936 resultados para bladder diseases


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We report a case of an inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder in a 31 year-old woman. She presented at the emergency room with low abdominal pain and urinary symptoms. Abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed and revealed asymmetric thickening of the urinary bladder wall. Cystoscopy with urinary cytology revealed a benign nature of the process. The patient underwent partial cystectomy and the pathologic examination of the specimen revealed an inflammatory pseudotumor. We reviewed the clinical, imaging and pathological features of the inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder and discussed its differential diagnosis.


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The overactive bladder is characterized by symptoms of frequency, urgency, and urge incontinence, substantially affecting the quality of life of millions of people throughout the world. The symptoms are associated with significant social, psychological, occupational, domestic, physical, and sexual problems. Despite the considerable impact of this condition on quality of life, sufferers are often unwilling to discuss their problem with family members or health care professionals. This situation is unfortunate, for much can be done to alleviate the symptoms of this distressing condition. It is therefore of utmost importance that medical education about symptoms of the overactive bladder and other related problems be improved to help health care professionals identify and treat patients who will benefit from therapy. This article reviews current thinking regarding definition, epidemiology, quality of life effects, evaluation, and management of the overactive bladder.


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Endometriosis is a frequent, benign, chronic disease associated with pain and/or infertility. Classically the lesions are found on the pelvic peritoneum, ovary (endometrioma), rectovaginal septum and bladder. Management of endometrioma has evolved over the last few years to individualised treatment. Indeed endometrioma cystectomy can decrease pain and the risk of recurrence but is also associated with a decrease in ovarian reserve. A multi-disciplinary team should manage recto-vaginal or bladder endometriosis. Surgical resection of these lesions must be as complete as possible and can be complex.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Urinary bladder diseases are a common problem throughout the world and often difficult to accurately diagnose. Furthermore, they pose a heavy financial burden on health services. Urinary bladder tissue from male pigs was spectrophotometrically measured and the resulting data used to calculate the absorption, transmission, and reflectance parameters, along with the derived coefficients of scattering and absorption. These were employed to create a "generic" computational bladder model based on optical properties, simulating the propagation of photons through the tissue at different wavelengths. Using the Monte-Carlo method and fluorescence spectra of UV and blue excited wavelength, diagnostically important biomarkers were modeled. Additionally, the multifunctional noninvasive diagnostics system "LAKK-M" was used to gather fluorescence data to further provide essential comparisons. The ultimate goal of the study was to successfully simulate the effects of varying excited radiation wavelengths on bladder tissue to determine the effectiveness of photonics diagnostic devices. With increased accuracy, this model could be used to reliably aid in differentiating healthy and pathological tissues within the bladder and potentially other hollow organs.


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Lower urinary tract dysfunction is a major cause of morbidity and decreased quality of life in elderly men and women. With the progressive aging of the population, it is important to understand common micturitional disorders that may occur in this population. Most urinary problems in the elderly are multifactorial in origin, demanding a comprehensive assessment of the lower urinary tract organs, functional impairments, and concurrent medical diseases. Urodynamics is a highly valuable tool in the investigation of elderly patients with lower urinary tract symptoms. Urodynamic tests are not always necessary, being indicated after excluding potentially reversible conditions outside the urinary tract that may be causing or contributing to the symptoms. Although urodynamic tests may reveal common diagnoses such as bladder outlet obstruction and stress urinary incontinence in the elderly population, findings such as detrusor overactivity and impaired detrusor contractility are common and have important prognostic and therapeutic implications. The purpose of this article is to describe common urologic problems in the elderly and review the indications for and clinical aspects of urodynamic studies in these conditions.


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A major advance in our understanding of the natural history of Schistosoma haematobium-related morbidity has come through the introduction of the portable ultrasound machines for non-invasive examination of the kidneys and bladder. With the use of generators or battery packs to supply power in non-clinical field settings, and with the use of instant photography or miniaturized thermal printers to record permanent images, it is possible to examine scores of individuals in endemic communities every day. Broad-based ultrasound screening has allowed better definition of age-specific disease risks in urinary schistosomiasis. Results indicate that urinary tract abnormalities are common (18% overall prevalence) in S. haematobium transmission areas, with a 2-4% risk of either severe bladder abnormality or advanced ureteral obstruction. In longitudinal surveys, ultrasound studies have shown that praziquantel and metrifonate therapy are rapidly effective in reversing urinary tract abnormalities among children. The benefits of treating adults are less well known, but research in progress should help to define this issue. Similarly, the prognosis of specific ultrasound findings needs to be clarified, and the ease of sonographic examination will make such long-term follow-up studies feasible. In summary, the painless, quick, and reproducible ultrasound examination has become an essential tool in the study of urinary schistosomiasis.


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The discovery of non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic neurotransmission in the gut and bladder in the early 1960's is described as well as the identification of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) as a transmitter in these nerves in the early 1970's. The concept of purinergic cotransmission was formulated in 1976 and it is now recognized that ATP is a cotransmitter in all nerves in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Two families of receptors to purines were recognized in 1978, P1 (adenosine) receptors and P2 receptors sensitive to ATP and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Cloning of these receptors in the early 1990's was a turning point in the acceptance of the purinergic signalling hypothesis and there are currently 4 subtypes of P1 receptors, 7 subtypes of P2X ion channel receptors and 8 subtypes of G protein-coupled receptors. Both short-term purinergic signalling in neurotransmission, neuromodulation and neurosecretion and long-term (trophic) purinergic signalling of cell proliferation, differentiation, motility, death in development and regeneration are recognized. There is now much known about the mechanisms underlying ATP release and extracellular breakdown by ecto-nucleotidases. The recent emphasis on purinergic neuropathology is discussed, including changes in purinergic cotransmission in development and ageing and in bladder diseases and hypertension. The involvement of neuron-glial cell interactions in various diseases of the central nervous system, including neuropathic pain, trauma and ischemia, neurodegenerative diseases, neuropsychiatric disorders and epilepsy are also considered.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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En la actualidad son muy pocos los usos vigentes. Aunque los dátiles son la materia utilizada con mayor frecuencia, también se han empleado la savia, el polen y el cogollo tierno o palmito. Los dátiles de Phoenix dactylifera se utilizaron como analgésico y para tratar la anemia y trastornos digestivos, o para fortalecer las encías, en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil y como afrodisiacos, para facilitar el parto y calmar los dolores postparto, y tratar el prolapso de la matriz o para el exceso de flujo menstrual. También se utilizaron como diuréticos, para la disuria y en trastornos de la vejiga. El uso que más claramente ha persistido es el tratamiento de diversos problemas respiratorios. En uso externo se utilizaron para tratar problemas de la piel, heridas, hemorragias y hemorroides. De la palmera de Canarias (Phoenix canariensis), especialmente en la isla de la Gomera, la savia cruda o guarapo, su concentrado o miel de palma y los resultantes de su fermentación (vino de palma) se consumen como alimento y también se utilizan como diurético, remedio de trastornos génitourinarios, digestivo, para infecciones de la cavidad bucal, expectorante, antitusígeno y para las irritaciones de garganta. En el Toledo de Al-Andalus las espatas de P. dactylifera se utilizaron, hace casi mil años, en el tratamiento de la debilidad, los dolores, nefritis, las enfermedades de la vejiga, trastornos hepáticos (también como preventivo), diarrea, trastornos digestivos, dolores en el abdomen y en el estómago, excesivo sangrado menstrual, úlceras en la piel y sarna, dolores articulares y trastornos cardiacos. La fitoterapia racional debería prestar atención a este recurso, considerar la evidencia científica disponible (farmacológica e incluso clínica) e incorporarlo a nuestro repertorio terapéutico.


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Includes bibliographical references (p. [xi]-xxxi).


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Objective: To verify whether bladder and ureter endometriosis had the same clinical features and disease behavior. Design: Case-control study. Setting: Multidisciplinary group in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Patient(s): A total of 690 patients were submitted to laparoscopy with histologically diagnosis of endometriosis between July 1999 and December 2006. Twelve of these patients had lesions affecting the ureter and 26 had lesions affecting the bladder. A control group consisted of 652 patients in whom endometriosis was not affecting either the ureter or the bladder. Intervention(s): None. Main Outcome Measure(s): Clinical and surgical features of patients with ureteral or bladder endometriosis. Result(s): No patients with ureteral endometriosis had lesions affecting the bladder. Compared with the control group, patients with ureteral endometriosis had more advanced disease (Stages III and IV) according to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) staging classification (100% vs. 65.5%); they also had more retrocervical (83.3% vs. 21.6%) and rectum-sigmoid lesions (91.7% vs. 17.9%). Compared with the control group, more patients with bladder endometriosis had cyclic dysuria and/or hematuria (34.6% vs. 9.8%), more advanced stages of the disease (88.4% vs. 65.5%), and an association with endometriosis of the rectum-sigmoid (65.3% vs. 17.9%). Conclusion(s): Ureter endometriosis is not associated with the bladder disease; however, it is associated with advanced ASRM stages and with retrocervical and rectum-sigmoid lesions. (Fertil Steril (R) 2009;91:1662-7. (C)2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)