917 resultados para bioluminescence imaging
The subject of this thesis is multicolour bioluminescence analysis and how it can provide new tools for drug discovery and development.The mechanism of color tuning in bioluminescent reactions is not fully understood yet but it is object of intense research and several hypothesis have been generated. In the past decade key residues of the active site of the enzyme or in the surface surrounding the active site have been identified as responsible of different color emission. Anyway since bioluminescence reaction is strictly dependent from the interaction between the enzyme and its substrate D-luciferin, modification of the substrate can lead to a different emission spectrum too. In the recent years firefly luciferase and other luciferases underwent mutagenesis in order to obtain mutants with different emission characteristics. Thanks to these new discoveries in the bioluminescence field multicolour luciferases can be nowadays employed in bioanalysis for assay developments and imaging purposes. The use of multicolor bioluminescent enzymes expanded the potential of a range of application in vitro and in vivo. Multiple analysis and more information can be obtained from the same analytical session saving cost and time. This thesis focuses on several application of multicolour bioluminescence for high-throughput screening and in vivo imaging. Multicolor luciferases can be employed as new tools for drug discovery and developments and some examples are provided in the different chapters. New red codon optimized luciferase have been demonstrated to be improved tools for bioluminescence imaging in small animal and the possibility to combine red and green luciferases for BLI has been achieved even if some aspects of the methodology remain challenging and need further improvement. In vivo Bioluminescence imaging has known a rapid progress since its first application no more than 15 years ago. It is becoming an indispensable tool in pharmacological research. At the same time the development of more sensitive and implemented microscopes and low-light imager for a better visualization and quantification of multicolor signals would boost the research and the discoveries in life sciences in general and in drug discovery and development in particular.
Angiogenesis is essential for physiological processes as well as for carcinogenesis. New approaches to cancer therapy include targeting angiogenesis. One target is VEGF-A and its receptor VEGFR2. In this study, we sought to investigate pancreatic cancer angiogenesis in a genetically modified VEGFR2-luc-KI mouse.
Tumor growth often outpaces its vascularization, leading to development of a hypoxic tumor microenvironment. In response, an intracellular hypoxia survival pathway is initiated by heterodimerization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and HIF-1β, which subsequently upregulates the expression of several hypoxia-inducible genes, promotes cell survival and stimulates angiogenesis in the oxygen-deprived environment. Hypoxic tumor regions are often associated with resistance to various classes of radio- or chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, development of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization inhibitors may provide a novel approach to anti-cancer therapy. To this end, a novel approach for imaging HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in vitro and in vivo was developed in this study. Using this screening platform, we identified a promising lead candidate and further chemically derivatized the lead candidate to assess the structure-activity relationship (SAR). The most effective first generation drug inhibitors were selected and their pharmacodynamics and anti-tumor efficacy in vivo were verified by bioluminescence imaging (BLI) of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in the xenograft tumor model. Furthermore, the first generation drug inhibitors, M-TMCP and D-TMCP, demonstrated efficacy as monotherapies, resulting in tumor growth inhibition via disruption of HIF-1 signaling-mediated tumor stromal neoangiogenesis.
The benefit of polymeric immuno-nanoparticles (NPs-Tx-HER), consisting of paclitaxel (Tx)-loaded nanoparticles coated with anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies (Herceptin, trastuzumab), in cancer treatment was assessed in a disseminated xenograft ovarian cancer model induced by intraperitoneal inoculation of SKOV-3 cells overexpressing HER2 antigens. The study was focused on the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy and biodistribution of NPs-Tx-HER compared to other Tx formulations. The therapeutic efficacy was determined by two methods: bioluminescence imaging and survival rate. The treatment regimen consisted in an initial dose of 20mg/kg Tx administered as 10mg/kg intravenously (IV) and 10mg/kg intraperitonealy (IP), followed by five alternative IP and IV injections of 10mg/kg Tx every 3 days. The bioluminescence study has clearly shown the superior anti-tumor activity of NPs-Tx-HER compared to free Tx. As a confirmation of these results, a significantly longer survival of mice was observed for NPs-Tx-HER treatment compared to free Tx, Tx-loaded nanoparticles coated with an irrelevant mAb (Mabthera, rituximab) or Herceptin alone, indicating the potential of immuno-nanoparticles in cancer treatment. The biodistribution pattern of Tx was assessed on healthy and tumor bearing mice after IV or IP administration. An equivalent biodistribution profile was observed in healthy mice for Tx encapsulated either in uncoated nanoparticles (NPs-Tx) or in NPs-Tx-HER. No significant difference in Tx biodistribution was observed after IV or IP injection, except for a lower accumulation in the lungs when NPs were administered by IP. Encapsulated Tx accumulated in the organs of the reticulo-endothelial system (RES) such as the liver and spleen, whereas free Tx had a non-specific distribution in all tested organs. Compared to free Tx, the single dose injection (IV or IP) of encapsulated Tx in mice bearing tumors induced a higher tumor accumulation. However, no difference in overall tumor accumulation between NPs-Tx-HER and NPs-Tx was observed. In conclusion, the encapsulation of Tx into NPs-Tx-HER immuno-nanoparticles resulted in an improved efficacy of drug in the treatment of disseminated ovarian cancer overexpressing HER2 receptors.
In breast cancer, brain metastases are often seen as late complications of recurrent disease and represent a particularly serious condition, since there are limited therapeutic options and patients have an unfavorable prognosis. The frequency of brain metastases in breast cancer is currently on the rise. This might be due to the fact that adjuvant chemotherapeutic and targeted anticancer drugs, while they effectively control disease progression in the periphery, they only poorly cross the blood-brain barrier and do not reach effectively cancer cells disseminated in the brain. It is therefore of fundamental clinical relevance to investigate mechanisms involved in breast cancer metastasis to the brain. To date experimental models of breast cancer metastasis to the brain described in literature are based on the direct intracarotid or intracardiac injection of breast cancer cells. We recently established a brain metastasis breast cancer model in immunocompetent mice based on the orthotopic injection of 4T1 murine breast carcinoma cells in the mammary gland of syngeneic BALB/c mice. 4T1-derived tumors recapitulate the main steps of human breast cancer progression, including epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, local invasion and metastatic spreading to lung and lymph nodes. 4T1 cells were engineered to stably express firefly Luciferase allowing noninvasive in vivo and ex vivo monitoring of tumor progression and metastatic spreading to target organs. Bioluminescence imaging revealed the appearance of spontaneous lesions to the lung and lymph nodes and, at a much lower frequency, to the brain. Brain metastases were confirmed by macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of the brains at necropsy. We then isolated brain metastatic cells, re-injected them orthotopically in new mice and isolated again lines from brain metastases. After two rounds of selection we obtained lines metastasizing to the brain with 100% penetrance (named 4T1-BM2 for Brain Metastasis, 2nd generation) compared to lines derived after two rounds of in vivo growth from primary tumors (4T1-T2) or from lung metastases (4T1-LM2). We are currently performing experiments to unravel differences in cell proliferation, adhesion, migration, invasion and survival of the 4T1-BM2 line relative to the 4T1-T2 and 4T1-LM2 lines. Initial results indicate that 4T1-BM2 cells are not more invasive or more proliferative in vitro and do not show a more mesenchymal phenotype. Our syngeneic (BALB/c) model of spontaneous breast carcinoma metastasis to the brain is a unique and clinically relevant model to unravel the mechanisms of metastatic breast cancer colonization of the brain. Genes identified in this model represent potentially clinically relevant therapeutic targets for the prevention and the treatment of brain metastases in breast cancer patients.
Il medulloblastoma (MB) è il tumore più comune del sistema nervoso centrale. Attualmente si riesce a curare solo il 50-60% dei pazienti che tuttavia presentano gravi effetti collaterali dovuti alle cure molto aggressive. Una recente classificazione molecolare ha ridistribuito le varianti più comuni di MB in quattro distinti gruppi. In particolare, il gruppo SHH e D sono caratterizzati da un’ alta espressione di MYCN ed associati a prognosi sfavorevole. MYCN è coinvolto nella regolazione della proliferazione cellulare, differenziazione, apoptosi, angiogenesi e metastasi. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è la valutazione dell’attività antitumorale di oligonucleotidi diretti contro MYCN, sia in vitro su diverse linee cellulari di MB che in vivo in modelli murini xenograft ortotopici di MB. I risultati hanno dimostrato un’ottima inibizione della crescita in linee cellulari di MB, accompagnata da una riduzione della trascrizione genica e dei livelli proteici di MYCN. Inoltre, sono stati confermati tramite RT-PCR alcuni dei geni trovati significativamente variati nell’esperimento di microarray , dopo il trattamento. Molto interessanti sono stati geni quali BIRC5, che risulta down regolato mentre il gene p21 risulta up regolato in tutte le linee cellulari di MB utilizzate. Inoltre, sono stati generati modelli murini di MB utilizzando cellule precedentemente trasfettate per esprimere il gene della luciferasi e valutarne così la crescita tumorale tramite imaging bioluminescente in vivo (BLI), al fine di poter testare l’attività antitumorale data dagli oligonucleotidi. I risultati hanno dimostrato una buona risposta al trattamento come rilevato dalla tecnica di BLI. I dati preliminari prodotti, dimostrano che MYCN potrebbe esser un buon target per la terapia del MB nei casi in cui è overespresso. In particolare, una sua inibizione potrebbe presentare effetti indesiderati moderati in quanto è poco espresso dopo la nascita.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle des Fibronektins für die Entstehung und des Wachstums von Knochenmetastasen. rnrnTumorzellspezifische Faktoren bereiten entfernte Gewebe auf die Besiedelung durch disseminierte Tumorzellen vor. Dabei wird Fibronektin im Bereich der prämetastatischen Nische vermehrt gebildet. Dies führte zu der Annahme, dass Fibronektin eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entstehung von Tumoren einnimmt. Um die Bedeutung des Fibronektins bezüglich des Metastasierungsprozesses näher zu charakterisieren, wurde dieses im Bereich der vaskulären Nische über das Cre/loxP-System ausgeschaltet. Die Inaktivierung von zirkulierendem Fibronektin und Knochenmarks-Fibronektin in vivo hatte ein verlangsamtes Tumorwachstum zur Folge, welches auf eine um 22% verminderte Angiogenese zurückzuführen war. Im Gegensatz dazu beeinträchtigte die Ausschaltung des Osteoblasten-Fibronektins lediglich die frühen Entwicklungsstadien der Tumore. Diese Beobachtungen könnten einerseits mit der eingeschränkten Funktionsweise der Osteoblasten in Abwesenheit von Fibronektin erklärt werden, andererseits könnte der Einfluss auf das Fehlen osteoblastenspezifischer Fibronektin-Isoformen zurückgeführt werden, die die Metastasierung, Zelladhäsion, Proliferation und Motilität von Tumorzellen erhöhen. rnrnDie Deletion des Tumorzell-Fibronektins hatte eine durchschnittlich um 60% reduzierte Anzahl gebildeter Metastasen, ein eingeschränktes Tumorwachstum, hervorgerufen durch eine um 37% verminderte Blutgefäßanzahl, und letztendlich eine dreifache Verlängerung der mittleren Überlebensraten zur Folge. Die kombinierte Ausschaltung von lokalem Fibronektin und Tumorzell-Fibronektin vermochte den Einfluss auf die Etablierung und das Wachstum der Tumore zu verstärken. rnrnEin Drittel der Tiere, denen Metastasen induziert wurden, zeigten eine spontane Rückbildung der Tumore, ohne dass eine medizinische Intervention erfolgte. Dabei wurde zwischen einer kompletten Regression, bei der eine vollständige Rückbildung aller Tumore beobachtet werden konnte, und einer partiellen Regression, von der nur einzelne Tumore betroffen waren, unterschieden. Die spontane Regression war altersabhängig und trat 8-17 Wochen im Anschluss an die Applikation der Tumorzellen auf. Die vollständige Rückbildung der osteolytischen Knochenläsionen war mit dem Heilungsprozess des Knochengewebes verbunden, der sich in einer Verdichtung der Knochensubstanz äußerte. Erste Ergebnisse lieferten Hinweise darauf, dass die spontane Tumorregression auf eine mögliche Beteiligung von Granulozyten zurückzuführen war.rnrnZusammenfassend zeigten unsere Untersuchungen, dass sowohl Fibronektin der Mikroumgebung als auch Tumorzell-Fibronektin die Entwicklung und das Wachstum von Tumoren beeinträchtigte. Diese Arbeit lieferte erste Hinweise auf die Existenz eines sehr effektiven Mechanismus, der in Zusammenhang mit Fibronektin steht und dazu in der Lage ist, Tumorzellen selbst bei fortgeschrittenen Krebserkrankungen zu beseitigen. rn
Der Tumorstoffwechsel ist charakterisiert durch eine erhöhte Glykolyserate und die Anreicherung von Laktat auch in Anwesenheit von Sauerstoff. In früheren Arbeiten dieser Arbeitsgruppe konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein hoher Laktatgehalt in Primärtumoren signifikant mit einem gesteigerten Metastasierungsverhalten und einer schlechteren Patientenprognose verknüpft ist. Ein wichtiges Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Metabolitstatus in kryokonservierten Tumorschnitten ist die induzierte, metabolische Biolumineszenz. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neues, digitales Kamerasystem für Biolumineszenzmessungen etabliert. Außerdem wurde der für die Laktat- und Glukosemessungen benötigte Enzymmix optimiert, so dass eine bessere Lichtausbeute und eine Kosteneinsparung von etwa 50% erzielt werden konnte. Durch die Einführung von Kontrollmessungen und die Verwendung eines neu entwickelten ImageJ-PlugIns für eine halbautomatisierte Auswertung, konnte ein zuverlässiges Messsystem etabliert werden, das Ergebnisse mit einer verbesserten Reproduzierbarkeit liefert. rnDieses neue Messsytem wurde in einer Studie an zehn humanen xenotransplantierten Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches erfolgreich eingesetzt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine signifikante, positive Korrelation zwischen dem Laktatgehalt in soliden Primärtumoren und der Resistenz gegenüber einer fraktionierten Strahlentherapie besteht. rnIn einer weiterführenden Studie wurde im gleichen Xenograftmodell der Einfluss einer fraktionierten Strahlentherapie auf den Tumorstoffwechsel untersucht. Der Vergleich von zwei humanen Plattenepithelkarzinomlinien des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs im Verlauf einer fraktionierten Strahlentherapie zeigt deutliche Unterschiede zwischen strahlenresistenten und strahlensensiblen Tumoren. In der strahlenempfindlichen Tumorlinie UT-SCC 14 treten nach Bestrahlung mit drei Fraktionen in der Expression glykolyse-assoziierter Gene und nach zehn Fraktionen im ATP- und Laktatgehalt signifikante Veränderungen auf. Im Gegensatz dazu wird bei der strahlenresistenten Linie UT-SCC 5 lediglich eine Absenkung des Laktatgehaltes nach zehn Fraktionen beobachtet, nicht jedoch des ATP-Gehalts. Die mRNA-Expression wird in UT-SCC 5 nicht durch eine fraktionierte Bestrahlung verändert. Diese Ergebnisse liefern erste Hinweise, dass das mRNA-Expressionslevel und der Metabolitgehalt frühe Marker für das Ansprechen auf eine Strahlentherapie sein können.rn
INTRODUCTION Clinical treatment of spinal metastasis is gaining in complexity while the underlying biology remains unknown. Insufficient biological understanding is due to a lack of suitable experimental animal models. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1) has been implicated in metastasis formation. Its role in spinal metastasis remains unclear. It was the aim to generate a reliable spinal metastasis model in mice and to investigate metastasis formation under ICAM1 depletion. MATERIAL AND METHODS B16 melanoma cells were infected with a lentivirus containing firefly luciferase (B16-luc). Stable cell clones (B16-luc) were injected retrogradely into the distal aortic arch. Spinal metastasis formation was monitored using in vivo bioluminescence imaging/MRI. Neurological deficits were monitored daily. In vivo selected, metastasized tumor cells were isolated (mB16-luc) and reinjected intraarterially. mB16-luc cells were injected intraarterially in ICAM1 KO mice. Metastasis distribution was analyzed using organ-specific fluorescence analysis. RESULTS Intraarterial injection of B16-luc and metastatic mB16-luc reliably induced spinal metastasis formation with neurological deficits (B16-luc:26.5, mB16-luc:21 days, p<0.05). In vivo selection increased the metastatic aggressiveness and led to a bone specific homing phenotype. Thus, mB16-luc cells demonstrated higher number (B16-luc: 1.2±0.447, mB16-luc:3.2±1.643) and increased total metastasis volume (B16-luc:2.87±2.453 mm3, mB16-luc:11.19±3.898 mm3, p<0.05) in the spine. ICAM1 depletion leads to a significantly reduced number of spinal metastasis (mB16-luc:1.2±0.84) with improved neurological outcome (29 days). General metastatic burden was significantly reduced under ICAM1 depletion (control: 3.47×10(7)±1.66×10(7); ICAM-1-/-: 5.20×10(4)±4.44×10(4), p<0.05 vs. control) CONCLUSION Applying a reliable animal model for spinal metastasis, ICAM1 depletion reduces spinal metastasis formation due to an organ-unspecific reduction of metastasis development.
BACKGROUND: Bioluminescence imaging is widely used for cell-based assays and animal imaging studies, both in biomedical research and drug development. Its main advantages include its high-throughput applicability, affordability, high sensitivity, operational simplicity, and quantitative outputs. In malaria research, bioluminescence has been used for drug discovery in vivo and in vitro, exploring host-pathogen interactions, and studying multiple aspects of Plasmodium biology. While the number of fluorescent proteins available for imaging has undergone a great expansion over the last two decades, enabling simultaneous visualization of multiple molecular and cellular events, expansion of available luciferases has lagged behind. The most widely used bioluminescent probe in malaria research is the Photinus pyralis firefly luciferase, followed by the more recently introduced Click-beetle and Renilla luciferases. Ultra-sensitive imaging of Plasmodium at low parasite densities has not been previously achieved. With the purpose of overcoming these challenges, a Plasmodium berghei line expressing the novel ultra-bright luciferase enzyme NanoLuc, called PbNLuc has been generated, and is presented in this work. RESULTS: NanoLuc shows at least 150 times brighter signal than firefly luciferase in vitro, allowing single parasite detection in mosquito, liver, and sexual and asexual blood stages. As a proof-of-concept, the PbNLuc parasites were used to image parasite development in the mosquito, liver and blood stages of infection, and to specifically explore parasite liver stage egress, and pre-patency period in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: PbNLuc is a suitable parasite line for sensitive imaging of the entire Plasmodium life cycle. Its sensitivity makes it a promising line to be used as a reference for drug candidate testing, as well as the characterization of mutant parasites to explore the function of parasite proteins, host-parasite interactions, and the better understanding of Plasmodium biology. Since the substrate requirements of NanoLuc are different from those of firefly luciferase, dual bioluminescence imaging for the simultaneous characterization of two lines, or two separate biological processes, is possible, as demonstrated in this work.
To meet the requirements for rapid tumor growth, a complex array of non-neoplastic vascular, fibroblastic, and immune cells are recruited to the tumor microenvironment. Understanding the origin, composition, and mechanism(s) for recruitment of these stromal components will help identify areas for therapeutic intervention. Previous findings have suggested that ex-vivo expanded bone marrow-derived MSC home to the sites of tumor development, responding to inflammatory signals and can serve as effective drug delivery vehicles. Therefore, we first sought to fully assess conditions under which MSC migrate to and incorporate into inflammatory microenvironments and the consequences of modulated inflammation. MSC delivered to animals bearing inflammatory insults were monitored by bioluminescence imaging and displayed specific tropism and selective incorporation into all tumor and wound sites. These findings were consistent across routes of tumor establishment, MSC administration, and immunocompetence. MSC were then used as drug delivery vehicles, transporting Interferon β to sites of pancreatic tumors. This therapy was effective at inhibiting pancreatic tumor growth under homeostatic conditions, but inhibition was lost when inflammation was decreased with CDDO-Me combination treatment. Next, to examine the endogenous tumor microenvironment, a series of tissue transplant experiments were carried out in which tissues were genetically labeled and engrafted in recipients prior to tumor establishment. Tumors were then analyzed for markers of tumor associated fibroblasts (TAF): α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), nerve glia antigen 2 (NG2), fibroblast activation protein (FAP), and fibroblast specific protein (FSP) as well as endothelial marker CD31 and macrophage marker F4/80. We determined the majority of α-SMA+, NG2+ and CD31+ cells were non-bone marrow derived, while most FAP+, FSP+, and F4/80+ cells were recruited from the bone marrow. In accord, transplants of prospectively isolated BM MSC prior to tumor development indicated that these cells were recruited to the tumor microenvironment and co-expressed FAP and FSP. In contrast, fat transplant experiments revealed recruited fat derived cells co-expressed α-SMA, NG2, and CD31. These results indicate TAF are a heterogeneous population composed of subpopulations with distinct tissues of origin. These models have provided a platform upon which further investigation into tumor microenvironment composition and tests for candidate drugs can be performed. ^
Previous studies have associated the overexpression of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) and the presence of TP53 mutations with the progression to advanced stage drug resistant colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the mechanistic link between HDAC2 expression and the TP53 mutational status has remained unexplored. Here, we investigated the function of HDAC2 in drug resistance by assessing the synergistic effects of DNA-targeted chemotherapeutic agents and HDAC inhibitors (HDACis) on two TP53-mutated colorectal adenocarcinoma CRC cell lines (SW480 and HT-29) and on the TP53-wild type carcinoma cell line (HCT116 p53+/+) and its TP53 deficient sub-line (HCT116 p53-/-). We showed that in the untreated SW480 and HT-29 cells the steady-state level of HDAC2 was low compared to a TP53-wild type carcinoma cell line (HCT116 p53+/+). Increased expression of HDAC2 correlated with drug resistance, and depletion by shRNA sensitised the multi-drug resistance cell line HT-29 to CRC chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin (Oxa). Combined treatment with the HDACi suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid plus 5-FU or Oxa reduced the level of HDAC2 expression, modified chromatin structure and induced mitotic cell death in HT-29 cells. Non-invasive bioluminescence imaging revealed significant reductions in xenograft tumour growth with HDAC2 expression level reduced to <50% in treated animals. Elevated levels of histone acetylation on residues H3K9, H4K12 and H4K16 were also found to be associated with resistance to VPA/Dox or SAHA/Dox treatment. Our results suggest that HDAC2 expression rather than the p53 mutation status influences the outcome of combined treatment with a HDACi and DNA-damaging agents in CRC.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: That sleep deprivation increases the brain expression of various clock genes has been well documented. Based on these and other findings we hypothesized that clock genes not only underlie circadian rhythm generation but are also implicated in sleep homeostasis. However, long time lags have been reported between the changes in the clock gene messenger RNA levels and their encoded proteins. It is therefore crucial to establish whether also protein levels increase within the time frame known to activate a homeostatic sleep response. We report on the central and peripheral effects of sleep deprivation on PERIOD-2 (PER2) protein both in intact and suprachiasmatic nuclei-lesioned mice. DESIGN: In vivo and in situ PER2 imaging during baseline, sleep deprivation, and recovery. SETTINGS: Mouse sleep-recording facility. PARTICIPANTS: Per2::Luciferase knock-in mice. INTERVENTIONS: N/A. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Six-hour sleep deprivation increased PER2 not only in the brain but also in liver and kidney. Remarkably, the effects in the liver outlasted those observed in the brain. Within the brain the increase in PER2 concerned the cerebral cortex mainly, while leaving suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) levels unaffected. Against expectation, sleep deprivation did not increase PER2 in the brain of arrhythmic SCN-lesioned mice because of higher PER2 levels in baseline. In contrast, liver PER2 levels did increase in these mice similar to the sham and partially lesioned controls. CONCLUSIONS: Our results stress the importance of considering both sleep-wake dependent and circadian processes when quantifying clock-gene levels. Because sleep deprivation alters PERIOD-2 in the brain as well as in the periphery, it is tempting to speculate that clock genes constitute a common pathway mediating the shared and well-known adverse effects of both chronic sleep loss and disrupted circadian rhythmicity on metabolic health.
Split-plot design (SPD) and near-infrared chemical imaging were used to study the homogeneity of the drug paracetamol loaded in films and prepared from mixtures of the biocompatible polymers hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethyleneglycol. The study was split into two parts: a partial least-squares (PLS) model was developed for a pixel-to-pixel quantification of the drug loaded into films. Afterwards, a SPD was developed to study the influence of the polymeric composition of films and the two process conditions related to their preparation (percentage of the drug in the formulations and curing temperature) on the homogeneity of the drug dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Chemical images of each formulation of the SPD were obtained by pixel-to-pixel predictions of the drug using the PLS model of the first part, and macropixel analyses were performed for each image to obtain the y-responses (homogeneity parameter). The design was modeled using PLS regression, allowing only the most relevant factors to remain in the final model. The interpretation of the SPD was enhanced by utilizing the orthogonal PLS algorithm, where the y-orthogonal variations in the design were separated from the y-correlated variation.
The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and reproducibility of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) evaluations of the fetal brains in cases of twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). From May 2011 to June 2012, 24 patients with severe TTTS underwent MRI scans for evaluation of the fetal brains. Datasets were analyzed offline on axial DW images and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps by two radiologists. The subjective evaluation was described as the absence or presence of water diffusion restriction. The objective evaluation was performed by the placement of 20-mm(2) circular regions of interest on the DW image and ADC maps. Subjective interobserver agreement was assessed by the kappa correlation coefficient. Objective intraobserver and interobserver agreements were assessed by proportionate Bland-Altman tests. Seventy-four DW-MRI scans were performed. Sixty of them (81.1%) were considered to be of good quality. Agreement between the radiologists was 100% for the absence or presence of diffusion restriction of water. For both intraobserver and interobserver agreement of ADC measurements, proportionate Bland-Altman tests showed average percentage differences of less than 1.5% and 95% CI of less than 18% for all sites evaluated. Our data demonstrate that DW-MRI evaluation of the fetal brain in TTTS is feasible and reproducible.