980 resultados para block copolymer homopolymer mixtures


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The effect of micelle on crystallization behaviour of dilute poly(methyl methacrylate-b-tetrahydrofuran) diblock copolymer/tetrahydrofuran homopolymer, dilute poly (ethylene-b-styrene-b-ethylene) triblock copolymer/ethylene homopolymer solutions has been studied. The results show that with the structural teansitions from spherical to nonspherical micelle in the blends, great changes in the nucleation and spherulite morphologies take place.


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This thesis investigates the influence of hydrogen bonding interactions on the self-assembly, phase behaviour and nanostructures of the block copolymer/homopolymer systems. The different combinations of block copolymer blends and complexes of AB/C, AB/CD, and ABC/D mixtures open a convenient way to tailor various morphologies with controlled size and shape.


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The self-assembly and high temperature behavior of AB/B′ type block copolymer/homopolymer blends containing polyacrylonitrile (PAN) polymers were studied for the first time. Here, microphase separated nanostructures were formed in the poly(methyl methacrylate-b-polyacrylonitrile) (PMMAN) block copolymer and their blends with homopolymer PAN at various blend ratios. Additionally, these nanostructures were transformed into porous carbon nanostructures by sacrificing PMMA blocks via pyrolysis. Spherical and worm like morphologies were observed in both TEM and AFM images at different compositions. The thermal and phase behavior examinations showed good compatibility between the blend components in all studied compositions. The PAN homopolymer (B′) with a comparatively higher molecular weight than the corresponding block (B) of the block copolymer is expected to exhibit ‘dry brush’ behavior in this AB/B′ type system. This study provides a basic understanding of the miscibility and phase separation in the PMMAN/PAN system, which is important in the nanostructure formation of bulk PAN based materials with the help of block copolymers to develop advanced functional materials.


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The phase behaviors of comblike block copolymer A(m+1)B(m)/homopolymer A mixtures are studied by using the random phase approximation method and real-space self-consistent field theory. From the spinodals of macrophase separation and microphase separation, we can find that the number of graft and the length of the homopolymer A have great effects on the phase behavior of the blend. For a given composition of comblike block copolymer, increasing the number of graft does not change the macrophase separation spinodal curve but decreases the microphase separation region. The addition of a small quantity of long-chain homopolymer A increases the microphase separation of comblike block copolymer/homopolymer A mixture.


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The crystallization, morphology, and crystalline structure of dilute solid solutions of tetrahydrofuran-methyl methacrylate diblock copolymer (PTHF-b-PMMA) in poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and PTHF have been studied with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray, and optical microscopy. This study provides a new insight into the crystallization behavior of block copolymers. For the dilute PTHF-b-PMMA/PEO system containing only 2 to 7 wt % of PTHF content, crystallization of the PTHF micellar core was detected both on cooling and on heating. Compared the crystallization of the PTHF in the dilute solutions with that in the pure copolymer, it was found that the crystallizability of the PTHF micellar core in the solution is much greater than that of the dispersed PTHF microdomain in the pure copolymer. The stronger crystallizability in the solution was presumably due to a softened PMMA corona formed in the solution of the copolymer with PEG. However, the "soft" micelles formed in the solution (meaning that the glass transition temperatures (T-g) of the micelle is lower than the T-m of the matrix phase) showed almost no effects on the spherulitic morphology of the PEO component, compared with that of the pure PEO sample. In contrast, significant effects of the micelles with a "hard" PMMA core (meaning that the T-g of the core is higher than the T-m of the PTHF homopolymer) on the nucleation, crystalline structure, and spherulitic morphology were observed for the dilute PTHF-b-PMMA/PTHF system. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Phase behavior of blends of poly(vinyl methyl ether) (PVME) with four styrene-butadienestyrene (SBS) triblock copolymers, being of various molecular weights, architecture, and compositions, was investigated by small-angle light scattering. Small-angle X-ray scattering investigation was accomplished for one blend. Low critical solution temperature (LCST) and a unique phase behavior, resembling upper critical solution temperature (UCST), were observed. It was found that the architecture of the copolymer greatly influenced the phase behavior of the blends. Random phase approximation theory was used to calculate the spinodal phase transition curves of the ABA/C and BAB/C systems; LCST and resembling UCST phase behavior were observed as the parameters of the system changed. Qualitatively, the experimental and the theoretical results are consistent with each other. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Miscibility in blends of three styrene-butadiene-styrene and one styrene-isoprene-styrene triblock copolymers containing 28%, 30%, 48%, and 14% by weight of polystyrene, respectively, with poly(vinyl methyl ether) (PVME) were investigated by FTIR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It was found from the optical clarity and the glass transition temperature behavior that the blends show miscibility for each kind of triblock copolymers below a certain concentration of PVME. The concentration range to show miscibility becomes wider as the polystyrene content and molecular weight of PS segment in the triblock copolymers increase. From the FTIR results, the relative peak intensity of the 1100 cm-1 region due to COCH3 band of PVME and peak position of 698 cm-1 region due to phenyl ring are sensitive to the miscibility of SBS(SIS)/PVME blends. The results show that the miscibility in SBS(SIS)/PVME blends is greatly affected by the composition of the copolymers and the polystyrene content in the triblock copolymers. Molecular weights of polystyrene segments have also affected the miscibility of the blends. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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This paper describes the formation of fibril like aggregates from the self-assembly of block copolymer mixture (polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PS-b-P4VP) and polystyrene-b-poly(acrylic acid) (PS-b-PAA)) via interpolymer hydrogen bonding in nonselective solvent. The hydrogen bonding between P4VP and PAA in chloroform leads to the formation of complex. When all the pyridine units in P4VP were all hydrogen bonded to acrylic acid in PAA, the formed complex is insoluble, resulting in the formation of spherical micellar aggregates and nanorods.


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The cloud-point temperatures (T-cl's) of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(ethylene oxide)-block-polydimethylsiloxane (P(EO-b-DMS)) homopolymer and block-oligomer mixtures were determined by turbidity measurements over a range of temperatures (105 to 130degrees), pressures (1 to 800 bar), and compositions (10-40 wt.-% PEO). The system phase separates upon cooling and T-cl was found to decrease with an increase in pressure for a constant composition. In the absence of special effects, this finding indicates negative excess volumes. Special attention was paid to the demixing temperatures as a function of the pressure for the different polymer mixtures and the plots in the T-phi plane (where phi signifies volume fractions). The cloud-point curves of the polymer mixture under pressures were observed for different compositions. The Sanchez-Lacombe (SL) lattice fluid theory was used to calculate the spinodals, the binodals, the Flory-Huggins (FH) interaction parameter, the enthalphy of mixing, and the volume changes of mixing. The calculated results show that modified P(EO-b-DMS) scaling parameters with the new combining rules can describe the thermodynamics of the PEO/P(EO-b-DMS) system well with the SL theory.


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The crystallization and unusual crystalline morphologies of compatible mixtures of tetrahydrofuran-methyl methacrylate diblock copolymer with tetrahydrofuran homopolymer were studied. It is shown that the PTHF [poly(tetrahydrofuran)] block of the copolymer cocrystalizes with the PTHF homopolymer in the PTHF microphase of the blend. However, the degree of crystallinity of the PTHF block is always lower than that of the PTHF homopolymer in the PTHF microphase. The crystallizability of the PTHF microphase increases appreciably with increasing PTHF microphase size and PTHF homopolymer weight fraction in the microphase. The morphology study of the blends shows that the crystalline morphology is strongly dependent on blend composition, copolymer composition and PTHF block length, as well as crystallization temperature. When alternating PTHF and PMMA [poly(methyl methacrylate)] lamellae are formed, the macroscopic crystalline morphology could be only observed when the thickness of the PTHF lamellae is large enough (similar to 20 nm). In the blend where PMMA spherical or cylindrical microphases are formed, the crystalline morphology changes dramatically with the change in the PTHF microdomain size and PMMA interdomain distance. Many unusual crystalline morphologies have been observed. A study of the solution-crystallized morphology of the blends at different temperatures shows that the morphology is also strongly dependent on the isothermal crystallization temperature, suggesting that the PMMA microdomains may have different effects on the morphology formation when the blend is crystallized at different rates.


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The miscibilities of blends of homopolystyrene/styrene-butadiene/styrene (PS/SBS) and PS/SB-4A (4-arm star block copolymer) have been studied by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and C-13 CPMAS NMR techniques. The results indicate that the miscibilities o


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We investigated the condensation of calf thymus DNA by amphiphilic polystyrene(m)-b-poly(l-lysine)(n) block copolymers (PSm-b- PLys(n), m, n = degree of polymerization), using small-angle X-ray scattering, polarized optical microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Microscopy studies showed that the DNA condenses in the form of fibrillar precipitates, with an irregular structure, due to electrostatic interactions between PLys and DNA. This is not modified by the presence of hydrophobic PS block. Scattering experiments show that the structure of the polyplexes corresponds to a local order of DNA rods which becomes more compact upon increasing n. It can be concluded that for DNA/ PSm-b- PLys(n) polyplexes, the balance between the PLys block length and the excess charge in the system plays an essential role in the formation of a liquid crystalline phase.


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The structure and flow behaviour of binary mixtures of Pluronic block copolymers P85 and P123 is investigated by small-angle scattering, rheometry and mobility tests. Micelle dimensions are probed by dynamic light scattering. The micelle hydrodynamic radius for the 50/50 mixture is larger than that for either P85 or P123 alone, Clue to the formation of mixed micelles with a higher association number. The phase diagram for 50/50 mixtures contains regions Of Cubic and hexagonal phases similar to those for the parent homopolymers, however the region of stability of the cubic phase is enhanced at low temperature and concentrations above 40 wt%. This is ascribed to favourable packing of the mixed micelles containing core blocks with two different chain lengths, but similar corona chain lengths. The shear flow alignment of face-centred cubic and hexagonal phases is probed by in situ small-angle X-ray or neutron scattering with simultaneous rheology. The hexagonal phase can be aligned using steady shear in a Couette geometry, however the high modulus Cubic phase cannot be aligned well in this way. This requires the application of oscillatory shear or compression. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Previously, an inverted phase (the minority blocks comprising the continuum phase) was found in solution-cast block copolymer thin films. In this study, the effect of casting solvents on the formation of inverted phase has been studied. Two block copolymers, poly(styrene-b-butadiene) (SB) (M-w = 73 930 Da) and poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) (SBS) (M-w = 140 000 Da), with comparable block lengths and equal polystyrene (PS) weight fraction (similar to30 wt %) were used. The copolymer thin films were cast from different solvents, toluene, benzene, cyclohexane, and binary mixtures of benzene and cyclohexane. Toluene and benzene are good solvents for both PS and PB, but have a preferential affinity for PS, while cyclohexane is a good solvent for PB but a Theta solvent for PS (T-Theta = 34.5 degreesC). The differential solvent affinity for PS and PB was estimated in terms of a difference between the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, chi, for each block. Under an extremely slow solvent evaporation rate, the time-dependent phase behavior during such a solution-to-film process was examined by freeze-drying the samples at different stages, corresponding to different copolymer concentrations, rho.


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A new asymmetric H-shaped block copolymer (PS)(2)-PEO-(PMMA)(2) has been designed and successfully synthesized by the combination of atom transfer radical polymerization and living anionic polymerization. The synthesized 2,2-dichloro acetate-ethylene glycol (DCAG) was used to initiate the polymerization of styrene by ATRP to yield a symmetric homopolymer (Cl-PS)(2)-CHCCCCH2CH2OH with an active hydroxyl group. The chlorine was removed to yield the (PS)(2)-CHCOOCH2CH2OH ((PS)(2)-OH). The hydroxyl group of the (PS)(2)-OH, which is an active species of the living anionic polymerization, was used to initiate ethylene oxide by living anionic polymerization via DPMK to yield (PS)(2)-PEO-OH. The (PS)(2)-PEO-OH was reacted with the 2,2-dichloro acetyl chloride to yield (PS)(2)-PEO-OCCHCl2 ((PS)(2)-PEO-DCA). The asymmetric H-shaped block polymer (PS)(2)-PEO-(PMMA)(2) was prepared via ATRP of MMA at 130 degrees C using (PS)(2)-PEO-DCA as initiator and CuCl/bPy as the catalyst system. The architectures of the asymmetric H-shaped block copolymers, (PS)(2)-PEO-(PMMA)(2), were confirmed by H-1 NMR, GPC and Fr-IR.