1000 resultados para blower door testing


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Air tightness of Australian buildings is a great unknown. Despite testing methods being developed and implemented in many advanced European and North American countries, this has not happened in Australia. This paper notes energy efficiency gains that can be achieved through tighter construction, and follows on from the investigation into testing methodology and literature discussed in TEC 23: Air Leakage in Buildings – Review of International Literature and Standards. Several domestic case studies are used to implement two accepted testing methods and aid to build the case for increased awareness of airtight housing in Australia.


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This paper applies established and new testing methods to discover the ventilation performance of various residential building envelope constructions in Australia. Under the definition of 'ventilation performance' we imply the building envelope leakage (or infiltration) of the living space air change rates, the volumetric flow rates and the pathways of air flow between subfloor, living and roof spaces. All of the methods applied and discussed here are on-site, evidence-based performance of actual structures as tested by the Mobile Architecture and Built Environment Laboratory and Air Barrier Technologies. The testing processes primarily involve the Tracer Gas Decay Method (TGDM) and rhe fan pressurisation method (FPM a.k.a 'blower door'). All the measurements are performed with respect to the external wind speed and direction as well as the typical weather parameters. This paper discusses the differences and similarities of both testing methods as well as several other testing procedures that can inform the researcher on air leakage pathways. Findings of a simultaneous TGDM and FPM air leakage rate comparison are also encountered in this paper. One of the most informative testing methods, is the application of three different tracer gasses introduced into different spaces (subfloor, living and roof) to discover pathways of air flow within residential construction.


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A civilização contemporânea, pelas suas características, é muito exigente em tudo o que diz respeito ao conforto dos edifícios, para trabalho ou habitação, e à necessidade de economizar e racionalizar o uso de energia. A térmica dos edifícios assume, por isso, uma importância acrescida na atividade profissional e no ensino. Para se conduzir ao aperfeiçoamento de soluções na envolvente dos edifícios a este nível, o trabalho aqui realizado centrou-se no estudo do funcionamento da termografia de infravermelhos e da importância da sua utilização na inspeção térmica de edifícios. Descoberta no início do século XIX e desenvolvendo os primeiros sistemas operativos desde a 1ª Guerra Mundial, a fim de determinar heterogeneidades de temperatura superficial, esta técnica não destrutiva permite identificar anomalias que não são visualizadas a olho nu. Com a análise dessas variações de temperatura é possível conhecer os problemas e a localização de irregularidades. Este trabalho baseia-se substancialmente no estudo de edifícios. A análise realizada teve como finalidade executar inspeções termográficas – visuais, com duas abordagens. Por um lado, avaliar salas pertencentes a estabelecimentos de ensino secundário, reabilitadas e não reabilitadas, todas construídas entre as décadas de 60 e 90, com o intuito de diagnosticar patologias construtivas, recorrendo à termografia. Por outro, a análise de edifícios de habitação, com a intenção de avaliar a necessidade de um equipamento complementar às inspeções termográficas – o sistema de porta ventiladora. As inspeções foram regidas pelas diretrizes da norma europeia EN 13187. A termografia é uma técnica importante na realização de ensaios in situ que requerem rapidez de execução, aliada à vantagem de disponibilizar resultados em tempo real, permitindo assim uma primeira análise das leituras no local. A inspeção termográfica complementada com o sistema de porta ventiladora permitiu, também, revelar a importância da necessidade de meios auxiliares em certos casos. A conjugação destas diferentes técnicas permite reduzir a subjetividade da análise in situ e aumentar a fiabilidade do diagnóstico.


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Com a crescente sensibilização mundial relativa ao aquecimento global, provocado pela alta quantidade de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa, torna-se imperativa a redução de consumos de combustíveis fósseis e consecutivas emissões. Ao nível da construção civil, uma intervenção eficaz na prevenção de perdas de ar aquecido poderá levar a diminuições superiores a 50% na utilização de energia. Este trabalho pretende estudar a importância da eficiência energética nos edifícios, com especial enfoque na sua permeabilidade ao ar. O ensaio de porta ventiladora permite avaliar esta permeabilidade e identificar os locais onde se dão as infiltrações, nomeadamente com auxílio da câmara térmica. O principal objectivo é estudar a aplicação deste ensaio na legislação em desenvolvimento no âmbito da certificação energética, através da comparação dos resultados de quatro habitações distintas. Também ao nível da eficiência energética, será obtida a classe energética, segundo a legislação em vigor à corrente data em Portugal, de uma das habitaçãoes ensaiadas e propostas medidas de melhoria para o desempenho energético desta. Do estudo efectuado é destacado o facto de o valor de renovações horárias do ar interior de uma fracção ser sempre inferior quando obtido unicamente através da legislação em desenvolvimento, em comparação com a obtenção deste através da legislação com auxílio do ensaio da porta ventiladora, o que leva a um grande desincentivo na utilização deste.


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In the nursery industry, generic research conducted by government institutions is often not specific enough to be highly valued and adopted by the individual operator. Operators need practical solutions to their particular problems. Such problems almost invariably involve sets of conditions common to few other enterprises. This uniqueness reflects the almost infinite variation of options available in terms of species grown, media used, fertiliser, amendments and chemicals applied and the way water is supplied. The DOOR (Do Our Own Research) method advocates a relatively unexplored way of generating new, statistically sound research information in the nursery industry. The manual aims to enhance nursery operators' understanding and skills development in the following areas: critially evaluating opportunities and problems in the nursery environment, gathering relevant information, deriving and prioritising potential solutions to problems and opportunities, becoming familiar with the scientific method employed in testing potential solutions, carrying out statistically sound aand rigorous research, and developing recommendations that flow from the research information generated. The DOOR approach has application in a number of other industries and may provide important support at a time of declining research, development and extension investment by the public sector.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Introduction In 2007, St Luke’s Mission Hospital initiated a district-wide Door to Door HIV counselling and testing (HCT) programme in Zomba district. The intent of the programme was to provide quality HCT services to people in their homes and effectively those found to be HIV positive referred to appropriate services. Methodology This was a cross sectional study using a questionnaire consecutively administered to a sample of 105 counsellors who had resided in the community for a period of over one year. The questionnaire sought to establish, knowledge gained, experiences and recommendations on how the programme has been implemented and assist running of similar future programmes. Data analysis was done manually using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Results We report that nearly 23% of the counsellors thought that during their training as a door to door HTC councelor they had benefited in learning to working with communities; an aspect they found to be highly applicable in discharge of their duties. The major setbacks during the training were lack daily allowances, less amount of time spent on understanding child councelling and the manual used was diffucult to follow. Over 32% of the councellors were satisfied with the participation of their clients during pre-test counselling sessions, however, the major challenge they had was the misconception that they were blood suckers, a view reported by nearly 17% of the counsellors. Close to 72% reported not to have met any problems during post-test counselling compared to 24% who reported to have found challenges. Conclusion The study has revealed that there is a need to re-look child children counselling especially in training door to door HCT counsellors. It has also revealed the prevalent allowance culture despite the benefits of training. The common challenges were refusal of test Results and failure to understand discordance. Misconceptions may still exist in the community regarding anything dealing with removing blood. There is still need for more information regarding discordance especially among couples in the community.