999 resultados para brush machine


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Työssä on pyritty löytämään ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja pesulaitteen horisontaalisen harjan nostomekanismin parantamiseksi. Nostomekanismia pyrittiin kehittämään vähemmän huoltoa vaativaksi, toimintavarmemmaksi sekä kustannuksiltaan halvemmaksi. Uusia vaihtoehtoja mekanismille pyrittiin löytämään järjestelmällisen ideoinnin avulla, käyttäen hyödyksi alan kirjallisuutta, käytössä olevia pesulaitteita sekä jokapäiväisessä elämässä eteen tulleita havaintoja. Korroosiota aiheuttavat olosuhteet, horisontaalisen harjakokoonpanon pitkä liikerata sekä paino asettavat erityisvaatimuksia uudelle mekanismille. Lisäksi mekanismin täytyy liikuttaa harjaa vertikaalisessa suunnassa vakiona pysyvällä nopeudella. Valittuja ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja tarkasteltiin pistearvioinnin avulla ennen jatkokehittelyn aloittamista. Alustavassa komponenttien mitoituksessa pyrittiin mekanismin komponenteille löytämään oikea valmistusmateriaali sekä komponenttien geometriset mitat. Mekanismin valmistuskustannuksia eri valmistusmenetelmien kesken kartoitettiin yhteydenotoilla eri konepajojen kanssa. Alustavien kustannuslaskelmien perusteella jatkokehittelyyn otetun mekanismin kustannukset on 70 prosenttia pienemmät kuin nykyisen mekanismin kustannukset. Osien vähyys sekä mekanismin yksinkertaisuus lisää nostomekanismin luotettavuutta sekä vähentää tarvittavia huoltotoimenpiteitä.


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In Australia, the Queensland fruit fly (B. tryoni), is the most destructive insect pest of horticulture, attacking nearly all fruit and vegetable crops. This project has researched and prototyped a system for monitoring fruit flies so that authorities can be alerted when a fly enters a crop in a more efficient manner than is currently used. This paper presents the idea of our sensor platform design as well as the fruit fly detection and recognition algorithm by using machine vision techniques. Our experiments showed that the designed trap and sensor platform is capable to capture quality fly images, the invasive flies can be successfully detected and the average precision of the Queensland fruit fly recognition is 80% from our experiment.


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Energy efficient lubricants are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to a global increase in environmental awareness combined with the potential of reducing operating costs. A new test method of evaluating the energy efficiency of gear oils has been described in this report. The method involves measuring the power required by an FZG test rig to run while using a particular test lubricant. For each oil that was being evaluated, the rig was run for 10 minutes at a load stage of 10. Six extreme pressure (EP) industrial gear oils of mineral base were tested. The difference in power requirements between the best and the worst performing oils was 2.77 and 3.24 kW, respectively. This equates to a 14.6% reduction in power, a significant amount if considered in relation to a high powered industrial machine. The oils of superior performance were noticed to run at reduced temperatures. They were also more expensive than the other products of lesser performance.


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In this paper, the train scheduling problem is modelled as a blocking parallel-machine job shop scheduling (BPMJSS) problem. In the model, trains, single-track sections and multiple-track sections, respectively, are synonymous with jobs, single machines and parallel machines, and an operation is regarded as the movement/traversal of a train across a section. Due to the lack of buffer space, the real-life case should consider blocking or hold-while-wait constraints, which means that a track section cannot release and must hold the train until next section on the routing becomes available. Based on literature review and our analysis, it is very hard to find a feasible complete schedule directly for BPMJSS problems. Firstly, a parallel-machine job-shop-scheduling (PMJSS) problem is solved by an improved shifting bottleneck procedure (SBP) algorithm without considering blocking conditions. Inspired by the proposed SBP algorithm, feasibility satisfaction procedure (FSP) algorithm is developed to solve and analyse the BPMJSS problem, by an alternative graph model that is an extension of the classical disjunctive graph models. The proposed algorithms have been implemented and validated using real-world data from Queensland Rail. Sensitivity analysis has been applied by considering train length, upgrading track sections, increasing train speed and changing bottleneck sections. The outcomes show that the proposed methodology would be a very useful tool for the real-life train scheduling problems