994 resultados para breastfeeding support


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether the support offered by maternity hospitals is associated with higher prevalences of exclusive and predominant breastfeeding. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study including a representative sample of 916 infants less than six months who were born in maternity hospitals, in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, 2011. The maternity hospitals were evaluated in relation to their fulfillment of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Data were collected regarding breastfeeding patterns, the birth hospital and other characteristics. The individualized effect of the study factor on exclusive and predominant breastfeeding was analyzed using Poisson multiple regression with robust variance. RESULTS Predominant breastfeeding tended to be more prevalent when the number of fulfilled steps was higher (p of linear trend = 0.057). The step related to not offering artificial teats or pacifiers to breastfed infants and that related to encouraging the establishment of breastfeeding support groups were associated, respectively, to a higher prevalence of exclusive (PR = 1.26; 95%CI 1.04;1.54) and predominant breastfeeding (PR = 1.55; 95%CI 1.01;2.39), after an adjustment was performed for confounding variables. CONCLUSIONS We observed a positive association between support offered by maternity hospitals and prevalences of exclusive and predominant breastfeeding. These results can be useful to other locations with similar characteristics (cities with hospitals that fulfill the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding) to provide incentive to breastfeeding, by means of promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding in maternity hospitals.


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Background: Although breast milk has numerous benefits for infants' development, with greater effects in those born preterm (at < 37 gestational weeks), mothers of preterm infants have shorter breastfeeding duration than mothers of term infants. One of the explanations proposed is the difficulties in the transition from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to the home environment. A person-centred proactive telephone support intervention after discharge from NICU is expected to promote mothers' sense of trust in their own capacity and thereby facilitate breastfeeding. Methods/design: A multicentre randomized controlled trial has been designed to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of person-centred proactive telephone support on breastfeeding outcomes for mothers of preterm infants. Participating mothers will be randomized to either an intervention group or control group. In the intervention group person-centred proactive telephone support will be provided, in which the support team phones the mother daily for up to 14 days after hospital discharge. In the control group, mothers are offered a person-centred reactive support where mothers can phone the breastfeeding support team up to day 14 after hospital discharge. The intervention group will also be offered the same reactive telephone support as the control group. A stratified block randomization will be used; group allocation will be by high or low socioeconomic status and by NICU. Recruitment will be performed continuously until 1116 mothers (I: 558 C: 558) have been included. Primary outcome: proportion of mothers exclusively breastfeeding at eight weeks after discharge. Secondary outcomes: proportion of breastfeeding (exclusive, partial, none and method of feeding), mothers satisfaction with breastfeeding, attachment, stress and quality of life in mothers/partners at eight weeks after hospital discharge and at six months postnatal age. Data will be collected by researchers blind to group allocation for the primary outcome. A qualitative evaluation of experiences of receiving/providing the intervention will also be undertaken with mothers and staff. Discussion: This paper presents the rationale, study design and protocol for a RCT providing person-centred proactive telephone support to mothers of preterm infants. Furthermore, with a health economic evaluation, the cost-effectiveness of the intervention will be assessed. Trial registration: NCT01806480


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OBJECTIVE To assess the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding abandonment. METHODS Longitudinal study based on a birth cohort in Viçosa, MG, Southeastern Brazil. In 2011/2012, 168 new mothers accessing the public health network were followed. Three interviews, at 30, 60, and 120 days postpartum, with the new mothers were conducted. Exclusive breastfeeding abandonment was analyzed in the first, second, and fourth months after childbirth. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was applied to identify depressive symptoms in the first and second meetings, with a score of ≥ 12 considered as the cutoff point. Socioeconomic, demographic, and obstetric variables were investigated, along with emotional conditions and the new mothers’ social network during pregnancy and the postpartum period. RESULTS The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding abandonment at 30, 60, and 120 days postpartum was 53.6% (n = 90), 47.6% (n = 80), and 69.6% (n = 117), respectively, and its incidence in the fourth month compared with the first was 48.7%. Depressive symptoms and traumatic delivery were associated with exclusive breastfeeding abandonment in the second month after childbirth. In the fourth month, the following variables were significant: lower maternal education levels, lack of homeownership, returning to work, not receiving guidance on breastfeeding in the postpartum period, mother’s negative reaction to the news of pregnancy, and not receiving assistance from their partners for infant care. CONCLUSIONS Psychosocial and sociodemographic factors were strong predictors of early exclusive breastfeeding abandonment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and provide early treatment to nursing mothers with depressive symptoms, decreasing the associated morbidity and promoting greater duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Support from health professionals, as well as that received at home and at work, can assist in this process.


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Northern Ireland has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world. Low breastfeeding rates are associated with considerable morbidity, some mortality and increased health service costs for women and children. In Northern Ireland, several factors make the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding particularly difficult; these include cultural attitudes, commercial promotion of artificial milks and obstacles for the working mother. The aim of the Strategy is to promote and support breastfeeding. Medium-term objectives: - province-wide co-ordination of breastfeeding promotional activities - commissioning of breastfeeding support within the health service - detailed and uniform collection of infant feeding statistics - research into effective means of breastfeeding promotion - improved training in lactation management for health professionals - supporting breast milk feeding for special needs infants - raising of public awareness of the importance of breastfeeding - cessation of artificial milk promotion within the health service åÊ Long-term objectives: - adopt the recommendations following review of the milk token scheme in England - bringing the marketing of infant foods and feeding products into line with the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes åÊ Progress will be monitored by the Northern Ireland Breastfeeding Strategy Group. åÊ åÊ


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The aim of this study was to examine how to support breastfeeding of preterm infants immediately after birth in the delivery ward, during their hospital stay in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and at home after hospital discharge. Specifically, the role of early physical contact, maternal breastfeeding attitude, and an internet-based peer support group were investigated. The delivery ward practices concerning the implementation of early physical contact between a mother and her infant admitted to a NICU were examined by a structured survey in two hospitals. An Internet-based, breastfeeding peer-support intervention for the mothers of preterm infants was developed and tested in a randomized controlled design with one year follow-up. The main outcomes were the duration of exclusive and overall breastfeeding, expressing milk, and maternal attitude. In addition, the perceptions of mothers of preterm infants were investigated by analyzing the peer-support group discussions with a qualitative approach. The implementation of early physical contact was different between the two hospitals studied and was based more on hospital routines than the physiological condition of the infant. Preterm infants, who were born before a gestational age (GA) of 32 weeks, were hardly ever allowed to have early contact with their mothers. Both, a higher GA and early physical contact predicted earlier initiation and increased frequency of breastfeeding in the NICU. A maternal breastfeeding-favorable attitude predicted increased frequency of breastfeeding in the NICU and also a longer duration of overall breastfeeding. The actual duration of breastfeeding was, however, shorter than the mothers intended in advance. The internet-based, peer-support intervention had no effect on the duration of breastfeeding, expressing milk, or maternal attitude. The participating mothers enjoyed the possibility of sharing their experiences of preterm infants with other mothers in similar situations. Some of the mothers also experienced being given useful advice for breastfeeding. Based on the mothers’ discussions, a process of breastfeeding preterm infants was created. This included some paradoxical elements in the NICU where, for example, breast milk was emphasized over breastfeeding and support in the hospital varied. Hospital discharge was a critical point, when the mothers faced breastfeeding in reality. Over time, the mothers assimilated their breastfeeding experience into part of being a mother. The care practices related to early physical contact in delivery wards need to be re-evaluated to allow more infants to have a moment with the mother. Maternal attitude could be screened prenatally and attitude-focused interventions developed. Breastfeeding support in the NICU should be standardized. Internet-based breastfeeding peer-support intervention was feasible but additional research is needed.


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Background: Postnatal breastfeeding support in the form of home visits is difficult to accommodate in regional Australia, where hospitals often deal with harsh economic constraints in a context where they are required to provide services to geographically, dispersed consumers. This study evaluated a predominately telephone-based support service called the Infant Feeding Support Service. Methods: A prospective cohort design was used to compare data for 696 women giving birth in two regional hospitals (one public, one private) and participating in the support service between January and July 2003 with data from a cohort of 625 women who gave birth in those hospitals before the introduction of the support service. Each mother participating in the support service was assigned a lactation consultant. First contact occurred 48 hours after discharge, and approximately it weekly thereafter for 4 it weeks. Breastfeeding duration was measured at 3 months postpartum. Results: For women from the private hospital, the support service improved exclusive breastfeeding duration to 4.5 weeks postpartum, but these improvements were not evident at 3 months postpartum. No effects were observed for mothers from the public hospital. Quantitative and qualitative data demonstrated high levels of client satisfaction with the support service. Conclusions: This small-scale, predominately telephone-based intervention provided significant, although apparently context-sensitive, improvements to exclusive breastfeeding duration.


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The Public Health Agency is using National Breastfeeding Awareness Week (NBAW) to emphasise the message that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both you and your baby and that by deciding to breastfeed, you will be giving your child the best possible start in life. NBAW runs from 19-25 June and highlights the fact that any period of breastfeeding, however short, will benefit your baby.Breast milk is different to formula milk as it contains antibodies that cannot be manufactured in formula. Antibodies help protect babies from infection and stimulate their immune system.Northern Ireland has the lowest breastfeeding rate in the UK, with an average of 63% of women breastfeeding their baby at birth. Janet Calvert, Regional Breastfeeding Coordinator at the PHA, said: "This is an issue that clearly needs addressed, as breastfeeding has many important health benefits for both mother and baby. These include a reduced risk of ear, chest, kidney and stomach infections and less risk of childhood diabetes and obesity."Breastfeeding can also significantly reduce the risk of hospital admission of children for gastroenteritis and chest infections. The health benefits for mothers who choose to breastfeed include a reduced risk of developing illnesses such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis."There are other benefits as well as those to your health. Breastfeeding is free - you don't have to buy formula, bottles, teats, sterilising equipment etc. Breast milk is always available, with the right ingredients, at the right temperature, so it's easier to feed at night or on the go.The PHA recognises the importance of breastfeeding to health and the need to ensure that mothers get off to a good start with breastfeeding. It is vital that mothers get the right support and encouragement from their family and friends should they decide to breastfeed. Breastfeeding can be difficult at the start and mothers need reassurance while they learn."There are many local initiatives in the community to improve breastfeeding support. These include improving support in the health service and through Sure Start programmes, which work in areas of need to help ensure children get the best start in life," Janet added."Mother to mother peer support programmes are in place in many areas and are working with expectant and new mothers to help them breastfeed for longer. There are also 70 breastfeeding support groups, which provide ongoing support for breastfeeding mothers throughout Northern Ireland. "The PHA is also working to improve attitudes to breastfeeding in public through the Breastfeeding Welcome Here scheme, which began in 2005 and now has over 200 businesses and public facilities signed up to support and welcome breastfeeding families. All these initiatives, along with support from partners and family, are vital to help expectant and new mothers stay with breastfeeding."Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "There is clear evidence that breastfeeding offers health benefits for both babies and mothers. We know that breast milk gives baby the best start in life by providing all the nutrients and protection a baby needs for the first six months of life. That is why my Department is committed to promoting and supporting breastfeeding".For further information on breastfeeding visit www.breastfedbabies.org.uk


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva och jämföra kvinnornas upplevelse och erfarenhet av amningsrådgivning och amningsstöd genom vårdkedjan relaterat till paritet, det vill säga omföderskor och förstföderskor. Studien genomfördes som en retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie med en kvantitativ ansats. I studien ingick 250 kvinnor varav 103 var förstföderskor och 147 var omföderskor. Studien utfördes med hjälp av enkäter som skickades kvinnorna när barnen var 9 månader gamla. Efter utskick en vecka senare intervjuades kvinnorna per telefon. Materialet till studien var en del ur en större datainsamling. På flertalet frågor kunde ett tydligt samband utläsas mellan dem som var omföderskor eller förstföderskor. Kvinnorna erhöll amningsrådgivning i olika hög grad på de olika instanserna. Främst var det förstföderskorna som fick råd. Amningsråd gavs i störst utsträckning på BB. På MVC och BVC var det lite mer än en tredjedel som erhöll amningsrådgivning och många tillfrågades bara om de skulle amma. Överlag var kvinnorna nöjda med amningsstödet de erhöll. Dock varierade det lite på instanserna och det fanns större grupper av missnöjda kvinnor. Det samma gällde nöjdheten med amningsrådgivningen som påverkades av att det fanns en stor grupp som inte fått rådgivning eller inte ansåg att de kunde uttala sig, främst omföderskor. Inget signifikant samband kunde påvisas mellan paritet och stödet kvinnorna fått, förutom på BB där förstföderskorna var en aning nöjdare. Dock var kvinnans partner det viktigaste stödet. Majoriteten ansåg att amningsrådgivningen hade varit enhetlig genom vårdkedjan förutom på BB. Främst förstföderskor var missnöjda, dock har fler omföderskor angett att de inte kan uttala sig angående enhetligheten varken igenom hela vårdkedjan eller på BB.


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Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka metoder som användes på en neonatalavdelning för att främja amningen hos prematura barn. Arbetet är en systematisk litteraturstudie där 15 vetenskapliga artiklar användes. Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna Blackwell Synergy, CINAHL, Elin@dalarna, PubMed och Medline. Litteraturgenomgången visade att det fanns ett flertal metoder för att främja amning av prematura barn på neonatalavdelningen. Föräldrarna behöver få hjälp av personalen att skapa sociala band till sitt barn och med att förstå att det är dem som är av största betydelse för barnet. NIDCAP-vård var en omvårdnadsmodell som underlättade för samspelet mellan mor och barn. Mamman behöver ständig uppmuntran av personalen och pappan för att lyckas med sin amning. Studier har visat att känguruvård har positiva effekter på amningen och för att utveckla ett tidigt sugbeteende. Barnets tidiga kontakt vid mammas bröst och att mamman så snart som möjligt efter förlossningen börjar pumpa ur bröstmjölk främjar amningen. Andra metoder som främjar amning är att barnet fått känna doften av mammans mjölk och att mamman fått tillgång till en personlig ”amningsexpert”. Tillmatning med kopp eller användning av amningsnapp var metoder som visade sig öka chansen till amning samt bröstmjölkskonsumtionen hos prematura barn.


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Internationellt sett är amningsfrekvensen i dagens Sverige hög, men har minskat något senaste åren. Studier visar att inställningen till amning är positiv, men att kvinnor upplever svårigheter i samband med amning samt en brist på information och stöd. Syftet med fördjupningsarbetet var att belysa gravida kvinnors tankar om amning, amningsinformation och stöd. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ ansats, där data samlades in genom fokusgruppsintervjuer med 18 gravida kvinnor hösten 2012. Data bearbetades med innehållsanalys. Analysen gav ett övergripande tema; Balans mellan förväntningar och svårigheter. Fem kategorier framkom; Att vara medveten om amningens fördelar, Att vara medveten om svårigheter med amning, Att planera för sin kommande amning, Att påverkas av sin omgivning och Att ha förväntningar på stöd inför kommande amning. Resultatet visade att gravida kvinnor var medvetna om amningens fördelar och svårigheter, omgivningen påverkade deras tankar och kvinnorna ansåg ofta att amningen ”löser sig naturligt”. Tydligast framkom kvinnors känsla av bristande kunskap om amningsproblem och en önskan att få amningsinformation sent i graviditet. Amningsinformation som ges under graviditet bör vara varierad, innehållsrik och förbereda föräldrarna på att amning kan vara påfrestande. Det är viktigt att involvera partnern i information och förberedelser för amning.   Nyckelord: amning, graviditet, amningsstöd, amningsinformation, amningsproblem


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Amning, amningskomplikationer, stöd och råd vid amning är en del av den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan och ingår i barnmorskans kompetensområde.Det finns mycket forskning som beskriver nyblivna föräldrars upplevelse av amningsstöd men inte lika mycket forskning på hur vårdpersonalen upplever amningsstödet som ges till gravida och nyblivna föräldrar. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vårdpersonals upplevelser av amningsstöd till gravida och nyblivna föräldrar.Studien utfördes genom en kvalitativ metod utifrån en induktiv ansats. Data hämtades från intervjuer med semistrukturerade frågor i 11 fokusgrupper. All data bearbetades genom kvalitativ, induktiv innehållsanalys.Resultatet i studien visade att vårdpersonal upplever amningsstödet de ger som en viktig del i deras arbete. Amningsstödet hade brister och en betydande brist uppgavs vara kontinuiteten av amningsstöd genom hela vårdkedjan.Informanterna ansåg att amningsstödet borde förbättras och många förslag nämndes för att främja amningen hos nyblivna föräldrar och barn.Denna studie kan öka medvetenheten av den egna och kollegornas upplevelse av amningsstöd vilket kan leda till ett bättre samarbete mellan enheterna och en bättre kommunikation samt förändringar i organisationen som gynnar och främjar amningen.


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Amningsfrekvensen i Värmland sjunker och är låg jämfört med riket. En bidragande faktor till den sjunkande amningsfrekvensen är bristen på tillit till amning. Det är viktigt att kunna identifiera kvinnor med låg tillit till amning för att vända den sjunkande amningsfrekvensen och stärka kvinnan i rollen som moder. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kvinnors tillit till amning på Barnbördshuset (BB) och Eftervårdsmottagningen i Värmland. Med enkäten BSES-SF identifieras kvinnor med låg tillit till amning och kvinnor som behöver ett ökat amningsstöd efter förlossning. Design/Metod: Studien utfördes med kvantitativ ansats. Data inhämtades från enkäten BSES-SF som besvarats av 70 kvinnor på BB och Eftervårdsmottagningen i Värmland. All data analyserades genom SPSS. Resultat: De flesta kvinnor ansåg att det var mycket viktigt med en fungerande amning och när kvinnorna skattade amningens betydelse framkom ett medelvärde på 8,66 där 0=inte alls viktigt och 10=mycket viktigt. Kvinnor som ammat tidigare skattade sin upplevda amningserfarenhet som mycket god. Varje enskild fråga på BSES-SF jämfördes mellan kvinnorna som vårdats på BB och Eftervårdsmottagningen. Det framkom en skillnad på åtta frågor där kvinnorna på Eftervårdsmottagningen skattade en högre tillit till amning jämfört med kvinnorna på BB. Utifrån totalsumman på BSES-SF med ett poängintervall mellan 14-70, framkom det att tilliten till amning skattades högre hos kvinnorna på Eftervårdsmottagningen (M=56,54) än på BB (M=49,88). Slutsats och klinisk tillämpbarhet: BSES-SF kan utifrån studiens resultat vara ett användbart verktyg, framförallt på BB där kvinnorna skattat en lägre tillit till amning. Förstföderskor och omföderskor som upplevt en komplicerad förlossning kan vara i behov av större insatser av amningsstöd. Studiens resultat kan medföra att barnmorskan blir extra uppmärksam på de kvinnor vars amning inte fungerar och där extra stöd behövs för att öka tilliten.


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Breastfeeding and the use of human milk are widely accepted as the most complete form of nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding is shown to be associated with many positive health outcomes for both infants and mothers. Healthy People 2000 goals to increase breastfeeding rates in the early postpartum period to 75% fell short, with only 64% of mothers meeting this objective. Lack of support from healthcare providers, and unsupportive hospital policies and practices are noted as barriers to the initiation and duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to evaluate implementation of the BFHI Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding at Texas Children's Hospital. ^ The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was developed in 1991 by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure that healthcare facilities offering maternity services adhere to the Ten Steps of Successful Breastfeeding and the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes, and create legislation to protect the rights of breastfeeding women. The instrument used in this study was the BFHI 100 Assessment Tool created by Dr. Laura Haiek, Director of Public Health in Monteregie, Quebec, and her staff at Health and Social Services Agency of Quebec. The BFHI 100 tool utilizes 100 different indicators of compliance with BFHI through questionnaires administered to staff and administrators, pregnant and postpartum mothers, and an observer. ^ The study concluded that although there is much room for improvement in educating breastfeeding mothers, overall, the mothers interviewed were satisfied with their level of care in regards to breastfeeding support. Areas of improvement include staff training, as some nursing staff admitted to relying on the lactation consultants to provide most of the breastfeeding education for mothers. Only a small percentage of mothers interviewed reported that their baby “roomed-in” on average of 22 hours per day during their hospital stay. Staff encouragement of the rooming-in practice will help to increase the proportion of mothers who allow their babies to room-in. The current breastfeeding policy will also need to be revised and strengthened to be compliant with the Ten Steps. Ideally, Baby-Friendly practices will become the norm after staff are trained and policy revisions are made. Staff training and acceptance of breastfeeding as optimal nutrition for infants are the most critical factors that will ultimately drive change for the organization. ^


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This resource�has been produced for breastfeeding coordinators and breastfeeding peer support trainers who provide training for peer support volunteers. �� The resource has been distributed by PHA directly to those involved in breastfeeding peer support programmes in Northern Ireland. Further copies can be requested as applicable from Lesley Blackstock at: Lesley.blackstock@hscni.net The CD supports delivery of eight peer support teaching sessions (two hours each), which meet Open College Network NI requirements for certification at Level 2, credit value 3. The resource contains background information, support materials, lesson plans, Powerpoint presentations, DVD clips and worksheets for peer supporters. � Please note this resource is only suitable for individuals involved in delivering breastfeeding peer support in Northern Ireland.�