998 resultados para breathing muscle


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Mouth breathing may cause changes in muscle activity, because an upper airway obstruction leads may cause a person to extend his/her head forward, demanding a higher inspiratory effort on the accessory muscles (sternocleidomastoids). This purpose of this study is to compare, using electromyography (EMG), the activity pattern the sternocleidomastoid and upper trapezius muscles in mouth breathing children and nasal breathing children. Forty-six children, ages 8-12 years, 33 male and 13 female were included. The selected children were divided into two groups: Group I consisted of 26 mouth breathing children, and Group II, 20 nasal breathing children. EMG recordings were made using surface electrodes bilaterally in the areas of the sternocleidomastoideus and upper trapezius muscles, while relaxed and during maximal voluntary contraction. The data were analyzed using the Kruskall-Wallis statistical test. The results indicated higher activity during relaxation and lower activity during maximal voluntary contraction in mouth breathers when compared to the nasal breathers. It is suggested that the activity pattern of the sternocleidomastoid and upper trapezius muscles differs between mouth breathing children and nasal breathing children. This may be attributed to changes in body posture which causes muscular imbalance. Because of the limitations of surface EMG, the results need to be confirmed by adding force measurements and repeating the experiments with matched subjects. Copyright © 2004 by CHROMA, Inc.


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The authors studied the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles during deep inspiration and expiration. The electromyographic records demonstrated that these muscles showed no activity in either phase of breathing.


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Responses of redox regulatory system to long-term survival (> 18 h) of the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis in air are not yet understood. Lipid and protein oxidation level, oxidant (H2O2) generation, antioxidative status (levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and reductase, ascorbic acid and non-protein sulfhydryl) and activities of respiratory complexes (I, II, III and IV) in mitochondria were investigated in muscle of H. fossilis under air exposure condition (0, 3, 6, 12 and 18 h at 25 A degrees C). The increased levels of both H2O2 and tissue oxidation were observed due to the decreased activities of antioxidant enzymes in muscle under water deprivation condition. However, ascorbic acid and non-protein thiol groups were the highest at 18 h air exposure time. A linear increase in complex II activity with air exposure time and an increase up to 12 h followed by a decrease in activity of complex I at 18 h were observed. Negative correlation was observed for complex III and V activity with exposure time. Critical time to modulate the above parameters was found to be 3 h air exposure. Dehydration induced oxidative stress due to modulation of electron transport chain and redox metabolizing enzymes in muscle of H. fossilis was clearly observed. Possible contribution of redox regulatory system in muscle tissue of the fish for long-term survival in air is elucidated. Results of the present study may be useful to understand the redox metabolism in muscle of fishes those are exposed to air in general and air breathing fishes in particular.


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Responses evoked in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) by systemic hypoxia have received relatively little attention. Moreover, MSNA is generally identified from firing characteristics in fibres supplying whole limbs: their actual destination is not determined. We aimed to address these limitations by using a novel preparation of spinotrapezius muscle in anaesthetised rats. By using focal recording electrodes, multi-unit and discriminated single unit activity were recorded from the surface of arterial vessels. This had cardiac- and respiratory-related activities expected of MSNA, and was increased by baroreceptor unloading, decreased by baroreceptor stimulation and abolished by autonomic ganglion blockade. Progressive, graded hypoxia (breathing sequentially 12, 10, 8% O2 for 2 min each) evoked graded increases in MSNA. In single units, mean firing frequency increased from 0.2 ± 0.04 in 21% O2 to 0.62 ± 0.14 Hz in 8% O2, while instantaneous frequencies ranged from 0.04–6 Hz in 21% O2 to 0.09–20 Hz in 8% O2. Concomitantly, arterial pressure (ABP), fell and heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (RF) increased progressively, while spinotrapezius vascular resistance (SVR) decreased (Spinotrapezius blood flow/ABP), indicating muscle vasodilatation. During 8% O2 for 10 min, the falls in ABP and SVR were maintained, but RF, HR and MSNA waned towards baselines from the second to the tenth minute. Thus, we directly show that MSNA increases during systemic hypoxia to an extent that is mainly determined by the increases in peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and respiratory drive, but its vasoconstrictor effects on muscle vasculature are largely blunted by local dilator influences, despite high instantaneous frequencies in single fibres.


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L’activité rythmique des muscles masticateurs (ARMM) pendant le sommeil se retrouve chez environ 60% de la population générale adulte. L'étiologie de ce mouvement n'est pas encore complètement élucidée. Il est cependant démontré que l’augmentation de la fréquence des ARMM peut avoir des conséquences négatives sur le système masticatoire. Dans ce cas, l'ARMM est considérée en tant que manifestation d'un trouble moteur du sommeil connue sous le nom de bruxisme. Selon la Classification Internationale des Troubles du Sommeil, le bruxisme est décrit comme le serrement et grincement des dents pendant le sommeil. La survenue des épisodes d’ARMM est associée à une augmentation du tonus du système nerveux sympathique, du rythme cardiaque, de la pression artérielle et elle est souvent en association avec une amplitude respiratoire accrue. Tous ces événements peuvent être décrits dans le contexte d’un micro-éveil du sommeil. Cette thèse comprend quatre articles de recherche visant à étudier i) l'étiologie de l’ARMM pendant le sommeil en relation aux micro-éveils, et à évaluer ii) les aspects cliniques du bruxisme du sommeil, du point de vue diagnostique et thérapeutique. Pour approfondir l'étiologie de l’ARMM et son association avec la fluctuation des micro-éveils, nous avons analysé le patron cyclique alternant (ou cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) en anglais), qui est une méthode d’analyse qui permet d’évaluer l'instabilité du sommeil et de décrire la puissance des micro-éveils. Le CAP a été étudié chez des sujets bruxeurs et des sujets contrôles qui ont participé à deux protocoles expérimentaux, dans lesquels la structure et la stabilité du sommeil ont été modifiées par l'administration d'un médicament (la clonidine), ou avec l'application de stimulations sensorielles (de type vibratoire/auditif) pendant le sommeil. Dans ces deux conditions expérimentales caractérisées par une instabilité accrue du sommeil, nous étions en mesure de démontrer que les micro-éveils ne sont pas la cause ou le déclencheur de l’ARMM, mais ils représentent plutôt la «fenêtre permissive» qui facilite l'apparition de ces mouvements rythmiques au cours du sommeil. Pour évaluer la pertinence clinique du bruxisme, la prévalence et les facteurs de risque, nous avons effectué une étude épidémiologique dans une population pédiatrique (7-17 ans) qui était vue en consultation en orthodontie. Nous avons constaté que le bruxisme est un trouble du sommeil très fréquent chez les enfants (avec une prévalence de 15%), et il est un facteur de risque pour l'usure des dents (risque relatif rapproché, RRR 8,8), la fatigue des muscles masticateurs (RRR 10,5), les maux de tête fréquents (RRR 4,3), la respiration bruyante pendant le sommeil (RRR 3,1), et divers symptômes liés au sommeil, tels que la somnolence diurne (RRR 7,4). Ces résultats nous ont amenés à développer une étude expérimentale pour évaluer l'efficacité d'un appareil d'avancement mandibulaire (AAM) chez un groupe d'adolescents qui présentaient à la fois du bruxisme, du ronflement et des maux de tête fréquents. L'hypothèse est que dans la pathogenèse de ces comorbidités, il y a un mécanisme commun, probablement lié à la respiration pendant le sommeil, et que l'utilisation d'un AAM peut donc agir sur plusieurs aspects liés. À court terme, le traitement avec un AAM semble diminuer l'ARMM (jusqu'à 60% de diminution), et améliorer le ronflement et les maux de tête chez les adolescents. Cependant, le mécanisme d'action exact des AAM demeure incertain; leur efficacité peut être liée à l'amélioration de la respiration pendant le sommeil, mais aussi à l'influence que ces appareils pourraient avoir sur le système masticatoire. Les interactions entre le bruxisme du sommeil, la respiration et les maux de tête, ainsi que l'efficacité et la sécurité à long terme des AAM chez les adolescents, nécessitent des études plus approfondies.


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Le souffle chez les chevaux et l’asthme chez l’humain sont des maladies respiratoires qui partagent plusieurs caractéristiques, notamment des épisodes de bronchospasme et de détresse respiratoire dus à une inflammation pulmonaire inappropriée en réponse à une inhalation de substances antigéniques. Les manifestations cliniques incluent des efforts respiratoires augmentés, des sifflements et de la toux. Au niveau des voies respiratoires, on observe une augmentation du muscle lisse péribronchique, une fibrose sous épithéliale, une métaplasie/hyperplasie épithéliale et du mucus en quantité augmentée. L’augmentation du muscle lisse est particulièrement importante car elle n’affecte pas seulement le calibre basal des voies respiratoires, mais elle accentue l’obstruction respiratoire lors de bronchoconstriction. Ces changements sont regroupés sous le terme de « remodelage » et sont associés à un déclin accéléré de la fonction respiratoire chez les patients asthmatiques. Alors que les traitements actuels contrôlent efficacement le bronchospasme et relativement bien l’inflammation, leurs effets sur le remodelage sont mal connus. Dans le cadre de thèse, la réversibilité du remodelage musculaire péribronchique a été investiguée chez des chevaux atteints du souffle dans deux études longitudinales. Ces études, faites principalement sur du tissu pulmonaire prélevé par thoracoscopie, sont difficilement réalisables chez l’humain pour des raisons éthiques, ou chez d’autres animaux, car ceux-ci présentent rarement une inflammation de type asthmatique de façon spontanée. Les résultats démontrent que les chevaux atteints du souffle ont approximativement deux fois plus de muscle péribronchique que les chevaux sains d’âge similaire gardés dans les mêmes conditions, et que la prolifération des myocytes contribue à cette augmentation. Ils démontrent aussi qu’une stimulation antigénique relativement brève chez des chevaux atteints du souffle depuis plusieurs années n’accentue pas le remodelage, ce qui suggère que l’augmentation du muscle lisse atteint un plateau. Nous avons également montré que le remodelage du muscle lisse chez des chevaux adultes est partiellement réversible et que cette réversibilité peut être accélérée par l’administration de corticostéroïdes par inhalation. Il semble toutefois qu’une portion du remodelage chronique est irréversible puisque les corticostéroïdes ont accéléré la diminution du muscle mais sans toutefois mener à une amélioration plus marquée au terme de l’étude qu’avec une modification environnementale stricte. La diminution de trente pourcent observée sur un an paraît modeste mais elle démontre clairement, et pour une première fois, que le remodelage du muscle lisse présent chez des chevaux adultes malades depuis plusieurs années est au moins partiellement réversible.


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It is known that slow breathing (<10 breaths min(-1)) reduces blood pressure ( BP), but the mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are not completely clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute responses of the muscle sympathetic nerve activity, BP and heart rate (HR), using device-guided slow breathing ( breathe with interactive music (BIM)) or calm music. In all, 27 treated mild hypertensives were enrolled. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity, BP and HR were measured for 5min before the use of the device (n=14) or while subjects listened to calm music (n=13), it was measured again for 15 min while in use and finally, 5min after the interventions. BIM device reduced respiratory rate from 16 +/- 3 beats per minute (b.p.m) to 5.5 +/- 1.8 b.p.m (P<0.05), calm music did not affect this variable. Both interventions reduced systolic (-6 and -4mmHg for both) and diastolic BPs (-4mmHg and -3mmHg, respectively) and did not affect the HR (-1 and -2 b.p.m respectively). Only the BIM device reduced the sympathetic nerve activity of the sample (-8bursts min(-1)). In conclusion, both device-guided slow breathing and listening to calm music have decreased BP but only the device-guided slow breathing was able to reduce the peripheral sympathetic nerve activity. Hypertension Research ( 2010) 33, 708-712; doi: 10.1038/hr.2010.74; published online 3 June 2010


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The transition from fetal to postnatal life involves clearance of liquid from the lung and airways, and rapid formation of a functional residual capacity. Despite the importance of the diaphragm in this process, the impact of birth on the mechanical and functional activity of its muscle fibers is not known. This study determined the contractile characteristics of individual “skinned” diaphragm fibers from 70 days (0.47) gestation to after birth in sheep. Based on differential sensitivity to the divalent ions calcium (Ca2+) and strontium (Sr2+), all fibers in the fetal diaphragm were classified as “fast,” whereas fibers from the adult sheep diaphragm exhibited a “hybrid” phenotype where both “fast” and “slow” characteristics were present within each single fiber. Transition to the hybrid phenotype occurred at birth, was evident after only 40 min of spontaneous breathing, and could be induced by simple mechanical stretch of diaphragm fibers from near-term fetuses (∼147 days gestation). Both physical stretch of isolated fibers, and mechanical ventilation of the fetal diaphragm in situ, significantly increased sensitivity to Ca2+ and Sr2+, maximum force generating capacity, and decreased passive tension in near-term and preterm fetuses; however, only fibers from near-term fetuses showed a complete transition to a “hybrid” activation profile. These findings suggest that stretch associated with the transition from a liquid to air-filled lung at birth induces physical changes of proteins determining the activation and elastic properties of the diaphragm. These changes may allow the diaphragm to meet the increased mechanical demands of breathing immediately after birth.


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Objectives: Assess the effect of re-expansive respiratory patterns associated to respiratory biofeedback (RBF) on pulmonary function, respiratory muscle strength and habits in individuals with functional mouth breathing (FMB).Methods: Sixty children with FMB were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was submitted to 15 sessions of re-expansive respiratory patterns associated to RBF (biofeedback pletsmovent; MICROHARD (R) V1.0), which provided biofeedback of the thoracic and abdominal movements. The control group was submitted to 15 sessions using biofeedback alone. Spirometry, maximum static respiratory pressure measurements and questions regarding habits (answered by parents/guardians) were carried out before and after therapy. The Student's t-test for paired data and non-parametric tests were employed for statistical analysis at a 5% Level of significance.Results: Significant changes were found in forced vital. capacity, Tiffeneau index scores, maximum expiratory pressure, maximum inspiratory pressure and habits assessed in FMB with the use of RBF associated to the re-expansive patterns. No significant differences were found comparing the experimental and control groups.Conclusions: The results allow the conclusion that RBF associated to re-expansive patterns improves forced vital capacity, Tiffeneau index scores, respiratory muscle strength and habits in FMB and can therefore be used as a form of therapy for such individuals. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da utilização de um programa de treinamento específico dos músculos respiratórios sobre a função pulmonar em indivíduos tabagistas. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 50 indivíduos tabagistas assintomáticos com idade superior a 30 anos, nos seguintes momentos: A0 - avaliação inicial seguida do protocolo de exercícios respiratórios; A1 - reavaliação após 10 minutos da aplicação do protocolo; e A2 -reavaliação final após duas semanas de treinamento utilizando o mesmo protocolo três vezes por semana. A avaliação foi realizada através das medidas de pressões respiratórias máximas (PImax. e PEmax.), picos de fluxo respiratórios (PFI e PFE), ventilação voluntária máxima (VVM), capacidade vital Forçada (CVF) e Volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1). RESULTADOS: Não houve melhora na CVF e VEF1 da avaliação inicial para a final. Houve aumento significativo das variáveis PFI, PFE, VVM e PImax nas avaliações A1 e A2. A variável PEmax. aumentou somente na avaliação A2. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação de protocolo de exercícios respiratórios com e sem carga adicional em indivíduos tabagistas produziu melhora imediata na performance dos músculos respiratórios, mas esta melhora foi mais acentuada após duas semanas de exercício.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os efeitos da utilização do biofeedback respiratório (BR) associado ao padrão quiet breathing sobre a perimetria torácica, função pulmonar, força dos músculos respiratórios e os seguintes hábitos de respiradores bucais funcionais (RBF): vigília de boca aberta, boca aberta durante o sono, baba no travesseiro, despertar difícil, ronco e sono inquieto. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 20 crianças RBF, as quais foram submetidas a 15 sessões de BR por meio do biofeedback pletsmovent (MICROHARD® V1.0), o qual proporciona o biofeedback dos movimentos tóraco-abdominais. Perimetria torácica, espirometria e medidas das pressões respiratórias máximas estáticas foram realizadas antes e após a terapia. Questões respondidas pelos responsáveis foram utilizadas para avaliar os hábitos dos RBF. Os dados foram analisados por meio de teste t de Student para dados pareados e testes não paramétricos. RESULTADOS: O uso do BR associado ao padrão quiet breathing não produziu alterações significativas na perimetria torácica e nos valores de volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), capacidade vital forçada (CVF), pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE), índice de Tiffeneau (IT) e na pressão expiratória máxima (PEmáx). Entretanto, a pressão inspiratória máxima (PImáx) apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa (-53,6 ± 2,9 cmH2O vs. -65,0 ± 6,0 cmH2O; p< 0,05) e ocorreram mudanças significativas nos hábitos avaliados. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados permitem concluir que o BR associado ao padrão quiet breathing melhora a força da musculatura inspiratória e hábitos em RBF, podendo ser, portanto, utilizado como uma das formas de terapia nesses indivíduos.


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The present study aimed at analyzing and comparing longitudinally the EMG (electromyographic activity) of the superior orbicularis oris muscle according to the breathing mode. The sample, 38 adolescents with Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion with predominantly nose (PNB) or mouth (PMB) breathing, was evaluated at two different periods, with a two-year interval between them. For that purpose, a 16-channel electromyography machine was employed, which was properly calibrated in a PC equipped with an analogue-digital converter, with utilization of surface, passive and bipolar electrodes. The RMS data (root mean square) were collected at rest and in 12 movements and normalized according to time and amplitude, by the peak value of EMG, in order to allow comparisons between subjects and between periods. Comparison of the muscle function of PNB and PMB subjects at period 1 (P1), period 2 (P2) and the variation between periods (Δ) did not reveal statistically significant differences between groups (p < 0.05). However, longitudinal evaluation of the muscle function in PNB and PMB subjects demonstrated different evolutions in the percentage of required EMG for accomplishment of the movements investigated. It was possible to conclude that there are differences in the percentage of electric activity of the upper lip with the growth of the subjects according to the breathing mode.


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Introduction: Prognostic factors are used in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to predict morbidity and mortality , especially in patients on mechanical ventilation (MV ) . Training protocols are used in MV patients with the aim of promoting the success of the weaning process. Objective: To assess which variables determine the outcome of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation and compare the effects of two protocols for weaning. Method: Patients under MV for more than 48 hours had collected the following information: sex, age , ideal weight, height , Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II), risk of mortality, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and index Quick and perfunctory (IRRS) breathing. Patients with unsuccessful weaning performed one of weaning protocols: Progressive T - tube or tube - T + Threshold ® IMT. Patients were compared for outcome (death or non- death in the ICU ) and the protocols through the t test or Mann-Whitney test was considered significant when P <0.05. Results: Of 128 patients evaluated 56.25% were men, the mean age was 60.05 ± 17.85 years and 40.62 % patients died, and they had higher APACHE II scores, mortality risk, time VM and IRRS GCS and the lower value (p<0.05). The age, initial and final maximal inspiratory pressure, time of weaning and duration of MV was similar between protocols. Conclusion: The study suggests that the GCS, APACHE II risk of mortality, length of MV and IRRS variables determined the evolution of MV patients in this sample. Not found differences in the variables studied when comparing the two methods of weaning.


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Infants with chronic lung disease (CLD) have a capacity to maintain functional lung volume despite alterations to their lung mechanics. We hypothesize that they achieve this by altering breathing patterns and dynamic elevation of lung volume, leading to differences in the relationship between respiratory muscle activity, flow and lung volume. Lung function and transcutaneous electromyography of the respiratory muscles (rEMG) were measured in 20 infants with CLD and in 39 healthy age-matched controls during quiet sleep. We compared coefficient of variations (CVs) of rEMG and the temporal relationship of rEMG variables, to flow and lung volume [functional residual capacity (FRC)] between these groups. The time between the start of inspiratory muscle activity and the resulting flow (tria)--in relation to respiratory cycle time--was significantly longer in infants with CLD. Although FRC had similar associations with tria and postinspiratory activity (corrected for respiratory cycle time), the CV of the diaphragmatic rEMG was lower in CLD infants (22.6 versus 31.0%, p = 0.030). The temporal relationship of rEMG to flow and FRC and the loss of adaptive variability provide additional information on coping mechanisms in infants with CLD. This technique could be used for noninvasive bedside monitoring of CLD.


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Although breathing perturbs balance, in healthy individuals little sway is detected in ground reaction forces because small movements of the spine and lower limbs compensate for the postural disturbance. When people have chronic low back pain (LBP), sway at the ground is increased, possibly as a result of reduced compensatory motion of the trunk. The aim of this study was to determine whether postural compensation for breathing is reduced during experimentally induced pain. Subjects stood on a force plate with eyes open, eyes closed, and while breathing with hypercapnoea before and after injection of hypertonic saline into the right lumbar longissimus muscle to induce LBP. Motion of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and lower limbs was measured with four inclinometers fixed over bony landmarks. During experimental pain, motion of the trunk in association with breathing was reduced. However, despite this reduction in motion, there was no increase in postural sway with breathing. These data suggest that increased body sway with breathing in people with chronic LBP is not simply because of reduced trunk movement, but instead, indicates changes in coordination by the central nervous system that are not replicated by experimental nociceptor stimulation.