34 resultados para borreliosis
INTRODUCTION: The symptoms of Brazilian borreliosis resemble the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease (LD). However, there are differences between the two in terms of epidemiological and laboratory findings. Primers usually employed to diagnose LD have failed to detect Borrelia strains in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify the Brazilian Borrelia using a conserved gene that synthesizes the flagellar hook (flgE) of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. METHOD: Three patients presenting with erythema migrans and positive epidemiological histories were recruited for the study. Blood samples were collected, and the DNA was extracted by commercial kits. RESULTS: The gene flgE was amplified from DNA of all selected patients. Upon sequencing, these positive samples revealed 99% homology to B. burgdorferi flgE. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of borreliosis in Brazil. However, it is unclear whether this borreliosis is caused by a genetically modified B. burgdorferi sensu stricto or by a new species of Borrelia spp.
This paper reports a case of coinfection caused by pathogens of Lyme disease and babesiosis in brothers. This was the first case of borreliosis in Brazil, acquired in Cotia County, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Both children had tick bite history, presented erythema migrans, fever, arthralgia, mialgia, and developed positive serology (ELISA and Western-blotting) directed to Borrelia burgdorferi G 39/40 and Babesia bovis antigens, mainly of IgM class antibodies, suggestive of acute disease. Also, high frequencies of antibodies to B. bovis was observed in a group of 59 Brazilian patients with Lyme borreliosis (25.4%), when compared with that obtained in a normal control group (10.2%) (chi-square = 5.6; p < 0.05). Interestingly, both children presented the highest titers for IgM antibodies directed to both infective diseases, among all patients with Lyme borreliosis.
INTRODUCTION: Forestry workers and other people who come into close contact with wild animals, such as hunters, natural science researchers, game managers or mushroom/berry pickers, are at risk of contracting bacterial, parasitological or viral zoonotic diseases. Synthetic data on the incidence and prevalence of zoonotic diseases in both animals and humans in European forests do not exist. It is therefore difficult to promote appropriate preventive measures among workers or people who come into direct or indirect contact with forest animals. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this review are to synthesise existing knowledge on the prevalence of the three predominant bacterial zoonotic diseases in Europe, i.e. Lyme borreliosis, tularemia and leptospirosis, in order to draw up recommendations for occupational or public health. METHODS: 88 papers published between 1995-2013 (33 on Lyme borreliosis, 30 on tularemia and 25 on leptospirosis) were analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalences of these three zoonotic diseases are not negligible and information targeting the public is needed. Moreover, the results highlight the lack of standardised surveys among different European countries. It was also noted that epidemiological data on leptospirosis are very scarce.
Seabirds act as natural reservoirs to Lyme borreliosis spirochetes and may play a significant role in the global circulation of these pathogens. While Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl) has been shown to occur in ticks collected from certain locations in the North Pacific, little is known about interspecific differences in exposure within the seabird communities of this region. We examined the prevalence of anti-Bbsl antibodies in 805 individuals of nine seabird species breeding across the North Pacific. Seroprevalence varied strongly among species and locations. Murres (Uria spp.) showed the highest antibody prevalence and may play a major role in facilitating Bbsl circulation at a worldwide scale. Other species showed little or no signs of exposure, despite being present in multispecific colonies with seropositive birds. Complex dynamics may be operating in this wide scale, natural hostparasite system, possibly mediated by the host immune system and host specialization of the tick vector.
Borrelia burgdorferi infektoitujen hiirten antibioottihoidon jälkeinen oireilu Lymen borrelioosi on puutiaisten välittämä monimuotoinen infektiotauti, jonka tunnetuin oire on ns. vaeltava ihottuma eli erythema migrans. Muita tavallisia ilmentymiä ovat erityisesti nivel- ja hermosto-oireet sekä harvemmin sydän- ja silmäoireet. Suurin osa potilaista paranee täysin terveeksi antibioottihoidon avulla, mutta jopa 10 % borrelioosiin sairastuneista oireilee suositusten mukaisesta hoidosta huolimatta. Pitkittyneen oireilun on ajateltu johtuvan mm. infektion laukaisemasta autoimmuunitaudista tai kroonisesta infektiosta, mutta teorioiden tueksi ei ole kyetty esittämään kiistattomia todisteita. Onkin todennäköistä, että antibioottihoidon jälkeisen oireilun takana on useampia mekanismeja eikä yksi teoria selitä kaikkien potilaiden oireilua. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on tutkittu hoidonjälkeistä borrelioosia hiirimallin avulla. Varhaisvaiheessa (2 viikkoa infektoinnin jälkeen) annettu antibiootti vähensi hiirten nivelturvotusta ja esti B. burgdorferi – bakteerin kasvun kudoksista otetuista näytteissä. Hoidettu¬jen hiirten B. burgdorferi -spesifiset IgG-luokan vasta-aineet pysyivät kuitenkin koholla ja osasta kudosnäytteistä löytyi B. burgdorferi:n DNA:ta PCR-tutkimuksen avulla. Mikäli hiiret hoidettiin myöhäisessä vaiheessa (yli 18 viikkoa infektoinnista) tulokset olivat muuten samanlaiset, mutta keftriaksoni ei vaikuttanut nivelturvotukseen. Näin hiirissä oli aikaansaatu tilanne, joka on hyvin samankaltainen ihmisen hoitoresistentin borrelia-artriitin kanssa: oireet jatkuvat, mutta taudinaiheuttajaa ei saada esiin. Inflammaatiota vaimentavaa anti-TNF-alphaa on käytetty nivelreuman hoidossa menestyksekkäästi huonosti muuhun hoitoon reagoivilla potilailla ja siitä syystä sen ajateltiin voivan vaikuttaa suotuisasti myös B. burgdorferi -infektoitujen hiirten hoidonjälkeiseen nivelturvotukseen. Sillä ei kuitenkaan ollut vaikutusta nivelturvotukseen, mutta yllättäen hoidon jälkeen osa hiirten kudosnäytteistä osoittautui viljelypositiivisiksi. On siis ilmeistä, että hiirimallissamme osa B. burgdorferi spirokeetoista pystyy välttämään keftriaksonihoidon vaikutuksen joko hakeutumalla elimistössä kudokseen, jossa antibiootin pitoisuus ei nouse riittävän korkeaksi, tai ne kykenevät muuntautumaan metabolisesti inaktiiviin tilaan eikä mikrobilääke yhdessä immuunipuolustuksen kanssa onnistu tappamaan niitä. Jatkotutkimuksissa selvitimme B. burgdorferi - spirokeetan mahdollista piilopaikkaa tutkimalla antibioottihoidon jälkeen useita eri kudoksia PCR-menetelmällä. Tulosten perusteella spirokeetta näyttää suosivan nivelkudosta tai soluja, joita esiintyy nivelessä runsaasti. On kuitenkin edelleen epäselvää, missä muodossa B. burgdorferi –spirokeetat säilyvät kudoksessa antibioottihoidon jälkeen.
The different associations of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato spirochaetes with their natural reservoir hosts and tick vectors are slowly being unravelled. This review discusses the interactions of different genospecies of Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes and their differing tick vectors, vertebrate reservoirs and 'accidental hosts'. Particular reference is made to spirochaete-host interactions and occurrence of pathological consequences. Attention is focused on the unique prevalence of enzoonotic cycles in operation within the UK. Risk factors for acquiring Lyme borreliosis in man are discussed. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUCTION: The symptoms of Brazilian borreliosis resemble the clinical manifestations of Lyme disease (LD). However, there are differences between the two in terms of epidemiological and laboratory findings. Primers usually employed to diagnose LD have failed to detect Borrelia strains in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to identify the Brazilian Borrelia using a conserved gene that synthesizes the flagellar hook (flgE) of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. METHOD: Three patients presenting with erythema migrans and positive epidemiological histories were recruited for the study. Blood samples were collected, and the DNA was extracted by commercial kits. RESULTS: The gene flgE was amplified from DNA of all selected patients. Upon sequencing, these positive samples revealed 99% homology to B. burgdorferi flgE. CONCLUSION: These results support the existence of borreliosis in Brazil. However, it is unclear whether this borreliosis is caused by a genetically modified B. burgdorferi sensu stricto or by a new species of Borrelia spp.
In 1986, a 26% seroprevalence of IgG- anti-Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies was observed among 950 orienteers and the incidence of new clinical infections was 0.8%. In 1993, a total of 305 seropositive orienteers were reexamined. During that time, 15 cases (4.9%) of definite/probable Lyme disease occurred in this seropositive group (12 skin manifestations and 3 monoarticular joint manifestations). Among the 12 definite cases, 9 showed new clinical infections (7 EM, 1 acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, 1 arthritis), and 3 were recurrent (2 EM, 1 arthritis). The annual incidence (0.8%) in this seropositive group was identical to the incidence observed among the whole population in 1986. The individual antibody titer decreased slightly but the seroreversion rate was low (7%). Serology was not very helpful in identifying clinical cases and evolutions, and it can be stated, that a positive serology is much more frequent in this risk group than clinical disease.
The epidemiology of "Lyme borreliosis" in Europe and the significance of positive antibody titers against Borrelia burgdorferi is not well known. Since "orienteering", a competitive cross country sport with a map and a compass, usually in forests, elevates the risk of being bitten by ticks and infected by B. burgdorferi, nearly 1000 orienteerers were included in a prospective study. - In this population the prevalence of positive IgG-antibodies (immunofluorescence technique) was almost 20% and of IgM-antibodies 4%. However, the frequency of associated symptoms in the clinical history of the probands was very low, even in individuals with highly positive titers. - We conclude that the rate of asymptomatic Borrelia infections is high in this special group, and probably also in the general population, and that one has therefore to be cautious in interpreting an isolated positive "Lyme titer". Further investigations are needed, and, in particular, follow-up of the many "positive" subjects without clinical symptoms may be helpful in understanding this fascinating disease better.
The change of ambient temperature plays a key role in determining the run of the annual Lyme season. Our aim was to explain the apparent contradiction between the annual unimodal Lyme borreliosis incidence and the bimodal Ixodes ricinus tick activity run – both observed in Hungary – by distinguishing the temperaturedependent seasonal human and tick activity, the temperature-independent factors, and the multiplicative effect of human outdoor activity in summer holiday, using data from Hungary in the period of 1998–2012. This separation was verified by modeling the Lyme incidence based on the separated factors, and comparing the run of the observed and modeled incidence. We demonstrated the bimodality of tick season by using the originally unimodal Lyme incidence data. To model the outdoor human activity, the amount of camping guest nights was used, which showed an irregular run from mid-June to September. The human outdoor activity showed a similar exponential correlation with ambient temperature to that what the relative incidence did. It was proved that summer holiday has great influence on Lyme incidence.
The change of ambient temperature plays a key role in determining the run of the annual Lyme season. Our aim was to explain the apparent contradiction between the annual unimodal Lyme borreliosis incidence and the bimodal Ixodes ricinus tick activity run – both observed in Hungary – by distinguishing the temperaturedependent seasonal human and tick activity, the temperature-independent factors, and the multiplicative effect of human outdoor activity in summer holiday, using data from Hungary in the period of 1998–2012. This separation was verified by modeling the Lyme incidence based on the separated factors, and comparing the run of the observed and modeled incidence. We demonstrated the bimodality of tick season by using the originally unimodal Lyme incidence data. To model the outdoor human activity, the amount of camping guest nights was used, which showed an irregular run from mid-June to September. The human outdoor activity showed a similar exponential correlation with ambient temperature to that what the relative incidence did. It was proved that summer holiday has great influence on Lyme incidence.