997 resultados para brain atlas


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The anatomy of the human brain is organized as a complex arrangement of interrelated structures in three dimensional space. To facilitate the understanding of both structure and function, we have created a volume rendered brain atlas (VRBA) with an intuitive interface that allows real-time stereoscopic rendering of brain anatomy. The VRBA incorporates 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional texture mapping to display segmented brain anatomy co-registered with a T1 MRI. The interface allows the user to remove and add any of the 62 brain structures, as well as control the display of the MRI dataset. The atlas also contains brief verbal and written descriptions of the different anatomical regions to correlate structure with function. A variety of stereoscopic projection methods are supported by the VRBA and provide an abstract, yet simple, way of visualizing brain anatomy and 3-dimensional relationships between different nuclei.


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Standard stereotaxic reference systems play a key role in human brain studies. Stereotaxic coordinate systems have also been developed for experimental animals including non-human primates, dogs, and rodents. However, they are lacking for other species being relevant in experimental neuroscience including sheep. Here, we present a spatial, unbiased ovine brain template with tissue probability maps (TPM) that offer a detailed stereotaxic reference frame for anatomical features and localization of brain areas, thereby enabling inter-individual and cross-study comparability. Three-dimensional data sets from healthy adult Merino sheep (Ovis orientalis aries, 12 ewes and 26 neutered rams) were acquired on a 1.5 T Philips MRI using a T1w sequence. Data were averaged by linear and non-linear registration algorithms. Moreover, animals were subjected to detailed brain volume analysis including examinations with respect to body weight (BW), age, and sex. The created T1w brain template provides an appropriate population-averaged ovine brain anatomy in a spatial standard coordinate system. Additionally, TPM for gray (GM) and white (WM) matter as well as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) classification enabled automatic prior-based tissue segmentation using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Overall, a positive correlation of GM volume and BW explained about 15% of the variance of GM while a positive correlation between WM and age was found. Absolute tissue volume differences were not detected, indeed ewes showed significantly more GM per bodyweight as compared to neutered rams. The created framework including spatial brain template and TPM represent a useful tool for unbiased automatic image preprocessing and morphological characterization in sheep. Therefore, the reported results may serve as a starting point for further experimental and/or translational research aiming at in vivo analysis in this species.


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The African cichlid Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia) has been used as a model system in a wide range of behavioural and neurobiological studies. The increasing number of genetic tools available for this species, together with the emerging interest in its use for neurobiological studies, increased the need for an accurate hodological mapping of the tilapia brain to supplement the available histological data. The goal of our study was to elaborate a three-dimensional, high-resolution digital atlas using magnetic resonance imaging, supported by Nissl staining. Resulting images were viewed and analysed in all orientations (transverse, sagittal, and horizontal) and manually labelled to reveal structures in the olfactory bulb, telencephalon, diencephalon, optic tectum, and cerebellum. This high resolution tilapia brain atlas is expected to become a very useful tool for neuroscientists using this fish model and will certainly expand their use in future studies regarding the central nervous system.


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We propose a new and clinically oriented approach to perform atlas-based segmentation of brain tumor images. A mesh-free method is used to model tumor-induced soft tissue deformations in a healthy brain atlas image with subsequent registration of the modified atlas to a pathologic patient image. The atlas is seeded with a tumor position prior and tumor growth simulating the tumor mass effect is performed with the aim of improving the registration accuracy in case of patients with space-occupying lesions. We perform tests on 2D axial slices of five different patient data sets and show that the approach gives good results for the segmentation of white matter, grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid and the tumor.


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Interest in structural brain connectivity has grown with the understanding that abnormal neural connections may play a role in neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Small animal connectivity mapping techniques are particularly important for identifying aberrant connectivity in disease models. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging tractography can provide nondestructive, 3D, brain-wide connectivity maps, but has historically been limited by low spatial resolution, low signal-to-noise ratio, and the difficulty in estimating multiple fiber orientations within a single image voxel. Small animal diffusion tractography can be substantially improved through the combination of ex vivo MRI with exogenous contrast agents, advanced diffusion acquisition and reconstruction techniques, and probabilistic fiber tracking. Here, we present a comprehensive, probabilistic tractography connectome of the mouse brain at microscopic resolution, and a comparison of these data with a neuronal tracer-based connectivity data from the Allen Brain Atlas. This work serves as a reference database for future tractography studies in the mouse brain, and demonstrates the fundamental differences between tractography and neuronal tracer data.


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Image-based modeling of tumor growth combines methods from cancer simulation and medical imaging. In this context, we present a novel approach to adapt a healthy brain atlas to MR images of tumor patients. In order to establish correspondence between a healthy atlas and a pathologic patient image, tumor growth modeling in combination with registration algorithms is employed. In a first step, the tumor is grown in the atlas based on a new multi-scale, multi-physics model including growth simulation from the cellular level up to the biomechanical level, accounting for cell proliferation and tissue deformations. Large-scale deformations are handled with an Eulerian approach for finite element computations, which can operate directly on the image voxel mesh. Subsequently, dense correspondence between the modified atlas and patient image is established using nonrigid registration. The method offers opportunities in atlasbased segmentation of tumor-bearing brain images as well as for improved patient-specific simulation and prognosis of tumor progression.


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BrainMaps.org is an interactive high-resolution digital brain atlas and virtual microscope that is based on over 20 million megapixels of scanned images of serial sections of both primate and non-primate brains and that is integrated with a high-speed database for querying and retrieving data about brain structure and function over the internet. Complete brain datasets for various species, including Homo sapiens, Macaca mulatta, Chlorocebus aethiops, Felis catus, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, and Tyto alba, are accessible online. The methods and tools we describe are useful for both research and teaching, and can be replicated by labs seeking to increase accessibility and sharing of neuroanatomical data. These tools offer the possibility of visualizing and exploring completely digitized sections of brains at a sub-neuronal level, and can facilitate large-scale connectional tracing, histochemical and stereological analyses.


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Objectives: Although behavioral studies have demonstrated that normative affective traits modulate the processing of facial and emotionally charged stimuli, direct electrophysiological evidence for this modulation is still lacking. Methods: Event-related potential (ERP) data associated with personal, traitlike approach- or withdrawal-related attitude (assessed post-recording and 14 months later) were investigated in 18 subjects during task-free (i.e. unrequested, spontaneous) emotional evaluation of faces. Temporal and spatial aspects of 27 channel ERP were analyzed with microstate analysis and low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA), a new method to compute 3 dimensional cortical current density implemented in the Talairach brain atlas. Results: Microstate analysis showed group differences 132-196 and 196-272 ms poststimulus, with right-shifted electric gravity centers for subjects with negative affective attitude. During these (over subjects reliably identifiable) personality-modulated, face-elicited microstates, LORETA revealed activation of bilateral occipito-temporal regions, reportedly associated with facial configuration extraction processes. Negative compared to positive affective attitude showed higher activity right temporal; positive compared to negative attitude showed higher activity left temporo-parieto-occipital. Conclusions: These temporal and spatial aspects suggest that the subject groups differed in brain activity at early, automatic, stimulus-related face processing steps when structural face encoding (configuration extraction) occurs. In sum, the brain functional microstates associated with affect-related personality features modulate brain mechanisms during face processing already at early information processing stages.


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Image-based modeling of tumor growth combines methods from cancer simulation and medical imaging. In this context, we present a novel approach to adapt a healthy brain atlas to MR images of tumor patients. In order to establish correspondence between a healthy atlas and a pathologic patient image, tumor growth modeling in combination with registration algorithms is employed. In a first step, the tumor is grown in the atlas based on a new multi-scale, multi-physics model including growth simulation from the cellular level up to the biomechanical level, accounting for cell proliferation and tissue deformations. Large-scale deformations are handled with an Eulerian approach for finite element computations, which can operate directly on the image voxel mesh. Subsequently, dense correspondence between the modified atlas and patient image is established using nonrigid registration. The method offers opportunities in atlasbased segmentation of tumor-bearing brain images as well as for improved patient-specific simulation and prognosis of tumor progression.


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Los objetivos son : 1-Estudiar las catacterísticas del deficiente mental a través de la cartografía cerebral 2- De los potenciales eléctricos resultantes, estudiar cuáles tienen relación con el rendimiento cognitivo del deficiente mental 3-Relacionar los datos obtenidos de la cartografía cerebral y datos de tipo cognitivo de los deficientes mentales 4-Comprobar si es posible encontrar diferencias entre los deficientes mentales, de manera que se puedan establecer grupos distintos de deficientes mentales con criterios neurofisiológicos y estudiar sus características cognitivas 5-Buscar datos y conclusiones útiles para la orientación terapeútica de los deficientes 6-Investigar si existen alteraciones del funcionamiento cerebral que afectan de manera distinta a grupos de deficientes. 200 individuos deficientes mentales, divididos en deficientes mentales medios, ligeros y límites, además de un grupo de sujetos de cociente intelectual normal con trastornos de aprendizaje, la gran mayoría residentes en la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, cuyo medio sociocultural es urbano, mayores de 10 años y todos escolarizados. Como instrumentos de recogida de datos se han empleado : 1-Batería de pruebas psicotécnicas estandarizadas 2-Escala de Inteligencia para niños de Wechsler o WISC 3-Test de Habilidades Psicolingüísticas de Illinois ITPA 4-Test de Frostig 5-Test Gestáltico Viso-motor de L. Bender 6-Test de Memoria Visual de Benton 7-Como instrumentos neurofisiológicos se ha utilizado un cartógrafo cerebral Biologic Systems, modelo Brain Atlas III, capaz tanto de recoger ondas electroencefalográficas y de analizarlas digitalmente para conformar un mapa bioeléctrico cerebral, como de realizar pruebas de 'potenciales evocados' (es decir, potenciales eléctricos cerebrales que se obtienen como respuesta a un estímulo externo). Son : 1-Los estudios de los ritmos cerebrales han encontrado diferencias entre los sujetos deficientes mentales y los normales 2-Los ritmos cerebrales de los deficientes mentales presentan signos dismadurativos y rasgos anómalos 3-La distribución del factorial de los ritmos cerebrales de los deficientes mentales no difiere significativamente de la encontrada por otros autores en sujetos normales 4-Hay correlación entre los factores obtenidos del análisis de frecuencias y el rendimiento de los deficientes en pruebas cognitivas 5-Los potenciales evocados visuales de los deficientes mentales difieren de los de los sujetos normales 6-Las ondas propias de los potenciales evocados auditivos aparecen con menor voltaje y mayor latencia en los deficientes mentales. Los factores estudiados indican que hay distintos tipos de deficiencia o fortaleza en las facultades cognitivas de los sujetos asociados a distintos fenómenos neurofisiológicos. Se han identificado en la muestra seis grupos diferentes de sujetos. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, los autores creen que no es posible plantear la pedagogía terapeútica con programas y metodologías iguales para todos los deficientes. Tampoco dudan de que estos deficientes mentales no son personas con una mentalidad equivalente a niños más pequeños y que, por lo tanto, bastará impartirles contenidos de cursos inferiores para adaptarlos al medio escolar. En el momento actual, no se conocen soluciones médicas para los déficits encontrados ; sin embargo cabría la posibilidad de cambiar las estrategias de enseñanza para posibilitar el desarrollo intelectual a pesar de las áreas deficitarias encontradas.


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As the available public cerebral gene expression image data increasingly grows, the demand for automated methods to analyze such large amount of data also increases. An important study that can be carried out on these data is related to the spatial relationship between gene expressions. Similar spatial density distribution of expression between genes may indicate they are functionally correlated, thus the identification of these similarities is useful in suggesting directions of investigation to discover gene interactions and their correlated functions. In this paper, we describe the use of a high-throughput methodology based on Voronoi diagrams to automatically analyze and search for possible local spatial density relationships between gene expression images. We tested this method using mouse brain section images from the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas public database. This methodology provided measurements able to characterize the similarity of the density distribution between gene expressions and allowed the visualization of the results through networks and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). These visualizations are useful to analyze the similarity level between gene expression patterns, as well as to compare connection patterns between region networks. Some genes were found to have the same type of function and to be near each other in the PCA visualizations. These results suggest cerebral density correlations between gene expressions that could be further explored. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A nonlinear viscoelastic image registration algorithm based on the demons paradigm and incorporating inverse consistent constraint (ICC) is implemented. An inverse consistent and symmetric cost function using mutual information (MI) as a similarity measure is employed. The cost function also includes regularization of transformation and inverse consistent error (ICE). The uncertainties in balancing various terms in the cost function are avoided by alternatively minimizing the similarity measure, the regularization of the transformation, and the ICE terms. The diffeomorphism of registration for preventing folding and/or tearing in the deformation is achieved by the composition scheme. The quality of image registration is first demonstrated by constructing brain atlas from 20 adult brains (age range 30-60). It is shown that with this registration technique: (1) the Jacobian determinant is positive for all voxels and (2) the average ICE is around 0.004 voxels with a maximum value below 0.1 voxels. Further, the deformation-based segmentation on Internet Brain Segmentation Repository, a publicly available dataset, has yielded high Dice similarity index (DSI) of 94.7% for the cerebellum and 74.7% for the hippocampus, attesting to the quality of our registration method.


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Due to the relative transparency of its embryos and larvae, the zebrafish is an ideal model organism for bioimaging approaches in vertebrates. Novel microscope technologies allow the imaging of developmental processes in unprecedented detail, and they enable the use of complex image-based read-outs for high-throughput/high-content screening. Such applications can easily generate Terabytes of image data, the handling and analysis of which becomes a major bottleneck in extracting the targeted information. Here, we describe the current state of the art in computational image analysis in the zebrafish system. We discuss the challenges encountered when handling high-content image data, especially with regard to data quality, annotation, and storage. We survey methods for preprocessing image data for further analysis, and describe selected examples of automated image analysis, including the tracking of cells during embryogenesis, heartbeat detection, identification of dead embryos, recognition of tissues and anatomical landmarks, and quantification of behavioral patterns of adult fish. We review recent examples for applications using such methods, such as the comprehensive analysis of cell lineages during early development, the generation of a three-dimensional brain atlas of zebrafish larvae, and high-throughput drug screens based on movement patterns. Finally, we identify future challenges for the zebrafish image analysis community, notably those concerning the compatibility of algorithms and data formats for the assembly of modular analysis pipelines.


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Simultaneous neural recordings taken from multiple areas of the rodent brain are garnering growing interest due to the insight they can provide about spatially distributed neural circuitry. The promise of such recordings has inspired great progress in methods for surgically implanting large numbers of metal electrodes into intact rodent brains. However, methods for localizing the precise location of these electrodes have remained severely lacking. Traditional histological techniques that require slicing and staining of physical brain tissue are cumbersome, and become increasingly impractical as the number of implanted electrodes increases. Here we solve these problems by describing a method that registers 3-D computerized tomography (CT) images of intact rat brains implanted with metal electrode bundles to a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Histology (MRH) Atlas. Our method allows accurate visualization of each electrode bundle's trajectory and location without removing the electrodes from the brain or surgically implanting external markers. In addition, unlike physical brain slices, once the 3D images of the electrode bundles and the MRH atlas are registered, it is possible to verify electrode placements from many angles by "re-slicing" the images along different planes of view. Further, our method can be fully automated and easily scaled to applications with large numbers of specimens. Our digital imaging approach to efficiently localizing metal electrodes offers a substantial addition to currently available methods, which, in turn, may help accelerate the rate at which insights are gleaned from rodent network neuroscience.