944 resultados para black rot of crucifers
Ceratocystis fimbriata was found sporulating in gray to black discolored areas on edible corms of Colocasia esculenta found in supermarkets in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Rondônia and the Distrito Federal. In most cases the corms were grown in the state of São Paulo. The black rot appeared to occur post-harvest. Sequences of rDNA indicated that the Colocasia sp. isolates belong to the Latin American clade of the C. fimbriata complex, but the isolates were more aggressive than isolates from Ficus carica and Mangifera indica, in pseudopetioles of C. esculenta.
Ceratocystis fimbriata foi encontrado em tubérculos de inhame (Colocasia esculenta), apresentando lesões escuras, pouco profundas, contendo estruturas de reprodução do fungo, cuja coloração variava do cinza ao negro. As amostras foram coletadas em supermercados, quitandas e varejões nos Estados de São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Rondônia e Distrito Federal que, na maioria dos casos, comercializavam inhame produzido no Estado de São Paulo. Os sintomas de podridão negra indicam se tratar de uma doença de pós-colheita. Seqüências de rDNA indicam que os isolados de Colocasia sp. pertencem ao clado da America Latina do complexo C. fimbriata, embora esses isolados sejam mais agressivos em pseudo-pecíolos de C. esculenta do que os isolados de Ficus carica e Mangifera indica.
This work aimed to study the interaction between the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc), the pathogen responsible for black rot of crucifers. The response of 32 accessions of A. thaliana to the Brazilian isolate of Xcc CNPH 17 was evaluated. No immunity-like response was observed. "CS1308", "CS1566" and "CS1643" grown in continuous light were among the accessions that showed strongest resistance when inoculated with 5 x 10(6) CFU/mL. In contrast, "CS1194" and "CS1492" were among the most susceptible accessions. Similar results were obtained when plants were grown under short-day conditions. To quantify the differences in disease symptoms, total chlorophyll was extracted from contrasting accessions at different time points after inoculation. Chlorophyll levels from controls and Xcc inoculated plants showed a similar reduction in resistant accessions, whereas Xcc-inoculated susceptible accessions showed a greater reduction compared to controls. To test the specificity of resistance, accessions CS1308, CS1566, CS1643 and CS1438 (which showed partial resistance to CNPH 17), were inoculated with a more aggressive isolate of Xcc (CNPH 77) and Ralstonia solanacearum. Among the accessions tested, "CS1566" was the most resistant to Xcc CNPH 77 and also displayed resistance to R. solanacearum. Accessions CS1308, CS1566 and CS1643 were also inoculated with a high titer of Xcc CNPH 17 (5 x 10(8) CFU/mL). No collapse of tissue was observed up to 48 h after inoculation, indicating that a hypersensitive response is not involved in the resistance displayed by these accessions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper, the determinants of growth of aggregate health expenditures are investigated. The study departs from previous literature in that it looks at differences across countries in growth (and not levels) of health care expenditures. Estimation is made for 24 OECD countries. Health system characteristics usually believed to influence health expenditures growth, like population ageing, the type of health system (public reimbursement, public contract or integrate) and existence of gatekeepers, are found to be non-significant. Nevertheless, there is evidence that health expenditures experienced a clear slower growth in the last decade. The explanation for this slowdown could not be found in the proposed model and should stimulate further research.
Palm oil (PO) is a very important commodity for many countries and especially Indonesia and Malaysia who are the predominant producers. PO is used in ca. 30% of supermarket foods, cosmetics, cooking and as biodiesel. The growth of oil palms in plantations is controversial as the production methods contribute to climate change and cause environmental damage [1]. The plant is subjected to a devastating disease in these two countries caused by the white rot fungus Ganoderma. There are no satisfactory methods to diagnose the disease in the plant as they are too slow and/or inaccurate. The lipid compound ergosterol is unique to fungi and is used to measure growth especially in solid substrates. We report here on the use of ergosterol to measure the growth of Ganoderma in oil palms using HPLC and TLC methods [2]. The method is rapid and correlates well with other methods and is capable of being used on-site, hence improving the speed of analysis and allowing remedial action. Climate change will affect the health of OP [1] and rapid detection methods will be increasingly required to control the disease. [1] Paterson, RRM, Kumar, L, Taylor, S, Lima N. Future climate effects on suitability for growth of oil palms in Malaysia and Indonesia. Scientific Reports, 5, 2015, 14457. [2] Muniroh, MS, Sariah M, Zainal Abidin, MA, Lima, N, Paterson, RRM. Rapid detection of Ganoderma-infected oil palms by microwave ergosterol extraction with HPLC and TLC. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 100, 2014, 143–147.
Research in business dynamics has been advancing rapidly in the last years but the translation of the new knowledge to industrial policy design is slow. One striking aspect in the policy area is that although research and analysis do not identify the existence of an specific optimal rate of business creation and business exit, governments everywhere have adopted business start-up support programs with the implicit principle that the more the better. The purpose of this article is to contribute to understand the implications of the available research for policy design. Economic analysis has identified firm heterogeneity as being the most salient characteristic of industrial dynamics, and so a better knowledge of the different types of entrepreneur, their behavior and their specific contribution to innovation and growth would enable us to see into the ‘black box’ of business dynamics and improve the design of appropriate public policies. The empirical analysis performed here shows that not all new business have the same impact on relevant economic variables, and that self-employment is of quite a different economic nature to that of firms with employees. It is argued that public programs should not promote indiscriminate entry but rather give priority to able entrants with survival capacities. Survival of entrants is positively related to their size at birth. Innovation and investment improve the likelihood of survival of new manufacturing start-ups. Investment in R&D increases the risk of failure in new firms, although it improves the competitiveness of incumbents.
Okra pods with unusual brown lesions and rot were collected in a local supermarket in Brasília DF. The objective of this paper was to characterize the causal agent, to fulfill Koch's postulates and to determine some conditions conducive to disease. The pathogen was identified as Rhizoctonia solani based on morphological characteristics which fitted the fungus description, such as pale to brown hyphae, with nearly right-angled side branches constricted at the base, hyphal cells 6-10 µm wide with a septum near the base. Five isolates were obtained from infected pods and identified as AG 1-IB anastomosis group. Wounded or unwounded okra pods cv. Santa Cruz 47 were inoculated with mycelium disks of R. solani and kept in humid chambers at 12 ºC or 25 ºC. After seven days at 25 ºC, both wounded and unwounded pods were completely rotted and brown, while those kept at 12 ºC showed small lesions ranging from 0.6 to 1.0 mm only in wounded pods. The pathogen was able to grow in different materials used for assembling crates and packs of horticultural products, such as pinewood, corrugated carton, plastic, Styrofoam and newspaper sheets when kept in humid chambers (24 ºC, 96 % RH). The disease occurrence can be related to careless handling practices and to the transmission of R. solani propagules by infected plant debris or soil particles. This is the first report of Rhizoctonia solani causing postharvest rot in okra pods in Brazil.