6 resultados para bionanocomposite
Nel settore alimentare viene utilizzata un’elevata quantità di materie plastiche per conservare i prodotti e facilitarne la distribuzione. L’utilizzo di questi polimeri ha un costo ambientale piuttosto elevato, per questo trovare surrogati ecosostenibili diventa sempre più importante. In questa tesi abbiamo testato l’efficacia del confezionamento di un prodotto altamente deperibile, quale carne di pollo, con un biofilm a base di chitosano. Il chitosano è polisaccaride largamente presente in natura, dotato di caratteristiche chimico-fisiche che permettono l’ottenimento di un film con proprietà meccaniche e di barriera simili ai polimeri tradizionali, oltre a possedere attività antibatterica. Abbiamo realizzato film contenenti chitosano e altri biocomposti, quali montmorillonite, nanoparticelle di ossido di zinco e olio essenziale di rosmarino, per un totale di 6 film con diversa composizione. Tramite analisi microbiologiche e chimico-fisiche abbiamo confrontato l’efficacia dei diversi film prodotti rispetto ad un controllo (carne conservata in un contenitore asettico). Le analisi sono state svolte in doppio, a 0, 3, 7, 10, 15 giorni di conservazione ad una temperatura di 4°C. In diversi film abbiamo ottenuto una riduzione significativa rispetto al controllo (p<0,05) della conta totale dei microrganismi mesofili aerobici (TMAM) e delle Enterobacteriaceae. La rilevazione del pH e dell’acidità titolabile ha fornito risultati in linea a quelli microbiologici. I campioni nel biofilm hanno spesso subito una variazione significativa (p<0,05) dell’umidità rispetto al controllo, a causa dell’elevata permeabilità al vapore acqueo. L’analisi dei TBARS non ha spesso riportato differenze significative rispetto al controllo (p>0,05), e quando presenti, è perché il campione era più ossidato del controllo (p<0,05). Invece, è stato ottenuto un miglioramento significativo (p<0,05) dello Hue angle tra i film e il controllo. I risultati ottenuti forniscono le basi per studi aggiuntivi.
Bionanocomposites derived from poly(L-Lactide) (PLLA) were reinforced with chemically modified cellulose nanocrystals (m-CNCs). The effects of these modified cellulose nanoparticles on the mechanical and hydrolytic degradation behavior of polylactide were studied. The m-CNCs were prepared by a method in which hydrolysis of cellulose chains is performed simultaneously with the esterification of hydroxyl groups to produce modified nanocrystals with ester groups. FTIR, elemental analysis, TEM, XRD and contact angle measurements were used to confirm and characterize the chemical modifications of the m-CNCs. These bionanocomposites gave considerably better mechanical properties than neat PLLA based on an approximately 100% increase in tensile strength. Due to the hydrophobic properties of the esterified nanocrystals incorporated into a polymer matrix, it was also demonstrated that a small amount of m-CNCs could lead to a remarkable decrease in the hydrolytic degradation rate of the biopolymer. In addition, the m-CNCs considerably delay the degradation of the nanocomposite by providing a physical barrier that prevents the permeation of water, which thus hinders the overall absorption of water into the matrix. The results obtained in this study show the nanocrystals can be used to reinforce polylactides and fine-tune their degradation rates in moist or physiological environments.
Tissue engineering has been defined as an interdisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and life sciences for the development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue function. This area is always looking for new classes of degradable biopolymers that are biocompatible and whose activities are controllable and specific, more likely to be used as cell scaffolds, or in vitro tissue reconstruction. In this paper, we developed a novel bionanocomposite with homogeneous porous distribution and prospective natural antimicrobial properties by electrospinning technique using Stryphodedron barbatimao extract (Barbatimão). SEM images showed equally distribution of nanofibres. DSC and TGA showed higher thermal properties and change crystallinity of the developed bionanocomposite mainly because these structural modification. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Biopolymers do not have competitive prices, which has prevented their industrial exploitation on a global scale so far. In this context, Using nanoclays, improvements in certain biopolymer properties, mainly mechanical and thermal, have been achieved. However, research has been much less focused on changing optical properties through the incorporation of nanoclays. At the same time, current research has focused on obtaining nanopigments, by organic dyes adsoptions into different nanoclays in order to achieve sustainable colouring and high performance materials. By combining advances in these lines of research, biodegradable composites with optimal mechanical and optical properties can be obtained. The aim of this work is to find the optimal formulation of naturally sourced nanopigments, incorporate them into a biological origin epoxy resin, and obtain a significant improvement in their mechanical, and optical properties. We combine three structural modifiers in the nanopigment synthesis: surfactant, silane and mordant salt. The latter was selected in order to replicate the mordant textile dyeing with natural dyes. Using a Taguchi’s desing L8, we look for the effect of the presence of the modifiers, the pH acidification, and the interactions effect between the synthesis factors. Three natural dyes were selected: chlorophyll, beta-carotene, and beetroot extract. Furthermore we use two kinds of laminar nanoclays, differentiated by the ion exchange charge: montmorillonite, and hydrotalcite. Then the thermal, mechanical and colorimetric characterization of the bionanocomposite materials was carried out. The optimal conditions to obtain the best bionanocomposite materials are using acid pH, and modifying the nanoclays with mordant and surfactant.
The aim of this work was to optimize a methodology to extract cellulose and to produce NC, from different lignocellulosic biomasses (sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L.). In addition, the NC produced was tested as a reinforcing agent in chitosan (Ch) films, to understand its effects on the properties of this biopolymer. The nanoparticles obtained from sorghum and sunn hemp were incorporated in Ch films at a rate of 2.5% w/w of chitosan, and the resultant bionanocomposites (Sorghum NC films and sunn hemp NC films) were fully characterized in terms of their morphology, mechanical and optical properties, permeability (water vapor), water wettability, and FT-IR spectra analysis. Chitosan films reinforced with commercial nanocellulose at the same rate were tested for comparison, as well as pristine chitosan (control). Bionanocomposites made from sorghum and sunn hemp NC were slightly more saturated and opaque than the pristine chitosan films, in particular outer sorghum NC films. Sunn hemp NC films also showed a slightly higher thickness than sorghum NC films and pristine chitosan films. Further, the results confirmed that sorghum NC improved the strength and stiffness of the chitosan biopolymer and that sunn hemp NC improved the plasticity of the chitosan polymer. Hence, results indicate that those lignocellulosic crops may afford a source of NC for the production of bionanocomposites. Considering the application of those bionanocomposites by the food packaging industry, sorghum NC - chitosan films showed more promising results than sunn hemp NC-chitosan films.