1000 resultados para body phantom
Aim of the present article was to perform three-dimensional (3D) single photon emission tomography-based dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan. A custom MATLAB-based code was used to elaborate 3D images and to compare average 3D doses to lesions and to organs at risk (OARs) with those obtained with planar (2D) dosimetry. Our 3D dosimetry procedure was validated through preliminary phantom studies using a body phantom consisting of a lung insert and six spheres with various sizes. In phantom study, the accuracy of dose determination of our imaging protocol decreased when the object volume decreased below 5 mL, approximately. The poorest results were obtained for the 2.58 mL and 1.30 mL spheres where the dose error evaluated on corrected images with regard to the theoretical dose value was -12.97% and -18.69%, respectively. Our 3D dosimetry protocol was subsequently applied on four patients before RIT with (90)Y-ibritumomab-tiuxetan for a total of 5 lesions and 4 OARs (2 livers, 2 spleens). In patient study, without the implementation of volume recovery technique, tumor absorbed doses calculated with the voxel-based approach were systematically lower than those calculated with the planar protocol, with average underestimation of -39% (range from -13.1% to -62.7%). After volume recovery, dose differences reduce significantly, with average deviation of -14.2% (range from -38.7.4% to +3.4%, 1 overestimation, 4 underestimations). Organ dosimetry in one case overestimated, in the other underestimated the dose delivered to liver and spleen. However, both for 2D and 3D approach, absorbed doses to organs per unit administered activity are comparable with most recent literature findings.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the dose profile of the Cranex Tome radiography unit and compare it with that of the Scanora machine.Study design. The radiation dose delivered by the Cranex Tome radiography unit during the cross-sectional mode was determined. Single tooth gaps in regions 3 (16) and 30 (46) were simulated. Dosimetry was carried out with 2 phantoms, a head and neck phantom and a full-body phantom loaded with 142 thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) and 280 TLD, respectively; all locations corresponded to radiosensitive organs or tissues. The recorded local mean organ doses were compared with those measured in another study evaluating the Scanora machine.Results. Generally, dose values from the Cranex Tome radiography unit reached only 50% to 60% of the values measured for the Scanora machine. The effective dose was calculated as 0.061 mSv and 0.04 mSv for tooth regions 3 (16) and 30 (46), respectively. Corresponding values for the Scanora machine were 0.117 mSv and 0.084 mSv.Conclusion. Cross-sectional imaging in the molar region of the upper and the lower jaw can be performed with the Cranex Tome unit, which delivers only approximately half of the dose that the Scanora machine delivers.
In the present study, dose measurements have been conducted following examination of the maxilla and mandible with spiral computed tomography (CT). The measurements were carried out with 2 phantoms, a head and neck phantom and a full body phantom. The analysis of applied thermoluminescent dosimeters yielded radiation doses for organs and tissues in the head and neck region between 0.6 and 16.7 mGy when 40 axial slices and 120 kV/165 mAs were used as exposure parameters. The effective dose was calculated as 0.58 and 0.48 mSv in the maxilla and mandible, respectively. Tested methods for dose reduction showed a significant decrease of radiation dose from 40 to 65%. Based on these results, the mortality risk was estimated according to calculation models recommended by the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations and by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. Both models resulted in similar values. The mortality risk ranges from 46.2 x 10.6 for 20-year-old men to 11.2 x 10(-6) for 65-year-old women. Using 2 methods of dose reduction, the mortality risk decreased by approximately 50 to 60% to 19.1 x 10(-6) for 20-year-old men and 5.5 x 10(-6) for 65-year-old women. It can be concluded that a CT scan of the maxillofacial complex causes a considerable radiation dose when compared with conventional radiographic examinations. Therefore, a careful indication for this imaging technique and dose reduction methods should be considered in daily practice.
The objective of our study was to test a new approach to approximating organ dose by using the effective energy of the combined 80kV/140kV beam used in fast kV switch dual-energy (DE) computed tomography (CT). The two primary focuses of the study were to first validate experimentally the dose equivalency between MOSFET and ion chamber (as a gold standard) in a fast kV switch DE environment, and secondly to estimate effective dose (ED) of DECT scans using MOSFET detectors and an anthropomorphic phantom.
Materials and Methods
A GE Discovery 750 CT scanner was employed using a fast-kV switch abdomen/pelvis protocol alternating between 80 kV and 140 kV. The specific aims of our study were to (1) Characterize the effective energy of the dual energy environment; (2) Estimate the f-factor for soft tissue; (3) Calibrate the MOSFET detectors using a beam with effective energy equal to the combined DE environment; (4) Validate our calibration by using MOSFET detectors and ion chamber to measure dose at the center of a CTDI body phantom; (5) Measure ED for an abdomen/pelvis scan using an anthropomorphic phantom and applying ICRP 103 tissue weighting factors; and (6) Estimate ED using AAPM Dose Length Product (DLP) method. The effective energy of the combined beam was calculated by measuring dose with an ion chamber under varying thicknesses of aluminum to determine half-value layer (HVL).
The effective energy of the combined dual-energy beams was found to be 42.8 kV. After calibration, tissue dose in the center of the CTDI body phantom was measured at 1.71 ± 0.01 cGy using an ion chamber, and 1.73±0.04 and 1.69±0.09 using two separate MOSFET detectors. This result showed a -0.93% and 1.40 % difference, respectively, between ion chamber and MOSFET. ED from the dual-energy scan was calculated as 16.49 ± 0.04 mSv by the MOSFET method and 14.62 mSv by the DLP method.
A cintigrafia óssea de corpo inteiro representa um dos exames imagiológicos mais frequentes realizados em medicina nuclear. Para além de outras aplicações, este procedimento é capaz de fornecer o diagnóstico de metástases ósseas. Em doentes oncológicos, a presença de metástases ósseas representa um forte indicador prognóstico da longevidade do doente. Para além disso, a presença ou ausência de metástases ósseas irá influenciar o planeamento do tratamento, requerendo para isso uma interpretação precisa dos resultados imagiológicos. Problema: Tendo em conta que a metastização óssea é considerada uma complicação severa relacionada com aumento da morbilidade e diminuição de sobrevivência dos doentes, o conceito de patient care torna-se ainda mais imperativo nestas situações. Assim, devem ser implementadas as melhores práticas imagiológicas de forma a obter o melhor resultado possível do procedimento efetuado, associado ao desconforto mínimo do doente. Uma técnica provável para atingir este objetivo no caso específico da cintigrafia óssea de corpo inteiro é a redução do tempo de aquisição, contudo, as imagens obtidas por si só teriam qualidade de tal forma reduzida que os resultados poderiam ser enviesados. Atualmente, surgiram novas técnicas, nomeadamente relativas a processamento de imagem, através das quais é possível gerar imagens cintigráficas com contagem reduzida de qualidade comparável àquela obtida com o protocolo considerado como standard. Ainda assim, alguns desses métodos continuam associados a algumas incertezas, particularmente no que respeita a sustentação da confiança diagnóstica após a modificação dos protocolos de rotina. Objetivos: O presente trabalho pretende avaliar a performance do algoritmo Pixon para processamento de imagem por meio de um estudo com fantoma. O objetivo será comparar a qualidade de imagem e a detetabilidade fornecidas por imagens não processadas com aquelas submetidas à referida técnica de processamento. Para além disso, pretende-se também avaliar o efeito deste algoritmo na redução do tempo de aquisição. De forma a atingir este objetivo, irá ser feita uma comparação entre as imagens obtidas com o protocolo standard e aquelas adquiridas usando protocolos mais rápidos, posteriormente submetidas ao método de processamento referido. Material e Métodos: Esta investigação for realizada no departamento de Radiologia e Medicina Nuclear do Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, situado na Holanda. Foi utilizado um fantoma cilíndrico contendo um conjunto de seis esferas de diferentes tamanhos, adequado à técnica de imagem planar. O fantoma foi preparado com diferentes rácios de atividade entre as esferas e o background (4:1, 8:1, 17:1, 22:1, 32:1 e 71:1). Posteriormente, para cada teste experimental, o fantoma foi submetido a vários protocolos de aquisição de imagem, nomeadamente com diferentes velocidades de aquisição: 8 cm/min, 12 cm/min, 16 cm/min e 20 cm/min. Todas as imagens foram adquiridas na mesma câmara gama - e.cam Signature Dual Detector System (Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.) - utilizando os mesmos parâmetros técnicos de aquisição, à exceção da velocidade. Foram adquiridas 24 imagens, todas elas submetidas a pós-processamento com recurso a um software da Siemens (Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.) que inclui a ferramenta necessária ao processamento de imagens cintigráficas de corpo inteiro. Os parâmetros de reconstrução utilizados foram os mesmos para cada série de imagens, estando estabelecidos em modo automático. A análise da informação recolhida foi realizada com recurso a uma avaliação objetiva (utilizando parâmetros físicos de qualidade de imagem) e outra subjetiva (através de dois observadores). A análise estatística foi efetuada recorrendo ao software SPSS versão 22 para Windows. Resultados: Através da análise subjetiva de cada rácio de atividade foi demonstrado que, no geral, a detetabilidade das esferas aumentou após as imagens serem processadas. A concordância entre observadores para a distribuição desta análise foi substancial, tanto para imagens não processadas como imagens processadas. Foi igualmente demonstrado que os parâmetros físicos de qualidade de imagem progrediram depois de o algoritmo de processamento ter sido aplicado. Para além disso, observou-se ao comparar as imagens standard (adquiridas com 8 cm/min) e aquelas processadas e adquiridas com protocolos mais rápidos que: imagens adquiridas com uma velocidade de aquisição de 12 cm/min podem fornecer resultados melhorados, com parâmetros de qualidade de imagem e detetabilidade superiores; imagens adquiridas com uma velocidade de 16 cm/min fornecem resultados comparáveis aos standard, com valores aproximados de qualidade de imagem e detetabilidade; e imagens adquiridas com uma velocidade de 20 cm/min resultam em valores diminuídos de qualidade de imagem, bem como redução a nível da detetabilidade. Discussão: Os resultados obtidos foram igualmente estabelecidos por meio de um estudo clínico numa investigação independente, no mesmo departamento. Foram incluídos cinquenta e um doentes referidos com carcinomas da mama e da próstata, com o objetivo de estudar o impacto desta técnica na prática clínica. Os doentes foram, assim, submetidos ao protocolo standard e posteriormente a uma aquisição adicional com uma velocidade de aquisição de 16 cm/min. Depois de as imagens terem sido cegamente avaliadas por três médicos especialistas, concluiu-se que a qualidade de imagem bem como a detetabilidade entre imagens era comparável, corroborando os resultados desta investigação. Conclusão: Com o objetivo de reduzir o tempo de aquisição aplicando um algoritmo de processamento de imagem, foi demonstrado que o protocolo com 16 cm/min de velocidade de aquisição será o limite para o aumento dessa mesma velocidade. Após processar a informação, este protocolo fornece os resultados mais equivalentes àqueles obtidos com o protocolo standard. Tendo em conta que esta técnica foi estabelecida com sucesso na prática clínica, pode-se concluir que, pelo menos em doentes referidos com carcinomas da mama e da próstata, o tempo de aquisição pode ser reduzido para metade, duplicando a velocidade de aquisição de 8 para 16 cm/min.
Whole-body (WB) planar imaging has long been one of the staple methods of dosimetry, and its quantification has been formalized by the MIRD Committee in pamphlet no 16. One of the issues not specifically addressed in the formalism occurs when the count rates reaching the detector are sufficiently high to result in camera count saturation. Camera dead-time effects have been extensively studied, but all of the developed correction methods assume static acquisitions. However, during WB planar (sweep) imaging, a variable amount of imaged activity exists in the detector's field of view as a function of time and therefore the camera saturation is time dependent. A new time-dependent algorithm was developed to correct for dead-time effects during WB planar acquisitions that accounts for relative motion between detector heads and imaged object. Static camera dead-time parameters were acquired by imaging decaying activity in a phantom and obtaining a saturation curve. Using these parameters, an iterative algorithm akin to Newton's method was developed, which takes into account the variable count rate seen by the detector as a function of time. The algorithm was tested on simulated data as well as on a whole-body scan of high activity Samarium-153 in an ellipsoid phantom. A complete set of parameters from unsaturated phantom data necessary for count rate to activity conversion was also obtained, including build-up and attenuation coefficients, in order to convert corrected count rate values to activity. The algorithm proved successful in accounting for motion- and time-dependent saturation effects in both the simulated and measured data and converged to any desired degree of precision. The clearance half-life calculated from the ellipsoid phantom data was calculated to be 45.1 h after dead-time correction and 51.4 h with no correction; the physical decay half-life of Samarium-153 is 46.3 h. Accurate WB planar dosimetry of high activities relies on successfully compensating for camera saturation which takes into account the variable activity in the field of view, i.e. time-dependent dead-time effects. The algorithm presented here accomplishes this task.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the utility of inversion recovery with on-resonant water suppression (IRON) in combination with injection of the long-circulating monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticle (MION)-47 for contrast material-enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. MATERIALS AND METhods: Experiments were approved by the institutional animal care committee. Eleven rabbits were imaged at baseline before injection of a contrast agent and then serially 5-30 minutes, 2 hours, 1 day, and 3 days after a single intravenous bolus injection of 80 micromol of MION-47 per kilogram of body weight (n = 6) or 250 micromol/kg MION-47 (n = 5). Conventional T1-weighted MR angiography and IRON MR angiography were performed on a clinical 3.0-T imager. Signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios were measured in the aorta of rabbits in vivo. Venous blood was obtained from the rabbits before and after MION-47 injection for use in phantom studies. RESULTS: In vitro blood that contained MION-47 appeared signal attenuated on T1-weighted angiograms, while characteristic signal-enhanced dipolar fields were observed on IRON angiograms. In vivo, the vessel lumen was signal attenuated on T1-weighted MR angiograms after MION-47 injection, while IRON supported high intravascular contrast by simultaneously providing positive signal within the vessels and suppressing background tissue (mean contrast-to-noise ratio, 61.9 +/- 12.4 [standard deviation] after injection vs 1.1 +/- 0.4 at baseline, P < .001). Contrast-to-noise ratio was higher on IRON MR angiograms than on conventional T1-weighted MR angiograms (9.0 +/- 2.5, P < .001 vs IRON MR angiography) and persisted up to 24 hours after MION-47 injection (76.2 +/- 15.9, P < .001 vs baseline). CONCLUSION: IRON MR angiography in conjunction with superparamagnetic nanoparticle administration provides high intravascular contrast over a long time and without the need for image subtraction.
Whole-body counting is a technique of choice for assessing the intake of gamma-emitting radionuclides. An appropriate calibration is necessary, which is done either by experimental measurement or by Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. The aim of this work was to validate a MC model for calibrating whole-body counters (WBCs) by comparing the results of computations with measurements performed on an anthropomorphic phantom and to investigate the effect of a change in phantom's position on the WBC counting sensitivity. GEANT MC code was used for the calculations, and an IGOR phantom loaded with several types of radionuclides was used for the experimental measurements. The results show a reasonable agreement between measurements and MC computation. A 1-cm error in phantom positioning changes the activity estimation by >2%. Considering that a 5-cm deviation of the positioning of the phantom may occur in a realistic counting scenario, this implies that the uncertainty of the activity measured by a WBC is ∼10-20%.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate in a phantom study the effect of patient size on radiation dose for abdominal MDCT with automatic tube current modulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One or two 4-cm-thick circumferential layers of fat-equivalent material were added to the abdomen of an anthropomorphic phantom to simulate patients of three sizes: small (cross-sectional dimensions, 18 x 22 cm), average size (26 x 30 cm), and oversize (34 x 38 cm). Imaging was performed with a 64-MDCT scanner with combined z-axis and xy-axis tube current modulation according to two protocols: protocol A had a noise index of 12.5 H, and protocol B, 15.0 H. Radiation doses to three abdominal organs and the skin were assessed. Image noise also was measured. RESULTS: Despite increasing patient size, the image noise measured was similar for protocol A (range, 11.7-12.2 H) and protocol B (range, 13.9-14.8 H) (p > 0.05). With the two protocols, in comparison with the dose of the small patient, the abdominal organ doses of the average-sized patient and the oversized patient increased 161.5-190.6%and 426.9-528.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). The skin dose increased as much as 268.6% for the average-sized patient and 816.3% for the oversized patient compared with the small patient (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Oversized patients undergoing abdominal MDCT with tube current modulation receive significantly higher doses than do small patients. The noise index needs to be adjusted to the body habitus to ensure dose efficiency.
To investigate the effect of metal implants in proton radiotherapy, dose distributions of different, clinically relevant treatment plans have been measured in an anthropomorphic phantom and compared to treatment planning predictions. The anthropomorphic phantom, which is sliced into four segments in the cranio-caudal direction, is composed of tissue equivalent materials and contains a titanium implant in a vertebral body in the cervical region. GafChromic® films were laid between the different segments to measure the 2D delivered dose. Three different four-field plans have then been applied: a Single-Field-Uniform-Dose (SFUD) plan, both with and without artifact correction implemented, and an Intensity-Modulated-Proton-Therapy (IMPT) plan with the artifacts corrected. For corrections, the artifacts were manually outlined and the Hounsfield Units manually set to an average value for soft tissue. Results show a surprisingly good agreement between prescribed and delivered dose distributions when artifacts have been corrected, with > 97% and 98% of points fulfilling the gamma criterion of 3%/3 mm for both SFUD and the IMPT plans, respectively. In contrast, without artifact corrections, up to 18% of measured points fail the gamma criterion of 3%/3 mm for the SFUD plan. These measurements indicate that correcting manually for the reconstruction artifacts resulting from metal implants substantially improves the accuracy of the calculated dose distribution.
The effectiveness of the Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm (AAA) implemented in the Eclipse treatment planning system (TPS) was evaluated using theRadiologicalPhysicsCenteranthropomorphic lung phantom using both flattened and flattening-filter-free high energy beams. Radiation treatment plans were developed following the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group and theRadiologicalPhysicsCenterguidelines for lung treatment using Stereotactic Radiation Body Therapy. The tumor was covered such that at least 95% of Planning Target Volume (PTV) received 100% of the prescribed dose while ensuring that normal tissue constraints were followed as well. Calculated doses were exported from the Eclipse TPS and compared with the experimental data as measured using thermoluminescence detectors (TLD) and radiochromic films that were placed inside the phantom. The results demonstrate that the AAA superposition-convolution algorithm is able to calculate SBRT treatment plans with all clinically used photon beams in the range from 6 MV to 18 MV. The measured dose distribution showed a good agreement with the calculated distribution using clinically acceptable criteria of ±5% dose or 3mm distance to agreement. These results show that in a heterogeneous environment a 3D pencil beam superposition-convolution algorithms with Monte Carlo pre-calculated scatter kernels, such as AAA, are able to reliably calculate dose, accounting for increased lateral scattering due to the loss of electronic equilibrium in low density medium. The data for high energy plans (15 MV and 18 MV) showed very good tumor coverage in contrast to findings by other investigators for less sophisticated dose calculation algorithms, which demonstrated less than expected tumor doses and generally worse tumor coverage for high energy plans compared to 6MV plans. This demonstrates that the modern superposition-convolution AAA algorithm is a significant improvement over previous algorithms and is able to calculate doses accurately for SBRT treatment plans in the highly heterogeneous environment of the thorax for both lower (≤12 MV) and higher (greater than 12 MV) beam energies.
A phantom that can be used for mapping geometric distortion in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is described. This phantom provides an array of densely distributed control points in three-dimensional (3D) space. These points form the basis of a comprehensive measurement method to correct for geometric distortion in MR images arising principally from gradient field non-linearity and magnet field inhomogeneity. The phantom was designed based on the concept that a point in space can be defined using three orthogonal planes. This novel design approach allows for as many control points as desired. Employing this novel design, a highly accurate method has been developed that enables the positions of the control points to be measured to sub-voxel accuracy. The phantom described in this paper was constructed to fit into a body coil of a MRI scanner, (external dimensions of the phantom were: 310 mm x 310 mm x 310 mm), and it contained 10,830 control points. With this phantom, the mean errors in the measured coordinates of the control points were on the order of 0.1 mm or less, which were less than one tenth of the voxel's dimensions of the phantom image. The calculated three-dimensional distortion map, i.e., the differences between the image positions and true positions of the control points, can then be used to compensate for geometric distortion for a full image restoration. It is anticipated that this novel method will have an impact on the applicability of MRI in both clinical and research settings. especially in areas where geometric accuracy is highly required, such as in MR neuro-imaging. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The precise evaluation of electromagnetic field (EMF) distributions inside biological samples is becoming an increasingly important design requirement for high field MRI systems. In evaluating the induced fields caused by magnetic field gradients and RF transmitter coils, a multilayered dielectric spherical head model is proposed to provide a better understanding of electromagnetic interactions when compared to a traditional homogeneous head phantom. This paper presents Debye potential (DP) and Dyadic Green's function (DGF)-based solutions of the EMFs inside a head-sized, stratified sphere with similar radial conductivity and permittivity profiles as a human head. The DP approach is formulated for the symmetric case in which the source is a circular loop carrying a harmonic-formed current over a wide frequency range. The DGF method is developed for generic cases in which the source may be any kind of RF coil whose current distribution can be evaluated using the method of moments. The calculated EMFs can then be used to deduce MRI imaging parameters. The proposed methods, while not representing the full complexity of a head model, offer advantages in rapid prototyping as the computation times are much lower than a full finite difference time domain calculation using a complex head model. Test examples demonstrate the capability of the proposed models/methods. It is anticipated that this model will be of particular value for high field MRI applications, especially the rapid evaluation of RF resonator (surface and volume coils) and high performance gradient set designs.
Scatter in medical imaging is typically cast off as image-related noise that detracts from meaningful diagnosis. It is therefore typically rejected or removed from medical images. However, it has been found that every material, including cancerous tissue, has a unique X-ray coherent scatter signature that can be used to identify the material or tissue. Such scatter-based tissue-identification provides the advantage of locating and identifying particular materials over conventional anatomical imaging through X-ray radiography. A coded aperture X-ray coherent scatter spectral imaging system has been developed in our group to classify different tissue types based on their unique scatter signatures. Previous experiments using our prototype have demonstrated that the depth-resolved coherent scatter spectral imaging system (CACSSI) can discriminate healthy and cancerous tissue present in the path of a non-destructive x-ray beam. A key to the successful optimization of CACSSI as a clinical imaging method is to obtain anatomically accurate phantoms of the human body. This thesis describes the development and fabrication of 3D printed anatomical scatter phantoms of the breast and lung.
The purpose of this work is to accurately model different breast geometries using a tissue equivalent phantom, and to classify these tissues in a coherent x-ray scatter imaging system. Tissue-equivalent anatomical phantoms were designed to assess the capability of the CACSSI system to classify different types of breast tissue (adipose, fibroglandular, malignant). These phantoms were 3D printed based on DICOM data obtained from CT scans of prone breasts. The phantoms were tested through comparison of measured scatter signatures with those of adipose and fibroglandular tissue from literature. Tumors in the phantom were modeled using a variety of biological tissue including actual surgically excised benign and malignant tissue specimens. Lung based phantoms have also been printed for future testing. Our imaging system has been able to define the location and composition of the various materials in the phantom. These phantoms were used to characterize the CACSSI system in terms of beam width and imaging technique. The result of this work showed accurate modeling and characterization of the phantoms through comparison of the tissue-equivalent form factors to those from literature. The physical construction of the phantoms, based on actual patient anatomy, was validated using mammography and computed tomography to visually compare the clinical images to those of actual patient anatomy.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an often-used intervention to decrease body mass. In male Sprague-Dawley rats, 24 hour cycles of IF result in light caloric restriction, reduced body mass gain, and significant decreases in the efficiency of energy conversion. Here, we study the metabolic effects of IF in order to uncover mechanisms involved in this lower energy conversion efficiency. After 3 weeks, IF animals displayed overeating during fed periods and lower body mass, accompanied by alterations in energy-related tissue mass. The lower efficiency of energy use was not due to uncoupling of muscle mitochondria. Enhanced lipid oxidation was observed during fasting days, whereas fed days were accompanied by higher metabolic rates. Furthermore, an increased expression of orexigenic neurotransmitters AGRP and NPY in the hypothalamus of IF animals was found, even on feeding days, which could explain the overeating pattern. Together, these effects provide a mechanistic explanation for the lower efficiency of energy conversion observed. Overall, we find that IF promotes changes in hypothalamic function that explain differences in body mass and caloric intake.