27 resultados para bruchid
Genetic differentiation is a consequence of the combination of drift and restriction in gene flow between populations due to barriers to dispersal, or selection against individuals resulting from inter-population matings In phytophagous insects, local adaptation to different kinds of host plants can sometimes lead to reproductive isolation and thus to genetic structuring, or even to speciation Acanthoscelides. obtectus Say is a bean bruchid specialized on beans of the Phaseolus vulgaris group, attacking both wild and domesticated forms of P vulgaris., and P coccineus This study reveals that the genetic structure of populations of this bruchid is explained mainly by their geographical location and is not related to a particular kind (wild or domesticated) of bean In contrast, the species of bean might have led, to some extent, to genetic structuring in these bruchids, although our sampling is too limited to address such process unambiguously. If confirmed, it would corroborate preliminary results found for the parasitoid species that attack Acanthoscelides species, which might show a genetic structure depending on the species of host plant
Seed coat is a specialized maternal tissue that interfaces the embryo and the external environment during embryogenesis, dormancy and germination. In addition, it is the first defensive barrier against penetration by pathogens and herbivores. Here we show that Albizia lebbeck seed coat dramatically compromises the oviposition, eclosion and development of the bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus. Dietary supplementation of bruchid larvae with A. lebbeck seed coat flour causes severe weight loss and reduces survival. By means of protein purification, mass spectrometry and bioinformatic analyses, we show that chitin-binding vicilins are the main source of A. lebbeck tegumental toxicity to C. maculatus. At concentrations as low as 0.1%, A. lebbeck vicilins reduce larval mass from 8.1 ± 1.7 (mass of control larvae) to 1.8 ± 0.5 mg, which corresponds to a decrease of 78%. Seed coat toxicity constitutes an efficient defense mechanism, hindering insect predation and preventing embryo damage. We hypothesize that A. lebbeck vicilins are good candidates for the genetic transformation of crop legumes to enhance resistance to bruchid predation.
Callosobruchus maculatus has for years remained a serious menace in cowpea in Sub-Sahara Africa. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of genotypic cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) varieties, time and dose on C. maculatus exposed to powders of Piper guineense and Eugenia aromatica. Irrespective of duration and botanicals, bruchid reared on KDV showed the highest tolerance to both plant materials; while their counterparts from IAR48V were the most susceptible. Median lethal time (LT50) also varied according to the plant materials; with the highest in KDV reared bruchid [P. guineense: KDV (18.31), IAR48V (9.27), IFBV (13.17); E. aromatica: KDV (76.01), IAR48V (5.59), IFBV (6.49)]. There was a significant impact of cowpea variety (V), exposure time (T) and dose (D) on the tolerance of C. maculatus to both plant materials. The effect of all two-way (VxT, VxD, DxT) and three way interactions (V×T×D) on the tolerance of C. maculatus to both plant materials was also significant. Varietal effect was more pronounced in bruchids exposed to E. aromatica; while exposure time was more pronounced in bruchids exposed to P. guineense.
Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries have been widely used in different aspects of genome research. In this paper we report the construction of the first mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) BAC libraries. These BAC clones were obtained from two ligations and represent an estimated 3.5 genome equivalents. This correlated well with the screening of nine random single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism probes, which detected on average three BACs each. These mungbean clones were successfully used in the development of two PCR-based markers linked closely with a major locus conditioning bruchid (Callosobruchus chinesis) resistance. These markers will be invaluable in facilitating the introgression of bruchid resistance into breeding programmes as well as the further characterisation of the resistance locus.
The inadvertent inclusion of weevil-infested seeds when evaluating seed predation by vertebrates, and particularly rodents, may lead to an overestimation of predation rates, thereby confusing the roles of rodents and invertebrates as ecological filters. A study of weevils, rodents and Syagrus romanzoffiana palm seeds indicates the usefulness of X-rays to improve evaluation of invertebrate seed predation.
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds are heavily damaged during storage by the bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus. Seeds of some Nigerian varieties showed a strong resistance to this bruchid. By utilizing biochemical and entomological techniques we were able to rule out the paticipation of proteolytic enzyme (trypsin, chimotrypsin, subtilisin and papain) inhibitors, lectins, and tannins in the resistance mechanisms. Fractionation of the seed meal of a resistant variety suggests that the factor(s) responsible for the effect is (are) concentrate in the globulin fraction.
Vertebrates show different tendencies in regard to their preference for seeds or fruits infested by insects compared to non-infested ones. Behaviour may include rejection of one type, preferential consumption of one type or no differentiation among them. When comparing infested versus non-infested fruits, most studies have focused on energy content and nutritional components of the food items; but the energy input provided to the consumer is a better measure for the comparison of the value of each type of food. In this study, I calculated the energy assimilated by rodents for the seeds of the palm Attalea butyracea contained in non-infested endocarps and from bruchid beetle larvae contained in infested endocarps. Using the energy assimilation and time of handling by rodents for both types of endocarps, I quantitatively demonstrated that both infested and non-infested endocarps produce a similar energy input. This finding is consistent with the previous hypothesis that there is a trade-off between the energy content and the time required to extract the insect larvae compared with the seeds in endocarps of Attalea butyracea.
Three guilds of bruchid beetles oviposit on seeds at different times and in different ways, i. e., in these guilds some species only oviposit on fruits while on the plant (Guild A), other species only oviposit on seeds exposed in fruits while still on the plant (Guild B) and some only oviposit on seeds once they are exposed on the substrate (Guild C). It has been established that one plant species may be oviposited upon by all three guilds, some only by two guilds and some by only one guild. Before and after the inception of this concept many papers have been published that seem to establish that early oviposition behavior of bruchids was probably onto fruits where they burrowed through the fruit wall and fed on seeds (Guild A). Then, as evolution of the fruits developed for dispersal of seeds and possible escape from bruchid predation, bruchids developed to feed in seeds in various other ways (Guilds B and C). Our data show that about 78% of extant bruchids oviposit on fruits, and the other 22% with behavior of Guilds B and C. A review of these papers and new data on oviposition guilds and bruchid evolution are presented and discussed here.
Despite the presence of a family of defense proteins, Phaseolus vulgaris can be attacked by bruchid insects resulting in serious damage to stored grains. The two distinct active forms of a-amylase inhibitors, a-AI1 and a-AI2, in P. vulgaris show different specificity toward a-amylases. Zabrotes subfasciatus a-amylase is inhibited by a-AI2 but not by a-AI1. In contrast, porcine a-amylase is inhibited by a-AI1 but not by a-AI2. The objective of this work was to understand the molecular basis of the specificity of two inhibitors in P. vulgaris (a-AI1 and a-AI2) in relation to a-amylases. Mutants of a-AI2 were made and expressed in tobacco plants. The results showed that all the a-AI2 mutant inhibitors lost their activity against the insect a-amylases but none exhibited activity toward the mammalian a-amylase. The replacement of His33 of a-AI2 with the a-AI1-like sequence Ser-Tyr-Asn abolished inhibition of Z. subfasciatus a-amylase. From structural modeling, the conclusion is that the size and complexity of the amylase-inhibitor interface explain why mutation of the N-terminal loop and resultant abolition of Z. subfasciatus a-amylase inhibition are not accompanied by gain of inhibitory activity against porcine a-amylase.
The presence of phaseolin (a vicilin-like 7S storage globulin) peptides in the seed coat of the legume Phaseolus lunatus L. (lima bean) was demonstrated by N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Utilizing an artificial seed system assay we showed that phaseolin, isolated from both cotyledon and testa tissues of P. lunatus, is detrimental to the nonhost bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus (F) (cowpea weevil) with ED50 of 1.7 and 3.5%, respectively. The level of phaseolin in the seed coat (16.7%) was found to be sufficient to deter larval development of this bruchid. The expression of a C. maculatus-detrimental protein in the testa of nonhost seeds suggests that the protein may have played a significant role in the evolutionary adaptation of bruchids to legume seeds.
The presence of chitin in midgut structures of Callosobruchus maculatus larvae was shown by chemical and immunocytochemical methods. Detection by Western blotting of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seed vicilins (7S storage proteins) bound to these structures suggested that C. maculatus-susceptible vicilins presented less staining when compared to C. maculatus-resistant vicilins. Storage proteins present in the microvilli in the larval midgut of the bruchid were recognized by immunolabeling of vicilins in the appropriate sections with immunogold conjugates. These labeling sites coincided with the sites labeled by an anti-chitin antibody. These results, taken together with those previously published showing that the lower rates of hydrolysis of variant vicilins from C. maculatus-resistant seeds by the insect's midgut proteinases and those showing that vicilins bind to chitin matrices, may explain the detrimental effects of variant vicilins on the development of C. maculatus larvae.
Cette étude vise à comparer l’histoire évolutive des parasitoïdes du genre Horismenus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) à celle de leurs hôtes bruches (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) et plante hôte (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivée dans le contexte d’agriculture traditionnelle, au sein de son centre de domestication Mésoaméricain. Nous avons analysé la structure génétique de 23 populations de quatre espèces de parasitoïdes au Mexique, en utilisant un fragment du gène mitochondrial COI afin de les comparer aux structures précédemment publiées des hôtes bruches et du haricot commun. Nous avons prédit que les structures génétiques des populations d’hôtes (bruches et plante) et de parasitoïdes seraient similaires puisque également influencées par la migration entremise par l’humain (HMM) étant donnée que les parasitoïdes se développent telles que les bruches à l’intérieur des haricots. Compte tenu des stratégies de manipulation reproductive utilisées par l’alpha-protéobactérie endosymbionte Wolbachia spp. pour assurer sa transmission, la structure génétique des populations de parasitoïdes inférée à partir du génome mitochondrial devrait être altérée conséquemment à la transmission conjointe des mitochondries et des bactéries lors de la propagation de l’infection dans les populations de parasitoïdes. Les populations du parasitoïde H. missouriensis sont infectées par Wolbachia spp. Tel que prédit, ces populations ne sont pas différenciées (FST = 0,06), ce qui nous empêche d’inférer sur une histoire évolutive parallèle. Contrairement aux bruches, Acanthoscelides obtectus et A. ovelatus, la HMM n'est pas un processus contemporain qui influence la structure génétique des populations du parasitoïde H. depressus, étant donné la forte différenciation (FST = 0,34) qui existe entre ses populations. La structure génétique observée chez H. depressus est similaire à celle de sa plante hôte (i.e. dispersion aléatoire historique à partir d'un pool génique ancestral très diversifié) et est probablement le résultat d’un flux génique important en provenance des populations de parasitoïdes associées aux haricots spontanées à proximité des champs cultivés. L’étude de l’histoire évolutive intégrant plusieurs niveaux trophiques s’est avérée fructueuse dans la détection des différentes réponses évolutives entre les membres du module trophique face aux interactions humaines et parasitaires, et montre la pertinence d’analyser les systèmes écologiques dans leur ensemble.
Three bruchid pest species, Callosobruchus maculatus, Callosobruchus chinensis and Callosobruchus rhodesianus, were studied for their response to insecticide toxicity taking into account the separate and interactive effects of temperature and pre-adult food. The food types used were cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and mungbean (Vigna radiata). Callosobruchus maculatus was the most tolerant to malathion and the least affected by temperature change while C. rhodesianus was the least tolerant. Over a 4 C range (23, 25, 27 C), there was generally a significant impact of temperature on the tolerance of the three species to the insecticide. The food type on which the insects developed influenced considerably the degree of insecticide tolerance. Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis populations reared onmungbean had higher tolerance to malathion than their counterparts reared on cowpea, but the opposite was observed in C. rhodesianus populations. The food influence in this study suggested an ancestral cause or fitness cost depending on the species. The interaction of food-by-temperature had no significant effect on malathion toxicity to this genus. Correlation analysis showed C. chinensis to be relatively less sensitive to insecticide concentration over the range studied compared with the other two species.
The impact of cowpea variety on the response of cowpea bruchid, Callosobruchus maculatus, to malathion was investigated. The interaction of six cowpea varieties (Adamawa Brown, Ife BPC, Ife Brown, Lilongwe, Ntcheu and NCRI-L25) with the geographical strains of C. maculatus (Brazil and Cameroon), temperature (23, 25, 27 C) and insecticide concentration were considered. Cowpea variety (V) had an unpredictable effect on C. maculatus response to malathion. Bruchid populations produced by Ife BPC were the most susceptible to malathion while those yielded by NCRI-L25 were the most tolerant. Regardless of the cowpea variety, the Brazil strain showed higher tolerance than the Cameroon strain. There was significant effect of temperature (T) and insecticide concentration (C) on malathion tolerance in both strains (S). Likewise, there was significant impact of all two-way interactions on cowpea bruchid tolerance except V x C. Significant three-way interactions on C. maculatus tolerance to malathion was only observed in S T V and S T C. The predictability of changing one of the factors on the susceptibility of C. maculatus to insecticide was very low. This study suggests a need to take the insecticide tolerance of insect populations produced by novel varieties into account during plant breeding in addition to factors such as yield and resistance to insect and disease attack.
This study investigated the multifactorial interaction of various environmental factors including 17 geographical strain (Brazil, Cameroon and Yemen strains), temperature, dose and larval food 18 (cowpea and mungbean) on the response of Callosobruchus maculatus adult to insecticide. All 19 the main factors, their two-way interactions and the four-way interaction had significant effects 20 on C. maculatus response to malathion (an organophosphate insecticide). However, the three-21 way interactions were not statistically significant (except strain x food x dose, P = 0.002). The 22 2 Brazil strain was the most responsive to temperature irrespective of the larval food type. The 23 impact of food type differs from one strain to the other, for instance, the food that imparts higher 24 tolerance in a strain might reduce the tolerance in another. Likewise, the hierarchy of tolerance 25 among the cowpea-reared strains (Brazil > Cameroon > Yemen) was totally different from the 26 mungbean-reared strains (Cameroon > Yemen > Brazil). The reasons for these differences were 27 discussed in the light of their impact on C. maculatus management. The management of both C. 28 maculatus and development of resistance could be complex, hence, the states of a variety of 29 environmental factors need to be considered. This is necessary in order to maximize management 30 success of this bruchid especially in tropical/subtropical developing countries.