguesas. A utilização destas normas foi possível através de referências comuns a ambos os países, bem como algumas considerações tendo em conta as condições de construção em Luanda. Para a definição do projeto estrutural foram fornecidas as plantas de arquitetura, cortes e alçados do edifício. Estas plantas apresentam os respetivos materiais não estruturais, a utilizar após a sua construção. Em adição foi fornecida uma sondagem geotécnica do terreno de construção.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella toimiva jätehuoltoPohjois-Karjalan keskussairaalan alueelle vuosina 2007-2008 rakennettavaan laajennus K:hon. Tavoitteena oli löytää kustannustehokas ja hyvin vanhan rakennuskannan logistiikan kanssa yhteen toimiva jätehuollon vaihtoehto. Suunnittelua ohjasivat lakien, asetusten ja muiden määräyksien ohella laajennuksen pitkälle edennyt suunnitteluvaihe ja vanhan rakennuskannan jätehuollon toimintatavat. Jätehuolto on yksi merkittävä osa sairaalan perustehtävää palvelevista tukitoiminnoista. Jätehuoltojärjestelmä on sairaanhoitotyötä palveleva, jos järjestelyt ovat loogisia, toimivia ja logistiset yhteydet ovat mahdollisimman lyhyitä. Nykyinen ihmistyövoiman käyttöön perustuva jätehuollon prosessi on esitetty varsin tarkasti, sillä laajennuksen jätehuoltosuunnitelman on käytännön syistä pohjauduttava nykyiseen toimintatapaan. Työssä esitetään uusia jätehuollon vaihtoehtoja kustannusarvioineen, mutta ehdotukset jäävät lähinnä visiotasolle laajennuksen pitkälle ehtineen suunnitteluvaiheen vuoksi. Konkreettiset vaihtoehdot koskevat jätejakeiden keräystä ja niiden kuljetuksia. Keskus sairaalan jätehuollon tehostaminen vaatii kokonaisvaltaisen jätehuoltosuunnitelman laatimista koko sairaalan alueelle. Sen myötä on mahdollista lisätä kustannustehokkuutta ottamalla käyttöön teknisiä ratkaisuja. Jätehuoltosuunnitelma laajennukseen on työssä tehty, mutta työn suurimmaksi saavutukseksi jää kuitenkin esitys myöhempien hakkeiden jätehuollon suunnittelun aikaistamisesta jo hankesuunnitteluvaiheeseen.
Renovating the old Student Union patio, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. The Australian tea trees were moved from the music building site. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Renovating the old Student Union patio, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1973. The Australian tea trees were moved from the music building site. Originally the manual arts building and bus repair garage for Orange Union High School. Building annex additions through 1975 increased the size to 19,680 sq. ft. Used as a student union by Chapman College. In 1996 the building became the Cecil B. DeMille Hall, housing the Film and TV department.
Literacy Practices in Upper Secondary School. The Writing of Construction and Health CarePupilsThe aim of the dissertation is to demonstrate and explain the place and function writing has in allsubjects in two vocational classes in a Swedish upper secondary school. The material has beencollected through ethnographic field studies in construction and health care classes over one schoolyear. The material consists of literacy events, where pupils write, and the context of situation andtext are noted.In theoretical terms the study takes a discourse analysis perspective, where writing is seen fromwithin different frames. Writing is analysed based on an ideological view of literacy inspired byNew Literacy Studies using the context of situation and text with the aim of describing differentliteracy practices in both classes.The material was classified into three different situation types, two school-initiated and one nonschool-initiated. The first school-initiated situation type is orally-governed, the second writinggoverned,while it is less clear how the non-school-initiated type is inspired.In the writing situations we investigate the writing activities that are used, while texts areanalysed based on text acitivites. Writing and text activities are used together to explain the writingcompetences that are used in the writing situations.The conclusions are that writing gets little space and attention in both classes. The healthcare class writes in more situations and also writes longer texts than the construction class.Literacy practices differ between the classes. The health care class demonstrates one schoolgovernedwriting practice, while the construction class moves between two different schoolgovernedpractices. The literacy practices in the construction class are similar to the writing usagethat can be found at a building site. Writing is used in both classes mainly to structure and storeknowledge.The non-school-governed material also shows differences between the classes. Here too morewriting takes place in the health care class. The function of the non-school-governed writing is tocommunicate and inform through writing.
Identificando a segurança do trabalho como um fator de produtividade, a presente pesquisa analisa a situação da segurança do trabalho na Indústria da Construção civil no Rio Grande do Sul, mais especificamente na Região da Grande Porto Alegre, baseando-se em levantamento das condições de funcionamento dos Serviços Especializados em Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho de 14 empresas da região e na análise de 3.450 acidentes ocorridos nos anos de 1981, 1982 e 1º trimestre de 1983. O levantamento dos 3,450 acidentes, além de propiciar uma análise de custo do tempo de afastamento do acidentado, objetivou o conhecimento de variáveis que exercem influência na ocorrência de acidentes: a profissão, dia da semana, hora e etapa da obra (com quem, quando e onde ocorrem acidentes em um canteiro de obras). A partir desse estudo, sgo sugeridas medidas para a i-m plementação dos serviqos de segurança das empresas.
The companies are part of an important segment of the society, besides, it exercises a significant contribution, being also responsible for helping in the improvement of the quality of life of the population. Like this being, to present research looked for to investigate the perception that the entrepreneurs of the building site of Aracaju/SE have concerning the theme Business Social Responsibility (RSE). besides the perceptions, it was part also of the research, to know the entrepreneur's of the building site social construction and the possible practices of Social Responsibility. The research grew in two different moments. The first looked for the theoretical embasamento, trying to study the economical sociology, understanding the effects provoked by the economy, understanding to you reason them that you/they took to the appearance of the perceptions that you/they permeate the historicity among the market, the nascedouro of the associations as company and his/her dynamics in the society. It was also researched, the concept of social responsibility in national and local extent, as well as, the contextualização of the state of Sergipe, detaching the municipal district of Aracaju, and describing how it happened his/her development starting from what is considered urbanization. In the second moment, the accomplishment of interviews in five companies, allowed to notice the entrepreneurs' perception concerning business social responsibility, as well as, actions of different characteristics in four of the samples. In these actions, they are patronage in cultural events, donations of projects for charity institutions, the concern with the preservation of the environment in the use of work materials ecologically correct, preventive health and employees' training. Concluding the research, I introduce the conclusions which it allowed to arrive me, and I point some suggestions for future researches that enlarge the reflection on this theme
The present work has the objective of presenting an investigation about the quantification, classification and destination of the waste of construction and demolition (RCD) in the city of Natal - RN, focusing the aspects of the environmental impacts and the strategic importance of the environmental administration in the earnings of productivity of the companies. Of the environmental point of view the research intends to identify and to quantify the monthly and annual production of RCD in the city, as well as to know the places of deposition of those residues. To reach the objectives of the study, an exploratory and descriptive research was accomplished, using a questionnaire with closed subjects and an open one, applied in 25 entrepreneurs of the branch of the building site, being 21 builders and 4 entrepreneurs of collection companies and removal dumps. As form of analysis of the data, the descriptive analysis was used and of crossing. The production engineering considers important the insert of best production practices and administration of the product in the companies, with views to the increase of your competitiveness, productivity earnings and improvement of the environmental aspects with views to the consumer's satisfaction, in that case the buyer of immobile. The principal results of the investigation demonstrate that there was not great variability of answers with relationship to the interviewees opinion in what he refers to the environmental practices. In your majority the building site interviewees entrepreneurs evidenced the absence of the public power, particularly the city hall of Natal, in the control, fiscalization and creation of mechanisms for a correct destination of RCD, as well as for your reuse and recycle. On the other hand also it was evident that the recycle or the reuse of RCD on the part of the companies is a rare practice and a lot of times inexistent, although the entrepreneurs' of the building site section great majority recognizes that would have won of productivity with the correct and intensive use of such measures
This research refers to the production of green buildings, defined, mainly, based on the use of sources of alternative energies, smaller emission of pollutant, use of recyclable materials, systems of recycling of the waters, maximization of the natural illumination, preservation of green areas or native, and appropriate quality of the internal air. From the conception of those buildings, it appears the needs of evaluating them, creating the methodologies for the evaluation of environmental performance of buildings. In that way, this work can be divided in two moments: the first one when it identifies the methodologies for the evaluation of environmental performance for buildings existents in the literature, defining their categories, criteria and sub-criteria to be appropriate to the reality of the Brazilian Northeast; and the second one when starting from the analysis of the systems of existent evaluation. It defines a methodological base and it generates a new evaluation system, denominated MEDACNE (Methodology of Evaluation of Environmental Acting for Construction in the Northeast). In that moment, the process of framing of the section of the building site is verified under the maintainable optics, stimulated mainly by the pressures of the society - conferences, protocols and agreements. Finally, the proposed methodology was applied in a case study, a residential building, called Maria José Gurgel , located in Natal-RN, Brazil, for its validation. This methodological proposition should increase the patterns environmental places for the production of new buildings, and it will be a reference guide for architects, engineers and planners to develop their constructions considering the criteria of the sustainability. This study made use of bibliographical research in books and specialized magazines and the analysis of the data was realized in an interpretative way
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC