722 resultados para bipolar mania


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Several studies have suggested an important role for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the pathophysiology and therapeutics of bipolar disorder (BPD). The mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of lithium in BPD seem to involve a direct regulation of neurotrophic cascades. However, no clinical study evaluated the specific effects of lithium on BDNF levels in subjects with BPD. This study aims to investigate the effects of lithium monotherapy on BDNF levels in acute mania. Ten subjects with bipolar I disorder in a manic episode were evaluated at baseline and after 28 days of lithium therapy. Changes in plasma BDNF levels and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) scores were analyzed. A significant increase in plasma BDNF levels was observed after 28 days of therapy with lithium monotherapy (510.9 +/- 127.1 pg/mL) compared to pre-treatment (406.3 +/- 69.5 pg/mL) (p = 0.03). Although it was not found a significant association between BDNF levels and clinical improvement (YMRS), 87% of responders presented an increase in BDNF levels after treatment with lithium. These preliminary data showed lithium`s direct effects on BDNF levels in bipolar mania, suggesting that short-term lithium treatment may activate neurotrophic cascades. Further studies with larger samples and longer period may confirm whether this biological effect is involved in the therapeutic efficacy of lithium in BPD. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Factors modifying drug and placebo responses in randomized trials for bipolar mania. Yildiz A, Vieta E, Tohen M, Baldessarini RJ. Source Department of Psychiatry, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey. agul_yildiz@hotmail.com Abstract Randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) are standard for assessing efficacy and safety of treatments. We pursued preliminary indications that some factors are associated differentially with responses to placebo or drugs in RCTs for bipolar mania. We meta-analysed data from RCTs to assess influences of study-site count, subjects' age, sex distribution, diagnostic subgroups, clinical features, trial-completion rates, and publication year on mean difference (MD) in mania ratings between intake and final assessments. In 38 RCTs involving 3812 placebo-treated and 6988 drug-treated patients, symptomatic improvement was similar in placebo arms of trials of effective (6.77, 95% CI 5.77-7.76) and ineffective (7.61, 95% CI 5.47-8.75) drugs. Lesser placebo responses (MD) and greater drug-placebo differences (Hedges' g) were associated with fewer study sites, younger patients' age, and male sex. More patients with initial psychotic features and more trial completion in drug arms were associated with greater drug-associated improvement (MD) and drug-placebo contrast (Hedges' g), whereas more mixed-state diagnoses decreased both measures. Identifying modifying factors can support more efficient and cost-effective designs of therapeutic trials. In trials for mania, fewer sites may limit placebo response and enhance drug-placebo contrasts.


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A evidência de segurança e eficácia do emprego de eletroconvulsoterapia (ECT) no tratamento de transtornos psiquiátricos em pacientes com distúrbios neurológicos é fundamentada, em geral, em relatos de casos. Em relação ao emprego em pacientes com hidrocefalia, há apenas oito casos descritos: seis abordando o tratamento de episódios depressivos, um para estado catatônico e um relato em paciente com auto-agressão. Os autores descrevem o caso de um paciente com 20 anos de idade, diagnóstico de hidrocefalia aos 12 anos, internado em ala psiquiátrica com episódio maníaco com sintomas psicóticos. Houve remissão completa da sintomatologia após quatro sessões de ECT. Não houve deterioração neurológica ou outros efeitos colaterais. O resultado sugere que a ECT é segura e eficaz no tratamento de episódios maníacos em pacientes com hidrocefalia.


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Objetivo Discutir os significados da vivência de episódios maníacos para pacientes com transtorno bipolar (TAB). Métodos Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, feita por meio de entrevistas semidirigidas em profundidade, em uma amostra fechada pelo critério de saturação com oito pacientes com TAB em remissão. A técnica de tratamento de dados foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas transcritas na íntegra e categorização. Os resultados foram submetidos à validação externa, no Laboratório de Pesquisa Clínico-Qualitativa do Departamento de Psicologia Médica e Psiquiatria da Unicamp, composto por 37 pesquisadores do método, entre eles mestrandos, doutorandos, pós-doutorados e pesquisadores seniores. Resultados Foram identificadas três categorias – Ambivalência e vergonha: pensar ou não pensar sobre os episódios maníacos; Organizando sentimentos pessoais: a remissão como um momento de autoconsciência; Episódios maníacos estruturando relações interpessoais versus projeções da angústia. Conclusão Os achados da presente pesquisa contribuem para a maior compreensão dos quadros maníacos no TAB, que podem auxiliar nas reflexões acerca da relação profissional-paciente, para elaborar estratégias para aderência e para as medidas terapêuticas e preventivas da recorrência dos episódios. Podem auxiliar a equipe de saúde envolvida no acompanhamento desses casos e também os pesquisadores na investigação da contribuição dos significados aqui discutidos nos fenômenos de aderência ao tratamento e de um melhor prognóstico.


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Objetivos Realizar uma revisão sistemática para compreender que fatores estão relacionados a uma maior ou menor consciência de morbidade no transtorno bipolar (TB), como o insight varia em função do estado afetivo e estabelecer uma comparação com outros transtornos mentais. Métodos Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica sobre o insight em pacientes com TB. Foram buscados estudos clínicos originais sobre o tema nas bases de dados Medline, ISI e SciELO. Os termos de busca empregados foram: “insight” OR “awareness” AND “bipolar” OR “mania” OR “manic”. Resultados Foram selecionados 55 artigos. O insight no TB parece ser mais prejudicado do que na depressão unipolar, porém menos do que na esquizofrenia. Com relação ao TB, um menor nível de insight está relacionado à presença de sintomas psicóticos e de alterações cognitivas. Além disso, um comprometimento do insight está associado a uma menor adesão ao tratamento. Por outro lado, uma maior preservação do insight pode estar associada a maior ideação suicida. Finalmente, a fase maníaca cursa com um nível inferior de insight quando comparada à fase depressiva ou de eutimia. Conclusão No TB, o insight está significativamente prejudicado, especialmente na mania. Diversos fatores clínicos parecem influenciar o nível de insight.


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Although the bipolar disorder (BD) occurs almost with the same frequency in both genders, the phenomenology and the outcome of the illness differ between them. Nevertheless, there is evidence that women with BD show, more than men, delayed beginning, especially in their fifth decade, more rapid cycling outcome, more depressive episodes, more dysphoric mania, more mixed states and more BD type II. Even so, the findings are not always consistent. Although the risk of comorbidities in BD includes, for both the sorts, excessive alcoholic consumption and drugs, bipolar men would have greater probability of being alcohol dependent, of not seeking treatment and of committing suicide. Suggested hypotheses to explain such differences vary from those centered in cultural or psychological aspects to those that focus on the steroids hormones, and other hormones such as cortisol, thyroid hormones and even on the cerebral anatomy. The reproductive cycle (menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause) influences on the BD phenomenology and its relevance to the therapeutical options in the treatment of the BD in women are presented in the last part of this review. Further investigations must to be done in order to clarify this controversy. However, up to now the data indicate that estrogen therapy is not to be primarily indicated to prevent depression, Alzheimer disease or cognition impairment.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and correlates of childhood and adolescent sexual and/or physical abuse (SPA) in bipolar I disorder (BDI) patients treated for a first episode of psychotic mania. METHODS: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre admitted 786 first-episode psychosis patients between 1998 and 2000. Data were collected from patients' files using a standardized questionnaire. A total of 704 files were available; 43 were excluded because of a nonpsychotic diagnosis at endpoint and 3 due to missing data regarding past stressful events. Among 658 patients with available data, 118 received a final diagnosis of BDI and were entered in this study. RESULTS: A total of 80% of patients had been exposed to stressful life events during childhood and adolescence and 24.9% to SPA; in particular, 29.8% of female patients had been exposed to sexual abuse. Patients who were exposed to SPA had poorer premorbid functioning, higher rates of forensic history, were less likely to live with family during treatment period, and were more likely to disengage from treatment. CONCLUSIONS: SPA is highly prevalent in BDI patients presenting with a first episode of psychotic mania; exposed patients have lower premorbid functional levels and poorer engagement with treatment. The context in which such traumas occur must be explored in order to determine whether early intervention strategies may contribute to diminish their prevalence. Specific psychological interventions must also be developed.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aims to differentiate schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and bipolar-I-disorder (BD) in first-episode psychotic mania (FEPM). METHODS: All 134 patients from an epidemiological first-episode psychosis cohort (N=786) with FEPM and an 18-month follow-up final diagnosis of SAD (n=36) or BD (n=98) were assessed with respect to pre-treatment, baseline and outcome differences. Second, patients with baseline BD who shifted (shifted BD) or did not shift to SAD (stable BD) over the follow-up period were compared regarding pre-treatment and baseline differences. RESULTS: SAD patients displayed a significantly longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP; effect size r=0.35), a higher illness-severity at baseline (r=0.20) and more traumatic events (Cramer-V=0.19). SAD patients displayed a significantly higher non-adherence rate (Cramer-V=0.19); controlling for time in treatment and respective baseline scores, SAD patients had significantly worse illness severity (CGI-S; partial η(2)=0.12) and psychosocial functioning (GAF; partial η(2)=0.07) at 18-months, while BD patients were more likely to achieve remission of positive symptoms (OR=4.9, 95% CI=1.8-13.3; p=0.002) and to be employed/occupied (OR=7.7, 95% CI=2.4-24.4, p=0.001). The main discriminator of stable and shifted BD was a longer DUP in patients shifting from BD to SAD. CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult to distinguish BD with psychotic symptoms and SAD in patients presenting with FEPM. Longer DUP is related to SAD and to a shift from BD to SAD. Compared to BD, SAD had worse outcomes and higher rates of non-adherence with medication. Despite these differences, both diagnostic groups need careful dimensional assessment and monitoring of symptoms and functioning in order to choose the right treatment.


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To assess the prevalence and correlates of childhood and adolescent sexual and/or physical abuse (SPA) in bipolar I disorder (BDI) patients treated for a first episode of psychotic mania.


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This study aims to differentiate schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and bipolar-I-disorder (BD) in first-episode psychotic mania (FEPM).


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Objective: We compared temperament and character traits in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder (BP) and healthy control (HC) subjects. Method: Sixty nine subjects (38 BP and 31 HC), 8-17 years old, were assessed with the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Present and Lifetime. Temperament and character traits were measured with parent and child versions of the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory. Results: BP subjects scored higher on novelty seeking, harm avoidance, and fantasy subscales, and lower on reward dependence, persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness compared to HC(all p < 0.007), by child and parent reports. These findings were consistent in both children and adolescents. Higher parent-rated novelty seeking, lower self-directedness, and lower cooperativeness were associated with co-morbid attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lower parent-rated reward dependence was associated with co-morbid conduct disorder, and higher child-rated persistence was associated with co-morbid anxiety. Conclusions: These findings support previous reports of differences in temperament in BP children and adolescents and may assist in a greater understating of BP children and adolescents beyond mood symptomatology.


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Background: Although mental changes are frequent in Wilson`s disease, severe psychiatric disorders occur uncommonly and usually accompany the neurological picture. There are few reports in the literature of Wilson`s disease patients with typical bipolar affective disorder (BPAD). Case report: The authors report the case of a patient with Wilson`s disease whose initial manifestation was a manic episode followed by depression. Tremor in the upper limbs appeared one year after the onset of symptoms. The diagnosis of Wilson`s disease was established three years after the first symptoms appeared, based on the neuropsychiatric picture, the detection of Kayser-Fleischer rings and the results of diagnostic tests indicating chronic liver disease and copper excess. ATP7B genotyping and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain with proton spectroscopy study were also performed. The patient became asymptomatic two years after starting treatment with penicillamine and remained non-symptomatic controlled during the eight-year follow-up period, without any specific treatment for the BPAD. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is a singular report of a case of Wilson`s disease in which a manic episode preceded the onset of neurological symptoms. The association between Wilson`s disease and bipolar disorder is discussed.


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Objectives: Many morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies that have investigated the presence of gray matter (GM) volume abnormalities associated with the diagnosis of bipolar disorder (BD) have reported conflicting findings. None of these studies has compared patients with recent-onset psychotic BD with asymptomatic controls selected from exactly the same environment using epidemiological methods, or has directly contrasted BD patients against subjects with first-onset psychotic major depressive disorder (MDD). We examined structural brain differences between (i) BD (type I) subjects and MDD subjects with psychotic features in their first contact with the healthcare system in Brazil, and (ii) these two mood disorder groups relative to a sample of geographically matched asymptomatic controls. Methods: A total of 26 BD subjects, 20 subjects with MDD, and 94 healthy controls were examined using either of two identical MRI scanners and acquisition protocols. Diagnoses were based on DSM-IV criteria and confirmed one year after brain scanning. Image processing was conducted using voxel-based morphometry. Results: The BD group showed increased volume of the right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex relative to controls, while the MDD subjects exhibited bilateral foci GM deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Direct comparison between BD and MDD patients showed a focus of GM reduction in the right-sided dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (p < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons) and a trend (p < 0.10, corrected) toward left-sided GM deficits in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of MDD patients. When analyses were repeated with scanner site as a confounding covariate the finding of increased right anterior cingulate volumes in BD patients relative to controls remained statistically significant (p = 0.01, corrected for multiple comparisons). Conclusions: These findings reinforce the view that there are important pathophysiological distinctions between BD and MDD, and indicate that subtle dorsal anterior cingulate abnormalities may be relevant to the pathophysiology of BD.